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Basic elements of internal marketing

Table of contents:


What is sought in companies is an exchange of opportunities that includes elements such as: job satisfaction, participation and the development of self-esteem.

We consider internal marketing as “the set of techniques that allow <> the company idea, with its objectives, strategies, structures, leaders and other components, even <> made up of workers, <>, who carry out their activity in it, with the ultimate objective of increasing their motivation and, as a direct consequence, their productivity ”.

The differences with traditional or general marketing are as follows:

General Marketing Internal marketing
Client Employee
Product Business
Sales techniques Internal communication / participation
Sales force Management team / middle management
objective Increase motivation / increase productivity

Internal marketing can be considered as an auxiliary element for the development of the company's social strategy in the sense that given the social balance that the company seeks to promote and given the lack of methodologies to achieve it that are so necessary due to the emergency of In new organizational cultures, internal marketing is the auxiliary resource to develop a social strategy and base a personnel policy.


From the previous table, the main characteristics of internal marketing can be established:

  1. Our employee is the internal client, he is the one to whom we have to “sell” the company idea. Also take into account in this regard the need for group meetings or brainstorming. What we sell, as we said before, is the company with a series of final characteristics: better working conditions, greater participation by the estates, better work environment, greater integration and motivation, greater productivity.But to sell the company we need some tool, in this case it will be the Internal Communication Plan in its descending versions to transmit policies, objectives and actions, dare to sell the company idea and ascending to know the opinion of the domestic market Sales force. These are the managers and managers of the company, whose role is essential in internal marketing.The ultimate goal or ultimate goal to be achieved is the overall motivation of workers to increase overall productivity.


As more characteristic, we could speak of management marketing that finds its foundation in satisfying the needs of two types of markets, namely, the external market, understanding as such the one formed by the product-market binomial and the external market, understanding as such the formed for the individual - organization binomial with its essential expectations and motivations that are as follows:

It is not the objective of this work to enter fully into management marketing, but it is worth noting its phases:

  1. Knowledge of the internal market and the external market of the company. Adaptation of the internal market with the external market. Action plan.


The phases of a Marketing Plan can be identified as follows:

  1. Analysis of the environment: detect all those aspects that can influence our company. The information is obtained through questionnaires that include aspects such as:
    1. Size of the organization to be determined by its workforce, production, commercial, and economic indicators. Characteristics of the workforce such as age, sex and average seniority, distribution by organic units, social and labor indicators. Remuneration policy: salary mass, fixed remuneration and variables, remuneration in kind, social benefits Training: Proportion of salary mass allocated to training, types of education, participants in courses, number of permanent teachers and collaborators Selection: Number of candidates per year, number of new additions to the template, recruitment and selection systems. Internal communication: most used channels, stocks of company magazines, suggestion boxes, audiences of internal communication bodies. Development: existence of career plans,Human potential file, substitution programs, key people programs. Collective negotiation: type of agreement, most significant indicators of the last two agreements, affected personnel, union elections, composition of the works council.
    Analysis of the internal social market. The materialization of this phase occurs thanks to the application of socio-occupational research techniques. Adaptation process. Related to training, communication. Control of the internal marketing plan. From the RHO department, systematic controls must be established to check the state of mind of the organization.

For other authors, the internal marketing process should include more phases, so for Quintanilla the process would include the following phases:

  • analysis of the company's social situation, objectives to be achieved and selection criteria determination of new norms and attitudes to be pursued study of the most appropriate strategic and tactical options study and launch of action programs.


A study carried out in 1983 by Yamkenovich and Innerwahar points out some of the values ​​that were important to workers in the organization and continue to be so in many of the organizations even today:

The ten values %
Working with people who treat me with respect 88
Interesting work 87
Good job recognition 84
Possibility of developing faculties, capacities and creativity 83
Work with people who listen if they have ideas on how to do the job better 83
Ability to think for yourself, instead of simply following instructions 82
See the final results of the work efforts 82
Work with efficient people 79
That the work is not too difficult 78
Feeling well informed about what is going on 78

As you can see now, what is sought in companies is an exchange of opportunities that includes elements such as: job satisfaction, participation and the development of self-esteem.

Some of these theories belong to the authors Michael Levionnois, Ismael. Quintanilla and Fco. Javier Barranco

Basic elements of internal marketing