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Telecommuting. new ways of working


Currently, the use of information and communication technologies for work purposes is a reality that has reached the labor markets of the countries and that is part of the labor trends of the population. However, in general, there is a lack or various peculiarities with respect to official statistics on telework. The ways of working and working organization have changed a lot in recent years. Globalization, the internationalization of capital, technology and the knowledge society have left behind ancient methods of carrying out tasks.Years ago, it was unthinkable that a worker could work from his home, a library, a bar, even providing services in a region or country where he was not physically located. It is reasonable to start by pointing out then, that teleworking will imply a change in the paradigm prevailing previously, which will impact labor relations, labor law and human resource management. It is in this sense that teleworking also becomes an instrument that will allow social and labor inclusion, allowing to settle in the work culture.

According to the Framework Agreement of the European Union "Telework is a form of organization and / or performance of work, using information technology in the framework of a contract or an employment relationship, in which a job that could also be carried out in the premises of the company is carried out outside these premises on a regular basis ". It could be said that teleworking is a way of organizing work done remotely and with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in the worker's home or in another, but as long as it is a home other than the from the employer. The definition of telework has had various variations over time and the place in which it developed, for example, in the European Union Convention on Telework (Brussels, 2002), the phenomenon of telework was defined as:“The term telework, whose definition has historically posed various difficulties, is stated in the agreement to refer to work in which ICT is used and which is carried out regularly outside the employer's premises. Therefore, the new agreement covers numerous “mobile” or itinerant workers, as well as those who carry out their activity at home ”.

The Telework Convention tries to give some good practice guidelines so that the process does not go to the detriment of decent work and the quality of employment. Some of these recommendations focused on guaranteeing that teleworking tends to be a voluntary practice and allows the return of the teleworking population to traditional labor practices, providing equal rights and conditions to workers under this modality compared to workers in traditional forms of work, being a provider of the technologies necessary for the proper development of telework, being a means to work under the relevant standards and requirements in terms of privacy and information protection,guarantee the access and permanence of the teleworking population to social protection systems and maintain the ethics that should characterize the dynamics of the labor market.

At this point it is important to highlight that the personal characteristics of the workers who are going to perform telework must be evaluated, as well as their superiors, the home where they will telework, the reasons why the worker accesses telework,the type of tasks to be carried out and the characteristics of the communications and information that will be involved. It is worth highlighting the relevance of this work methodology, since it generates multiple benefits for the worker, such as the indirect salary increase for savings in per diem and meals, improvement in food, the possibility of sharing more time with the family, healthier life, reduction of absenteeism and the possibility of allowing the inclusion of people with disabilities. For the organization, for its part, it allows cost savings in offices, maintenance, taxes, etc., while for the community, the benefits derive from saving energy and less pollution, among others.

The main difference that will exist with home work will be configured by the use of computers and telecommunications at workand the fact that it will be able to be used for all kinds of traditional professions or new professions, because the only thing that will differentiate it will be the workplace, without neglecting that not all types of work, as well as all workers will be able to join teleworking. This new concept will fundamentally focus on those hours spent at work, instead of hours at work and will represent a decrease in travel times to workplaces and in idle times. In addition to what has been proposed, it will be able to be used by people with physical limitations, even those staying in another country, since the work is done remotely, and may be at home, a café, hotel, etc.An outstanding aspect, in addition to the selection of candidates to incorporate into telework, is the training and training of the resources involved in the methodology. This system will allow the organization to obtain competitive advantages and forms a way of structuring the organization itself, making it more flexible and oriented to the needs of the workers.

For the success of teleworking, it is necessary that certain minimum requirements are present, such as principally, that work is carried out by objectives, that the results are evaluated, that the organization and worker adapt their procedures and the organization of work to new needs, that the information technology and that the telecommunications and work environment of the worker is adequate and access to the organization's information is allowed. Thus, there are certain principles that must be considered for the purposes of implementing the telework system.Estos se pueden enumerar como la voluntariedad, la igualdad de trato con el resto de los trabajadores, la aplicabilidad de la libertad sindical, la modalidad mixta con distribución del tiempo de trabajo y los requerimientos de prevención en materia de seguridad e higiene.Joining this system, however, does not mean staying there indefinitely, either party may decide to return to the face-to-face system for various reasons (not getting used to the work methodology, solution of the particular situation that motivated teleworking, etc.). An important issue to consider is the documentation of teleworking, since when there is a change in the organization and in the usual way of working, it is advisable to leave documentation of the work relationship in addition (issues such as hours, place of work, etc..).

Among the fundamental differences with the traditional and face-to-face work model, in which work and private life is differentiated, in telework the employee and his superior will have to know how to delimit what private life represents from work life.Likewise, in face-to-face work the use of computer and communication technology is not always necessary, when in telework they represent indispensable tools. Another necessary condition is the fulfillment of the result within the established deadlines, which although this is contemplated in the face-to-face work, this stands out for being of the supervised type and through defined processes and oriented to the fulfillment of tasks. Additionally, teleworking should assume responsibilities in a self-managed job with its own controls.

In particular, teleworking is carried out individually, coordinating distributed teams. In this way, for supervisors, hierarchical superiors, managers or managers of telework, the new modality implies a change in the traditional ways of exercising their functions, interacting and communicating, since direct control disappears and mechanisms must be designed to control the chores. Among the main conditions and characteristics that they must meet is confidence in their subordinates, new and necessary communication skills, motivational skills, ability and flexibility for a reasonable use of time, feedback and advice on the development of the task and fundamentally vision oriented to achieving results.

The teleworker (that is, that worker who works remotely) must have certain qualities and characteristics among which it is worth noting, beyond their professional capacity, the ability to assume responsibilities and make decisions in the self-managed work environment, having to observe guidelines internal control in their tasks, as well as the ability to define the person's working life. Their personal attributes should have an adequate level of self-esteem, motivation, discipline and systematization, self-criticism, perseverance and a proactive attitude,a positive attitude towards change and being a collaborative agent with the capacity for initiative. They must have a series of key competences that are grouped into techniques (use of information and communication technologies), organization (work by results and objectives) and relational (linked to individual interconnected work).

Among the group of workers who especially benefit from teleworking, people with disabilities stand out, mainly by reducing costs over the traditional modality, as well as possible problems derived from group work, self-esteem, flexibility of hours and solution of displacement problems. It also represents a possibility for future mothers, mothers with small children or mother head of the family, attentive to the advantages that the system provides from economic to social by strengthening the family bond and its structuring with work.

It should be noted, however, that telework is sometimes unregulated in part of the labor markets, creating some disadvantages for workers.These include labor isolation, deterioration of relative wages and exclusion from social protection systems. An analysis of issues related to rights and obligations in the digital age, government open data policies, the promotion of strategies to promote telework, the use of new technologies in areas of public security, among other aspects, is also a priority.. Contributions to caring for the environment, improving organization, reducing vehicular traffic, saving fuel and non-renewable energy resources, and less incidence of vehicular accidents are pointed out as positive aspects in the social sphere.

There are different aspects to take into account, among which are:

  • From a strategic point of view, teleworking introduces competitive advantages, along with technological innovation, giving organizations flexibility as well as reducing their costs. However, measures of surveillance, safeguarding and control of sensitive information must be adopted by the employer. From the organizational aspect, there are different versions and ways of teleworking, but all of them will incorporate changes in the organization and its structure., hierarchical relationships and work methodologies. From the economic point of view, the fundamental aspect has been highlighted in the reduction of costs for both the employee, the company and the global advantages for the community. From the technological point of view, its use should be promoted,update its development and generate constant updating in employees and superiors. From the management of human resources, there will be a change in relationships, in the culture of the organization and in its values, which should be reflected in its vision From the social point of view, it collaborates with the reduction of labor conflicts, improves working conditions and family environments.

Thus stated, the concern of companies and organizations is growing, in keeping in mind the social responsibility of organizations, vis-à-vis the people and communities that demand to be heard in their needs and the impacts that their actions produce.. For example, the state sector should not seek to improve competitiveness, but rather offer a better quality of the services offered and be closer to the needs and demands of citizens.

To the extent that its progress and implementation impact on labor relations and business organization, it is necessary to define the regulatory frameworks where it is developed. Given that this modality transversally affects various activities, there are particularities that must be regulated, mainly through collective labor agreements, taking into account respect for the principle of equal treatment.It is clear that the worker must meet certain requirements, such as, among others (the profile will depend on the type and level of the tasks to be teleworked), autonomy, ability to organize their time, commitment to the organization, ability to interpersonal communication mediated by technology. and professional technical mastery. Therefore, not all people are suitable for teleworking and not all jobs can be incorporated into this modality.

Among the aspects that should be taken into consideration as risks, it is primarily presented the fact of preventing it from becoming an unregistered form of work or that it encourages labor fraud under this modality. For this, it should be incorporated into the body of rules that govern the employment relationship, to guarantee in this way to the worker and the employer the same rights and obligations as for the rest of the workers who do not telework. Likewise, there should be labor guarantees regarding wages and working hours, union and with respect to equal treatment and non-discrimination, social security and health. Additionally, access to education and training must be regulated, an aspect of the utmost importance, such as respect for privacy and worker privacy.

Bibliography consulted:

  • Good practice manual on teleworking. ILO. 2011. Guide of recommendations and good practices for promoting telework. Junta de Andalucía. Spain: An approach to the measurement of telework: Evidence from some Latin American countries. Marta Sánchez Galvis. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. CEPAL. ELAC2015 Working Groups Meeting. Santiago de Chile. Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security. Coordination of Teleworking. Work Plan 2013-2015 for the implementation of the Action Plan on the information and knowledge society for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2015).
Telecommuting. new ways of working