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Preparation of the menu in food and gastronomy services

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The word menu comes from a French adjective that means small, therefore, a menu is a reduction of what a person will consume, sometimes describing the ingredients of the dish. The history of the menu dates back to the Middle Ages, however, its objectives have always been and will be the same; offer diners the dishes or preparations offered in a food service, either private or public.

In a food system, the elaboration of the menu is one of the strongest pillars to lead the service to success. The tastes and preferences shown by diners depend on it, in addition to the investment of time, money and effort made by the staff to carry out the preparations.

When preparing the menus, you should always take into account many points that are essential in selecting the types of customers to whom the establishment is directed, taking into account from the region where it is located and even the ages of the customers.

The requirements that are taken into account when planning a menu are shown in detail below.

Preparation of a menu in a food service

In a food system, the menu is the primary product of the marketing subsystem, it consists of a list of food and / or dishes that are part of a meal. It is the starting point of all food services, since it directly and indirectly affects all activities, since based on it, the food necessary for the preparation of dishes is bought, stored and produced, in addition to providing the necessary health care. In addition, through this the budget and the equipment required by the staff are established.

Menu planning is not such a simple task and it is best if it is carried out by trained personnel, since a series of characteristics must be taken into account, such as:

  1. Good knowledge about nutrition, in order to obtain better nutrients from them. Knowledge of the culture of the region where it is found in addition to the foods available in it. Preferences in the tastes of customers and not in their own. An excellent taste on the flavors, smells and textures of each food, distinguishing each one perfectly. Artistic ability, that is, providing the client with a striking and appetizing presentation of the dishes. Training for the correct use of techniques and equipment during food preparation.Taking into account food costs, thus providing good prices to the customer.Ability to treat staff not only in the kitchen but throughout the establishment.Taste to work in the preparation of food,without being so affected by inconveniences, such as the smell of food and possible stains on clothes.

For all this, planning the menu is a long process, even when its design and content have already been decided, once ready for use, it requires periodic reviews, because of the costs (either lower or higher costs). of inputs) as well as the need for renewal in the face of possible competition.

During its preparation, the client must always be taken into account at all times, therefore, before getting ready, it is convenient to carry out an investigation of the location area, to know which dishes will sell better and which ones will not, or how they prefer them. customers, and analyze how often renovations should be, as tastes and prices vary constantly. Similarly, knowing which foods are in greatest demand in the area. And most importantly, take into account the type of clientele they want to attract, for example, if the food is gourmet, the customers will be different from traditional cuisine. Well, consumer satisfaction is the main objective of a menu.

Objectives and policies in menu planning

When preparing a menu it is necessary to fulfill several objectives, of which, mainly they are:

  • Pleasing customers. This being the main one, because if all the others are not met, they would not make sense. Meeting the nutritional needs of the users. For this reason, it is important to know how to combine foods, in order to better obtain the nutrients of each meal. Adjust the prices within the establishment's budget and location area. Determine the activities proposed by various activities in each area. Create an attractive image from the menu, with real images of the dishes, attracting the customer's attention and appetite.

Both the menu and the services provided are the main factors in producing an excellent image for the customer. This can be established by the boss or owner, since he will decide the defined image of the food service (traditional, gourmet, traditionally oriented, etc.) providing quality and distinction before another.

In addition to the menu planning, the policies that will lead to the planning, control and evaluation of the menus are established. The policies that need to be established are:

  • The budget for each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.). The amount and difference of dishes that will be served on certain days. Time served between meals, for example, from 7 to 11am breakfast will be served. Type of menu (either selective, non-selective, static, etc.) For special requests and events.

Factors that interfere with the planning and preparation of the menu

There are factors that are related in determining the menu programs that best lean towards the exposed market, which can be classified as: customers, internal service and external.

Customer factors

Within these factors they are subdivided into two points: sociocultural and nutritional needs.


Highlighting habits, food preferences and customer motivation. In the case of habits, it leans towards the practices and attitudes related to the what, when, why and how a person or group of people eats, depending on the age, gender, culture, race, socioeconomic level, geographical area, etc.

The motivation is one that leads customers to consume certain foods, at a given time and a stipulated place. The main reasons for making the decision to consume a certain food are: mainly hunger, social events, business meetings and even the habit, which sometimes beats hunger, for example, consuming some morning snack without wishing to; the desire to change, such as opting for very different foods than usual, psychological factors, for example, food as a reward or a refuge from problems.

Nutritional needs

These needs must be taken into account for any food service, mainly hospitals, children's homes, schools and industries. In the case of commercial establishments, this aspect is increasingly taken into account, due to people's awareness of the importance of good nutrition and health.

It should be noted that it is essential to take into account the main health problems associated with food and nutrition in the region where the food service is located. In each country there are tables of energy requirements and nutritional recommendations, in order to establish the nutritional needs of different groups of people, whether healthy or with any pathology, in Mexico, there is the Mexican System of Food and Equivalents, which provides food and most common dishes consumed in the country, describing the amount of energy, macro and micronutrients of the different groups.

Internal factors

They are the factors that have to do directly with the food service, among these stand out: the premises and equipment, the production capacity, the budget and the type, in addition to the style of the service.

Premises and equipment

In this case, two situations can arise:

  1. That the new menu establishes the premises and the equipment necessary to work. That the premises and equipment are already established, therefore, the menu must be adapted to them. If this does not happen, the planning would be lost at the time of putting it into practice. For example, if there is no grill, you cannot offer grilled cuts of meat or any other food you need from the grill.

Production capacity

It includes the characteristics that must be taken into account when preparing the menu.

  1. The total staff as well as their production skills The number and capacity of all the equipment and utensils available The time elapsed between the preparation and serving of the dishes, as the method of preparation must be as fast as possible to avoid a long wait for the customer.


It is necessary to know the capital that is available well, because based on this, there may be a balance in proportion to the cost of food, in addition to being clear about the labor and fuel required in the preparations.

Type and style of service

Associated with the food groups and preparations included in the menu, that is to say that the premises are in accordance with the dishes offered on the menu; Well, the menu from a gourmet restaurant to a school cafeteria is not the same.

External factors

Associated with situations presented outside the establishment that interfere with the planning of the menus, such as:

Weather and seasons

Predisposing point for the preference of certain foods, since the same is not desired in tropical climates as in temperate or cold climates, in spring or winter. This factor also encompasses parties, holidays, and Sundays, where people display diverse food preferences.

Food availability

Associated with the previous point, in addition to the geographical location of the premises and culture

directly affecting or favoring the accessibility of purchases in markets or shopping centers. Well, the menu is not the same in a big city to a small community, nor offering fresh seasonal food throughout the year (despite the technologies, as prices come to vary).


Focused on the measures applied by the agencies of each State in relation to the quality of food, which must be used to ensure the safety of food and the health of customers.

Menu types

The established menus can be cataloged in different ways, for example:

According to the food served

Referring to the exclusive menus for breakfast, lunch, lunch, dinner, snack, hors d'oeuvres, desserts, or whatever the name given to the meals of the day.

According to the variation

This point is divided into two:

  1. Static menus: the same dishes served all day, every day Varied menus: different dishes a day, changing every day.

According to the selection

In this case, two types of menu are presented, which are:

  1. Selective: as their name says, they propose an extensive selection of dishes from all the food groups present, or a limited selection, when the selection is made with a limited amount of certain preparations, for example, having variety in soups, pasta and stews, but the dessert is only one. Non-selective: in this case, only one preparation is offered for all the foods available on the menu.

Regarding the organization of the menu

Here the organization of the menu is done based on a pattern menu or a model list of the food groups of each meal, including the number of servings required for a meal. This menu is very frequent in school cafeterias, hospitals, industrial canteens, etc., where the pattern menu is established either by the government or the director of the organization (as the case may be), it is they who must provide an adequate intake energy, meeting the nutritional requirements of each diner.

According to the time offered from the varied menu

It is classified in:

  1. True cyclical menu: these are the daily menus, which are repeated regularly. Its duration is planned by days of the week, meals or certain times, its repetition depends on the assessment of the boss, since they are given without tiring the client. Cyclical menu in jumps: in this there is a frequent offer, however you should notice do not repeat the same dishes during the week and throughout the day, in order to bore the customers.

Cyclical split menu

It is used when customers request variety, as long as their favorite preparations remain present; or when certain offers from some food groups are displayed; or when the client shows a certain dislike for some foods.

Cyclical random menu

This menu does not reserve the meals in order or established day. Instead of listing the cycle length days, codes such as letters are used. Having the advantage of taking advantage of offers, using perishable foods, taking into account the weather and based on that offering the menu; and other components that come to affect its offer.

Basic rules for preparing the menu

Whatever the objectives of the chosen menu, the glider must take into account certain rules during the elaboration, among which stand out:

Nutritional balance

Here it is of utmost importance to meet the energy and nutritional requirements of the diner. This is most frequently exposed in institutional food services.


Diversity in:

  • Texture: related to the structure of the food, which is perceived when introduced into the mouth; the most common textures are: crisp, soft, grainy, chewy, pasty, etc. Consistency: referring to the firmness, density or viscosity of the food, such as: liquid, gelatinous, firm, thick, etc. Color: knowing how to combine the colors of the meals is key to a nice and appetizing presentation. Taste: a good balance between the one or else the main factor during the preparation, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy and umami (flavor and preference for meats), they must know how to combine to offer delicious preparations to diners. Form: this can be modified to create a striking and appetizing presentation. Moisture: a good combination of foods with different degrees of humidity, that is,Mix juicy and dry foods for a better presentation. Preparation method: in this case, all preparations should be avoided in the same way (fried, roasted, filleted, etc.).

Menu planning procedure

  1. Preparation of the collection of recipes: the menus should be planned as follows: Selecting a set of preparations suitable for the service; These can be found in cookbooks, magazines, within the service, etc. Eliminating complicated recipes to put them on the menu: those recipes that do not adjust to the tastes of the consumer, or that the prices are high, or that the ingredients are not available and their access is limited. Once these two points are well established, it is possible to have a collection of recipes, which are easier to select preparations that are part of the menu program; This collection can be grouped according to the types of preparations. Preparation of the general menu program: once you have the collection of recipes, you continue with the preparation of the program,taking into account the following steps: Selection of the main dishes for each meal, throughout the cycle. The main course sets out what your side dishes should be. Choice of garnishes. Being mainly cereals, tubers, bananas and sometimes legumes. Vegetable or salad options. This group can also be considered as a garnish to the main course, taking into account the considerations mentioned above. However, it is possible that several food services offer certain sections where simple and appetizing ways of how to prepare salads are shown, providing a wide variety of vegetables, tubers, dressings, meats, cheeses, etc. Menu control: it is convenient keep a careful check of the menus,to find out which foods are more and less consumed. Check if the food served is nutritionally adequate, or is it seasonal food, or if the equipment and staff are appropriate for the preparations, others.

Always seeking a better quality in its products and the service it provides.

Other types of menus

Menus for therapeutic purposes

These menus are mainly made by hospitals, industries, school cafeterias and others that need them. Based on the general menu program and produced by an administrator and a nutritionist (he is the expert to better understand the nutritional needs of each patient).

In order for an individual to require a therapeutic diet, they must suffer from a disease where diet therapy is the most important part of their treatment, request certain biochemical tests that require control of their diet or the consumption of any medication that causes certain side effects.

Hospital diets will always be based and modified (sodium, calcium, protein, etc.) to the needs of each patient according to the pathology they present. Also emphasizing that consistency must be appropriate and the energy provided must be according to your needs.

Menus for contingencies

Many times there may be situations in which the clientele is more than expected, in those cases, it must provide menus adjusted to an easy and quick last-minute preparation; having essential ingredients and easy preparation.

Menus for commercial services

They are established menus, however, combinations of these can be presented with the varied menu. The planning and structuring of these menus depends on the type of food service, and on the different environments given within oneself (buffet, coffee shop, etc.).

Printing and distribution of menus

In the case of commercial services, the menu is printed and distributed in various sections of the establishment, on the other hand, for institutional services, the menu is displayed on a billboard or blackboard so that diners know what foods will be for that day. It is worth mentioning that in commercial services, it is convenient that all the preparation, distribution and serving areas have a copy of it and in these, emphasize what the daily preparations are.

Recipe and Portion Standardization

A standardized recipe specifies the quantity and quality of the raw material and the preparation, ensuring a good product. The person doing this work must have good training to follow the instructions to the letter.

Standardization is carried out for various reasons, such as: in cost / expense control, to control quantities (according to the number of clients), personnel security (so that they know how much they should prepare and serve), to satisfy clients (there must be a uniformity in the service for the conformity of the clients).


One of the main objectives of preparing a menu in a food service is to satisfy the culinary needs of the client, this referring to the economic, nutritional and tastes and preferences of the same, therefore, it must be carried out systematized and standardized way to prevent unforeseen events and nonconformities on the part of the diner.

It should be noted that there are several types of menus, which are directed to each type of establishment and clientele to which they are directed; however, there should always be a variation in this, to avoid monetary losses and customer annoyances, in addition to possible losses of raw material due to a drop in the sale of products.

Planning and preparing the menu is not an easy task, since as already mentioned in the report, many factors must be taken into account, in addition to the fact that the person in charge of it must have adequate training for its realization, to avoid inconveniences that they can occur in the long term.


  1. Dolly B. Administration of food services: quality, nutrition, productivity and benefits. 2nd ed.; Editorial Universidad de Antioquia: Colombia, 2007.Montes E, et al. Kitchen design and management. Food hygiene practices manual applied to the catering sector. 1st ed. Díaz de Santos editions: 2005.
Preparation of the menu in food and gastronomy services