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High performance work teams, how they are formed and managed


The signs of the times are warning us that this decade has become a time of strong and continuous changes and that the environment shows a remarkable level of competition among the members of the organizations.

In such conditions, only those whose motorists will fully understand and understand the true importance of what teamwork means will remain and grow. These individuals will make the Organizations, when producing the goods and / or services, be more competitive including with more quality and at the lowest cost.


In order to be more competitive in any area, it is necessary to adopt and implement the appropriate tools. The most powerful that are known so far and that still have an extraordinary validity, are related to attitude, motivation and interest. These three well-managed tools, added together, are responsible for approximately 85% of the expected results. The rest is attributed to studies, degrees and acquired experience.

Thousands of organizations, especially in the developed world, apply these motivational strategies today, which has evidently served them just to place them there in that stellar place where they are. In Venezuela and despite the fact that its application is quite simple, only one that another company applies. Rather, the larger ones than the small ones, since, unaware that in the very short term, this expenditure reverts to enormous benefits for the Organization, some of them consider it an expense and not an investment. Error that in the best case, translates into a slow return on investment.

As we said before, attitude, motivation and interest are the most powerful weapons that catapult individuals to victory. But it is that these variables are independent of the social conditions that surround them and their transformation cannot be conceived as unidirectional processes in which the individual is simply a target that reacts to environmental forces. Particularly in times of crisis such as those currently experienced by Venezuela or in those of rapid social change, the high sensitivity of people, their choices within the wide range of environmental alternatives and their active participation with others who are in the same situation, they identify it as an agent of the stability existing in the change. When we refer to people's attitudes, interest and motivation,we are not talking about momentary or transitory matters. We are talking about psychological factors responsible for the consistent and characteristic means in the individual, of reacting for or against a class of objects and subsets within that class due to the fact that this way of "functioning" or acting constitutes everything an establishment or a cognitive system. They include more or less lasting assumptions about the world, regular premises and expectations about the way the world and the people in it operate, beliefs and perspectives about oneself and other people, and feelings and convictions about right and wrong; the desirable and the despicable. These are clearly vital issues for the individual.Some of his ways of thinking and acting define what he includes and what he excludes from the radius of his concept of himself. They define which are their parental figures, which are not, which are their groups, schools, their political party, their religion, their ideology and which are not. Obviously, these ways of functioning will decisively influence the interaction of the individual with her work group. It is here exactly where the individual begins to be part of a whole "leaving aside", if possible, all that information that he had been accumulating throughout his years. Those powerful tools should help you adapt to workgroups, under pain of trying. In other words, either we adapt to teamwork or we look for another job in which we don't have to share absolutely anything,since the company will not tolerate individuals who fail to integrate. Sooner or later it will alienate us from it in one way or another!

It is known to all that as we move up the hierarchical level of Organizations, we find that management leads groups rather than individuals.

In fact, the achievement of the company's objectives requires the organization, direction, and control of groups located within its main divisions. The objective of the administrative process is coordination, which must be achieved through the integration of the effort of the different groups in the organization. In addition to directing internal groups within the organization, management has to deal with external groups. It will not only deal with the staff and the board of directors, but also with the union group, with the board of directors of associations and chambers of commerce, etc. It is important that both management and other administrators at all levels, must know the formation, structure, patterns of communication and in short, the dynamics of the groups,if they want to achieve greater effectiveness in the direction and influence of the same.

A group is a whole formed by fractions and in that whole it may or may not be integrated by the cohesion of all its parts. Fayol would say that an integrated group is a group in which the management has managed to develop a "esprit de corps" or team spirit. Sociologists would say that an integrated group is one that has achieved stability through organization and internal discipline. Psychologists would define an integrated group as one whose members interact with each other who perceive themselves as a unit and who are motivated towards achieving common goals.

Some fierce scholars of this matter have concluded that if a group is not capable of taking advantage of the conflicts that usually arise in organizations, it will not be able to grow. If members of a group could learn to treat conflict as something inherent in grouping, a natural consequence of differences in trying to act in an integrated way; then they would understand that group conflicts are as natural as the aging of living organisms or the death of them. The old paradigm of organizational structure was based on assumptions about hierarchy, namely that top leaders know all the answers and are in charge of the organization's goals and work processes. The emerging paradigm of teams on the other hand,it is based on other hypotheses; that is, that knowledge, and therefore information and responses, exist throughout the organization, in the capacities and knowledge of all members of the organization when they meet in teams. Under this model, goals are jointly determined and work processes are built around expert teams.

As everyone knows that the work environment of organizations remains quite unstable and even turbulent, the flexibility and adaptability created by teams represents a major advantage. Scholars predict that teamwork will occupy a preponderant place in organizations, in fact, those old strategies where autocracy was the star in organizations are doomed to disappear, from the moment the USSR ceased to exist and the reunification of Germany materialized. Whether we like it or not, all those people who work for a company are in one way or another, creating a completely working relationship between people and the organization and between the employer and the employee; the projections made in this regard,they determine that the businesses of the future will be organized in a similar way to a film production company. Specialist teams will meet for a specific project and then move on to other teams within the same or another organization. The new key to the success of this approach will be to understand that managers must share their power and hence their responsibility with teams of people who previously lacked power due to rigid lines of bureaucratic authority. The downsizing of many companies, which have created flatter organizations with fewer managers to manage in the traditional hierarchical way, has forced organizations to delegate more authority to members of the organization that make up authentic teams. It is planned for the next years,that personal skills will be very important because these characteristics will allow them to integrate better with teams. Even managers will have to learn to follow those teams as well. In other words, the teams will not be guided by unique leaders, but each of its members will be able to exercise leadership in due course, depending on the activity they intend to carry out.


The types of groups within organizations are determined by small groups; which seek to link the individual with the organization, since each individual is a member of various formal and informal groups.

Formal groups: are determined by the organization, through the policies outlined for certain objectives.

Informal groups are derived from the spontaneous processes of Social Evolution, which is concretized by the development of a need felt by the inmissive.

The informal organization is characterized by:

- The relationship of cohesion or antagonism; since individuals create personal relationships of sympathy or antagonism, which has a highly variable duration.

- Because of the “status” determined by their social position and prestige in their participation and integration in the life of the group, it matters more than their position and prestige within the formal organization.

- Spontaneous collaboration, which exists at a high rate that can and should be applied in favor of the company.

- Communication among its members is promoted as information channels are created to keep them informed about administrative actions that affect them in various ways, thus causing rumors.

- They provide social control by influencing and regulating behaviors within and outside the group. There is internal control that persuades members to be satisfied with their lifestyle, and external control that is directed at groups such as the Union Leadership Administration, and other formal groups.

- Compliance among group members, which creates a reluctance to act or perform at too high a level, which creates little creativity and diversity of performance.

- It serves as a complement to the formal system since the formal plans, policies, procedures and standards cannot solve the problems that arise in a dynamic organization.

"Informal relationships serve to preserve the organization from self-destruction, which would result from literal obedience to formal policies, rules, regulations and procedures."


Observation of communication patterns in groups generally reveals an unplanned "center" of attention.

Research on communication in small groups has emphasized informal relationships, which appear to develop spontaneously.

The purpose of communication is to transmit information and persuasion, from the point of view of development, for mutual understanding; this will create long-term effectiveness on the groups.

For a mutual understanding, there needs to be a bilateral process, due to the number of times it can be misinterpreted, since communication is a difficult process; The probability that what the other person heard coincides with what is said is limited.

Misinterpretations are caused by disjointed transmission problems, semantic difficulties, and lack of preparation in the listener. These reasons are the dangers of unilateral communication. But this is not always the case since many, in order not to generalize, the issuer is responsible for the communication not occurring.

In order to obtain a good understanding, it is necessary to apply a bilateral communication (verification of the meaning although it is very time consuming), it indicates the precision of the messages transmitted, creating trust for the receivers.

If a unilateral communication process is used in order to save time, a lack of good communication could occur, leading to anti-functional organizational consequences.


Groups of all sizes are important for understanding organizational behavior, but the one with the greatest study interest is the small group, as it is the mediator between the individual and the organization.

The Small Group is:

1) an element located and inevitable in complex social systems.

2) It plays an important part in the development and elaboration of the personality;

3) It is an important factor in the socialization and control processes, 4) It has many similarities - as a social system - with large-scale social groups; and

5) It can be mobilized as a powerful motivational force. (two)

Although some small groups do not explicitly guide the behavior of their members, unity of purpose is the guideline to follow; since the objectives of the group must be internalized by the individual members, expecting a cohesion relationship between the groups. The social distance between small groups is minimal since you can deal with members of larger social and organizational groups, but members must interact with other relatively well-defined unique personalities.

Small groups are always in constant contact and manage to function as an operational team at work, through coordinated action; Since its members respond responsibly and enthusiastically to tasks, this generally increases job satisfaction.

If a comparison is made between the behavior of the traditional hierarchy and the work in an authentic team, we realize that the traditional hierarchy follows the chain of command and control, while the group has a multidirectional interaction related to the needs of the situation. and skill of each member, thus learning from their needs.


In a broad sense it can be said that groups are formed to satisfy human needs. There are tasks that can only be done through the group, but there are also tasks that the group performs more effectively than the individual himself. In the narrowest sense of an organization, it creates groups to perform tasks on walks to achieve their goals. The economic principle that promotes the formation of groups in organizations is that of division of labor. Even if the organization does not pursue economic objectives, its operating cost will be influenced by the degree of education of the division of labor. The formation and consolidation of a group indicates that the functions it performs satisfy the economic, psychological and social needs of its members.Modern production requires specialization in functions and operations, giving rise to groups whose mission is to develop their needs for achievement, prestige, recognition, security, domination, etc. The individuals who make up the group have a tendency towards sociability and therefore try to satisfy their needs for friendship and interaction with others as well. Groups also provide defense and protection of the interests of their members, against the actions of other groups and individuals inside or outside the organizations.The individuals who make up the group have a tendency towards sociability and therefore try to satisfy their needs for friendship and interaction with others as well. Groups also provide defense and protection of the interests of their members, against the actions of other groups and individuals inside or outside the organizations.The individuals who make up the group have a tendency towards sociability and therefore try to satisfy their needs for friendship and interaction with others as well. Groups also provide defense and protection of the interests of their members, against the actions of other groups and individuals inside or outside the organizations.

Simultaneously with the previously described on the best way to achieve the objectives, other actions must be carried out that contribute to the continuous improvement of the quality of the worker's performance. These actions are not easy to specify since, on the one hand, the worker, as a human being, is highly complex and, on the other, the environment is different from one place to another and from one era to another. For now, it is known that mainly four sets of issues are closely related to job performance:

a.- The selection of personnel.

b.- The training

c.- Leadership

d.- Motivation to performance

Regarding point a), we will summarize the importance of personnel selection with the following phrase: "you cannot ask for pears from the elm".

Point b) training is of a widely known importance, so for now we will not comment further on it.

From point c) leadership, we can point out that one of Deming's 14 principles when it comes to Total Quality indicates the need to change “supervision” to “Leadership”.

There are four areas of competence, four types of managing human skills, that many leaders embody:

Strategy I: attention through Vision

Strategy II: meaning through Communication

Strategy III: trust through Positioning.

Strategy IV: deployment of the self through:

The positive self concept

The Wallenda factor

Note: While the positive self-concept or self-esteem deals with How competent am I? Do I have wood? The Wallenda factor is mainly concerned with the perceptions of the outcome of the event; the Wallenda factor has less to do with one's own judgment about the efficiency of oneself than with the judgment about the result of the action.

Regarding point d), the main theories and writings on human motivation and also on performance motivation that were formulated from the 1900s until now are the following:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory.

Herzberg's Theory of Two Factors, Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Theory of Motivation of Achievements or Power - Filiation - Achievements, by Mc. Clelland.

Equity Theory, by Adams and others

Theory of Expectation, by Vroom and others

During the development of Total Quality in Japan, Edward Deming found that the following issues were great motivators for performance:

* The Achievement of a New Paradigm

* The satisfaction of self-esteem and belonging

* Conflict management

* Formation and training

* Self-improvement and worker culture

Based on the demonstrated success of Total Quality, a very special emphasis is now placed on the execution of actions that improve the self-esteem of the members of the organization. Below are some bibliographic citations referring to the definition of Self-esteem:

"The definition of self-esteem introduces into a fundamental problem, what is the nature of such a phenomenon? Is it a cognitive phenomenon or is it an emotional phenomenon? Is self-esteem a feeling ?, or perhaps Is it more convenient to approach it as if it were just an attitudinal phenomenon?

After reviewing the literature, it could be concluded that the phenomenon of self-esteem turns out to be very complex and involves cognitive, attitudinal and deeply interwoven feelings components.

According to Cooper Smith (1967), Self-esteem is defined as the evaluation that an individual habitually makes and maintains regarding himself; implies attitudes of approval or disapproval and indicates by extension what the individual believes about herself regarding her ability, success, significance and value…

Clemes and Bean (1973)…. “Self-esteem refers to the feeling of satisfaction with oneself, which emerges when a person's needs have been met. Needs can be met in two ways:

a) Making use of personal resources and capacities, tending to exert influence on external events

b) having an environment that provides the necessary conditions that allow the fulfillment of the purposes or satisfaction of personal needs. These same people argue that self-esteem is expressed in verbal behavior and in the action displayed by people. Based on their observations, they have managed to determine some characteristics associated with self-esteem. In this sense they point out that a person has a high or low self-esteem depending on the answers they provide in the test that you will find on the next pages.

Take advantage of this and answer these questions with all the frankness of the case !! Overall, it's not worth hiding what you already know yourself!

TEST No. 1

Respond honestly to the questions and reflect on it, then give yourself permission to improve.

.- Are you satisfied with your achievements? If not______

.- Do you act independently? If not______

.- Do you assume responsibilities? ______ No______

.- Do you tolerate frustrations? If not______

.- Do you enthusiastically accept new challenges? If not_____

.- Do you feel capable of influencing others? If not______

.- Does it exhibit a wide range of emotions and feelings? If not______

.- Do you avoid situations that cause anxiety? If not______

.- Do you disqualify your personal attributes? If not_______

.- Do you feel devalued by others? If not______

.- Do you hold others responsible for their own limitations or errors? If not______

.- Is it easily influenced by others? If not______

.- Do you assume defensive behaviors and demonstrate little tolerance for frustration? If not______

.- Is you little tolerant of criticism? If not________

.- Do you feel diminished in power? If not_______

.- Does it exhibit a narrow range of emotion and feeling? If not_______

.- Do you show a simple fascination just for the fact of being? If not_______

.- Are you able to speak about achievements or setbacks in a direct and honest way? If not______

.- Do you feel comfortable offering or receiving compliments, expressions of affection, appreciation and similar demonstrations? If not______

.- Are you open to criticism and have no problem recognizing your mistakes? If not_______

.- Is there harmony between what you say and do and your appearance, way of speaking and moving? If not______

.- Do you show an attitude of openness and curiosity towards new ideas, experiences and possibilities in life? If not_______

.- Are you able to see and enjoy the humorous aspects, even if it is yourself? If not_______

.- Do you project an attitude of flexibility when reacting to situations and challenges, a spirit of inventiveness and even fun? If not_____

.- Do you show assertive behavior? If not_______

.- Do you maintain an attitude of harmony and dignity even in stressful conditions? If not_____

.- Do you have bright, alert and lively eyes? If not______

.- Do you have a relaxed face, except in case of illness? If not______

.- Do you have a relaxed jaw? If not_______

.- Do you have arms that hang relaxed and in a natural way? If not_____

.- Is your posture relaxed, upright and well balanced? If not_______

.- Is your voice modulated with intensity appropriate to the situation and clear pronunciation? If not_______

.- Are your shoulders relaxed and erect? If not_______

Do not forget that the sincere and honest reflection of your answers constitutes a wonderful opportunity to invest efforts in obtaining achievements and satisfactions and therefore be and be well!


Stimulating a team's creativity requires a great deal of freedom. The less restrictions, the better. We refer to creativity that produces something of use or value. With the large number of procedures and rules established in organizations, creative thinkers do not tend to be highly organizational people. But without these creative people, organizations would not develop innovations or create new ideas.

A strategy that is successful in forming creative teams is to operate from the position of taking the initiative. When we take the initiative to move forward towards a common purpose. We promote the High Performance Team.

John Adair studied two ways to promote creativity in organizations: first, to group these creative thinkers into separate units, thus allowing interaction between them, and between them and the environment to feed on the necessary information. The second method is to transform the institution into an innovative and creative organization.

Both alternatives have their advantages and disadvantages. We invite you to discuss this aspect in your work team.

Team learning

Our educational system does not stimulate teamwork, since, in general, from elementary school to our university higher education, individual work prevails. Even in business administration careers, students are not trained in the operation of teams as a routine process of organizations.

Students may be instructed to work as a Team to present a work or topic, or to study together, but they are not trained in how to participate in a High Performance Team and how to handle problems that may arise. when working as a team. Many times, when students are asked to work as a team, only a few take over the project and complete it, while others only passively observe, and then, at the time of the grade, they fully share the result. Later, when they enter the labor market, they are required to work as a team, they do not know how to do it, since their learning of school teamwork is negative.

The conventional approach to training in the organization trains individuals one by one, often far from the organization and isolated from those who will then share their daily performance with him. Conventional learning is individual, but then it is intended that, automatically, there is effective performance within a team. Team learning is the transformation of collective skills for thinking and communication, so that the team can develop an intelligence and capacity greater than the equivalent of the sum of the individual talent of its members since there are different cases of teams, the learning structure is variable.

Carrying out a diagnosis of the conditions affecting the Team and the types of problems they will face will determine the learning they will have to assimilate for the formation of their High Performance Team. According to P. Senge: "Team learning is the process of aligning and developing the capacity of a Team, to create the results that its members want."

Learning to work in High Performance Teams is the attitude of wanting to be truly effective. Forces to suspend and examine core assumptions and beliefs.

A learning attitude determines the systematic structure of the results of the High Performance Teams. A Team can share a vision for a while and not learn.

In Team learning it is not valid to say "I learn". Team learning is a team skill. High Performance Teams learn to learn as a Team. A team that learns generates that the other Teams learn, by the permanent interaction that they maintain.

The role of leadership in High Performance Teams is to develop an environment that encourages learning, perhaps the only way that a leader has the right to influence others. In an era like the one we live in when organizations propose towards better performance by competencies, Teamwork must be considered, in addition to being a way of working, as a learning strategy. Working as a High Performance Team includes the use of various learning strategies that allow effective interaction among its members.

Discuss and improve:

As Dr. Rafael Echeverría tells us, in his work "Ontology of language" (1995): "Organizations are linguistic phenomena: units built from specific conversations, which are based on the ability of human beings to make mutual commitments when they communicate with each other. " It could be inferred that a team is a network of conversations and generates an identity that transcends its members.

High Performance Teams are examples of the power of conversations. If we observe, the limits of a team are linguistic. Who belongs and who does not belong is decided by a declaration.

The teams converse in two ways: dialogue and expert discussion. In dialogue, opinions are freely explored, others are listened to and their own assumptions are suspended. In the discussion, their own points of view are presented and defended, different opinions are contrasted and the best point of view is sought to support the decisions that will be made. Dialogue and discussion are potentially complementary, but most teams cannot distinguish between the two and consciously move between them.

The structure of the High Performance Teams is constituted as a network of mutual promises, requested and offered through a dialogue that also establishes the culture of the team, so that members know what to do and how to do it, whenever an action occurs, needless to say, based on your shared experience.

Dialogue allows us to share the vision of the behavior of realizing that vision together. That gives the High Performance Team a basis of consensus on common aspirations.

The strength of a High Performance Team is proportional to the strength of its dialogue. As we communicate positively, the productivity of the High Performance Team increases.

The communication skills of the members of a High Performance Team, in short, constitute the communication skills of the Team itself and determine its success or failure.

As R. Echeverría observes: “What executives and managers do inside and outside the company, we will realize that their work consists fundamentally and almost exclusively in these conversations. What executives and managers do is partially talk, listen, communicate with others, promote some conversations in the company and avoid others. His work only includes conversations ”.















-It tends to think in images and figures.

-He has a high tendency to not control himself and to fall flat on his face.

-Your first reaction to a situation is downright emotional.

-He finds it difficult to express his feelings but deep down he knows what he feels.

-Your perceptions are generally correct, even if they are not based on data collection or logic.

-Its accurate emotional perceptions confuse those who are intellectually more focused.

-He is greatly impacted when something tragic happens or some situation bothers or affects him.

-Many times the emotions paralyze him.

-Generally best expressed through poetry, drama, worship, music, and other artistic manifestations.

-Many times he says to himself: Why did I tell him that! or why I did it!


-Tends to think in words and phrases instead of figures and images

-His head works in such a way that it seems to be a source from which data enters and leaves.

-You need to talk about issues and situations to understand them better.

-Your mind "moves" faster than your heart.

-Your first reaction to a situation is to think about it.

-Use your mind faster than your body or emotions

-He always wants to have a reason for everything that happens.

-He always wonders the why of all matters.

-Assess the facts about emotions and hunches.

-It is difficult for you to understand people with an emotional type.

DISADVANTAGE -You must reach a period of time before your emotions reach your ideas and this period can be invaded by negative thoughts that prevent you from taking action.


-Has a high tendency to act first and then think.

-He loves traveling so he does not waste opportunity to do it.

-When you have problems you want to do something to solve them

-Your first reaction to a situation is to face it.

-He likes to handle situations that he can manipulate.

-It is survival-oriented.

-Stay in touch with your bodily needs.

-It excels in sports, dances and activities that require coordination.

- It could be called hyperactive because even sitting tends to be in constant movement.

-He likes to constantly change his position in his areas of influence: his work, his room, etc.

-To experience emotions, tends to take obsessive behaviors and repeat them over and over again.

-They are very good for high-risk sports, they are good hunters, pilots, builders, soldiers and craftsmen.


It consists of the transfer of information and the understanding of at least two people with each other. Through them they can express ideas, thoughts, feelings and values ​​to others. An important aspect of communication is that it always requires at least two people: sender and receiver for it to exist, because a single person cannot communicate. Communication is what the receiver understands, not what the sender says.


Addressing the subject of communication involves analyzing the history of humanity itself, which has been carefully carved by a few individuals surrounded by a special charisma that has allowed them throughout their lives to perform a stellar performance motivated by that inner force. extraordinary that moves the masses, that guides, that directs destinies until turning it into an essential personal exercise to be able to continue existing and that allowed them to then cross the threshold of history. That aptitude installed in their minds many times from the earliest age, due to situations that appeared in their lives, which could also be ignored and / or avoided as it was for most of those who were also there, but that on the contrary for the elect,They were challenged and later faced them with passion and faith until they were overcome. Naturally influenced by multiple internal and external variables.

It is known that during the first years of human history, approximately thirty thousand years ago, there were no kings, no politicians, no rulers, no leaders who governed or managed the landmarks of the peoples; However, it is also known that all the tribes always had a guide or a leader, who was the one who hunted the most, gave the best example, best tilled the land, and fished the most, and this attitude only obeyed to guarantee the satisfaction of the communities. basic needs. Obviously history is not written by the peoples as we usually hear, this is written by the men who have led and are holders of the Gift of communication. They are the leaders, leaders who through the word are the ones who lead the people to victory or defeat. Your ideas,Thoughts and actions constitute progress or failure and often leave indelible marks for several generations that are sometimes difficult to overcome and remain in the memories for all eternity.

History itself is built on the pillars erected by Siddartha Gautama (Buddha), Christ, Francisco de Miranda, Simón Bolívar, Napoleón Bonaparte, Nelson Mandela, Marthin Luther King, Mohandas -Mahatma- Ghandi, Miljail Gorbachov, Juan Pablo II, Yaser Arafat among others, those who possess that Gift, managed and still do, transcend their time and remain in our memories. Each historical moment projects its own dreams and its own utopias to energize the set of ideas, projects and realities of the social forces that are present at that moment. Only the individuals who own their destiny, possessors of a Gift, always at the forefront of each event are called to motorize the energies that move and transform the world. Emancipations, revolutions, development, discoveries, liberations,they have always been carried out by the same individuals committed to their thoughts and dreams. All without exception, have used the word in one way or another as an instrument of communication to materialize their purposes - it is the only possible logical explanation for having achieved it. The universe of communication ranges from a brief speech in a small Company, strolling through a small medium to leading a debate in the highest presidential rostrum, going through an interview on radio, television, organizing a sermon in any pulpit, say a few words at a funeral or masterfully lead a class. This art, like any other, can be perfected through exercises if we consider that the word is the most valuable resource that we can count on. That wealth of ideas,feelings and opinions that we want to express with vehemence, we can finally materialize through this Gift.

We will never know how many years of evolution had to elapse for man to appear the possibility of articulating words through an instrument of phonation provided by nature itself, a complete system of incredible perfection that allows us to communicate through language.

The structural bases of communication are constituted by the same language that comes to represent an extremely powerful tool that allows us to communicate in all areas of our lives and consequently makes us unique among all animal spices. It then constitutes approximately sixty percent of communication, while the other forty is represented by other variables such as gestures, attitude and tone of voice; consequently and seen in this way, there is no possibility of not communicating. Still remaining silent we are doing it. The language is extremely rich, varied and we depend on it much more than we can believe. It is extraordinary to discover that through the word we can decipher what everyone thinks, even when they are far away.This tool allows us to articulate our ideas, whatever they may be, to put them into action. It empowers us to shape our lives and influence the course of events. Unfailingly, our mastery of the world begins with mastery of the word, but apparently, since we started using it at a very young age, we hardly paid it the attention it deserves. How much power we have in the word! it's kind of like magic. Since childhood we can use it to achieve our goals, whatever they may be.we hardly give it the attention it deserves. How much power we have in the word! it's kind of like magic. Since childhood we can use it to achieve our goals, whatever they may be.we hardly give it the attention it deserves. How much power we have in the word! it's kind of like magic. Since childhood we can use it to achieve our goals, whatever they may be.

The hope that through the word we can achieve what we want, accompanies us throughout our lives; however, when this does not happen, it brings us depression, frustration and anger. When communication is interrupted for any of its causes, we feel uncomfortable, upset, irritated, lost, confused. Communication is a process that works when the elements involved in it are properly managed. We formulate an idea when we are transmitters and transmit it naturally using a language made up of the appropriate words so that it does not deviate on the way. The atmosphere so that this does not happen and the message is not lost, must be without barriers: noise, laughter, closed and uncomfortable environments, so that the receiver,- whoever listens to us and receives the message - can interpret it correctly. Communication as it might seem, is not so easy, when by our own irresponsibility, we transmit our thoughts through a double message that must have been simple, clear and direct. In this way we allow others to try to decipher what we have wanted to say and what we really want is not always understood. The double messages are sent through the gesture that comes to constitute, according to researchers in the area, up to sixty percent of communication. Many times we send these messages subconsciously through gestures and another through words, both contradicting each other and generating confusion in our interlocutor. When this happens, we lose our time, money and what I consider most important:credibility. It is absolutely our responsibility, to send a clear message, without elaborate words many times with the futile purpose of trying to impress those who listen to us, we must consequently use simple words since these in our language have different interpretations. Many words have more than one meaning, those that for some are simple, for others are an incomprehensible tangle difficult to understand. We must then properly know those who listen to us and be very careful to use the appropriate language - which is imprecise by nature - so that it does not interfere with what we really mean.without far-fetched words many times with the futile purpose of trying to impress those who listen to us, we must therefore use simple words since these in our language have different interpretations. Many words have more than one meaning, those that for some are simple, for others are an incomprehensible tangle difficult to understand. We must then properly know those who listen to us and be very careful to use the appropriate language - which is imprecise by nature - so that it does not interfere with what we really mean.without far-fetched words many times with the futile purpose of trying to impress those who listen to us, we must therefore use simple words since these in our language have different interpretations. Many words have more than one meaning, those that for some are simple, for others are an incomprehensible tangle difficult to understand. We must then properly know those who listen to us and be very careful to use the appropriate language - which is imprecise by nature - so that it does not interfere with what we really mean.We must then properly know those who listen to us and be very careful to use the appropriate language - which is imprecise by nature - so that it does not interfere with what we really mean.We must then properly know those who listen to us and be very careful to use the appropriate language - which is imprecise by nature - so that it does not interfere with what we really mean.

The bureaucratic language, the demagogue, the phrases made, loaded with violence, hostility or aggressiveness, are variables that definitely contribute to breaking communication and it is our responsibility once again to create the favorable environment with a healthy, ideal psychological climate, without abusing from the listener and with due courtesy so that the listener has a clear reception of the message that is our true goal and not the simple transmission of the message as is sometimes believed. The more we use inappropriate language in our communications, the less we achieve with it. The word is too powerful a weapon that when misused can generate unwanted reactions in our interlocutors. The simple fact that we say what we have to say does not guarantee that the message has been captured; in this sense,It is important to keep in mind the verification that the message has been truly understood. To achieve this objective, feedback (feed back) is an essential tool that absolutely improves communication. It is true that a message delivered in one direction is faster, but questions are essential to our purpose of achieving more productive and profitable action. What I am trying to say is that those who speak and whenever possible should consider this question-and-answer (two-way message) strategy in order to thoroughly investigate whether listeners understood the message properly. I dare recommend that they should insist on doing it and practicing it. This mechanism significantly improves communication.A good professional is not satisfied with sending the message, is obliged, committed, ensures and thoroughly verifies if it was properly understood. Listening is one of the magic words of the person sending the message. We cannot and should not, under any circumstances, hold our interlocutor responsible for the fact that they have not fully understood us. Comprehension must be complete, including in the critical details of our speech. Questions and answers are the basis of communication. Simple messages can be sent through one way - it is enough - but if what we have to communicate is more complex, both ways are essential. Through this strategy, we enable a bridge between the parties and it is much easier for listeners to cross the bridge if we give them the possibility to do so. But on the other hand,We must not abuse them hoping that everything will unfold through questions and answers, we must not get there without a properly elaborated plan, or what is the same, we must not improvise. Language provides the structure that allows us, in a fascinating way, to learn from each other and vice versa, and it is then, when it takes action in all its splendor, the wonderful power of words.


Organizations cannot exist without communication, since employees without communication cannot know what their colleagues are doing; management cannot receive information about what is happening and supervisors cannot issue instructions.

Likewise, collaboration at work is impossible and therefore the organization disappears and from the point of view of management, any act at this level must pass through what many call the "bottleneck" of communication. There are multiple definitions of communication and in truth, they all practically agree on the same thing. Communication consists of the transfer of information and the reception and understanding of a message from at least two people. Through it, ideas, thoughts, feelings and values ​​can be expressed to others. An important aspect of communication is that it always requires a minimum of two people: sender and receiver for it to exist, because in truth, a single person cannot communicate. Communication is what the receiver understands, not what the sender says.Consequently, it is a relation of total reciprocity regarding the emission and reception of messages. We are always communicating, either through words, gestures or simply through silence.


Development of an idea: It is when the Issuer conceives and develops an idea that he wishes to transmit.

Coding: Consists of putting together an idea in appropriate words, graphics or other transmission symbols; in short, we use a system of signals that we use to make ourselves understood.

Channel or Transmission: This phase consists of transmitting the message through the defined medium chosen for it, example: memo, telephone, fax, mime, verb, etc. It is important to highlight at this point, the choice of the transmission channel and its opportunity so that the sender can capture the attention of the receiver and the message reaches it in a timely manner.

Reception: Transmission allows the other person (s) to receive a message. In this phase, the initiative is now transferred to the recipients who in turn must listen, see or read (be willing to receive the message).

Decoding: In this phase the Issuer aspires so that the Receiver, in addition to receiving, is capable of understanding the message exactly as it was conceived and sent.

Use: This is the last phase of the communication process. It is then up to the Recipient to use the message it has received. This can obviously ignore it, perform the assigned task, store the planned information or give it another use that it deems convenient or not.

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