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Approaches and models for skills development


"Differentiating" competencies are those that distinguish a person with superior performance from average individuals.

As in an iceberg, knowledge and skills are the most visible aspects. However, they do not usually make a difference, however attitudes are specific to each human being.

The competences can be classified into 3 groups: Human Competencies, Business Competencies and Technical Competences.

The levels of a competition They are the groupings of observable behaviors or conducts that reflect the level of development of a competition. Thus, those who are at level 3 of "Self-control", for example, demonstrate greater ability to control their emotions than those who are at level 1. In general, each competition has between five and eight different levels.

A competency profile is a list of the essential competencies for a position or role and normally the 6 to 9 most important competencies for each one should be prioritized.

The competency profile established for a certain position does not work for a similar one in another company, for this approach to be effective, the profiles must refer to observable behaviors in terms of the reality of each company.

How does the competency model benefit Human Resource Management? For the selection they allow to effectively identify the best candidates that demonstrate to possess the competences that assure a high performance. For the development of personnel, it starts from the comparison between the required profile and the reality of each person to clarify opportunities for improvement or assess the potential available, achieving a better adaptation person-position. As the profile is specified in observable behaviors, this makes it much easier for the boss and collaborator to agree to set commitments and evaluate performance. For remuneration, add an additional criterion to the content of the position and the market reference.

It is a technique that is used to identify the labor competencies inherent in a productive function. Such a function can be related to a company, a group of companies or everything.

A sector of production or services.

Job competencies can be identified from the occupational characterization and functional analysis of the area under analysis and expressed in units of competence and degrees.

An integrated approach must be given to the identification and definition of Labor Competency Units, seeking the systemic relationship between doing, knowing and being, in response to requirements of the productive environment and needs of the personal and social development of workers.

It is worth mentioning that the ILO has defined the concept of "Professional Competence" as the suitability to carry out a task or perform a job effectively by possessing the qualifications required for it (4). In this case, the concepts of competence and qualification are strongly associated since qualification is considered an acquired ability to perform a job or perform a job.


On one occasion when I attended a seminar with Miguel Ángel Cornejo, he commented that the person at this time would be successful if he lived in incompetence and all of us competent at that time were frustrated with his efforts, meaning in those terms at different levels or stages the achiever goes through in his career plan, trying to learn new subjects day by day and discover what he knows - he makes and feels like the boss to be boss tomorrow.

The dilemma of the approaches in the development of competences, is a subject that companies choose according to their organizational and individual objectives, if they choose the functional their tendency revolves around doing (producing), it is universal, a product of referencing people and Companies that are experts in the specific area to assess competencies, while the behavioral approach has its essence in know-how but with an emphasis on feeling, its motives for developing achievement-oriented capacities with productive attitudes to the company and its role.

The trend of HR organizations and areas today is going through a stage of change agent and strategic partner and to the extent that it does not consider it a fashion to implement best business practices, the results will surely be excellent in terms of quality - opportunity

and cost.

Today, when talking about the strategic role of HR, it supports and clarifies that the focus to be applied is behavioral, since it is born not from a sector table but from its own culture and strategic macro and micro direction.

People precede strategies and according to the impact and commitment that is acquired in front of them, the results will be achieved in a different way in all companies, but the issue is not what they achieved but how they did it.

One of the effective actions is to identify the competences and for this it is necessary to select the excellent and average people and the question would be

: How are they selected, and which instrument?

Another question is that if today we are talking about business synergy, corporativity, why disaggregate the study of competencies based on positions and not on processes or responsibilities, projecting an integral or multipurpose role.

Approaches and models for skills development