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Are you responsible or don't you care



Some time ago, watching television, he watched the series "Malcolm the middle one", meditated on the protagonists and his performance in this one, caught his attention at the moment when his mother of this character gave him the responsibility for the work in the shopping center done She works, he realized that his immediate boss of his mother was irresponsible, and that consequently the others took him in short. When Malcolm arrives at work he wants to do his best as he was used to, since he is responsible, very smart at his school and always excels. In one of the scenes he bothers about the attitude of his family and complains to them, to which his mother says:

Mama: I know, how they will all end, Duy will be a mechanic somewhere on this earth, Riss will be a person who will have problems but will know how to fix them, Francis will start a business and he will be fine and you?… You will go to Harvard University, and you will be one of the best scientists, for your performance and for how you are.

Malcolm: As you know.

Mama: Well, you are the only sane one in the house and the most responsible.

Being responsible allows us to have more opportunities and the freedom to do what we want to do.

What does it mean to be responsible?

According to Jennifer Moore-Mallinos: "It means doing what you are supposed to do, it means respecting the rules, whether at school, at home or in the community." By being responsible, it means that you have accepted these rules by acting in a way that you consider appropriate. It also means being careful with the things that matter to us, such as our personal things, our animals in our care, our family members, and even ourselves.

I have realized that we have misused the word responsibility, and we consider that it is to be punctual, deliver work on time and not miss classes, but what for one may be responsible for others may be a lifestyle, since According to the pedagogical notebook, promoting values ​​in basic education does not mention; "The term" value "(as in this case responsibility) is related to the person's own experience, affects their behavior, configures and shapes their ideas and conditions their feelings". When some consider punctuality as a scientific definition for others, it means a daily life in which they do not need to hear the meaning or know the rules of being responsible, because responsibility is their daily life, they do not need to run to get there early or deliver jobs to weather,they simply act and live in their time and hour.

The essence of values ​​is their worth, being valuable. This value does not depend on individual subjective appreciations; they are objective values, located outside of time and space, for example: peace, love, responsibility, among others. When the students of the school where I work carry out their work in a timely manner, I realize that there are those who grieve for giving and there are those who simply are up to date every day, that's where responsibility has value for some students and for others it is simply as if they were born with the value label, they were born with value, since they were formed by their relatives since they were little, and in the home dinner the responsibility emanates.

The learn to be responsible wears a process that sometimes time is long, most of us since childhood instilled in us the meaning of responsibility. Example; When we find an adult on the street, we should greet or help them if necessary, or when they left us a job at school, we had to comply, or we played with our brothers, we had to order our disasters or pick up the things we threw away. We also learned that when we do something good with responsibility, this was reciprocal and we did good for it. Being responsible was good.

According to Marta Fabrega: our level of responsibility increases with the years and with the importance of each task that we carry out in its entirety. Deciding to be responsible has many positive rewards like those already mentioned, but if we decide not to be responsible, we have to hope that there will probably be many negative and adverse consequences as a result of our decision. What would you choose ?.


I consider that we must take into account the authors' concepts mentioned by what I agree with Jennifer Moore, doing what we have been entrusted to do, but more than anything doing a lifestyle and living responsibly without needing to be In constant concern for it, when you make it your daily life, this value becomes valuable, since those attitudes that we demonstrate will be what will lead you to do it in an observable way. Everyone has values ​​and among them must be responsibility, since values ​​are perceived through a non-intellectual operation called estimation. And you? Do you have the guts or is it not important to you!


Moore-Millinos, Jennifer. Just as I am! Mexico: SEP: Edebe, 2007. 48 p.: il - (Books of the corner).

Pedagogical Notebook. Let's promote Values ​​at School. Basic Education, Chiapas. Mexico. 1999. Aimed at Teachers of Basic Education.

Are you responsible or don't you care