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Are we motivated or stimulated?


This time we are going to decipher together what is motivation and encouragement. It is that, many times we get tired of listening, people have to be motivated to achieve goals, but we do not differentiate how and what we can do to make that motivation become active.

Motivation can be an objective, but it alone will not be enough for an individual to reach it, so something from outside is called stimulus.

Stimuli are what make us go to a specific place or goal, which must be our motivation. This stimulus can be positive or negative, so this is exactly what we must take care of.

Here I share with you some of my interactive talks on Motivation for achievement based on each participant's realities. It is that first we must know that the motivations and stimuli are different for each individual, but they all have a fundamental base in common. The only difference is that each person performs them independently. Not in a strict order. That is, each one of us develops them according to our needs, knowledge, experiences, style and most of the time without knowing why we react in one way or another. Anyway, here I share them so that you can get to know yourself a little more and thus make the best of yourself every day.

But… What is Motivation? ahhh and how to find it?

Motivation always fills us with energy and enthusiasm. Motivation is a series of steps that move us to act. For you to want to move, you first need to know where to move, right?

What moves you is known as a motivator. For example: If you are in love, what moves you to act… is the person, right? The person is your motivator.

Depending on the circumstances in which you find yourself, your motivators are different.

For example: If you have barely enough to survive, your main motivators… will be food and a roof to sleep in, right? So all your efforts will be focused on obtaining them. But these are the basic motivators, the necessary ones for your existence. You can choose how to get to those motivators, how to get that house and food. How you decide to reach them will determine your character and your life.

You can choose the honest path to reach your motivators… or a negative path.

Example: You can choose to work washing cars or help someone in your business as an apprentice, to get the money you need to eat.

As you can see, the choices you make to satisfy your motivators begin to determine your character and your life.

When you get to meet these basic needs, your motivators change.

Now what moves you to act is the need for belonging. Of feeling part of a group of friends. It is then that this need to be appreciated motivates you. If you choose to positively satisfy this new motivator, you can become an excellent friend.

After you have satisfied this motivator, you are motivated by the feeling of security. This especially applies to economics. It is when you are in a stable job… but you want to earn more money. It is then when you have the two paths before you again: the positive and the negative.

If you choose to act positively, you will work hard, you will strive to be the best… to naturally receive more money for your work. In its negative form, you can choose conformity and complain about the company or the activity you carry out.

When this need for security is satisfied… it is when a new motivator appears in your life: the need to transcend.

That is: you want to share your experiences with others to help them. You want to make a scientific book, a statue, you seek to transcend through your children.

Now you want to follow the positive path, right? Maybe you will tell me: Maru, I have nothing to motivate me:

How can I find what motivates me?

How can I find my motivators?

First, ask yourself…

What excites you the most? And let your heart answer you. Without the intrusion of the intellect, just let yourself feel.

You may find several motivators there.

What are your greatest talents?

What make you feel happier?

Also, look for information on topics that appeal to you.

What books attract your attention the most? The topics you like the most say a lot about you.

When you're talking…

What are you talking about? When you are reflecting…

What topics are you thinking about? That says a lot about what you really like.

What things do you feel you should do or know? With all these questions, give yourself a week, for example, for ideas to gradually click! in your head.

These are questions that, once planted, answers will mature in the moments you least expect. Just be alert.

Since you have your motivators (partner, house, more money, travel, car, etc.) it is very important that you mix them with some of the stimulants of the mind.

When you don't mix your motivations with any stimulant, that's why you never act.

The most powerful stimulant is love.

Do you remember when you were in love (or)?

You do a thousand and one crazy things for the person, right? But when the stimulus of love disappears you tell yourself what nonsense I have done! Love was the stimulus that moved you to act.

The passion to do what you like the most, will drive you to do the same crazy things to achieve your dreams, as you did with that person. So give yourself to do what makes your heart happy the most.

Autosuggestion is another very powerful mind stimulant.

People become, what are their dominant thoughts. If when you wake up the first thing you do is think about your motivations, when you speak, you do it about your motivations, and before falling asleep, you are thinking about your dreams…

Your ideas will take on a life of their own and propel you to act. Imagination is another stimulant of the mind. "When the will and the imagination are in conflict, the one that always triumphs is the imagination."

Imagine your dreams in detail and emotionally charge them. Negative thoughts, all they get, is obstructing action. Once negative thoughts don't obstruct your dreams… you walk to make them come true.

How to stay motivated?

Zig Ziglar says: “People often say that motivation does not last. Well, the bath we take in the morning doesn't last; that's why we recommend it daily. ”

The best athletes don't exercise once a week, do they? They do it almost daily and for many hours. What makes you think that motivation is different?

Exercise your motivation daily. The satisfactions and results of your effort will be reflected in greater happiness and control of your life.

Remember how important it is to surround yourself with positive people and high ideals. I myself have seen the incredible energy and motivation that comes together and sharing with successful and visionary people.

Ahead! Experience is the daughter of action, and what you have left after reading all this… is acting.

I hope this article is part of your life.

Are we motivated or stimulated?