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Elaboration of tourist options in travel agencies

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The development that tourism activity in Cuba has achieved, based on the potential of natural resources and the socio-cultural characteristics of the country, has made it a fundamental sphere in the economy, both due to the volume of income it generates and to making other activities more dynamic. of the national economy.

However, the positive impacts of tourism from the economic point of view should not be overvalued, but rather studied and even analyzed the limitations that arise in the process itself to achieve higher results.

One of the elements that has taken hold in our tourism system is the offer by the receptive Travel Agencies of Optional Tourism; which allows tourists to find a wide range of options to use their free time, raise their level of satisfaction and this in turn results in better economic results for the country.

The importance of the study of the subject lies in the need to apply in Cuba and especially in the territory, marketing techniques that eliminate improvisation in relation to the development of new products and that improve the effectiveness of this process through a systematic logical ordering..

This work analyzes some of the receptive Travel Agencies of the Cubatur, Cubanacán and Gaviotatur territory that works in close connection with them and operates in the main hotels in the province. These Agencies offer a series of services, among them the so-called tourist options, of which we can mention: Santa Clara - Remedios; Colonial Trinidad; Topes, Nature and Adventure, Habana Overnight; Excursion to Villa Las Brujas.

As a result of the Strategic Diagnosis carried out, it was learned that currently in the agencies of our province, there is no procedure created to serve as the basis for the design of new tourist options.

Considering this fact and as a result of the bibliographic review carried out, a procedure has been developed that starts from analyzing the objectives of each of the institutions involved in the realization of an optional and its common points, going through the analysis of the market situation, the conception of new ideas and their selection, up to the creation and launch of the product and the necessary and constant feedback.

For the development of this procedure we start from the analysis of a table that compares various methodologies for product design such as those of Kotler, Malisani, Schnard, Lambin, Martínez and Martín, arriving at a consensus of all the stages that are necessary for the design of a product. This laid the foundations to formulate the different phases that must compose the procedure for the specific case of a tourist option in a Travel Agency. In addition, a very important factor was taken into account the experience that has existed so far in the development of this activity, in the Travel Agencies studied.

The proposed procedure is explained below and can be seen in outline form at the end.

Objectives: All procedures must start from analyzing the objectives. In the case of the tourist options, these are offered to clients who visit the hotels and, therefore, not only the objectives of the agencies that offer them must be taken into consideration, but they must also be compatible with the objectives of the different hotel facilities in the territory. and other entities involved.

Market Research: It is carried out to find out which markets are available, that is, towards which markets the supply can be directed; what are the current needs, tastes, preferences of these markets. It should be borne in mind that the attraction to the same option may vary from one market segment to another.

Idea generation: It involves a systematic search for new ideas to generate tourist options.

Based on what has already been analyzed a tourism product includes the attractions, the infrastructure, the production structure, and the superstructure. Therefore, the ideas generated must be structured so that they include these elements. Internal sources can be used to generate ideas, that is, those of the Agency and the external environment.

It is important to consider the fact that the tourist wants, above all, to live experiences that are memorable. Furthermore, we must always try to show the identity of our people, our customs, traditions, that is, our culture.

Sieving: It involves a process of reduction, of selection of ideas, by means of which those that are not viable or poor are eliminated, either because they are not compatible with the image and objectives of the company, or because they do not have the necessary resources to undertake such an idea. In other words, screening includes a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility study. It is an evaluation of a market opportunity.

In the case of tourist options, the following filter questions should be asked:

• Is the idea compatible with the Agency's objectives, resources and image?

• Does the idea not contradict the objectives of the different hotel facilities and other entities involved?

• Based on accumulated experience, could this idea be attractive to potential customers?

• Is it possible to coordinate all the necessary actions with the different facilities?

Product concept: It consists of a detailed description of the idea of ​​the tourist option, detailing it in terms that have meaning for the consumer: place whether rural, urban or maritime; duration time, which must include a time of rest, recreation and some stops; route that must be in a circuit avoiding repeating the path, always showing new attractions; type of transport; entertainment and fun; feeding conditions; etc.

The optional must have a central component that creates the highest expectations and that revolves around the thematic content of the optional; managing to balance it, so that there are no abrupt descents or ascents during the journey.

The Concept Test involves checking how the product concept is interpreted and evaluated, discussing with the tourist guides and tour operators about clarity of the concept, distinction of benefits, credibility of the same, possible improvements, possibility and intention to purchase, price, etc. At this stage, different optional concept alternatives can be developed, also to be verified through the Test, from where the best designed concept will be selected. Also in this phase new ideas may emerge or existing ones can be corrected.

Marketing Strategy and Economic Analysis: Once the Proof of Concept is passed, a tentative commercial strategy for the product must be developed, that is, the target market must be described, the possible positioning of the product that implies looking for any significant difference from the optional and which must generally be an attraction, whether natural, artificial or human, on which the promotion of this product should be based.

In addition, a forecast of sales and benefits for the estimated life of the product must be carried out. Likewise, a forecast of the possible evolution of the price should be made.

In the economic analysis, firstly, the equilibrium point of the tourist option must be determined, that is, the minimum quantity necessary to sell to cover the costs; then the possible benefits, the growth potential, risk analysis, etc.

Customer Test: As it is not possible in this case to develop a prototype of the product or preliminary versions of it to test in the target market, a more complete and accurate customer test is prepared that can include audiovisual images (videos and photographs, etc.) to check with potential consumers if the product will finally be accepted. Otherwise it returns to the idea generation phase.

Product development: It is the phase of elaboration of the agreements between the Agency and the different facilities; where all the contacts and coordination are established.

In this phase it is very important to analyze each of the services required by the optional: restoration, transportation, guidance, recreational facilities, among others; taking care that the quality of the services is at the height of the stars, that is, of the quality of the services they receive at the hotel where they are staying and for which they paid a good price; the professionalism of the guides can determine the success or failure of the optional; Hygiene is also a fundamental factor for tourists that should not be neglected at any time from the optional one and finally that the excursion is capable of transmitting the identity, the uniqueness of the tourist destination.

Also in this phase the planning is carried out (purchase, marketing, sale plans, etc.).

Launch and commercialization: If the results have been satisfactory in all the previous stages, the product is finally launched on the market. For this, decisions must be made about the most opportune moment to produce the launch and the different strategies of: Distribution, Price and Communication must be carried out.

Feedback: It is the feedback process, follow-up of the optional. For this, it is recommended to carry out a survey of clients and specialized personnel in order to know the degree of knowledge, satisfaction of the optional, etc. and to the facilities involved to know if the part of the agreement that was assigned to it is being carried out correctly, the degree of satisfaction that the optional provides, that is, from the point of view of the benefits it provides, etc.

It is also important to periodically review the operation of the optional, making the necessary changes or reforms and always looking for new attractions for tourists.

Outline of the proposed procedure

Source: self made


1. Acerenza Miguel Ángel (1997): Travel Agencies. Organization and Operation. Editorial Trillas, Mexico.

2. Cárdenas Tabares Fabio (1995): Tourist Product. Trillas, Mexico.

3. Kotler Philip (1992) Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, Hispanoamericana SA, Mexico.

4. Lambin Jean-Jacques (1997): Strategic Marketing. Mc Graw Hill, Spain.

5. Malisani Carlos María (1975): Development of new consumer products. Editorial Librería Nutre, Buenos Aires.

6. Martín Pérez Aleida (2000): “International tourism statistically analyzed”. Evolution and Trends Magazine of the Tourism Industry. Editorial Havana, Cuba.

7. Martín Ramón, Rodríguez Ricardo, Ayala Héctor (2003): Basic Texts of Tourism Theory and Practice.

8. Martín Fernández Ramón (2003): Foundations of Tourism. EAEHT.

9. Perelló Cabrera José Luis (2001): Development and Promotion of Tourist Products. CETUR, Havana.

10. Pérez Puig Albert (1995): The World Book of Travel Agents. Travel agency. Editorial Alertes, Madrid.

11. Santesmases Mestre Miguel (1999): Marketing: Concept and Strategies. Ediciones Pirámide SA Madrid.

12. Schnard Kinberg Alejandro (1990): New product. Mc Graw Hill, Bogotá.

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Elaboration of tourist options in travel agencies