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Sex in advertising


With the work sex in advertising, the use of eroticism by advertising creatives today to try to sell products is highlighted, as well as trying to stand out from the ads of other competitors, who are increasingly creative and shocking. On the other hand, we will justify its use, relying on the complex structure of the human brain, and the different motivations, especially those related to sexual desires. These determining factors are those that lead to using scenes related to eroticism to promote products that have nothing to do with it, conjugating in most cases sex with keys to humor, to try to better capture attention, presenting a long list of examples on them. On the other hand,aspects related to public relations, promotional actions and Internet sales are analyzed, especially the campaigns carried out by companies belonging to the sector.


Eroticism, object woman, marketing, human unconscious, social taboos.


Suppose it is half past nine at night, the news has ended, we are in the publicity minutes and we see an advertisement in which a girl waits on a motorcycle for her partner who has just bought some hot sandwiches. The boy sits behind her and places the sandwiches between the two, while the young woman starts and starts to get excited, sighs, bites her lips, twists, she can't help it! She turns around and stamps a kiss on her boy while the voiceover comments: "in Bocatta, fatter sausages." In short, with this first example we want to introduce the latest fashion for creative advertisers to publicize their products.

Therefore what is intended with this work is to inquire about the use of eroticism and sex in advertising, not only from the current perspective but taking a look at the history of communication. It has normally been used to publicize and promote beauty and feminine hygiene products, and in certain products aimed at men, but the current trend is to use it in any kind of product, without any apparent justification, since what is The aim is to attract attention at any price and with the most impressive resources.

On the other hand, the perspective of the work will be eminently practical, although we will make brief clarifications and theoretical comments on the use of this topic, not only from the point of view of advertising creation, but will also delve into psychological motivations and capture of interest. based on knowledge of the human brain. Among the topics that are usually covered include couple relationships, sexual relations, bestialism, sadomasochism, etc., in short, aspects that companies resort to seeking provocation while standing out from the increasingly sharpened competition and more creative in its content. However, it should not be forgotten that the ultimate content of these ads is to break existing social taboos in order to attract more customers.

Among other contents of this work, we will also cover communication campaigns that must be carried out by the companies that make or manufacture products in the sector, such as condoms (Durex campaign), lubricants, line 906, underwear, and other products, which by the peculiarities of it, use the subject in a more subtle and creative way, while the other companies that have nothing to do with the sector, such as tobacco companies, beverage companies, manufacturers of personal hygiene products they tend to resort to the most recurrent and provocative topics, neglecting aspects of creativity and even ethical norms of conduct for the consumer. In short, not only will the topic of advertising be addressed, but also the aspects of public relations,direct marketing and promotions that use sex or eroticism as part of their content, trying to give more extensive coverage to the existing forms of communication today.


Currently, the tendency of most of the advertisements that we can see in the different media is to surrender to the temptation of sex, breaking the social taboos that still remain around it. However, until a few years ago, the topic of eroticism in advertising was not very well seen, and moreover, according to Clemente Ferrer, in his book Hidden Persuasion he refers to advertising that makes use of this claim as "accomplice to evil", " attempts against the dignity of man or the dignity of man is in danger "," eroticism does not help to sell ", etc., but with the passage of time subliminal advertising tended to be used as an instrument to try to attract attention through imperceptible stimuli, normally related to sex and death.The justification for the use of eroticism in subliminal advertising is due to the pressures that advertisers and sales managers were subjected to, since with traditional campaigns and promotions sales did not undergo an expansion process, having to resort to techniques that managed to capture interest based on something "written in our brains."

2.1 The use of sex in advertising in the past:

Years ago the presence of any form of eroticism in advertising was inadmissible. This was due to the fact that the culture and values ​​of Spanish society until the 1970s were strongly rooted in transcendental values, such as family, religion, etc. taking refuge in the dignity and privacy of the human being, man or woman, who should always be safe from its use by advertisers as an object of claim, as a lure to help sell a product through communication. However, many wondered if eroticism helped sell, because the use of it, according to society and the way of understanding things of that time, did not make it effective advertising, accepting that it would give very little quality to the advertised product,transforming it into something trivial that would not be accepted by the public, coming to produce a synergy between the product that is advertised as something vulgar and of little value and the advertisement. However, it is possible that some were interested in contemplating the erotic images of an advertisement, but what was not so clear is that they later remembered the qualities and characteristics of the advertised product.

At that time it was understood that sex was not good for selling because it gave low quality to the product, it turned it into something vulgar and it is not effective to make the public available to buy, according to Adam Knowles, as a consequence of the fact that we might stop to look a photograph of a beautiful woman kissing a watch but wondering if we would consider the brand. There are magnificent advertising campaigns, based even on nonsense and they do not have to resort to eroticism or violence, which became the easy resource of the mediocre, of those who could not think of anything and desperately sought to impact as be it at any price, since the resource of eroticism is an attempt to resort to a factual solution, which is referred to when resources are exhausted or when they are not available.

Therefore, a few years ago the use of this resource in advertising was considered to be a passing fad, which followed the same trend that was taking place in the countries around us, with great rejection by analysts, and determined creative, who considered it immoral and against ethics, although the public to whom these messages were addressed did not feel the same way. As for the arguments that analysts made to criticize it, they were based largely on the dignity of man, since it was understood that the use of sex in the advertising field attributed to the human body commercial and consumerist estimates, leaving the margin the valuation of their dignity and respect for the human person. In summary,There was some reluctance to use eroticism in advertising because they believed that it was something against ethical values, and that it would accelerate the failure of the product they advertised, since what they advertised had no relation to eroticism, a formula that today day continues to be applied with great success.

Para concluir esta primera etapa, en la que las escenas resultan muy sutiles todavía, una técnica que se inició fue el denominado El síndrome de Robinson Crusoe, el cual consistía en la aspiración típicamente masculina, (porque es egoísta, antisocial y sexual), de la obsesión por el escapismo, es decir, el deseo de aislarse del mundo, de los condicionamientos sociales y de volver a la naturaleza, a ser “el buen salvaje”. Amparándose en esto la publicidad, fiel a las motivaciones del consumidor, incluidas aquellas que el mismo desconoce a nivel consciente reflejaban en sus anuncios esos paraísos perdidos de sus sueños, ambientándose estos anuncios en excelentes localizaciones con una fotografía cuidada y modelos publicitarios. Entre los ejemplos de esta modalidad caben destacar los siguientes eslóganes: “La escapada encantada”, “Si sueñas con una playa desierta al amanecer”, “El sabor de la aventura” (Cigarrillos Camel), pero hay unos anuncios que reflejan este impulso hacia los paraísos perdidos de una manera ejemplar, y son organizados por Ron Bacardi, desde siempre y manteniéndolos a lo largo de los últimos años, haciendo uso de islas exóticas y lejanas de una manera bastante evidente y hermosa, dejando al espectador atraído por la seducción de las arenas blancas y las míticas palmeras. En el cd que se adjunta, en la parte dedicada a imágenes en soporte físico pueden apreciarse algunos de estos anuncios, que evidentemente, aparecen en blanco y negro, lo cual suponía que no podían jugar con los efectos del color, mostrando una mayor fuerza en las imágenes, por lo que posiblemente el tratamiento de los anuncios fuera mas elegante y vistoso que en la actualidad.

2.2 The alternative of subliminal advertising.

With the passage of time, the way that was used to introduce sex in advertising was through the use of subliminal advertising, where in addition to alleging the issue of death they also focused on eroticism. By using techniques to create stimuli that touch the thresholds of the senses, it is a matter of introducing messages unconsciously, which powerfully attract attention. However, currently the use of this technique has fallen into disuse, making it very difficult to find any advertisement that uses it to attract the consumer to the advertisement, although the most recent has been that of the Martíni company, which in one of its advertisements of the year 1999 made use of it through the appearance on screen of three characters.These figures were two young ladies who were dressed in black and white stripes and the famous "Martini man", who in one of the phases of the advertisement become drawings that adopt different representations and forms, being in these scenes where subliminal messages are transmitted linking the consumption of this drink with sexual success. Apart from this small announcement, the rest of the companies, as we have already said, do not allude to using this technique because, apart from being prohibited, at present, they directly show the scenes, not using “covers” to link the product with factors sensual.being in these scenes where subliminal messages are transmitted relating the consumption of this drink with sexual success. Apart from this small announcement, the rest of the companies, as we have already said, do not allude to using this technique because, apart from being prohibited, at present, they directly show the scenes, not using “covers” to link the product with factors sensual.being in these scenes where subliminal messages are transmitted relating the consumption of this drink with sexual success. Apart from this small announcement, the rest of the companies, as we have already said, do not allude to using this technique because, apart from being prohibited, at present, they directly show the scenes, not using “covers” to link the product with factors sensual.

Many people have studied subliminal perception and the way we think we think. In the concept of subliminal phenomena are included all those techniques that are now known by communication, and through which millions of individuals are handled and manipulated without being aware of it. The techniques are widely used by the media, advertising, and public relations agencies, industrial and commercial companies, through the unconscious perception of subliminal knowledge that manipulates, directs, and controls human behavior. However, its use by these means of this type of advertising has been justified by the high cost of advertising inserts, in the words of Bryan Key, a scholar of the subject,since the high amount of money involved in the insertion of an advertisement in any advertising medium, implies that the advertisement cannot be escaped from the interest of the recipients, which would be a wasteful investment, since we have to record in the mind of the receiver our message with your sales pitch.

As regards the first subliminal advertising practices that are known to date, they date back to 1956, in New Jersey (United States) where, during the screening of the movie "Picnic", the cinema broadcast on the screen through imperceptible blinks and every 5 seconds, the following phrases: »Drink Coca-Cola» and «Are you hungry? Eat popcorn. This cinema experienced an increase in sales of these products during the weeks that the advertising action lasted. A year later in 1957, James M. Vicary, a researcher of jobless markets, conducted a study of the effect of high-speed photography, claiming to have discovered a way to reach people subliminally, by inserting advertising messages into a screen so short in duration that viewers were not consciously seeing them,but they obeyed its influence, making subliminal advertising a true myth, although, yes, with the disagreement of many people and researchers about its effectiveness.

In the issue of Time magazine on July 5, 1971, on the back cover, there was an advertisement for the gin Gilbey's London Dry, in which the presence of ice made up the word SEX. However, the ad has other much more striking features when it comes to eroticism. If we describe the image little by little we see, with the naked eye, that the cap of the bottle is removed in order to give the idea that Gilbey's gin is symbolically open, and available to the reader. However, the reflection of the plug acquires unusual dimensions when reflected on the clean surface of the table.

On the other hand, the reflections of the bottle and the stopper can be interpreted as the legs of a man, whose genitals are partially erect. At this point, you should do some deep aspirations to relax. The melted ice on the stopper could symbolize seminal fluid, origin of all human life. The green color suggests peace and quiet after the tensions have been released. Therefore, the scene unfolds after ecstasy, not before. Of course, the melted ice in the bottle could also be seminal liquid. Between the reflection of the glass and the bottle, it can be seen how the vertical opening between the reflection has very marked shadows on both sides, which could be interpreted as lips, as vaginal lips.

The seminal frost that is all over the bottle could suggest the primitive part of the human brain, the part that some psychologists call unconscious. Regarding the results, more than a thousand subjects were examined about the Gilbey's ad, where sixty-two percent of these men and women reported having felt sexual stimulation or excitement. Men were slightly more resistant than women to giving a conscious response to the content of the ad. However, none of the men or women examined was consciously forewarned of the subliminal content, and none discovered the secret until it was explained to them after their responses were recorded. The advertisement appears to have been expressly designed to reach men and women through unconscious perception mechanisms.The objective of the ad is to sell Gilbey's gin through a wake-up call through morbid tendencies existing on an unconscious level of the mind of those who observe it.

What's disturbing about all this is that the Gilbey's ad is not an isolated example of subliminal manipulation through pornography, so the media is saturated with similar hoaxes, with companies currently spending a huge chunk of advertising spending. to conducting research in development and application of subliminal stimuli through very high sales and possibilities of manipulation.

Other examples of subliminal advertising that use sex as a reference are the following, which can be seen below:

In the second of them it can be seen how Gordon's Larios company, in which it can be seen how this advertising technique is used, illustrating in the figure at the top, by using watercolor techniques, which supposedly represent the drink introduced in a glass with lemon, although the subliminal message that is Launching is related to female anatomy. The bottom part shows the figure of a couple kissing, which is supposedly the content of the gin. In the ad that it has attached, the famous Camel cigarettes are announced, in which it is seen how the camel is smoking one of the cigarettes. However, if we analyze the rest of the images that make up the ad, it can be seen that there are a series of clearly subliminal components, such as the phallic symbol of the submarine, the camel cigarette,the woman who appears behind with her hand on her pubis, etc. in short, a good example of what is involved in using the human subconscious. The last of the ads that we show includes another of the actions used to manipulate our brain and that consists of the deliberate retouching of the images to make us think what is not, for example the lip shadow in this ad has been retouched from intentionally.

As for the Pepsi ad , it really is not a spot since the subliminal appears in the container that contains the product, although as a form of communication we will review it, where the decoration of the can theoretically represents lights neon sign on a black background that make up the word SEX. What is illustrated on the Pepsi cans is a typical subliminal message. The blue lines on the top can form a letter "S", the red ones in the middle an "E" and how on the bottom can both lines intersect to form an "X". In other words, the word S -E- X is written on each can. The fact that the word SEXis written on each can of Pepsi, it does not imply that the public is going to buy the soft drink, nor does it mean that Pepsi has risked its image in exchange for nothing, so the fundamental question arises: Will it be effective? From a sales point of view, it did.

2.3. The use of eroticism in current advertising.

In the 21st century, eroticism has gained prominence, but it goes further, covering topics such as: homosexuality, bestialism, sado-maso, exhibitionism; In a word, provocation, which does not stop showing us normal scenes, but breaks with all the established rules and with certain moral principles. Among the examples that we can consider that refer to these topics, the first one is that of the Nobel brand of cigarettes. In this announcement, the subject matter is that of homosexuality, one of the great taboos in the advertising world, but in which creatives have found a vein of valuable value, relying on the fact that this segment of the public usually has an economic level Quite high, apart from the fact that the use of this type of images no longer causes so much social rejection. In this Nobel announcement, a bored and lonely woman, set in a bar scene, is shown in the center of it, with four men passionately kissing around her, introducing the slogan "life is hard: your tobacco has no why be? " Another advertisement that uses homosexuality as a claim is the one recently used by the Spanish Youth Association, to promote associationism.However, this announcement was never issued due to the controversy caused by the appearance of two men kissing, which contradicts the spirit of freedom of society, arguing the immorality of the announcement (see announcement).

On the other hand, currently there is a reference to other types of topics, such as zoophilia, that is, "the abnormality of seeking sexual joy with animals", which has also been exploited in the world of advertising, although less frequently since it is met with greater reluctance on the part of society and especially from the animal protection associations. However, among the examples that we can highlight of this type of advertising are those of the Emmanuel Ungaro brand, which he uses in his advertisements to promote his collections images of models with dogs. Among the ads that we showed on the interactive CD, we went from zoophilia to sado-maso, as dogs dressed in leather masks or images of the dog licking the woman's foot are shown. In short, the proclamation of all this type of ads is: "War on the prude: down with the forbidden!". And with these ads, they are succeeding because nothing is as striking as sex in its most primitive forms.

"Advertisers want to stand out from other brands anyway." This is a step back from creativity, but you don't have to be alarmist, as the public is prepared to view sex stories with humor. Below we detail a set of ads that use the subject aseptically and restrictively, leaving freedom to the imagination of the viewers themselves who determine what is being communicated. So for example the Jazztel ad, issued when he launched his Internet portal, he openly resorted to a bed scene: a couple looks at each other libidinously, turns off the light, screams of pleasure are heard and, after 20 seconds, the light comes on and both appear exhausted: "If you like fast you will like Jazzfree" says the announcer. In this ad, sex was treated gracefully to show that Jazzfree's services were reaching their limits. According to the advertiser of the agency that made the spot, “you cannot waste the 20 seconds that an advertisement lasts with beautiful landscapes and sweet melodies, but you have to capture the viewer's gaze at any cost, otherwise the advertising would not cover its end ”, Which reaffirms that at the moment eroticism is a rising value, in accordance with the objectives of advertising, as long as it is rigorously treated.

Therefore, today thanks to the change in values ​​of today's society and the dominance of the principle of freedom of expression, creatives can work with eroticism without being subjected to censorship, as well as greater acceptance by the public, with this type of stimuli, although that if, always within a limit of elegance, correctness and respect, not mistreating the human figure in advertisements, especially that of women, which we will detail in the next section.


"How long will men continue to die? As long as the woman continues to beget ”. With this phrase from the Gospel of the Egyptians, we want to show how the role of women in advertising has been distorted and used as an object, focused on their reproductive purposes, and not as a human being. Practically most of the advertising that we can find today makes use of men and women as erotic references for the induced seduction of their messages. However, it cannot be admitted that the success of an advertising campaign is in the use of the human being as an object of use and consumption but must be supported by the recognition of the product itself.Spanish women have been protagonists of important changes in social life in recent decades that must be assumed and recognized in all areas. This has been understood by the media, which have contributed significantly to this transformation. To consolidate and deepen equality between men and women, it is essential to respect their image and adapt it to current social reality, away from outdated stereotypes.

However, it is regrettable that content considered by men and women discriminatory on the basis of sex continues to appear and before which they protest and make complaints. Advertising is the one that most frequently provokes rejection due to the continuous representation of women in a subordinate or dependent position.

As we have already mentioned, the use of women has not been the most appropriate, since the most discriminating stereotypes have always been used for them, so the following should be mentioned:

  • Reduction of the woman to the reproductive function and exclusive attribution of the care of the family and the home, although at present this is one of the least commonly used stereotypes due to the great advances that women have achieved in the present society, such such as integration into the labor market, greater participation in public bodies and political parties, etc. However, in advertising "in black and white" if reference is made to this topic, due to the marked machismo of the image, thus an advertisement that marked an era was that of the Philips family of the artist Carmen Sevilla, in which with a catchy letter the claim of the female figure is used to sell the household appliances such as the washing machine, the juicer, the toaster, the refrigerator, etc.implying that it is the woman who has to use this type of apparatus by her own nature, relegating her to “her work”. female body for the sale of products unrelated to him, as an advertising claim.Presentation of women as a passive sexual object.

They refer to the use of the East is the assumption that has been most often used in advertising when erotic dyes are introduced. With this modality, men are supposedly being alluded to, that is, we are going to explain it through a specific example, so the personal care ads for men usually use the two human figures. On the one hand, the man is presented using the product, either by applying cologne, deodorant or shaving cream, and on the other hand, as a consequence, the woman normally emerges as a statuesque, brand-new and utopian model that irresistibly throws herself on the man with provocative attitudes, being able highlight among many brands the campaigns of Ax gel, which under the slogan "The Ax effect" reproduces what was said above.

Can an advertiser suggest the idea that by getting a girl drunk we can enjoy her favors? Or show a naked and chained woman as a reward for purchasing a product? Do not the competent administrations take action against businessmen who mistreat women in their advertisements, presenting them as mere trophies for those who buy their products? In advertising, the border between sex and sexism is very narrow. And there are many who cross it knowing that there is no one to stop it, taking advantage of the weakness of the existing legislation.

On the attached CD you can see some of the announcements made by the French company Ax. Specifically, we have selected the year 1999 in which we find a luxurious French apartment in which the first male figure appears, an attractive young executive who quickly leaves his house dressing while applying the new Ax deodorant while that on the ground floor there is a relay, leaving the new character who enters, with less physical grace, impregnated by the effect of the product, being "attacked" by a young lady who cannot resist. However, the announcement ends on a note of humor. As a conclusion we can extract that the moral of the spot is that using said good irresistibly attracts women. In more recent years the campaigns have not changed the motto,Thus, in 2000, the figure of the Pied Piper of Hamelin was referred to as a reference to express the same idea, while nowadays the announcements become much more explicit, such as the one for Ax Shower Gel, in which not only is the woman used as a sexual element, but it also contains tints of an object on which tints of total dominance can be exercised (In the supposed gym in which the advertisement is set, women do everything that the man orders) and in the last one broadcast on television, the slogan has lost much of its initial subtlety, containing expressions such as "New Gel Fornight so you don't eat only the night."while nowadays the advertisements become much more explicit, such as the one for Ax Shower Gel, in which not only is the woman used as a sexual element but also contains tints of object on which one can exercise overtones of total dominance (In the supposed gym where the advertisement is set, women do everything the man tells them to do) and in the last one broadcast on television, the slogan has lost much of its initial subtlety, containing expressions such as “New Gel Fornight so that you don't eat only the night ”.while nowadays the advertisements become much more explicit, such as the one for Ax Shower Gel, in which not only is the woman used as a sexual element but also contains tints of object on which one can exercise overtones of total dominance (In the supposed gym where the advertisement is set, women do everything the man tells them to do) and in the last one broadcast on television, the slogan has lost much of its initial subtlety, containing expressions such as “New Gel Fornight so that you don't eat only the night ”.in which not only is the woman used as a sexual element but also contains object dyes on which dyes of total dominance can be exercised (In the supposed gym in which the advertisement is set, women do everything the man orders them) and in the last one broadcast on television, the slogan has lost much of its initial subtlety, containing expressions such as "New Gel Fornight so you don't eat only the night."in which not only is the woman used as a sexual element but also contains object dyes on which dyes of total dominance can be exercised (In the supposed gym in which the advertisement is set, women do everything the man orders them) and in the last one broadcast on television, the slogan has lost much of its initial subtlety, containing expressions such as "New Gel Fornight so you don't eat only the night."

Another characteristic that is considered in the announced stereotype is the use of women for no apparent reason when advertising products that have nothing to do with her. For example, it is worth mentioning the Citröen Xasa ad in which the German model Claudia Schiffer is shown going down the stairs of a lustful mansion while she takes off garments from her body until she reaches the advertised car in which she She finds herself completely naked, justifying the voice-over question that says "You don't need anything else to be fashionable", to which she responds "So why dress up with something else".

Another example is that of the mobile phone company Telia, in which to advertise their wireless phones they refer to the figure of the woman in a demeaning way since the advertisement scheme is based on two men who try to glimpse through their phones which is what the saleswoman hides when she tries to close her store, although to better understand the advertisement, it is advisable to see it on the move (See CD).

"Surely this is the only time you want your White Label bottle to be finished." The ad to which this phrase belongs shows a glass with whiskey and ice on whose edge you can see the carmine marks that have left some lips. The message is clear. Use alcohol to get the girl. In preparing its messages, the advertising industry does not usually stop to think if they will provoke more than the attraction of their potential clients.

  • Place it as a property / burden of the male. Possibly this property has been the least used, as it is the most attacking against women's rights. As for the examples, these are very rare, but they exist although with very few visible nuances, but that with some patience and glimpse can be seen in this way, we will refer to the announcement of the Gillette Mach III razor in which it is appreciated a man who is shaving but who is not really the one who is doing it, but you can appreciate the hand of a woman, implying the dominance that man exercises over women, a scheme similar to that developed in the previously described Ax advertisements, especially the Ax Shower announcement.

As a consequence of these abusive behaviors in advertising, the initiative arose to create an Advertising Observatory initiative of the Institute for Women and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in 1994 to collect these complaints and promote the rectification or withdrawal of messages more criticized and discriminatory in accordance with the General Advertising Law 34/88 which in its 3rd article defines as illicit advertising “that which violates the dignity of the person and rights recognized in the Constitution, especially with regard to childhood, youth and women "and article 5 of the III Equal Opportunity Plan for women (1997-2000) which establishes" the need to promote a balanced and non-stereotypical image of women in the media ",The complaints are made mainly through a free 900 telephone (95% of the total) and the rest through postal mail, email and fax.

The results have paid off, since there have been a total of complaints that amounts to 262 and 112 companies have been reported. Of which the campaign that has raised the most controversy has been that of Renault Clio with 96 complaints (38%), Air France in second place reached 49%. And with regard to the media that have been most denounced, television appears first with 71% of the complaints followed by the press (15.11%) and lastly radio (5.8%). By sectors, the automobile sector groups 47% of calls to the observatory. Next would be the food groups (8.1%) and beverages and tobacco (7.3%). Being women they are the majority of the complainants (87'2).

Highlighting the most denounced ads we find the RenaultIn whose television advertisement for the Clio model, a young Faust claims the devil for female companionship for his immortality, however, the devil dissuades him from this idea, offering him the aforementioned product in exchange. On the other hand, the Air France campaign appears that under the slogan "We like women's legs too much to force them to bend and twist", the print advertisement for this campaign portrays in the foreground the legs of a woman who has been a miniskirt and stilettos. And finally the Citroën Xara announcement in which Claudia Schiffer gets naked to drive the car that we have already discussed above. Once the different complaints are received, the Women's Institute requests in writing to several companies the withdrawal of their advertising campaigns and some did so,since this organization does not have a legitimate character, unlike the Advertising Self-Regulation Association.

Sexism in the media has also been very acute for many years, highlighting three themes in particular, first of all the cult of the body, sending messages to women in which they are told that they need to be pretty, muscular, young, so it is necessary that they have money to buy all those beauty products so well presented in this women's press. A second topic is about seduction,finding in the messages provocation sensuality, refined, attractive, in contrast to the ugly, the "parrots", etc. Black and white is always interesting because we realize better that white is truly more beautiful, that is, it makes use of the comparison so that we acquire the product, and be like that of the advertisement. And a third topic that is often dealt with is that of the superwoman, or what is the same, the woman who does everything successfully, who is beautiful, who seduces, who has professional success and who has an extraordinary house, gets some wonderful children and a happy husband. The most important role for women is to succeed with both children and husbands by introducing big macho allusions.

On television women succeed, they are stars. This superwoman is prettier than any other, she is a model. The woman has to overcome daily, it is necessary to think only of her work. French novelists were already saying: "A woman is a slave who needs to know how to put herself on a throne."

A woman can be beautiful, she can be a star, she can be a figure, but with money, it is not possible. However, advertising in which pretty naked girls appear is the basis of machismo, and the breakdown of the creativity of the message, inciting violence against women, and violence is one of the harshest forms of sexism.

Other forms of sexism, we find them in the forms of communication that companies have to hire their new staff, as well as to make references to their products, playing with the topics of a lifetime. Thus, for example, in 2001 the degrading Advertising Award went to the company Montaña Azul, since in an advertisement for office refrigerators for water containers, it showed an attractive blonde holding a glass and resting her arm on the water tank object of the campaign, while at the bottom of the photo you can read the text: "Don't you miss something in your office?", playing with the double meaning of the phrase, and using the topic of the blonde in the office. Logically, within discriminatory advertising there are scales. If there are ads that reduce women, more or less clearly and intentionally,to the role of submissive sexual object, the case of the Majorica company is perhaps the most regrettable. In an advertisement for this jewelry and pearl firm, which has received the FACUA award (www.facua.com) for the Worst Advertisement of the year 2000, a naked woman handcuffed from behind with a pearl necklace is presented. The ad uses the claim that, giving her brand jewelry, the woman, reduced to the role of sex slave, will submissively accept the wishes of the man.Reduced to the role of sex slave, she will submissively accept the wishes of man.Reduced to the role of sex slave, she will submissively accept the wishes of man.

And in what we said about the job offers that we can find in any magazine, the sexist nuances are also abundant, as may be the case of this advertisement in which a job was claimed, and they used the following message: «Television is looking for a presenter with big breasts". This announcement by a local chain in the Malaga municipality of Fuengirola, denounced in 1999 by the Women's Secretariat of the CC.OO union, is an extreme example of the machismo implicit in the job offers that can be read in the newspapers. Another example, this time in 1998, used the following phrase: "you are looking for a chef, a bar boss, a maitre d 'and a head of technical service, and a woman, for cleaning rooms", and the same thing happens with supermarkets,where they ask men for positions of responsibility and women to work as cashiers.

In 1999, Citizen Watch Spain withdrew following complaints from FACUA and the Federation of Progressive Women an advertisement for their Citizen Promaster watch, made by the advertising agency Studio Più, in which a hand appeared caressing a woman's buttocks, and the slogan: "Only for great explorers". But the cases in which advertisers rectify or withdraw their campaigns are exceptional. After another complaint from FACUA, the Catalan Institute for Women urged the company Intersa to withdraw an advertisement for IWC watches that begins with the following text in large characters: «Women smoke our Cohiba. They drive our Harley. They drink our Lagavulin. Let our IWCs at least leave us! ”, And continues with phrases like“ Their size only supports powerful dolls ”and“ IWC. Since 1868. And while there are still men ». The company not only did not withdraw the announcement, but continued similar announcements, such as one with the following text: “This titanium IWC is tough.Especially with women. It only exists for men ».

In 2000, FACUA denounced a press advertisement for the Moët & Chandon champagne, from the Moët Hennessy company, which implicitly alluded in its images to the submission of the woman regarding the desire of the man by presenting her with her head down and caressing a bottle of champagne advertised in a warm atmosphere. Similarly, two smaller images reinforce the sense of the main one by establishing a similarity between the inside of the bottle and the inside of the woman's skirt, hiding what the man wants and presenting the woman as an object of desire achievable through drinking and champagne as a metaphor for sexual success.

Finally, comment that advertising imposes on men and women a canon of beauty that is difficult to follow, which can become a discriminatory message for those people who do not conform to it when it is presented as a necessary requirement to succeed socially or the sexual. In certain cases, the image of slenderness is totally distorted, reaching the extreme of showing very thin women complaining about an alleged excess weight or height. This is the case of an advertisement released last year by the Fontvella brand of mineral water, in which a young woman with a false need to lose weight, asked her friend how she had managed to lose weight, to which she revealed that her secret was in drinking brand water, which implies that you have to be careful when transmitting the message,especially when dealing with such important topics as anorexia.


In this section we are going to try to give some emotional and sociological sense of the use of sex in advertising. Thus, some professionals of human behavior assure that the hidden stimuli within advertising and music have little or no effect on individuals, although others, on the other hand, point to this practice as one of immoral order, daring and dangerous for society. Thus, the Instituto Pro Conciencia thinks that these stimuli (messages with erotic overtones in the advertisements) should have some effect on human behavior since it is illogical to think that those in charge of marketing a product are paying for a form of advertising that does not work and Based on this premise, a balanced position can be established: messages do not determine consumer behavior… but whatthey can influence. How much they can influence will depend on each one of us, especially with greater awareness, less possibility of manipulation

The human mind is basically divided into two parts or levels: consciousness and subconsciousness. The conscious is made up of mental processes whose presence we notice. It is capable of analyzing, criticizing, modifying, accepting and / or rejecting the proposals it receives from outside. The subconsciousness instead is constituted by a dynamic set of desires, feelings and impulses outside the field of our conscious perception, it can be compared to a large memory bank that stores, for variable periods, most of the information that we perceive. Advertising is seeking to reach that subconscious to program it through stimuli that appeal to sex due to the emotional impact it causes. Plugins are also used ,that is, stimuli that do not appeal to the sexual, but that respond to the interests of those who are manipulating for commercial purposes the most intimate, profound and complicated mechanism of the human nervous system.

Many people find it difficult to accept the possibility of being manipulated by the subconscious precisely because the stimulus they are receiving and we would be talking about this advertising that appeals to the conscious through sexual taste, however subliminal advertising does so through stimuli that are not seen, hence there are more reluctance to be manipulated. Examples abound: semi-nude women offering a sensual alcoholic drink, young people who kiss passionately after washing their mouths with Close Up toothpaste, women who achieve totally orgasmic experiences while washing their hair with Herbal Essence shampoo, etc. They show us how to play with people's perceptions.

It is usually attributed to men the fact of having sex always stuck in the brain, (according to some American statistics we think something that is related to sex every thirty minutes) but the truth is that no one says that both men and women carry it there. women, because it is in the cerebral cortex where the principles and ends of sexuality unfold. However, neurons should not be confused with hormones and the influence of both on the passions of human beings. All those biological factors that move our emotions belong to the neurophysiology of sexual desire, because no one can control the chemical processes of their emotions, although certain scientists try to modify our behaviors with substances such as dopamine, prozac, etc.thing that the creatives if they try to do with the messages that they transmit to us. More specifically, when perceiving an advertising message, the process of assimilation by the brain is relatively simple, since this activity falls within the basic needs of man, in such a way that the brain uses a tiny part of its capacity. to comply, regulate and assimilate them, more specifically 1% of the total volume of brain mass, hence the justification that many advertisers use as a claim images that allude to sexual instincts.in such a way that the brain uses a tiny part of its capacity to fulfill, regulate and assimilate them, more specifically 1% of the total volume of the brain mass, hence the justification that many advertisers use as a claim images that allude to sexual instincts.in such a way that the brain uses a tiny part of its capacity to fulfill, regulate and assimilate them, more specifically 1% of the total volume of the brain mass, hence the justification that many advertisers use as a claim images that allude to sexual instincts.

On the other hand, our society has the tendency to collectivize man's instincts and impulses first, and not in accordance with it, then he tries to institutionalize them under sociocultural norms, which vary according to the times, fashions and the dominant influences of the powers that be. The sexual impulses and behaviors, which generally condition society, address certain types of vital and personal needs that our biology requires, needs that are closely related to other basic impulses such as power, selfishness, the search for places, etc. which intermingle for the achievement of personal, material and social assets, necessary for the balanced development of our personality, as well as to facilitate our coexistence with other personnel within society.

Within the references to associations, symbols are part of those signs that remain linked to the collective consciousness as a communication code that copies or imitates reality, that is, it is a mental process that associates certain signs with memory and that it goes beyond the reality of the characters, things, sounds, colors, etc. outside their representation and their own image. Hence, it is natural that the advertising message uses these (sexual) symbols within the different creative selections that form the set of signs that the creative uses as an instrument of communication. Advertisers print a symbolic character in their campaigns to reinforce messages with associations,sometimes clearer and more direct and others with symbologies that the man in the street cannot decipher, but feels powerfully influenced by them.


The sexual implications in advertising begin just at the moment of the gestation of ideas. It seems that the creation process is a mental process… and a sexual one too. Two fundamental elements intervene in it, on the one hand the creatives themselves, on the other, that winding path of the search for ideas. Advertising agencies have brains that are "the makers of ideas", characters known as art directors, responsible for the visual appearance of the ads, and the editors, responsible for the editorial part of them. Although in practice the differentiation of tasks is not clearly defined.

There is a need to create, to solve a problem, regardless of the reason, creation begins with motivation. Once this motivation has been discovered, (in our case those related to sensuality) we move on to the communication preparation phase, which corresponds to the search for information, which corresponds to the study and analysis of the situation. Once we have obtained the information, we proceed to its elaboration, which involves a synthesis work in which we try to find the central idea, which relates our product or service, the satisfaction it produces, with human motivation, even if it is imprecisely. But the idea doesn't always come up at first, and that's why you have to deal with other aspects of the problem. In a next phase,you have the feeling that the solution will be found. Immediately afterwards the idea appears in the mind and the tension disappears. When this process stops in any of its stages, regardless of the reasons, they will have to start again.

For Alberto Fernández, the advertising campaign for a product that relies on a certain load of eroticism may in principle reach more people, it may even impact better, since it is another of the shows for the senses but in the long run it will end up damaging the product However, the use of eroticism can not be free, but must be justified, in the service of a clear and simple idea, since otherwise we would be introducing confusion. However, initially it is easier to look for the primary or more easily excitable instincts of the human person, often thinking that there is a market for this and that certain objectives will be achieved, although there are still some entrepreneurs who think that everything that goes against the dignity of the person ends up damaging the business,the product and the image of the company. On the other hand, eroticism as a communication element can have a purely transitory, conjunctural solution, which goes precisely against the objective pursued with advertising, although it is a vital force, it is misused in advertising, that is, it is He abuses it by associating it with products that have nothing to do with eroticism, which is a contradiction.

It is the advertising iconography and its new graphic languages ​​that convert the messages, not only into a simple sexual experience but into a hypnotic experience. The products, indisputable protagonists over the years, have become a mere reference in ads, relatively losing their main role, that is, when it comes to publicizing your product we do not have to list a huge list of properties, characteristic and benefits of the same. Hence, in the new creativity it is understood that the sale does not necessarily have to be made by the product. The ads today have to achieve, first of all, visual notoriety and stand out from the rest, hence the fact that more and more we are stopping selling products to sell brands since people feel influenced by images,environments and emotions (visual events). The consequence of this is that the different advertisements are aimed at creating a pleasant impression on the audience, the reader or the listener.

For these reasons, the products themselves are originally designed with shapes that go beyond their own usefulness and functionality, for example, cologne packaging aimed at women are generally round and wide, with fantasy shapes and feminine lines, which turn them, on many occasions, into objects of greater value than the product they contain, that is, making the phrase that the continent is more important than the content come true, and all this because they contain within them promises of dreams of seduction. On the other hand, men's cologne packaging is stylized, straight and compact, a crystallized representation of their sex because that way they reinforce their virility and their lovers' aspirations.

Chocolate is another product with clear sexual overtones. For men it is equivalent to childhood and a weakness or what is the same a feminized product, but for women it is nevertheless more than a whim, it is a bonbon, it is an infidelity. So for example the Milca chocolate slogansrefer to these statements "The best thing you can do to avoid temptation is to fall into it." More recently we can see on television the Chocolates Valor ad, which also follows the same line of argument. In it, you can see how a young woman takes a valuable chocolate tablet out of a drawer, as if it were a secret, and begins to savor it in her privacy, but the one who supposedly is her younger sister appears to whom the parents are in charge of covering them eyes closing the spot with the phrase “Chocolates Valor. An adult pleasure ”(See advertisement)

However, this creative process runs into the General Advertising Law of 1988, which prohibits any advertisement "that threatens the dignity of the person or violates the values ​​or rights recognized in the Constitution, especially with regard to the childhood, youth and women ». However, given the data provided by the Women's Institute and the numerous complaints filed each year by women's, consumer and union associations, advertisers do not take the law too seriously.

To finish with the creation of the ad, not only is it enough to use images related to sex, but music is also importantused in the different advertisements to capture the attention of the consumer, and especially as a way of differentiating the advertisements. This music must be in accordance with the theme in question, which is why romantic music, characterized by sensual chords, and the use of pianos, saxophones, etc., instruments used to create atmospheres of passion, are usually used in this type of commercial. and fiery. Thus it is very frequent that we find in these advertisements music belonging to great movies with romantic content, among which it is worth highlighting the themes of "Je t'aime", "Love Story", "Mouline Rouge", etc., ultimately music and melodies that incite to see the ad, that is, that manage to capture the attention of the consumer. In the CD some of those sensual musics used by these announcements are made available.


To complete the part of ads that use these motivations, we will stop briefly on the ads that the different companies have used, although in this case the medium and the support they have used is not from television, but rather from the written media, especially newspapers and magazines. For this, we will distinguish, in the first place, as we did in the advertisements that were broadcast on television, among those who truly use images and scenes related to sex, because their reason for being or their activities are related to it, (case Control) and those who use these images as a technique to capture attention, there being no symbiosis between the advertised product and the images offered.

These announcements are available on the interactive CD, they can be classified into:

  • Alcoholic beverages (DYC whiskey, Single Oak Cash, Ron Barceló, Magno, Ballantynes). Automobile companies (Citroën). Tobacco companies (Fortuna, Camel). Condom companies (Control). Radio agencies (Major Forties). advertising (TBWA).Cosmetics companies (Ives Saint Laurent, Max Factor, Lancaster).Underwear (Intima Cherry, Abanderado, D&G, Guess, Gucci Rush).Accessories (Multiópticas, HP Colorado).Other (Yellow Pages, Champagne).

As you can see the general tone of all the ads that can be seen is that for cologne and alcoholic advertisers they usually use human figures without any type of clothing or in compromised positions, to argue that the use of their product will contribute to what the images are giving us is achieved. On the other hand, the use in many cases of the sculptural bodies of both men and women responds to simple aesthetic uses to attract with such images the different public to whom we want to address, so in the case of men's underwear, use the claim of a man showing the product since to attract the attention of women, since it is women who in most cases buy this type of product, because at home they want to have that,and in the case of women's intimate clothing, the claim is still a woman herself, since in this case the man does not usually buy the product.

We would like to highlight, because it seems very original and striking, an advertisement designed by the advertising agency TBWA Barcelona, ​​which inserted an advertisement aimed at industry experts (IP Mark Magazine) in which to claim that they, with their work, are capable of To reach the complex market, they use three quite significant elements. In the first place, some sperm appear to be the different brands found in society, on the other hand, a condom is presented, which represents being the market that is protected and to which all brands want to reach. Thirdly, a pin is presented, which is supposedly the advertising agency itself, and which we assimilate that represents the advertising campaigns and the acts of communication, which is aimed at clicking the second element,facilitating companies to truly reach the market.

We will not comment on the ads that are in audiovisual support, only some of them in the following section, because they understand the truth of the saying that "an image is worth a thousand words".


Some advertising agencies prefer to treat the subject of eroticism jointly using humor, although it is possible that this humor may become vulgar, in addition to the fact that the recipient may remember the advertisement, especially grace, but not the advertised product. In the opinion of Ramón González, both the use of one and another advertising technique harm the product in the long and short, especially the use of aggressive or erotic factors, which although they achieve great notoriety at the right time do not contribute to brand value, that is, it is very likely that an advertising campaign of this nature will be remembered, but without knowing what product or brand they were referring to and, of course, in advertising,what matters is knowing how to advertise the product to be sold well and not other aspects adjacent to the product, that is, aspects of linguistic, metalinguistic, message and advertising creation should remain in second place.

Returning to the essence of this work in its practical aspects, we will quote below some announcements that combine humor with sex, or rather, humor about sex. Firstly, we highlight a Spanish advertisement made by the Gold Counterpoint agency made for the Nobel cigarette companyin which the agency has opted for an everyday situation, that of going to rent a video tape to a video store in which it is seen as a girl asks the clerk for information very politely about a James Icebury movie, but another person who He meets a boy in the store, he is powerfully attracted to the girl, and based on the conversation he has heard, he approaches the counter and says that he takes the last film by the mentioned author, before which the girl is stupefied taking place. a dialogue between the two, and when the man believes that he has achieved his “prey”, the clerk disappoints him deeply, transferring it to the harsh reality. Unfortunately his "ideal hobby partner" surprisingly has other undeclared hidden hobbies,having your favorite movies special content (see CD).

Another ad that caught our attention powerfully was the one used by the dentistry company Sensodine, which makes a combination of sex and humor although the scenes used in it are more explicit, so they capture the attention of our subconscious with greater agility. The content of this advertisement consists of the typical scene of a house on the seashore at dusk in which two lovers enjoy erotic games using ice, as it is considered one of the sexual myths of the 20th century. This element provocatively runs through the sumptuous body of the woman, until it reaches the mouth where the cold ice introduces it, this being a very sensitive area to the cold, for which the woman reacts instinctively by striking strongly at her playmate, being the objective The last of this ad is selling a toothpaste, a product that has little to do with the storyline. (see CD).

Another spot, in this case from Europe, is that of the sports products company Umbro, in which a bed scene is simulated in which paradoxically it is the man who is not very willing to do nothing for what he gets up and she changes rooms before which her partner goes in search and finds him in the living room with her back turned to which she does not know what she is doing, he is actually inflating a soccer ball since “the game comes first " (see CD).

At the end of this work we include the last commented announcement, which is Korean, and which announces prepared pasta food. The aesthetics of the advertisement has achieved the primary purpose of using this type of resource, that is, that something that we know is not happening draws our attention powerfully. An important resource that has been used is the camera, because it only plays with the woman's semi-mouth and frontal shot, without being able to discover what she is eating. For almost ten seconds the scene continues without us being able to catch a glimpse of the advertised product, although to make matters worse the woman is eating it with a certain background sound that is strikingly powerful. (see CD).


As we have already mentioned, the companies in the sector, especially those that make prevention products against sexually transmitted diseases (condoms), have evolved in their way of making the product known and disseminating it to as many people as possible, emphasizing in recent years the concern for such diseases, risks, and prevention methods, in addition to achieving greater recognition of the brand in society. To exemplify, we will discuss the communication planning carried out by the Durex company, based on a report that it made to more than 10,000 people from 14 different countries.

Two stages were considered in said campaign. In a first phase, a global Durex survey on sex 2000 was conducted, with a launch of the results of the study on a global scale, organizing press conferences for the presentation of the survey in the capitals of the 14 countries in which the poll. In September 2000, the results of the survey carried out in Spain were presented in Madrid through a press conference to which all the social media (written press, radio and television) were summoned. The study included some unique questions for each country to make it more attractive and representative in each one where it was carried out. Thus in Spain the local questions were the famous most sexually desired by the Spanish, deducing that Miguel Bosé,Antonio Banderas and Alejandro Sanz are the most desired characters by the Spanish and Penélope Cruz, Judith Mascó and Aitana Sánchez Gijón are the famous favorites by the Spanish.

On the other hand, a very extensive media plan was carried out, with special attention to the health, weekend, magazines and supplements sections as well as the society area. Likewise, specialized magazines in medicine and nursing were convened, with the aim of reaching all the relevant national media, in the written press, radio and television, to reach more than 95% of the potential audience. Special mention was also made of the results in Spain and different press releases were prepared, especially three, a first one addressed to the media in general, another for the magazines of the heart, in which the famous / famous were made known most sexually desired in Spain, and a third more specialized for more scientific media,preparing a colorful computer presentation of the results with a spectacular audiovisual display to make it more attractive. Subsequently, the press call was carefully organized, sending the invitations a week in advance to the respective media as well as calling each of the media called two days before to confirm their attendance, which highlights the importance they attribute companies to relations with the media, mainly in what refers to the social image.sending the invitations a week in advance to the respective media as well as calling each one of the media called two days before to confirm their attendance, which highlights the importance these companies attribute to media relations, fundamentally regarding the social image.sending the invitations a week in advance to the respective media as well as calling each one of the media called two days before to confirm their attendance, which highlights the importance these companies attribute to media relations, fundamentally regarding the social image.

For this call, the spokespersons were specifically trained with message handling techniques and standard questions and answers. A spokesperson training course was held for various representatives of ICO laboratories to act as spokespersons for the Durex brand in the various radio and television interviews requested. The use of an accredited person, especially a medical specialist, manages to reinforce the guarantees of quality and correctness of the product, based on the emotional motivations that if someone with sufficient credibility tells us about the benefits of the product, we assume them to be true, lending them greater confidence in it and its use.

In a second phase, those responsible for the marketing department took advantage of the celebration of World AIDS Day on December 1 to make known to the social media a second part of the survey, this time more focused on clinical and health aspects, with the intention of providing information on the knowledge, prevention and development of AIDS, with the same scheme that had been used for the presentation of the results of the general study, or what is the same, using press conferences, looking for a massive diffusion of the messages, as well as to serve as reinforcement for the recognition of the brand,deducing in the studies that the use of the Durex brand was the best method of protection against this and other sexually transmitted diseases and as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

The consequences of this public relations campaign, carried out worldwide, exceeded all the expectations that had been placed in it, widely achieving the objectives that had been defined at the beginning of it. Firstly, the recognition of the brand improved greatly, especially due to the patronage that it had been accompanied in certain acts related to AIDS, since it carried out an information campaign about it in African countries, with the free distribution of its products.. On the other hand, indirectly, an increase in sales was achieved, and in terms of advertising effectiveness, spectacular media coverage was achieved, obtaining more than 540 press insertions, where almost half specifically mentioned "Durex:more than 400 appearances in the written press and almost 150 appearances on different television channels ”.

Consequently, the example we have just described meets all the necessary conditions for public relations to become a more effective instrument than advertising, since advertising of these types of sensitive products causes greater irritation among consumers, and may even lead to to be annoying. Hence, with this type of studies aimed at society, the aim is to obtain the trust of the audiences to which it is addressed, based on a positive and favorable opinion that predisposes to acquire the products, with an exquisite selection of heterogeneous audiences. those who were directed, with that correct combination of the different means of communication available, together with that less subtle message than the one pursued with the advertisements.

Continuing with the communication campaign they had defined, they also did not forget the campaigns based on television spots. Thus in 2001 they produced the following advertisement (see image). In this ad it is observed how a boy, who has stayed with a girl, punctually goes to his appointment but he does not come alone, but he is accompanied by millions of friends, this is scientifically the sperm, which when seeing the innocent girl They shoot towards the girl's body, passing over him, but they are not aware that the boy uses the brand that is advertised, so they are detained inside a gigantic condom.


In order to broaden the use that is made in the forms of communication on the subject of eroticism, we will cover two typical cases of less massive communication, such as promotion and direct marketing, which, just as when dealing with public relations, we will apply to cases concrete.

Regarding sales promotion, the company that we will analyze is "Control", which carries out short-term activities, usually one week aimed at consumers, through material incentives, more specifically the gift of one of its products (free sample), in order to try to stimulate demand. In more detail, the promotion is planned in such a way that they use people, promoters, locating them in "strategic" places, related to the potential public that can buy their products, which means that there is greater selectivity regarding the use of the advertising. These promoters are located at the access gates to universities, institutes, in the early hours of work on transport, etc. The promoter, who has free samples,It is delivered as people get closer to it, but unlike other products, hardly any communication is made about the characteristics of the product. So for example in the case of products aimed at intimate care of women if these clarifications occur.

Possibly what is achieved with this is to position the brand of the product in the minds of consumers, seeking the ultimate goal of customer loyalty in the sense that by making the product known through the free sample they can know how it works, from so that when they require its use, do not hesitate to choose that brand. However, the problem they encounter is, as always, the insensitivity of consumers to the development of this type of actions, making it very difficult to change a person's behavior regarding their consumption habits of a given brand..

Another of the promotions that this company carried out was in 1989 when, with the sale of their boxes of 20 units, they gave away a keychain which was designed with shapes that adapted to the dimensions of the product, in such a way that in a unit could be inserted inside it. In this case, the promotion consisted, clearly, of a gift, which is another of the sales promotion instruments they play with. Other years that it carried out to promote itself was, in more advanced years, offering raffles consisting of trips to exotic countries, including Cuba, Bali, etc., which was accessed through a coupon that was inside the product box.

Regarding direct marketing, it is also used in the sector, especially through the use of the Internet as a communication and distribution channel. The company that we analyze is “Condomi”, which is in charge of selling condoms to give away through the Internet, the characteristic of that company being that it is a franchise network exclusively for this product, which constitutes a differential element with respect to competition. The company has establishments throughout Europe offering high quality products, since condoms have ISO9003 quality certificates and are manufactured according to the European Standard EN600, in addition to being individually controlled by electronic test.

The typical characteristics of this service include seriousness and above all discretion, in the sense that they take the product to any address you choose in such a way that the content of the package is not known, due to the shape of the package, what the client can be sure that no one will know what they are buying.

On the other hand, another direct marketing action, although this time using the telephone as a means of communication (telemarketing) is the one used by the companies that sell the sector in our country. These normally use newspapers both national and local circulation, to insert their messages on the contact pages, also offering us their phone number. In most cases, once we get in contact with the company, it collects our phone number, being the ones in charge of returning our call, among other reasons, to verify that it is truly us, and that it will make the order firmly with the effective payment of the same. However to attract attention, they insert their message with large characters normally in the middle of the page,with bombastic slogans such as the company Con Don, in which our attention is demanded with two bells or the company Universida, with a more striking slogan: "Don't fuck without condoms".

Returning to the Internet issue, the advertising that we find there, in the banners or likes, in many of their cases are related to sex. For example, if we go to a page to download music files (for example imesh), we get hundreds of links that lead us to pages related to eroticism, although there are even occasions when we indiscriminately receive advertising, without having requested it of pages related to the topic, taking refuge in the still weak legal structure of authority that dominates the network. The fundamental characteristic of advertising on the Internet is the use of direct images, in the sense that what we can find on the page that is being announced is openly displayed.


For many years, freedom has been absent on television, although currently, certain measures adopted by the government in 2000 have brought a return to the restrictions of yesteryear, regarding the emission of certain sexual content. In other words, we are referring to the traditional white diamonds that flooded Spanish television at the time of the 70s and 80s. These diamonds were a communication code, which was known to all and which consisted of the recommendation to watch a certain program or another depending on its contents, so if no diamonds appeared, the program could be seen by all members of the family unit, whereas if a single diamond appeared, people under thirteen were excluded from the program,reserving the two diamonds for people over eighteen years of age considering that in said space or film the images could damage the sensitivity of the viewer by containing violent images, bad taste or high sexual content. These conditions are due, on the one hand, to the values ​​and Spanish culture of the time, as well as the restrictive approaches of the political regime that governed the country at that time.

With regard to television in the area of ​​sex programs, it is worth noting the figure of the Chicho Ibáñez Serrador contest program "Un Dos Tres respond una otra", as it was one of the first programs on Spanish television in which hostesses were used They were dressed provocatively for that time, this being one of the keys to the success of the contest since it offered something that viewers were not used to seeing on television. However, censorship appeared bluntly measuring the size of the skirts of the hostesses of the contest itself, which gives a vision of total puritanism and control over any element that posed a danger to the values ​​and morality of Spanish society, being those hostesses declared by the censorship as "extraordinary talking thighs".On the other hand, another of the mythical television series in the 1980s was the police series "Kojak", which was not exempt from the moral codes that still governed television, and which was both impressed by the two diamonds at the start of their broadcasts.

For a series of years until the year 2000, it was not necessary for any television to have to indicate in any of its spaces or movies for whom it was intended or recommended for consumption, until in 2000 one of the proposals that were included in the Television Law, the so-called "Television Without Borders", which more or less implicitly recommended a return to the diamond system, although this time in a more modern and updated way to the new values, customs and content from the television. Thus, in the movies, whatever channel they broadcast, with the exception of digital platforms, they have the obligation to indicate which is the suitable target audience for that film, while the obligation is also introduced in entertainment programs.The new code is formed by circles and squares, which form a kind of traffic light, as regards the combination of colors. The green color is that which refers to all audiences that are over seven years old, the orange color is attributed to those over the age of thirteen, reserving the red color for those over eighteen, accompanied not only by the icon but of a particular tune.

On the other hand, recovering the issue of advertising, censorship has also intervened, the last case in which its appearance has been revealed, the television spot for the album "Ministry of Sound", in which a series of boys is observed and girls whose characteristic is that they dance showing their attributes but facing television are eliminated by a band. However, the CD we have attached has the uncensored version. Another of the most important censorship interventions was the one that in 1980 the Spanish Association of Television Viewers and Listeners (ERT) took an important step in order to banish once and for all the erotic and pornographic content on Spanish television.The way to achieve this was by boycotting any advertiser who contracted their ads in spaces of an erotic pornographic nature, in order to protect the defenseless citizen, who according to said association was besieged by messages, dialogues, or images of this nature, which They ended up "invading the privacy of their living room." This type of actions to defend the users of the media was also carried out in many countries.

To finish, it is worth noting the great impact of the arrival in 1993 of Sogecable with its television channel Canal Plus SA, which for the first time on Spanish television broadcast pornographic films on Friday nights, becoming a classic on the private channel, assuming a revolution in the media regarding the topic we are dealing with. However, the other private televisions also attacked for this issue and so in 1991 the also recently launched Tele 5 network opted for a rather high-pitched contest for that time which was titled “Ay que calor” which was rated by critics as a festive program where the "chin-chin girls" with their indisputable charms drove more than one crazy.


The conclusions that can be drawn from this work is that the use of eroticism in advertising has undergone an evolution, with the way advertising itself has evolved, and most importantly, the values ​​of society, which have become more tolerant and open to new ways of understanding messages, going from that very subtle and highly criticized use, in addition to considering it immoral to a situation in which it is received without suspicion by professionals and by society itself.

On the other hand, most companies use it, whether or not they advertise related products, which indicates that their use has to benefit them, in the sense that it achieves several objectives, both that of increasing sales or remembering the existence of the brand, as well as positioning the company's image favorably, although this can only be achieved if the way in which we use erotic-related advertising is correct, not unpleasant, and attracts attention elegantly, with music and well-kept scenes, being one of the resources that are being used the most, mixing the ads with humor.

Finally, the use of eroticism is basically nothing more than the demonstration of a lack of creative capacity, that is to say, any type of publicity that directly threatens morals and good customs cannot be produced. When someone uses images or phrases that are excessively allusive to sex, it must be borne in mind that there is a sector of the public that does not approve of it and that, unconsciously, rejects the ad and therefore is the first to be eliminated when it comes to having to drink. a purchase decision on the same product between different brands. In other words, although the practice is accepted, it is also not convenient for it to be used massively, since it should not be forgotten that there are many other resources that are capable of attracting more attention to consumers,without always having to resort to scenes that we have described in all this work.

  • Summary of the report of complaints of sexist advertising collected by the Observatory of Non-Sexist Advertising of the Women's Institute. Year 1998. www.mtas.es/mujer/http://diht.vitnet.com.sg/taf/condomi/html http://www.eck.com/publicidadysexo#3.htm http: //www.latercera.com / Chile La Tercera_ COCODRILO_ Sex in advertising.htmhttp: //www.todospots.comhttp: //www.anuncios.comhttp: //www.facua.comhttp: //www.elrellano.comDÁVARA, Alicia, (1998), “Campaign Durex: sex always news”, IPMARK Magazine nº 501, March 16-31, page 63, Madrid. DE LA RICA, Enrique, “Subliminal Advertising”, www.eseune.edu/PROTEGIDO/subind.htmDEL PINO, Ángel (1989): “How to laugh at sex in advertising ”, Madrid. Ed. Papagayo.FERRER ROSELLO, Clemente, "Hidden Persuasion", (1998), Madrid, Edimarco Editorial, pp. 97-102.FERRER ROSELLO, Clemente, “Subliminal Advertising”, (2000), Madrid, Edimarco Editorial, pp. 93-107.GARCÍA JERÉZ, Ángel; CRECENTE ROMERO, Fernando J, 2001, “Interactive CD on Mobile Sociological Analysis”, Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá.GARCÍA MANTILLA, “Subliminal: written in our brain” (1990), Bitácora editorial, San Fernando de Henares, Madrid. Law 34,General Advertising Law, of November 11, 1988, articles 1 to 8.MAQUA, Javier (1995): "Kojak against the two diamonds", in History of democracy, the adventure of freedom, Madrid. Ed. The World, pgs. 262-263.MOULINÉ GOLOVART, Marcial (1988): “Talk about ethics, erotics and rape”, Conference of the Complutense University of Madrid.MOURINHO, Fernando (1999): “The European vein: what are the businesses that succeed in European Union and how to adapt to the Spanish market ”, in Entrepreneurs, section“ Good Ideas ”, pages. 100-106. Madrid.PALOMINO, Ángel, “Advertising is not a matter of legs”, (1990) conference in Córdoba of the Spanish Association of advertisers. PERUCHO, Juan, “La smile de Eros” (1968), Barcelona, ​​Ed. Taber DLPARRO, Alicia; PÉREZ, Pilar (2000): “Sex: the great temptation of advertising”,in Capital Marketing section (November), Madrid, pages. 82-83. Editorial. Gyj.REINARES LARA, Pedro and FERNÁNDEZ CALVO, Sergio, Commercial Communication Management, Editorial McGraw-Hill, 1999, Madrid, CD-Rom, chapter 2. SANTESMASES MESTRE, Miguel (1999): “Marketing, concepts and strategies”. Ed. Pirámide, 4th edition, Madrid

De la Rica, Enrique, "Subliminal Advertising", available at www.eseune.edu/PROTEGIDO/subind.htm

Summary taken from the complaints made before said body. Available at www.mtas.es/mujer

Dávara, Alicia, "Durex Campaign: Sex always news", IPMark Magazine, nº 501.

MAQUA, Javier (1995): "Kojak against the two diamonds", in History of democracy, the adventure of freedom, Madrid. Ed. The World, pgs. 262-263.

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