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Company, woman and motherhood in Argentina



In societies with the aim of satisfying human needs, a variety of entities are created in social and economic activity. These entities such as associations, foundations, public entities, unions, companies, among some of which we can mention, are called organizations.

Although structurally they are different, they have something in common and that is that they are social systems made up of groups of people who relate to each other, having resources and developing various activities to achieve their objectives.

For this reason: “ an organization is a social system ” and there are different types of organizations that will differentiate each other according to the objectives they pursue and the activities they carry out. The "company" is a type of organization that aims to achieve economic benefits.

The company

When considering the company as a social system, as it is made up of individuals who develop within a particular framework, with objectives linked to processes and functions that must remain in balance and with communication, which in turn are determined by various subsystems.

We can say that these elements are related to each other, in such a way that any modification or change in any of them causes the remaining alterations.

The company has an external economic purpose, which is the production of services and goods to satisfy the needs of society. Also an internal economic purpose, and that is, obtaining an added value to remunerate the members of the company, some in the form of profits or dividends and others in the form of wages, salaries and benefits. In other words, the company is there to serve the men and women outside (society) and the men and women inside (the members).

In summary, the external social purpose is to contribute to the full development of society, committing itself so that its economic performance does not violate the fundamental values ​​of society and personal, but promoting and fulfilling them. At the same time, its internal social purpose is to contribute to the full development of the members, trying not to violate values ​​and human rights, but promoting them. Finally, the company is an economic and social identity card, which is made up of people and for people, inserted into society and from which it cannot be foreign, since it provides the labor force and the consumer market..

The Workforce

At this point we turn to reflect on how and who contributes the workforce for the maintenance of companies. The family, (we take the concept without dwelling on the various types of family) this emerges as the main factor, since it has the reproductive function of the human species, a function of intermediation between the person and society. From this perspective the family maintains and provides the substrate for the development of human life to be possible. It is the producer and the main person in charge of conserving and increasing the human capital of society. In the family, the woman is the only carrier and giver of life. Also, the family is a productive unit in the economic plane and at the same time it has the condition of consumption unit of goods and services.

Now, according to International Law, the company is the set of capital, administration and work dedicated to satisfying a need in the market. We are wondering; for what reason in them, it avoids incorporating women to jobs, in the period of their female fertility or in case of being working, requesting and in some cases "demanding" that they not become pregnant, with the veiled threat of a change of position, transfer or to come to the separation of the company.

Of course, everything is done in a sneaky way and through speeches that speak of the care and commitment they have with their employees. The reality is to disguise discrimination by considering maternity a cost to the company. A cost, having to select a suitable substitute for the position or the breakdown of schedules due to the birth, lactation period or medical needs of the mother and baby during their first years of life. This vision that motherhood is a cost for the company, is put in function of attending only to the immediate earnings.

Birth and fertility

At this point, let us analyze two very important items that affect the economy and society, such as the birth rate and fertility of women.

Experts alert us to the problem that afflicts the central countries, and it is the negative birth rate, our country repeats their model.

In reality, birth and fertility are declining globally. But it is the developed countries that present low and relatively uniform rates, none have rates above 20% and in the majority the average number of children is less than 2.5.

There is a group of European countries that is in difficulties for generational replacement. Another factor, in developed countries mortality rates are low and have a long life expectancy.

Argentina has a low birth rate and a higher percentage of the elderly population. In the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires there are already more people over 70 years old than those under 10 and if the over 60s were counted, the proportion is exactly double. If we consider the data from the last Permanent Household Survey of the City where it is shown that the Buenos Aires type family has only one child, that is, 18% of households are inhabited by three people.

Now, when children are outnumbered by older ones, it implies population aging. Of course it is not a problem in itself. It becomes such when it is interrelated with cultural, social, political and economic factors. In the 1950s, the average age of the Argentine population was 25.7 years, while now it reached 28.4 and there is a projection for 2025 of 32.6 years. At that time, 15% of Argentines will be over 60 years old, we can foresee that the economically active sector will gradually decline.

Argentines have fewer and fewer children.

When women join the labor circuit and seek their professional-labor development, they find a reality and that is, motherhood and companies are incompatible. Being a mother or being old enough to be a mother is a disadvantage in the organization or when looking for a job.

It is more problematic for mothers to move up the company or find a job, but they also receive lower offers of wages and are even considered less competent than childless women.

Stanford University researcher and professor of sociology Shelley Correll explains; "In some areas there are still perceived incompatibilities between family and work, which is a disadvantage for mothers," shows that mothers are evaluated differently and much more severely.

Correll revealed that those responsible for evaluation in the company consider mothers less dedicated and competent than those without children. It should be noted that this negative assessment is not carried out on men who are fathers, but quite the opposite, given that these evaluators consider that fathers are more disciplined and better workers than those who are not.


Society in its economic development depends on the people who make it up. These companies generate goods and services for consumption through companies, which are nourished by these people, in order to meet their objectives and the demands of the market.

What market or consumers are we going to have if we have negative birth rates ? Companies think to those who are going to sell their products and services and what is worse, that young workforce is going to replace the one that retires.

They analyzed that maximizing profits in the present may be the disappearance of their company in the future. If human beings are not born, to complete the generational social cycles, the economy, culture and society change their composition, their needs and development objectives.

Without children, what will be the need to produce clothing, toys, furniture, wheels, etc., provide marketing services, assistance for parents, education, among others and to take into account, who will pay for future retirements without young people working.


My interest is to reflect on this thought that considers motherhood as a cost problem for the company or any economic development.

By establishing maternity as a problem, it is thought to eliminate it and the way is to sanction the woman.

Society is built and has permanence through the generations that are born, develop and end their lives. As this cycle decreases, the social, cultural, economic composition is altered and many of the organizations in society cease to exist.

The company as a social organization, can see its objective and many of its benefits modified, both in production and service. In order for them to expand and continue to grow, people are needed who work in the production of goods and services and at the same time make up the consumer market.

It is essential to be clear that demographic growth and social development can only be achieved through motherhood. Motherhood that nature gives only to women, hence the importance of not sanctioning her when she wants to exercise her professional and work career.

Company, woman and motherhood in Argentina