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Customer service

Table of contents:


The concept of service: a service is the satisfaction of human needs through human interpersonal contact between the provider and the recipient.

Service features

• occurs at the time of loan, neither before nor after

• it is provided where the client wants, it is not stored

• cannot be sent or shown in advance

• who receives it, receives intangibles, sensations

• the experience or sensation cannot be passed on to another

• quality assurance occurs before lending

• its provision requires human interaction

• satisfaction depends on the perceived result

• the quality of the service is subjective

• the more interactions, the less satisfaction

* The service is a pillar of competitiveness

* The service is a value-added component

* The quality of a product can only be defined by what the client is willing to pay for the

* The quality of a product is defined in its fitness for use; degree to which it satisfies the client or user

* The service has value in the eyes of whoever offers it and who receives it

* selling is fundamentally serving, helping the client to find solutions.

* The purpose of the sale is to achieve customer pleasure

• Exceed your expectations

• get a real joy

• absolute satisfaction

• And an excellent result

How we will achieve the above

Making the whole organization work according to the client

• developing a vocation for service

• offering extraordinary service

• satisfying the internal customer

• keeping workers happy

Happy workers create happy, happy, loyal customers; who always want to return

We offer quality service when the client feels:

• well received very important

• recognized or remembered well comfortable

• advised and helped promptly

• respected appreciated

* Service is asking the customer what he wants and fully satisfying him, Even more, with a good dose of added value.

Our wages are paid by the client

• without customers there are no sales

• no sales, no job

• without work there is no company

• without company there are no wages

Satisfied customers bring more customers

The company grows when we bring in more customers and retain them.

There are crises when sales drop, so we must give:

• excellent quality

• competitive prices

• constant innovation

• friendly treatment

• quickly answers

• timely communications

• general agreement

Crisis when people talk and talk and talk and talk negatively

Marketing is the science that seeks to keep customers always happy

In the face of the marketing war…

• solution: the great service revolution

• we have gone from a buyer's market to a seller's

You have to go out and find clients

People are happy even when they show us something better and then we change

Marketing and service are born from the clear knowledge of:

• needs expectations

• likes wishes

• whimsical perceptions of all our clients

Our boss is the client

How to create a culture of customer service?

Management must be committed to providing all the necessary support for the research, implementation, control and motivation of its employees in the development of the program.

Without the above, no strategy will not give results

What should management change?

• your mental management model

• focus your business on customers

• train motivate

• empower your collaborators

• establish control and improvement systems

• permanent innovation provision

Develop support systems for the benefit of the client

In today's world, the customer went from being a nuisance to being the raison d'être of companies

Complete customer satisfaction is the guarantee of their existence

Service is a managerial revolution of the time

• where organizations unite all their efforts

• towards customer needs and expectations

• as a strategy to stay in the market

The customer is the reason for the company

He is the one who through an exchange process expects to receive a product or service to fully satisfy his needs and desires.

The client is not interested in the problems that occur daily in the organization.

His real concern is to get the solution to his problems and the satisfaction of his needs.

External clients to the organization

It is the people who apply all the energy and resources to them, in order to satisfy all their needs

• who are our clients?

• what are their needs, wants and expectations?

• what value do they find in our services?

• how can we classify them?

• how are we complying with them?

What weaknesses of ours affect it?

The client expects:

• quality of care

• quality in the service

• adequate prices

• deliver wherever you want

• product reliability

Do you remember me?

I am the one who, when he enters a restaurant, sits and waits patiently for the waiter to finish chatting, so that he can pass the menu to him.

I'm the one who waits patiently in a store for employees to finish their little discussions until they attend to me.

I am the one who, when he arrives at a gas station, never touches the whistle and allows the employee to abuse my time taking time to come.

I am the one who, not finding his product on the shelves, patiently buys another.

I am the one who when buying your product and taking it home, used it and was not satisfied, so I chose to throw it away without complaining.

Do you recognize me now? If that good person… You will say. maybe

But do you really know who I am? The client who just lost

Anonymous ex-consumer signs

What is a customer?

A customer is the most important individual who has entered our business.

A client does not depend on us, we depend on him

A client does not interrupt our work because he is the objective of our work. We are not doing him the favor by serving him, he is doing us the favor of giving us the opportunity to serve him.

A customer is not someone we argue with or cheat on, no one has ever won against a customer.

The customer is not a stranger to success, he is the main part of our success.

He is not an interruption to our work, it is the purpose of it.

The client is not a cold statistic, he is a flesh and blood human being who has feelings and emotions like us, with ideas and opinions.

He is the most important visitor in our business.

Today customers drive their business to

success or failure

Know the customer

1970 -2000

Known unknown leads and clients

Driving force the product the service

The market ironing it segment-niche

Number of advertising hits won clients


Production whim of the company customer research

Demanding passive consumers

Forgive not forgive

Exclusive sales proposal options

Distribution one channel many channels

Why are we losing clients

The 1% that they die for

4% because they move elsewhere

5% because they make friends with others

8% for the lowest prices of the competition

12% for the quality of the products

70% for the indifference and poor attention of sales and service personnel

Supervisory vendors

Coordinators, line managers,


administrators, packer

cleaners, auxiliary cashiers

Who piloted business aircraft

v in the 50s the pilot was the amount

Product orientation

v in the 60s the pilot was the price

Price orientation

Offer and demand

v in the 70s the pilot was advertising

Orientation towards advertising, Promotion, channels and brands

v in the 80s the pilot was quality

Orientation towards customer satisfaction

The good is expensive

v in the 90s the pilot is

Customer service in the new millennium 2000


The client

How to create a customer-friendly environment

• Make eye contact

• Be expressive

• Emphasize the voice

• Avoid telephone interruptions

• Treat everyone equally

• Have telephone courtesy

• Call him by name

• Always thank you

• Obtain as much information as possible

• Know what the customer wants

• Listen, listen, listen

The client has needs, interests and problems and wants someone to help them solve

How to “tie” a client

• Have the client find the benefits he expected

• make the client feel happy with his work

• make the client feel happy with himself for coming

• satisfy your needs, your tastes and even your whims

• make you feel good at all times

• make him feel ok

Each client sees his product or service in his own way

Who does not live to serve, does not serve to live

Companies grow when they get their current customers to consume more and when they get new customers

Ten tactics for dealing with complaints

When complaints are handled well they turn into positive business promotion

• Listen carefully and with interest

• Sympathize with your client, trying to serve him

• Communicate by asking kindly

• Repeat the problem or complaint showing interest

• Be interested in finding a real solution

• try to give the solution first

• offer real apologies, without blaming anyone

• solve the problem with easy to apply measures

• anticipate the possibility of complaints and claims

• completely satisfy the customer and be sure that this will be the case

What to highlight in the good service

Smile with great pleasure, we must give the client our spirit. Look him in the eye always with a smile

Be sensitive to the service, keep in mind that it is aimed at people, use a warm voice full of kindness

Be a good listener, if we want to understand them we must listen to them without interrupting them

Make the client feel important to the company, convey his pleasure for visiting us

Call him by name

Provide solutions, cultivate your sympathy, always keep a pleasant thought of yourself and the people around you

Always stay flawless

Always keep what you promise

Make sure that the customer always leaves the establishment satisfied

Attend claims without reaching the crossroads, maintain a high image of attention

What you should never do

Be stubborn

Serving the client without being bathed, dirty or bad looking

Having your site or work area dirty and cluttered

Letting go of a disgruntled customer

Bring all your problems to the company

Show that your job is the worst

Having discouragement, laziness, boredom and sadness

Denying a service you can provide

In front of the client avoid

Say no eat

Read form huddles

Laugh in vulgar groups

Scratching, touching it

Tuck it, smoke

Excellent service

• Affects profits positively

• It is the best profitability strategy

• It is the best competitive advantage

• It is our best commercial reference

• He is the greatest lover and captivator of clients

• It prevents the customer from returning the merchandise or materials

• Avoid employee turnover

• Minimize mistakes

• Justify the assigned prices

• Makes happy external customers

• Achieve successful entrepreneurs

Customer service