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Elements of virtual entrepreneurship


The business management aims at the development of the project life of the human being therefore your entrepreneurial spirit, identifying opportunities and managing business plans, identifying problems in the business context, allowing interdisciplinary training to provide the basis contextual and instrumental so that the student can organize himself as an entrepreneur, wealth generator and connoisseur of the quality standards demanded by global markets, as well as the reading of regional, national and world economic indicators, which allow him to understand the opportunity of the markets and develop competitive projects, in other words that it has the possibility from the globality to act locally.

The degree of imperfection of the human being, makes the man need in his first years of learning the accompaniment of the teacher, that this provides him with the means to appropriate the teaching / learning process, that it evolves and changes from being educated by others, to educate yourself, that reaches the self-denomination of learning with autonomy, uniqueness, discipline and freedom. The educational Institution must then promote the process on four basic premises: Learning to Learn, where the person learns to know and develop skills and strategies that allow them to process and manage information, learning to do, that is, they acquire skills necessary both personally and professionally, learning to beso that his own personality can emerge and he can work with a growing capacity for autonomy, judgment and personal responsibility, coexist, respect the other, accepting the difference, the values ​​of pluralism, justice and peace and also develop a fourth premise, learning to undertake, to change your attitude, be susceptible to change your attitudes and skills and take the initiative in seeking opportunities to undertake projects that generate opportunities to improve your quality of life.

The educational Institution must be totally redirected towards the same globalization of the economy, it must prepare citizens for public life and competent professionals who can Manage their own work destiny. The global village is the subjective dimension of the new society, the knowledge society, where the greatest resource or means of production is an intangible asset: knowledge, which creates the greatest added value in the economy given its high productivity and innovation.

Their life project is inevitably linked to the triangulation of information, knowledge and transfer of it, with the direct, active and autonomous intervention of two people: the teacher-tutor or trainer and the student or learner.

When the learner generates and produces knowledge, it is by creating meaningful learning links, establishing procedures, acquiring techniques and rediscovering attitudes and skills that make him grow as a person and professional, choosing to dare to apply to transfer said knowledge in its real context with based on knowledge and development of their skills, acquiring then a level of labor and professional competitiveness. Two-way communication between the teacher-mediator and the student-learner requires the creation of levels of empathy, correct handling of information, seeking spaces to generate pedagogical strategies towards the construction and application of knowledge, passing through various stages in the learning process: Independent work,which facilitates individual experiential learning through the weekly learning project, small group study that facilitates cooperative learning through the exchange of experiences, large group study which facilitates social learning through reciprocal teaching. Likewise, the mediation of the teacher that enables learning, renewal and change through formative research, as well as direct teaching that facilitates inferential learning as a result of the regular and master class, self-assessment must also be carried out, which facilitates metacognitive learning through verification, reflection and regulation.large group study which facilitates social learning through reciprocal teaching. Likewise, the mediation of the teacher that enables learning, renewal and change through formative research, as well as direct teaching that facilitates inferential learning as a result of the regular and master class, self-assessment must also be carried out, which facilitates metacognitive learning through verification, reflection and regulation.large group study which facilitates social learning through reciprocal teaching. Likewise, the mediation of the teacher that enables learning, renewal and change through formative research, as well as direct teaching that facilitates inferential learning as a result of the regular and master class, self-assessment must also be carried out, which facilitates metacognitive learning through verification, reflection and regulation.Self-assessment should also be carried out, which facilitates meta-cognitive learning through verification, reflection and regulation.Self-assessment should also be carried out, which facilitates meta-cognitive learning through verification, reflection and regulation.

Then, in the midst of globalization, a form of education appears: The virtual one, which provides the learner with mobilization towards totally unknown scenarios, learning environments with new strategies and pedagogical tools, with new roles for both the learner and the teacher, both become immersed in stages of learning such as virtual platforms that facilitate various ways of learning such as E - learning, M - Learning, B - learning and many others that have caused a dwarfing from global to regional and borders have disappeared causing the birth of a new generation: Digital natives, children of the use of ICTs, with a use linked to their own genes and another generation that struggles not to disappear and migrates digitally to these spaces,Then the business opportunities multiply, to transfer that physical enterprise to a virtual enterprise, the world within everyone's reach.

So a big question arises: How to change business thinking?

How to modify that short-range visionary attitude by multiple dimensions?

In order to answer these two questions, the fundamental elements must be reconstructed to achieve achievement over the very competence of virtual entrepreneurship, that is:

A first element called sensitization, where the entrepreneur can become aware of all the opportunities offered by the global village, based on the recognition of success cases that are being developed today, business ideas such as virtual assistance, electronic commerce, Since everything is digitized today, e-book design, synopsis creation, graphic design, publication of your products for websites, online billing and collections through PayPal are natural services for virtual assistance, among many others. Outbound and inbound telemarketing, getting appointments for meetings are the first services offered in this type of virtual assistance. etc.,but also that they understand that they must acquire the skills to develop such opportunities and for this they must be educated in E-learning processes, digital media management and logically in business management.

Contextualization constitutes the second evidentiary element, where making virtual ventures does not imply disconnecting from the local, from the regional, rather than thinking and acting from the regional to connect to the global and can come and go in two ways; executive entrepreneurs are now "mobile executive entrepreneurs", they spend most of their time traveling and mobilizing from one place to another, with the smart mobile team in their portfolio, they can be located anywhere, the current entrepreneur and entrepreneur has little to do with sedentary; recognizing orbital trends, development production chains at the micro and macro-global level, national and transnational business clusters, quality management standards and norms, and other parameters that make up the local business fabric,regional and global.

Finally, to initialize the exploration of markets, both geography, country, continent and world, this is where virtual mobilization and acquiring the necessary tools in E-learning will endow you with knowledge, abilities and skills, change of attitudes and skills to generate various business opportunities, which must be translated into business plans and later into virtual companies, the oldest of the technologies stone brought about major changes in the way of working and in the development and development of totally new products and different, the more we advance in time, we experience that companies and their managers confidently enter the virtual cloud and the large network.

The three structural elements of competition become experiential in the E - virtual, at the time when it transcends not only in the use of certain elements such as mobile phones, e-mail, regular mail and fax, but in the formulation, preparation and management of virtual business plans that give rise to virtual companies with a presence on the platforms, virtual classrooms must be simulated to be the headquarters of the same, with characteristics taken from physical companies but elevated to the methodology, for example, pacie with business connotation, to combine from there its global presence, its scope and repercussions in the markets, permanently training as a factor of value added generation through innovation and productivity, interacting in time and synchronous and asynchronous spaces with other entrepreneurs on wheels,global business fairs and finally to recognize the importance of e-learning as a fundamental strategy forsustainability of global business development.

Bibliographic reference:


Ing. Pedro Camacho Pazmiño, “Reality and Virtuality”, Power Point Presentation, module MPP - FATLA site


Economist José H. Sánchez P., Pedagogy for entrepreneurship, Power Point presentation, - Slide Share site.

Elements of virtual entrepreneurship