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Strategy for overcoming cadres and reserves for sustainable tourism development

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A strategy of overcoming cadres and reserves is intended to overcome them in an entity, institution, body or territory. It is made up of four components: Economic Preparation, Technical - Professional, Management and Defense; also having a Main Master Strategy that cuts across them.

The present investigation refers to the strategy of overcoming cadres and reserves of the Viñales municipality, Pinar del Río; with the aim of achieving its improvement aimed at the sustainable tourist development of the territory, for having the same potential for the development of nature tourism; for its natural and scenic values ​​and for its rich culture; considering it vitally important that their leaders, cadres and reserves are prepared to take on new challenges.


In today's business world, success increasingly depends on effective human resource management. This activity, which has been conditioned since the emergence of human society by man's own action and the treatment given to it as a fundamental factor in business action, has changed over the years.

One of the main tools to obtain efficient results in the administration of human resources is training, which generates positive results for all parties involved in the operation of an organization. Training is an investment that the entrepreneur must make if he wants to quickly adapt to the constant changes in the environment.

Tourism, as one of the main economic activities worldwide, must be projected and executed, so as to guarantee the optimum levels of economic profitability typical of the activity; For this, it is required that companies have trained personnel to efficiently perform the functions assigned to them.

In the tourist activity multiple sectors and interests converge. To introduce profound changes in traditional tourism models, the involvement of all the agents linked to this activity is essential. For this reason, it is necessary for the actors involved in local development to appropriate a series of tools and knowledge regarding the sustainability of tourism, in order to achieve the rational management of natural, cultural and ecological resources without reaching engage future generations.

Viñales has a wide potential for the development of nature tourism in its different modalities; for its natural and scenic values ​​and for its rich culture; reason why it is of vital importance that the leaders, cadres and reserves have a preparation and improvement strategy based on the development of sustainable tourism in the town.

For this reason, it is defined as a problem of the present investigation that the strategy of preparation and improvement of cadres and reserves of the local subordinate organizations in Viñales, is not focused on the sustainable tourist development of the town.

The foregoing allows us to express that the object of the research is the improvement strategies and specifically within it the comprehensive management of the improvement strategy of the cadres and reserves based on sustainable tourism development will be studied, for the municipality of Viñales, Pinar del Río, which represents the field of action.

Based on the problem, the following hypothesis has been formulated: The incorporation of actions based on the needs associated with sustainable tourism development in the strategy of overcoming the cadres and reserves of local subordination in Viñales, will contribute to its comprehensive improvement, to starting from promoting sustainable tourism development in the locality.

To solve the problem, considering the hypothesis set forth above, the following general objective was defined: To perfect the strategy for overcoming the cadres and reserves of the local subordinate organizations in Viñales, based on sustainable tourism development.

The research is structured in three chapters. The first addresses the theoretical foundation of the strategy of overcoming cadres and reserves, from an analysis of training as a key activity of Human Resources Management. The second chapter shows the results of the diagnosis of the current situation in the Viñales area, with respect to the needs to overcome the cadres and local subordination reserves based on sustainable tourism development. And the third chapter sets out to improve the strategy of overcoming the cadres and reserves of local subordination, based on sustainable tourism development in the town of Viñales, Pinar del Río;expressed through four components and a Main Master Strategy that from a political-ideological point of view cuts across them.

Materials and methods

To carry out this research, a combination of empirical and theoretical methods were applied. Among the theorists, the historical and logical one was used, which was used to assess the behavior and development of human resource management and the role of training in it.

The empirical methods developed were: sample surveys, observation, documentary review, interviews and questionnaires necessary to obtain the information.

In addition, the Descriptive Statistics was used as the statistical method to process the survey data, using the Statistical Package For Social Science Program (SPSS Version 12.0).

Results and Discussion

Tourism is considered today as one of the main activities in the economy of many countries, becoming on many occasions the locomotive of the rest of the economic activities and taxing local development as a source of employment generation.

For this reason it is necessary to carry out a correct management of this activity, so that it contributes positively to sustainable development, for which the preparation of the cadres and reserves that in some way have an impact on it, capable of facing successfully this mission; taking into account the complexity of its management and the great changes that are constantly taking place in the environment.

The municipality of Viñales in the province of Pinar del Río, due to its natural conditions and beauties, is a creditor in the western territory of a tourist fortress; for this reason, it is frequented daily by a large number of visitors, both national and foreign.

Therefore, it is inferred that the cadres and reserves of this territory require specialized preparation, which may not be necessary in other municipalities; being essential that in addition to its normal improvement plan, topics such as: Cuban and Local History, Nature Tourism, Culture in Public Relations, Ecology and Environment, Languages, Organizational Communication, Management by Values, Decoration and Beautification, Traditions, be incorporated National and Local, Local, National and International Culinary Culture, Paleontology and other related sciences, Sustainable Development, among others.

A strategy of preparation and improvement of cadres and reserves based on sustainable tourism development, must have a set of training actions that integrate areas of knowledge related to the issues raised above, aimed at promoting in the segments to which it is directed, attitudes and abilities; based on knowing how to be and knowing how, that allows them to act in accordance with the maintenance and conservation of natural, environmental, cultural and ecological resources; as well as satisfying the needs of the current generation, without jeopardizing the satisfaction of future generations.

The competitive challenge of the cadres in this territorial demarcation requires a high sense of incorporation of knowledge in order to feel prepared to give tourists adequate attention, achieve their satisfaction and at the same time guarantee proper sustainability in the municipality of Viñales.

To carry out the diagnosis of the needs to overcome the cadres and reserves, based on sustainable tourism development in the town under study, 18 entities were taken as a reference, which represents 100% of the local subordinate organizations; applying a survey for which the sample size was determined using a Simple Random Sampling (MAS), with a reliability of 95%, a probability of success of 0.5 (which is the value that guarantees the maximum sample size) and a sampling error of 0.05. The required sample size is approximately 115, according to the calculation procedure used by Calero (1978: 55).The main result was that 72% of the surveyed cadres and reserves need to prepare for environmental and ecological issues that point to the sustainability of tourist activity in the town.

A strategy of preparation and improvement of cadres and reserves is intended to overcome them in an entity, institution, body or territory. It is made up of four components or aspects, namely: Economic Preparation, Technical - Professional Preparation, Management Preparation and Defense Preparation; also having a Main Master Strategy that cuts across them. In the case of a strategy for overcoming cadres and reserves of a locality, this is closely linked to its development strategy, starting from having key result areas or global strategic units where objectives and criteria of measure aimed at preparing the cadres and their reserves, thereby taxing the development of the territory in question.

The antecedents in the investigation were taken to be the strategies for overcoming previous tables of the Municipal Administration Council, as well as the development strategy of the municipality, from which the elements that frame the vision of the territory and that justify the objectives of improvement that serve as the basis for obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for the cadres and reserves in achieving the expected performance.

The proposal to perfect the strategy for overcoming cadres and reserves that is carried out in this research is focused on sustainable tourism development in the town of Viñales, Pinar del Río; as this is a territory with a high tourist potential associated with nature tourism, influencing the development of the province. Therefore, the agents or actors that intervene directly or indirectly in the tourist development of the locality, must appropriate a set of skills and tools that allow them to pay tribute to the sustainability of the activity in the territory.

Said strategy begins with an introduction characterizing the territory under study, defining the Mission of the Popular Power of Viñales and carrying out an analysis of the general diagnosis of the organization. In the latter, the groups involved in the training process that the current strategy has defined are considered, namely: Municipal People's Power and Organizations, Municipal Coaching Team, Young Club, the Municipal and Provincial School of the Party, Municipal University Headquarters, School of Economics of the Municipality, Provincial School of Defense, National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), National Union of Jurists of Cuba (UNJC), and other University Venues of the Municipality (Higher Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physical Culture and Health).

The authors consider that due to the importance of the following organisms and entities in the sustainable tourist development of the locality, they should be included as involved in the training process: Companies and other tourist entities, CITMA, Community Services, Culture, Ministry of Agriculture and National Park; exposing the role of each group involved in the process, considering what exists in the current strategy and proposing other elements based on the principles of sustainable tourism.

The strategy is aimed at cadres, leaders, reserves, teachers, trainers and cadre specialists from the Assembly of the Municipal Administration Council, companies and local subordinate bodies. Due to the importance that the fact that the teachers and coaches of the different courses, seminars, conferences and workshops are prepared prior to the activities that they will develop with the cadres and reserves throughout the year, a series of directed actions were planned in this sense, including those aimed at promoting an environmental and ecological culture in them.

An important aspect of the strategy is the components mentioned above, each with its objectives and measurement criteria aimed at incorporating actions that contribute to the preparation of the tables and reserves on environmental and ecological issues, thus contributing to the sustainability of tourism in the territory.

The possibilities of improvement offers by involved groups are also exposed, adding those of the involved groups that they propose to add based on the research. The main problems of overcoming and preparing the tables and reserves of the territory, detected in the diagnosis, are also summarized; as well as the element of vision for overcoming the cadres and reserves by 2009, which is the period in which the proposed actions must be implemented and the general objectives formulated by the strategy must be completed.

It concludes with a version of the Special Reserve Preparation Plan, as well as the Evaluation and Control System for compliance.

The contributions of the research stand out as the proposal of a series of training actions in order to promote an environmental culture in the segments to which it is directed and to provide them with a set of knowledge, skills and tools that contribute to the development of the locality with central axis in sustainable tourism; contributing in this way to the comprehensive improvement of the strategy of overcoming cadres and reserves, starting from promoting sustainable tourism development in the town.

The proposed preparation and improvement strategy for cadres and reserves leads us to think of various future benefits that, from the direction of the Municipal Administration Council, as the regulatory body for the different training actions and the role of the rest of those involved in the process, they can materialize and translate into positive results that contribute to an increasingly sustainable tourism development.

The authors consider that this strategy is more inclusive, since it includes more spheres of life, starting from adding to the previous strategy a set of actions aimed at promoting an environmental culture in the segments to which it is directed; hence the social and environmental impact that it will have on the territory from its implementation.

It also contributes to defining lines of action to guarantee a better quality of life for present and future generations, based on the principles of sustainable tourism, based on a more rational management of natural, cultural and ecological resources.

Last but not least, it is more dynamic because the trainers are the municipality's own qualified force, based on collaboration between the different organizations in the territory and all the proposed groups involved.

In short, it is a strategy that, if materialized as planned, will largely respond to the challenges of sustainable tourism development in the territory.


1. The results of the diagnosis show that the cadres and reserves need to be trained in environmental and ecological issues that point towards the sustainability of tourist activity in the town of Viñales.

2. The proposal to improve the strategy for preparing and overcoming Viñales' cadres and reserves, in its four components and the Master Strategy, was made on the basis of including comprehensive training actions that foster a greater environmental culture in them.


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Strategy for overcoming cadres and reserves for sustainable tourism development