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Legal and regulatory environment for human resource management

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Companies operate driven by a series of elements that in economy are called factors of production are three: land, work and capital. All of them are essential, but the most fundamental and most delicate due to their complexity is the work factor, it is the work that people do.

Good management of human resources is very important for business success, although sometimes this principle is forgotten and savings, plug-inism, marginalization take precedence.

The success of Taylorism was only partial because it did not grant man all the importance it has in the production process, since it is not enough to consider man as one of the important factors of production, but must be considered as the most important factor. that reacts to very diverse stimuli, since in the human behavior the influence of the motivation is essential.

Human Resources Administration is a relatively recent area of ​​study, as well as perfectly applicable to any type or size of organization.

The Human Resources Administration has as one of its tasks to provide the human capacities required by an organization and to develop abilities and aptitudes of the individual to be the most satisfactory to himself and to the community in which he operates. It should not be forgotten that organizations depend, for their operation and evolution, primarily on the human element they have. It can be said, without exaggeration, that an organization is the portrait of its members.

This research study contains a justification for its preparation and the choice made to investigate the Human Resources Administration topic, the Personnel Selection subtopic, which implies making an effective personnel selection.

Human Resources


A company has various types of resources that allow it to function and achieve its goals. Employees, workers and collaborators are those who make up what is known as the human resources of an entity.

Human Resources is also used to name the department, office or person who is dedicated to analyzing, choosing, hiring, training and retaining the workers of a company.

Thus, it must be made clear that when we refer to Human Resources as a general rule we are doing it to the function that exists within companies to carry out what is the selection, hiring, training and employment of people who it is necessary that they become part of the workforce in order to achieve the objectives set by the aforementioned businesses.

In this way, the professionals who are in charge of this task, once a vacancy or a new position has to be filled, will be in charge of carrying out a series of initiatives to find the person whose profile best suits the position. Thus, among other actions, they can carry out personal interviews, knowledge tests, psychometric tests, simulation techniques or personality tests.

Some of the competitive advantages of human resource management are value-adding employees, unique employees with an inimitable focus.

Social value

Today, the companies that are ranked as the best places to work generally emphasize justice as part of their corporate culture, because it produces a feeling of trust.

Legal and regulatory environment

It refers to all labor laws about the issues that employees confidently consider when deciding whether to enter or leave the organization.

Equal employment opportunities

They can only be judged according to their work-related characteristics, they must not be discriminated by gender, race, sex, religion, etc.

There are federal and state laws that regulate employment practices.

Compensation and benefits

They are all tax payments, fair wages, child protection, pension benefit and welfare.

Activities that perform human resources


It helps to forecast the resources that the organization needs and to prepare the measures that will be taken to satisfy those needs, at the right time and in the right place, together with its strategic, management and general goals.


Activities related to recruiting applicants for vacant positions in an organization and selecting the best ones to fill a position.

  • Due to job abandonment (rotation) Transfers to other positions Opening of new companies

In the hiring process, there are temporary workers, whether seasonal or only for some specific tasks that the organization requires at that time.


This occurs when businesses are slow, reducing their workforce through layoffs to reduce costs, however in the long term the trend grows more slowly and they may feel less loyal to the company if they hire the same people.


Process in charge of searching inside and outside the organization for the people who will fill the vacant positions with the support of:

  • Electronic Media Vacancy Offer Employee References Selection

It involves deciding which of these recruits should be hired and for which position, with the support of the most common sources of information for making selection decisions through:

  • ResumeChecking referencesInterviewsTests


Through the activities carried out by human resources in organizations, they can influence the behavior of employees in various ways.

The more effective it is the greater its success, as well as working together will allow the different activities to be developed in planning, contracting, training, performance evaluation and decision-making.

After employees have been selected and targeted, they may still need to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to perform appropriately. If the organization wants to promote those employees to positions with greater responsibilities in the future, development activities are essential.

Training should not be seen as just another expense for companies, but rather as a short-term benefit since it is a formula that responds to the needs of the company to develop its resources and improve quality in the workplace in general.

On the other hand, the mission and vision also help to set training objectives since in these two pairs there are some questions that we must ask ourselves before training, such as: what does our company do? What kind of company we are ?, with these two questions you can start a training program to strengthen the base of the company.

Legal and regulatory environment for human resource management