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Elements to form successful SMEs in Mexico

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The life dynamics of companies are commonly confused with that of their owners. This fact has led analysts and the members of the companies themselves to make wrong decisions, resulting in sterile efforts and worse, loss of resources and complete investments. The main reason: independence of personality. Paraphrasing, "Knowing about cars is not the same as piloting them."

As a matter of principle, the stages of the life of any organization, institution, company or association as an economic entity with its own personality and assets, proceed as follows:

1. Introduction. Publicize your products or services.

2. Growth. Gradually reap the demand.

3. Maturation. Stabilization of demand.

4. Obsolescence. Gradual contraction of demand.

These stages are variable in the spectrum of time according to the company, its turn, size and competitiveness, however, invariably all go through them.

2. The Entrepreneur.

By chronological sequence, the life stages of any individual with the occupation of small business entrepreneur go as follows:

1. Devise. Create in the mind a product or service that can be put into practice.

2. Plan. Investigate, study and design all the components of the company.

3. Set. Build and tangibly apply what is planned on the company.

4. Start. Give formal start to the activities and operations of the company.

5. Follow up. React to the daily dynamics in the operations of the company, as well as live the adjustments to the original plans as a result of their perfection.

6. Operate in a Sustainable way. Maintain the daily activities and operations of the company for an extended period of time.

7. Achieve good profitability. Calculate and have the company recurrently generate net profits higher than expected, in proportion to the investment.

8. Being an Entrepreneur by Occupation. Being able to develop more than one formal and profitable company over an extended period of time.

The individual who has lived each and every one of the previous stages is the one who can formally hold the title of "Entrepreneur", since any lack of journey through any of them implies a truncated and / or cycled effort, which still does not cause benefits Sustainable harmonics between employees, the community, customers, suppliers and the owner (s), thus remaining as "Entrepreneur" or "Advanced Entrepreneur".

3. The Tools.

Through time and the life stages of companies and entrepreneurs, the latter do not only resort to their ingenuity and personal skills to work. Since there is no professional career for the creation and development of companies, every entrepreneur uses various tools that allow them to achieve their objectives more safely, quickly and / or with better results.

There are many tools such as the phone, the car, contacts, computers, the internet, etc. However, the most powerful tools that support any entrepreneur on the way to achieving their goals with their company are divided as follows:

  • Information. Accumulation of knowledge, research, studies or opinions generally exposed by their own authors or published in print media, books, brochures, magazines, etc. Training. Integration of a group of people to methods and procedures exposed in one or several sessions, by facilitating an exhibitor, generally supported with equipment and support materials such as manuals, jobs, homework, case studies, etc. Consultancy. Professional support provided by external experts to companies or projects, which aims to achieve tangible improvements in various areas, on a previously agreed plan of action. Financing. Money injected into the business on loan with a repayment period and an interest rate. Infrastructure.Physical assets used for the operations of the company.

Given the high competition, productivity and competitiveness of international standards in which our country navigates in current times, the lack of any of the previous tools would consequently lead to profound survival difficulties for this stratum as weak and unprotected as micro and small Business.

4. The Profile.

In our country more than 70% of companies are micro and small in size. Of these, more than 90% are managed by their own owners and the vast majority of them do not have a professional career or adequate training to practice the trade. Their origin profile is not very varied, among them are:

* Unemployed (Recent)

* Employees (with Restlessness)

*Recent graduates

* Graduating Students

* Housewives (with concern)

The future requirements of the state of Nuevo León will be increasingly greater. It is expected that by 2020 food, education, housing and public services will have to be provided to more than 8 million inhabitants, where the economically active population will be 3.5 million and the average population that is currently 25 years old will be over 35 years. With fewer students and greater demand for work, for which it will be necessary to generate more than 55 thousand formal jobs every year, as of this moment.

Current situation.

According to INEGI studies of the year 1999, micro, small and medium-sized companies represent 98% of all companies in the state.

Making a comparison, and according to the same NAFIN data, 85% of small and medium-sized companies have been operating for 6 years or more, but in micro-companies only 51% have this average. It should be noted that ¼ of the micro companies have only three years of life. That is, micro companies are relatively very young compared to small and medium-sized companies, and only half manage to cross the 6-year-old barrier.

Now, 72% approx. of the small and medium-sized companies stated that they had received some type of training to operate the company, while in micro-companies only 19% resorted to it. In other words, small and medium-sized companies accept and resort to a great extent to professional training, which is the opposite in micro-companies, drastically increasing the average life span of the trained, compared to the unskilled.

5. Current Framework.

So far, efforts to establish permanent programs in Nuevo León to support micro and small businesses have been isolated, disconnected and basically focused on financing. However, and although money is essential for companies, it is not the only thing they require to make them competitive and sustainable companies in the long term. Financing can become a problem rather than a solution if you do not have the basic knowledge to properly use that money.

Far from having programs in Nuevo Leon that create efficient, competitive, and profitable micro and small businesses, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs only have access to limited and non-professional guides to procedures for establishing a business, or rate and soft access in the best (and minority) case. Apparently no one has noticed the incapacity of these tools to help climb a single seat on the ladder of competitiveness and performance of their projects or companies, not even useful for the development of the difficult job of being an entrepreneur.

In the main developed countries, micro-business activity is considered one of the most efficient and dynamic mechanisms to generate advantages among the lowest and most unprotected social classes, thanks to its ability to generate jobs and its high economic returns.

At this time, it is essential that micro and small businesses be supported, not only for social justice, but for the opportunity they represent as a source of numerous job and income opportunities for people with lower levels of education, needs that are not always They can be covered by large corporations.

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Elements to form successful SMEs in Mexico