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Strategy for the management of the non-isced-huambo research component


Or this research work has as a starting point to problems relatively to the insufficiencies that we present students and the recent graduates of the Higher Institute of Sciences of Education (ISCED) do Huambo, as long as the development of investigative competitions. Considering the importance of the investigative component in the proactivity of any institution of higher education and in the training of reflective agents, not process of development of its professional activity, in this case of learning and learning; Perante or established deficit, is placed as a scientific problem to follow question: How to raise to research training two students from ISCED do Huambo? In order to respond to the problem raised, define as a general objective of the investigation “to elaborate a strategy for the management of the investigative component not to process two students not ISCED do Huambo. In order to answer the scientific problem and the years that have followed, the research process has been formulated or followed by a hypothetical thought:A strategy for the management of the supported research component: a systemic approach to the research component, and not a model of research competence, can constitute a valid way to increase the relevance of the ISCED do Huambo training plan, not related to the research component, and consequently contribute totraining of investigative competence. The achievement of the general objective is conditional on the articulation of two specific subscribed objectives: to establish the historical trends of the research component of the non-professional training process at ISCED in Angola; characterize or treat a non-investigative investigative component of non-ISCED professional training; Theoretical foundation or treatment of the investigative component of the teacher training centers; elaborate or adopt a management model for the non-PFP non-ISCED research component; prepare a strategy for the management of the non-PFP research component of ISCED do Huambo; to endorse pertinência gives strategy through the criteria of expectations. Or study was developed fundamentally through the application of research methods and techniques, such as documentary and bibliographic analysis,interviews, questionnaires, Delphi method. The main result of the investigation is the proposal of a strategy for the management of the investigative component that did not process two students from ISCED do Huambo. The aforementioned proposal obtains a positive assessment of the experts (8) selected experts through the Delphi method, in the opinion that they suggest that a strategy can effectively contribute to raise to research training two students of ISCED do Huambo.In this way, we suggest that a strategy can contribute effectively to raise to research training two students of ISCED do Huambo.In this way, we suggest that a strategy can contribute effectively to raise to research training two students of ISCED do Huambo.


This research paper has its point of departure the problem of insufficiencies that the current and newly-graduated students at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação (ISCED) have in relation to the development of investigative competencies.

The work takes into consideration the importance of the investigative competence in the proactivity of any teaching institution in the education of reflective practitioners in the process of their professional activity, ie the teaching and learning. Thus, from the lack that has been observed, we have been confronted with the research question: How to elevate the students' investigative training at ISCED-Huambo?

In order to answer this problem the general objective of the research has been defined, which is, “to design a strategy for the leading of the investigative component in the process of education of students at ISCED-Huambo.”

In order to respond to the research problem and other items related to the research design the following hypothesis was formulated - a strategy for the leading of a sustainable investigative component: in a systemic focus of investigative component and in the investigative competence, can constitute a valid way to increase the relevance of the training program of ISCED Huambo, in relation to investigative component, and so contribute to the training of investigative competence.

The realization of the general objective is conditioned to the articulation of the following specific objectives: to establish the historical trends of the how the investigative component is dealt with in the professional training in ISCEDs of Angola; characterize the way the investigative component is dealt with in the professional training process in ISCED; to theoretically argue for the way the investigative component is dealt with in the teacher training centers; to design or adapt the leading model of the investigative component in the teacher training process in ISCED; to design a strategy to lead the investigative component in the teacher training process in ISCED Huambo; to assess the relevance of the strategy through the criterion of experts.

The study was developed through the use of different research methods and techniques, such as, text and bibliography analysis, interviews, questionnaires, Delphi method, Kendall W concordance test, Friedman concordance confirmation test.

The main research result is a proposal of a strategy for the leading of the investigative component in the education process of students at ISCED-Huambo. ” This proposal had a positive evaluation by the eight (8) experts that had been selected through the Delphi method, who have suggested that the strategy can effectively contribute to the elevation of the students' investigative training at ISCED-Huambo.


As Universities have historically played a strategic role, not social development, meanwhile, not a millennium has grown or its role as a result of the evolution of the science and technology, the increasing informatization of the society, the global trend and the new demands that society attributes to this institution. Thus, as never before, the centers of higher education are called to become true powers of science, technique and culture (Fernandes, 2000).

The Delors report (1996), published by UNESCO, on education not 21st century, states that the University must contribute to education as a place of science and training that leads to theoretical or applied research, or to teacher training, ou seja, that among its functions it is to prepare for research and to teach.

Research for the entire university community is always due to social integration factors (Alonso, 2000b; 2001; 2002).

In this context, or the process of scientific research as a preponderant factor for the development of society, it provides solutions to scientific problems and seeks to achieve new knowledge.

A research with relevance, allows two academic professions to learn more about training and projects the introduction of new scientific methods, not a professional training process (Marcelo, 1992a; 1992b).

No Higher Institute of Sciences of the Education of Huambo, a research component not a process of professional training, it is not possible to feel an extracurricular aspect, so we can admit that any curricular aspect to its application is not more suitable. This still does not reach the satisfactory indicators independently of the internal disclosure of two results through two end-of-course work (bachelor theses), the integration of the teaching and the research is in accordance with the expectations of the educational teaching process in this perspective.

The integration of the docência - investigação - extensão não tem um a compliant due to the discontinuation of two bodies of scientific management, there is no relationship of communication of distribution and implementation of specific processes and two processes of investigative integração. It is not possible to reach the maximum concentration of scientific potential in solving two priority problems. There is no coordination between national and international institutions that can carry out research on related topics. There is also no incorporation strategy for students, we are research projects second to the extent of complexes in demand for scientific work.

As this reference, or scientific research process, should be relevant so that its objectives and tasks are aimed at disseminating all the ways and possibilities, two results of scientific and technical activity (Mesquita & Rodriguez, 2004).

These and other pressures have been reasons for reflection by two collegiate bodies of ISCED do Huambo, as well as by Conselho Pedagógico, Conselho Cientifico e em muitas circumstâncias, object of analysis of two methodological encounters between the Departments of Ensino and Investigação (actas das reuniões dos referred or nineteen ninety five). These methodical procedures take place instead of all analysis actions of the curriculum proposed by the University of Agostinho Neto University, particularly the Cabinet of the Director for curricular reform.

This problem acquired a great deal of influence and was not tempted to understand the process of innovation and non-ISCED curricular change - Huambo, understood simultaneously as the process of training teachers and the development of the school as an organization.

Or this work affects the micro curriculum development of a strategy for the management of the non-ISCED research component of Huambo, with the fact that a deficit in this component is noticed by two students, graduates from the aforementioned institution and professors, or who fear negative repercussions in effect Two jobs at the end of the course and consequently no future professional performance in the formation or training of the institutions of Ensino Geral. The development of the study gives rise to problems due to certain procedural requirements that will allow the question to arise. To do so, it is a survey carried out through an aturative diagnosis, applying various instruments with spelled results spelled out in synth, its reading and analysis allowed information on the actual situation.

Or referred diagnosis consisted essentially in the application of inquérito by questionário to all effective professors, student finalists, graduates from the institution of the year (professores em outras instituições de ensino), interviews with the heads of department of ensino and investigação, to analyze two jobs of course end defended.

It will be part of the diagnosis by categories, professors, finalist students, graduates, and heads of the teaching and research department.

The diagnosis made it possible to verify or deficient the development of many investigative skills, for which explicit reference is found in the analysis of the real situation of the investigative component of ISCED - Huambo.

It is presumed that there is a lack of investigative skills due to a lack of alignment between the academic component, the labor component and the investigative one in the dynamics of the development of the educational teaching process. Considering the importance of the investigative component in the proactivity of any institution of higher education and in the training of reflective agents, not process of development of its professional activity, in this case of learning and learning; perante as insufficiencies that we present students and graduates of ISCED do Huambo, as long as the development of investigative competence. Will the next question be asked as a scientific problem: How to raise two students from ISCED do Huambo to research training?

As can be inferred, or subject in the study of the problem that is currently in place, is related to the objectives of the development of the educational and investigative teaching process, it was a pertinent aspect in any higher education institution, as part of the mainstream mestras) defined by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Technology.

The basis of coerência as a scientific problem, defined as an object of research, or non-ISCED professional training process - Huambo.

This feita is defined as a field of action for the present work of investigation to the direction of the investigative component, not a professional training process.

Or present research work with the following general objective: to elaborate a strategy for the management of the non-investigative component of ISCED training in Huambo, based on the theoretical model of the management.

In order to answer the scientific problem and the years before the end of the research process, the following hypothetical thinking was formulated:

A strategy for the management of the supported research component:

§ num systemic approach gives investigative component, e;

§ no model of investigative competition, It can constitute a valid way to increase the relevance of the ISCED Huambo training plan, not related to the research component, and consequently contribute to the training of research competition.

A general objective is subject to the articulation of two specific subscribed objectives:

1. Establish the historical trends of the non-process investigative component of the ISCED professional training in Angola.

2. Characterize or treat the non-investigative investigative component of non-ISCED professional training.

3. Theoretical foundation or treatment of the investigative component of teacher training centers.

4. Prepare or adopt a management model for the non-PFP non-ISCED research component.

5. Develop a strategy for the management of the non-PFP research component of ISCED do Huambo.

6. Validate pertinência gives strategy through the criteria of expectations.

Or study was developed fundamentally through the application of research methods and techniques, such as documentary and bibliographic analysis, interviews, questionnaires, Delphi's method, test of concordance of Kendall W, test of confirmation of concord of Friedman.

The main result of the work presented is a proposal for the management of the investigative component that did not process two students of ISCED do Huambo.

A contribution to this research from a theoretical point of view or a competition model based on the non-development of the research component. From a practical point of view or a methodological approach, the strategy for the research component is not processed by two students from ISCED do Huambo, this is, with the purpose of elevating the referred students to research competition.

A novidade da investigação consists of a contextual adaptation of the Arredondo model, et. there. (1994: 98), referring to docência, em administração da educação, adapted and applied by Castellanos, (2001) em educação investigation that served as the basis of elaboration of the strategy for the direction of the investigative component not process of formação dos estudantes do ISCED do Huambo.

Applied methodology and results

The diagnosis as an initial phase of the investigative process was carried out through the application of research instruments and later analysis and interpretation of two results, which are given reflections that allow us to determine the real situation of the research component of the students, as well as the preparation of two teachers. e seu performance to achieve this goal.

In order to confirm the current status of the research activity of two students, the SWOT matrix was applied, a questionnaire for student years of the 4th year of all the courses and years I graduated from an exercise based on teaching we are more different than nineteen., for além da análise two works of fim of course já defended. As the same objective, they were asked by questionnaires, the teachers of the institute in voga, as well as the interviewed heads of the department of teaching and research. The results revealed that, in general, the existence of several insufficiencies that affect the integration of the academic, labor and research components, did not process two students from ISCED do Huambo. Among the specified multiples results, ressaltam-se generically the following:

• Weaknesses in the training and development of investigative skills we are studying at ISCED do Huambo;

• Weak management of the investigative component by two teachers, no training process for two students from ISCED do Huambo;

• Lack of methodological guidelines on the part of two departments of teaching and research for the training and development of the investigative component that did not process two students of ISCED do Huambo.

Starting from the point of view that a university should define or a training model, in this case or "Pedagogical Model", on the basis of each institution defines or its institutional educational project, I have the diagnosis or the specific situation of the current situation of the training two students of the ISCED do Huambo, to give a greater insight to the investigative component, suggest a curriculum by competences, this is, to solve professional problems, based on a model by competencies and a management strategy of the non-investigative component of the training process.

Valuation of two results of research by expert witnesses

This method allows analyzing and framing the framework of the current conditions of a given phenomenon and constituting a comprehensive image of its evolution, the generation of evaluations carried out by experts, experts and specialists, based on the logic of their experiences. intuitive on the topic. No particular framework of this work or method is applied for the model and the proposal of the strategy that is the only one or work of this work.

As a matter of fact, in this chapter, two experts, experts or selected experts have been characterized to value or model the strategy, clarifying the criteria adopted for their characterization. It becomes explicit the methodological steps carried out in the application of the Delphi Method, circumscribed not following itens:

• Calculation of the coefficient of competition for two experts (k);

• Calculation of the absolute frequencies of evaluations for each question;

• Calculation of the accumulated frequencies of evaluations for each question;

• Calculation of two cut points;

• Calculation of the coefficient of agreement between the experts;

• Prova de concordância by Kendall W;

• Friedman's test;

I have in mind the defined research pressures, above all not that I respect the hypothesis raised, as the application of this method seeks to confirm the possibility of raising the relevance of the ISCED do Huambo training plan, not related to the research component and consequently contributing to a formação gives investigative competence.

For the application of the Dephi Method, selected fora (8) experts, experts or specialists, nationals and foreigners, professions of education, I have as a basic support the following criteria:

• Teaching experience tempo;

• Teaching category;

• Specialty;

• Scientific degree;

• Employment relationship;

• Participation in scientific events and involvement in research work;

O annex 16 é o referential do teste foi applied to oito (8) professional specialists selected for their self-valorization. A total of two specialists submissive years of testing and Doutorado em Ciências da Educação, in the category of Associates with more than 15 years of university teaching experience. All of them will be taught to the head of the Scientific Research Methodology, being three (3) in graduate courses and the remaining five (5) just in graduation courses.

His views on the subject matter in which they were conditioned by empirical procedures, these consisting of the statistical process of the month. In the sequence of this characterization, two methodological processes adopted for the purpose have been described.

For the application of the Dephi Method, selected fora (8) experts, experts or specialists, nationals and foreigners, professions of education, I have as a basic support the following criteria:

• Teaching experience tempo;

• Teaching category;

• Specialty;

• Scientific degree;

• Employment relationship;

• Participation in scientific events and involvement in research work;

A total of two specialists submissive years of testing and Doutorado em Ciências da Educação, in the category of Associates with more than 15 years of university teaching experience. All of them will be taught to the head of the Scientific Research Methodology, being three (3) in graduate courses and the remaining five (5) just in graduation courses.

His views on the subject matter in which they were conditioned by empirical procedures, these consisting of the statistical process of the month. In the sequence of this characterization, two methodological processes adopted for the purpose have been described.

Description of the Competition Coefficient of two experts

The competition coefficient (K), consists of the opinion of the expert, the experts and experts on their level of knowledge about the problem in considering the basis determined by the formula K = ½ (Kc + Ka).

It is imperative to say that K represents the coefficient of competition, Kc is the coefficient of knowledge or information of the expert, expert and specialist on the subject, whereas Ka corresponds to the coefficient of argument or foundation of two criteria two experts (experts, experts or specialists).

The values ​​assigned by the specialists, on a self-valorization scale (constant with two instruments applied to the specialists) will constitute the measurement presupposition of the calculation of the coefficient of consistency (Kc).

Practical procedure: o assassinated value of specialist hair multiplied by 0.1, or result of said operation revealed or Kc do expert, expert or specialist. To clarify taking or subsequent practical procedure exercise carried out without work. For example, if you are a marcou specialist or number 7, this is multiplied by 0.1 ou seja, (7. 0.1) = Kc. Neste case Kc = 0.7. Isto wanted to say that he is a specialist 5, or Kc = 0.5 because 5.0.1 = 0.5. No job or first specialist is present 9, logo or your Kc = 0.9.

Relatively to the argumentation coefficient (Ka) or self-assessment specialist, it supports the categories of high, medium and low, in the role of influential influencers: theoretical analysis of specialist specialists, their experience, work of foreign authors, Your own understanding of the state of the problem at the global level and its intuition (constant iterations are not questioned to these applied). This coefficient receives the values ​​that correspond to each selected quadradinho or marked by each expert. The competition coefficient (K), constituted an express result of only two previous coefficients; or its value is always between the 0.25 and 01 values. The next closest grade or K value of 1, the highest or the highest level of competence in the cause.I have as reference or exercise of self-valorization the first specialist or result shows that ka = 0.97; Kc = 0.9; logo, K = ½ (0.97 + 0.9) = 0.94 which is the assumed value or the coefficient of competence of said specialist. Two selected specialists can note that the competition value is the lowest or 0.92, referring to the second and sixth specialists considered high in view of approximation to 1.

The results obtained revealed that all selected specialists have a high level of competence, or that it means that their judgments exalt the relevance of the model and respective proposed strategy, or that they give or endorse serem applied in practice, to the positivist expectation of power to contribute to or increase It gives relevance to the training plan of ISCED do Huambo, not regarding the research component, and consequently contributes to the training of research competition.

Presentation and analysis of two results gives appreciation of expert hairs

All the selected specialists were submitted to the pre-opening of a questionnaire that when given its consideration was awarded to the model and the strategic proposal, in which it was presented a general vision, and it was recommended that the specialists present their proposals and / or alterations that they contributed to distraction gives trouble. The concomitância foram presented the categories and scale of assessment used to collect two criteria, two specialists involved in the evaluation of the appropriate model and the strategy for the direction of the investigative component.

As described categories, patents not administered instrument following the disposition and reading:

Rating scale of various names: MA (Adequate Muito) = 5; BA (Fairly Adequate) = 4; A (adequate) = 3; PA (adequate pool) = 2; I (Inadequate) = 1

As is obvious, the application of two such instruments will produce results. The aforementioned results are reflected in the relevant evaluation of each of the two specialists on the question of the applied instrument, according to the evaluation scale supra referenced.

Faced with contextualization of the application not present work, in the first questão, the selected specialists will follow the following options: they will be heard (8), they will be directed to their body in (MA) valued on a scale of 5. Or present example, with differentiated and extensive options às dezoito (18) questões formuladas.

The results obtained reveal the logical structure of two elements of the structure of the model that supports the strategic proposal, it can be inferred that the model is pertinent to the application of the strategy of the derivative, guaranteeing effectiveness and relevance.

As a result of the application of two frequency tests, a table with frequencies translated in numerical form is presented.

In the function of evaluating the probabilities, it is necessary to introduce the relative frequencies and as it is used for normal distribution, it is also convenient that these relative frequencies are calculated on accumulated frequencies.

By analyzing the responses of two specialists to the questions of the question, as to the uniformity of the responses, there is a coincidence of appreciation for 100% of the questions, p4, p5, p8, p9, p11, p12, p13, p16, p17 in BA e p1, p2 in BA. The hair that can be observed, with the highest relevance of the selected specialists, absolutely converges their ideas in the BA category and followed by MA, which embodies just a few questions. A feita quanto ao nível de convergência em BA, means that the model of the proposal is strategically relevant, or that it satisfactorily affects the confirmation of the hypothesis initially formulated.

Subsequently, we will determine the values ​​of the relative frequencies accumulated by each question, the results of which are spelled out in the table of annex 23. The respective table will calculate the relative frequencies accumulated, which will be obtained through the coefficient of each absolute frequency over the last frequency. cumulative absolute row, this is, divide the total hair frequencies and obtain the frequencies for each question. The results revealed that only the questions (1 and 18) were valued in the category (MA), being their cumulative relative frequency 1 which is equivalent to 100%. At the level of (BA) and notorious to its supremacy, so the questions (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,18), to its cumulative relative frequency as primary two specialists é 1 representing 100%. This category (BA) as the least valued questions were (7.14,15), each equivalent to a percentagem of 0.75% respectively.

In the sequence, the values ​​of the cumulative inverse normal distribution are determined. These values ​​are determined from a statistical table of standardized normal distribution. Or subsequent step or calculation of means that are obtained for each row and for each column, which results from the algebraic two values ​​divided by the number of rows and columns.

This feita, for each column (category) à media calculated subtrai-se a media geral e results no cut point of each category, e for each row a media calculated for each subtrai-question e obtained or value of scale for each question. In order to obtain a general medium, all the values ​​(points) of normal distribution are divided and the total amount of somatic points is peeled, whose general average is: 2,085.

Take as an example the questions 1 and 2 to understand two cut points. Question 1: 2,085-3.72 = -1.63; Pergunta2: 2,085-2.62 = -0.54.

As it can be observed, the aforementioned table reflects the assessment of the questions, where it can be verified that the average calculated for each column is not a cut point for the respective category as it is found in the figure below. As a reflection of the results given, observing, it should be noted that for all the questions or cut point for each category it is less than 3.04. On the basis of these given it can be concluded that the proposed model and the respective strategy offer guarantee and relevance to or will be applied in practice, as a consequence they confirmed the hypothesis initially raised. Or said result can be observed on a subscribed scale.

Cut Point Scale Figure

Scale values ​​two category limits









The scale value for each question is selected in this numerical ratio, to the extent that all of the values ​​are included in the category of fairly adequate (BA), so it is only less than 3.04.

Test of concordance of Kendall W

Kendall's application or test of agreement was based on the SPSS statistical analysis program, in which a factor analysis of K = 1.00 and the number of questions = 18 were used.

To confirm there is agreement between the experts in the evaluation of the set of criteria that we have endorsed with regard to the model and the management strategy of the investigative component, not the non-ISCED teaching process - Huambo, at the basis of the agreement test of Kendall W, part of the Definição de duas hipóteses: H0 - hypothesize null and H1 - hypothesize science.

H0 - There are no statistically significant concordances among the experts in the evaluation of the set of criteria that were evaluated in relation to the management strategy of the research component, not educational teaching process, not ISCED - Huambo.

H1-There are statistically significant concordances among the experts in the evaluation of the set of criteria that are evaluated in relation to the management strategy of the research component, not educational teaching process, not ISCED - Huambo.

The results of this test revealed the following values: W =.757 and Sig =.000.

The result of the test, or the significance of the Kandall concordance coefficient, not a value of, 000, is a note that shows a statistically significant difference to a level of P less than or equal to 0.05. Logo, the basis of significance is more evident than the refutation of the hypothesis is null and the scientific confirmation of the hypothesis, as this level of significance reveals that there are statistically significant concordances (Pestana, & Garreiro, 2000).

As a conclusion of the test, it can be affirmed that there are objective reasons to affirm that the obtained value of the concordance coefficient is very significant. Isto makes it evident that the two expert witnesses are positively correlated.

Friedman's Test of Concordance

As can be seen, our results give a determination of the coefficient of agreement between the experts, or Friedman's test of agreement confirms a strong positive correlation. It can be seen that the Qui-squared value is high, not a value of 108,985, a very significant level of significance, not a value of.000 years or a level of P less than or equal to 0.05.

In a generic way, the results show that the experts attribute theoretical and practical relevance to the quality of the strategy as well as the effectiveness of the application.

Independently, there is a strict agreement between the experts in (BA) with a percentage equivalent to 83%, noting the variability of the questões 7, 14 e15, in that 94.4% two experts will select (BA) very suitable and 5.6% select (A) suitable.

The recommendations are essentially based on the implementation of the strategy over a period of 4 years, to analyze, in order to complete these, or level of development of the investigative skills of two students.

Management strategy of the investigative component of ISCED.

I have the results of the diagnosis or analysis of the real situation of the institution as far as the investigative component is concerned, but the professor does not propose the strategy of directing the investigative component that looks like a model or a Research Directional Model from Castellano & Beatriz, 1991, 2000; cujos pressupostos teoricos do mesmo situamos nos planes philosophical, social, direction, epistemological, didactic and methodological.

A strategy as an objective to promote or develop the investigative competence of the students of ISCED do Huambo, through the effective direction of the investigative component and its integration with the academic and labor components.

At the same time it has been developed through these subscribed stages: Stage of diagnosis, Stage of this establishment of the investigative component and Stage of assessment. It is important to emphasize that each one of you has different stages. The implementation of the strategy is carried out at the stage of the establishment of the investigative component in its II phase of the application. This phase fears as an essence to the execution of necessary actions for or to reach two objectives from the conditions raised in planning and organization, as a consequence of harmonic interaction and cohesion of its components.

For this, the fundamental actions corresponding to the managers refer to the exercises of the directives of regulation (command), control and evaluation, which should propitiate the necessary elements for a timely and dynamic taking of decisions that will require non-curricular, organizational, methodological eo material assurance. Determine the objectives related to the research training for years, as well as the actions, skills and values ​​to develop from the first year to the last year of graduation.

First year

That the students are motivated by the investigative activity and acquire habits and investigative conducts related to the search, use of scientific technical information related to the educational teaching process.


• Establish groups for workings of elementary investigations;

• Form and develop skills to summarize, fix, and use bibliographies;

• Raising and developing a partial search attitude gives scientific information for use in individual and collective work through two methods and traditional and modern methods;

• Create habits and attitudes of critical analysis gives scientific information through exposition of six points of view;

• Organization of seminars and other forms of academic organization that promote or debate;

• Critically endorse the group or compliance with the year program and its relevance in the training area; Work from the end of the year.


• Summarize information;

• Use bibliography;

• Fixar informação.


• Collaboration, as a disposition to a collective investigative job, to share and socialize information;

• Critical attitude to judge information from own points of view and from other specialists.

Objectives of the 2nd year

v That the students are able to consolidate the scientific attitudes acquired not the first year and to present a micro-report on the appreciation of classrooms, such as work from the end of the year.


• Intensify work in groups and individuals;

• Increase or develop skills for or work with bibliographies;

• Intensify or search for scientific information through the use of the library and the Internet;

• Process to information;

• Intensify a critical analysis of scientific information on the basis of systematization of debates through different forms of classroom organization;

• Assistência às practical classes for teachers of different levels of Ensino;

• Present a report (micro-report) on an appreciation of classrooms. - Work from the end of the year.


• Use bibliography;

• Process information;

• Analyze-synthesize;

• Interpret information.


• Collaboration, as a disposition to a collective investigative job, to share and socialize information;

• Independence to manage information, analyze, synthesize, interpret, process information;

• Commitment to solving two problems of the pedagogical process;

• Critical and self-critical attitude to judge your own views and those of other specialists;

• Scientific honesty that guarantees no misrepresentation or misrepresentation of information in the interest of alheios interest in science.

Objectives of the 3rd year

- That you students are able to carry out explorations of educational reality, fazendo correct use of two diagnostic methods to compare current educational reality as a model desjável; identify possible research problems in educational reality and formulate correctly or the selected research problem;

- That you students are able to plan an educational research at or a de facto-perceptible level, determining all the categories of the theoretical development of the research;

- That you students are able to build the theoretical and contextual framework of a research, using and processing scientific information with the use of traditional and modern technological methods.


• Explore educational reality;

• Plan an investigative activity so that the professional education will have to: determine or object of the investigation, determine the objectives of the investigation, determine the field of action of the investigation, determine the hypothetical pressures, determine the population in the field, determine the necessary research methods e enough;

• Execute research projects: develop some planned research tasks;

• Actively participate in teaching practice;

• Process information: or process two data necessary for the process of the investigation, a statistical analysis two months, but it implies, in addition, an interpretation two months in correspondence with the theory, this is, in our opinion, two more important moments of the investigation, • Prepare information about research;

• Check or use the information;

• Carry out field work on teaching practice;

• Communicate the results of the scientific activity.


• Identify possible problems;

• Formulate or problem of the investigation;

• Plan an investigation;

• Process information;

• Elaborate a theoretical and contextual framework for research.


• Collaboration, as a disposition to a collective investigative job, to share and socialize information;

• Independence to handle information, analyze, synthesize, abstract, infer, interpret theories, apply them to your mind;

• Commitment to solving two problems of the pedagogical process, as per its time;

• Flexibility to investigate or object by attending to the completeness and multicausal of two educational phenomena;

• Requirement to apply two methods used;

• Critical and self-critical attitude to judge your own views and those of other specialists;

• Scientific honesty that guarantees no misrepresentation or misrepresentation of information in the interest of alheios interest in science.

Objectives of the 4th year

v That students are able to solve a problem of educational practice by competently applying scientific research, and to communicate the results of research, through the end of the course work, showing a scientific-theoretical thought, independence, depth, logic, flexibility, originality, fluidity and economy of resources, and link of theory with practice.


Carry out a curricular stage of teaching practice during a year in which you develop the following actions:

• Plan the investigation for which the professional will be required to determine: determine or object of the investigation, determine the objectives of the investigation, determine the field of action of the investigation, determine the hypothetical assumptions, determine the population in the sample, determine the necessary research methods sufficient, determine the necessary research tasks and sufficient, determine in advance the results of the research, determine the resources necessary to obtain two results, determine the necessary times to obtain two results, determine in advance the ways and ways of introducing the first practice two results; prepare or document a research project or technological innovation, develop educational projects to carry out advanced pedagogical experiences,develop projects of resource management, develop projects of Trabalhos at the end of the course, identify possible financial institutions two management projects, agree on the forms and ways of financing;

• Execute research projects: carry out the planned research tasks with the necessary resources, for isso, or professional education must: carry out the planned tasks, execute or a budget designated for the project, control the resources designated for the project;

• Plan (establish a plan of actions on a question);

• Communicate the results of the scientific activity: present in written form, with a clear and accessible language, the results of the scientific-investigative activity; orally, at events, conferences, etc., the results of the research, exchanging views with other colleagues;

• Carry out or report on the status of the course;

• Carry out or end of course work (bachelor's thesis);

• Introduce and generalize the results in educational practice;


• Explore educational reality;

• Plan educational research;

• Execute educational research;

• Process information;

• Communicate results orally and in writing;

• Generalize and transfer the results of the investigation.


• Collaboration, as a disposition to a collective investigative job, to share and socialize information;

• Independence to manage information, idealize innovative solutions, analyze theories, apply them to their leaders and build new tools that Ciências da Educação supports;

• Commitment to the solution of two problems of the pedagogical process, to the introduction of two results of research in practice and to the defense of the authority of the science for the transformation of the educational reality;

• Flexibility to investigate or object attending to the completeness and multicausal of two educational phenomena, re-examining rigid positions or pre-established ideas;

• Requirement in the application of the scientific method not in its context of professional performance;

• Critical and self-critical attitude to judge your own views and those of other specialists;

• Scientific honesty that guarantees no falsification of the information in the interest of interests alheios à ciência;

• Creativity in solving the problem, in the construction of some new features.

1. Carry out scientific conferences and events with the participation of two students.

2. Encourage the participants, and the years that they receive prizes, both individually and by groups of projects.

3. Modify or study plan of some students (you favored) no sense of adding, deleting or substituting disciplines; Second, it is considered necessary, so that it can dedicate more time to research. For this purpose, it is possible to make adjustments to the planning and organization of the educational teaching process;

4. Planning, organizing and executing educational research for two students dealing with research topics for teaching and training theses;

5. Schedule research in periods from medium to long term (for a period not less than two years). This program will allow the identification of a number of tasks to be carried out, their approximate level of completeness at the time that they must be carried out, or that will lead to a distribution between the students, according to the year they are studying, their preparation of the level of skills and knowledge demonstrated. For or your compliance requires the existence of a research effort by two professors - researchers.

6. Elaborate for each student a work strategy at the end of the course or course, which will be carried out annually on a continuity of the research activity. Here it is important to combine research tasks as training as future researchers, as well as assuming in the form of seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.

7. To designate research tasks secondly complete: here it is a question of reconciling or preparing the process, and therefore, or rhythm of development of the attitudes and skills of two students, as a matter of difficulty of the tasks assigned progressively, with the objective of avoiding that or Student feels hated hair weight of tarefas, whose span exceeds the limits of its possibilities, or that can lead to failure, poor results and because of frustration and discouragement. This does not mean that only elementary and rotary tasks are to be designated, which leads to a feeling that they have been underestimated.

In order to achieve this progress, the designation of tasks requires a continuity of non-working groups of students starting from the third year to the last year of the course.

8. Previously prepare a research platform based on which students are incorporated, or which requires a prior work, not afraid, by the research professor, where it has been shown to be feasible as well as to avoid frustrating us students in this stage Therefore, it is a desistimulante effect, it was linked to an issue in its initial phase, since, as it is known, it was a high risk and uncertainties related to its results. This is achieved by articulating two jobs with two groups as the intermediate stages of the investigation process:

9. Link two research activities to teaching practice to research activities:

This action has a great impact on the training of two students, which allows users to be accessed as a counterpart to the research group, in addition to exercising a significant influence on their ongoing motivation or investigative work.

On the other hand, when presenting intermediate results, we found ourselves with the functionaries of the institution that carried out the research, through interviews, questionnaires, or another type of activity to collect information, it allows us to develop important student skills related to the abilities of communication, communication, writing. reporting, etc.

Conclusões gerais

The application of a valid proposal must be based on the experimental verification for the empirical validation of the month; In order for this to happen, it is necessary for the Directorate of ISCED to create conditions of applicability, summarized essentially without the structure and dynamics of the strategy in the preparation of two professors.

1. O Diagnosis on the investigative component in the integration of the academic and labor component, without the process of training two students of ISCED do Huambo, allowed to verify that there are insufficiencies quanto ao development of the investigative competences.

2. In order to elevate to investigative competence through the teaching process it is necessary that a three-dimensional integration (academic, labor and investigative component) be used as a dynamic component that must be developed simultaneously as other ones.

3. By applying the Delphi Method it was possible to carry out a theoretical validation of the proposal of the model and of the strategy and reveal that the practical application of the aforementioned strategy can contribute to raising the research competence by not training two students of the ISCED of Huambo.


The application of a valid proposal must be based on the experimental verification for the empirical validation of the month; In order for this to happen, it is necessary for the Directorate of ISCED to create conditions of applicability, summarized essentially without the structure and dynamics of the strategy in the preparation of two professors.

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Strategy for the management of the non-isced-huambo research component