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Customer service and value generation


Very often we hear in many organizations the phrase "Generation of Value". However, when we thoroughly inspect, that is, when we carry out a business analysis of the services or products they offer, we realize that the famous generation of value does not exist or is not perceived as such, in the eyes of the customer.

Of the three large sectors that generally make up our economies, Industrial, Commercial and Services, I would like to place special emphasis on the latter, first because it is my favorite and second because it is towards this one, where much of the effort is being directed at competitiveness of many countries. Thus, sectors such as Tourism, Health and Outsourcings (outsourcing of services such as Human Management, Call Centers, Portfolio Management, among others) have been gaining more and more strength and increasing their participation in the GDP of each country.

Although the above is highly positive, it also means that there is an increasing demand from users to use them.

We see for example how the Internet has changed the rules of the tourism sector, today we can make our travel decisions directly, leading to travel agencies in this case having to rethink business and adapt to this new economy, so that they can continue to exist.

With regard to the Health sector, we see how services related to aesthetics, beauty and interest in health, gain strength, leading to changes in people's behavior. To give just a few examples: Today we are invaded by Smile designs, Orthodontics, Cosmetic Surgery of all kinds, Laser Treatments and a host of additional services created to "look and feel better".

Taking as an introduction the two previous subsectors to carry out the analysis of this topic “Service and Value Generation”, only those companies that really generate value are the ones who will guarantee their permanence in the medium and long term.

The reason is very simple. If value is not generated, we run the high risk of becoming a generic, that is, of not differentiating ourselves, of being one more within the entire range of services.

Now the question is: What generates value in my company? My answer is: Unless you have a unique service that only you have, that no one else has, I congratulate you, take care of and protect that “Know How” that only you have. But, as I know that this is most likely not the case, let's be realistic and objective, the only long-term sustainable competitive advantage is Customer Service, as this gives us the possibility of “making the intangible tangible”.

My proposal is that before starting to do it in our organizations, let's carry out the following mental exercise and look for answers to: Why do I go to and go to the supermarket? What do I like about my favorite restaurant? In the case of women How long have you been to the same beauty salon or use the services of the same hairdresser? Why do I use the same airline when I travel? When I require a Taxi service Why do I prefer to call the same service station or use the same driver preferably ?, What is my favorite movie theater ?. The examples can be many and varied (For the exercise of results, apart from the price variable thereof).

First we are customers, users of a service that we like or that we use frequently, we take into account those feelings and feelings of well-being that we have when we use them and then we seek to identify the feelings and sensations that we want customers to have when they use our services. It is there, where the service becomes tangible and it is then when we really generate ties with the Client.

To conclude, the generation of value can take place, as long as the promise of basic service is fulfilled above all else. The client evaluates us in the following order of importance: That we fulfill what we promise, that we do it in a timely manner, that we have staff that inspires him in good faith, that we provide him with personalized treatment and finally that we have the tangible enrich us the offer of services.

It is very good to be the "Top of mind", but it is much better to become the "Top of heart".

Customer service and value generation