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The seller is the image of the company


Although the pre-sale, sale and after-sales process is decisive to finalize the sale of the product or service offered, when it comes to public image it is the sale, and specifically the seller, the moment and the crucial actor where everything is at stake: perception, persuasion, credibility and reputation.

Much has been written about the importance of companies, entrepreneurs, leaders, entrepreneurs paying attention to the key moments, the crucial factors to make sales work more effective to meet customer expectations.

When supposed "image consultants", "financial advisors", "corporate advisors" influence entrepreneurs and middle managers to make changes or improvements, they do so in the line of "improving the computer program, making the facilities beautiful, putting uniform on it employees and vendors, train the latter to better manage products, the famous diversification, etc., etc., etc. "

But I continue to see in small businesses, formal companies and large industries that although all these cosmetic conditions improve, THEY DO NOT FOCUS ON WHAT THE DECISIVE FACTOR REALLY IS TO MAKE THE SALE: the seller.

Yes, the very nice facilities, the design of its materials passed through the hands of designers and advertisers, the computer program is effective and is "interconnected to take better control", but I still see dull faces, distracted vendors, self-services in which They do not know how to treat the customer, improvements in customer service but it is contrasted with a deterioration in the quality of service.

This to mention a few things.

That is, at the time of the personal exchange or it is not convincing, or sometimes yes and sometimes no, or some sellers yes and others no, or in some branches yes and others no, or there is a moment of sale or customer service in The one that the seller does something or does nothing and as a customer I am left with a bad taste in my mouth that prevents me from having total satisfaction.

What I am referring to is that companies do not have designed the set of verbal and non-verbal stimuli necessary to know at what moment the satisfaction and credibility of the client is decided for the construction of their CORPORATE IMAGE.

To have all this defined, the development of a Strategic Public Image System is needed to define the actions that the company or person will take to build a positive perception or idea of ​​the product or service that is being offered and acquired.

There is no use advertising, marketing, graphic design, audiovisual productions that are created to attract the customer if at the moment of truth, the moment you meet with your sales or customer service representative they receive it With a long face, he does not look, he says the instructions wrong, and all this sends a set of negative stimuli that show dissatisfaction and apathy for what the seller does, emotional factors that are transmitted at the speed of light to customers.

It is no use that there is an after-sales system in place if, when asking the customer if he is satisfied with the product or service, he says no and there is no verbal and action proactivity on the part of the company in paying or compensating him. tangibly, with something concrete, the failure incurred by the company.

At the end of the day, the seller turns out to be the public face of the company, a person who through his voice, face, body and ear will let the customer know how important he was, who he is and who he will be in the future when he considers returning to purchase the product or service, or recommend it.

Remember: perception, persuasion, credibility and reputation are in the hands of those who face the customer. Do what is necessary to improve their personal and professional image and this will result in consolidating the corporate image of your company.

The seller is the image of the company