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Wakeupnow business sales strategy

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The WakeUpNow business model is built on the oldest form of disclosure, person-to-person information, that is, participatory marketing which is a strategy that uses the participation of trendsetters as multipliers.

On the one hand, we meet people who are "diffusers of beliefs" who offer themselves voluntarily and sincerely to publicize the launch of products or services within the group of people they frequent. For this he uses the word of mouth or Word of mouth, so that these people are in charge of disseminating the campaign through this medium.

On the other hand, it is mainly based on multilevel marketing, which is a business model in which consumers become direct distributors of the products that the company markets. In this system, the distributors, who are consumers at the same time, are called networkers, and they are in charge of marketing the company's products while seeking to attract new customers so that they can simultaneously sell said products. The successive inclusion of networkers leads to the creation of a true marketing network, in which there is a hierarchical arrangement according to the chronological order of admission to the multilevel.

MLM is a very lucrative business system because it is made up of a network of external distributors who earn according to their level of sales, so that the original managers of the brands do not incur fixed salaries, in the same way this business model lacks distribution-related expenses. Another very positive aspect of multilevel marketing is that the distributor is a consumer at the same time, so there is great feedback regarding key factors such as price, product quality and customer satisfaction.

How it works

All profits are based on the sale of products and services to end consumers, that is, to customers who purchase WakeUpNow products for their personal consumption.

When you decide to switch from Client to Independent Business Owner (EI), you are taking the first step to make a profit. You don't make a profit by enrolling other EIs, but you can make a profit when those EIs you or your customers bring in purchase products, and the more EI you bring in, the more products your organization shares.


The interesting thing about multilevel is that it allows ordinary people, through a low investment, to generate passive income, that is, it no longer depends on the work of the person who generated it.

A Passive Income would be something like "build a machine" that generates money by itself. The concept seems somewhat utopian especially if you overlook the word "build".

To get Passive Income in Multilevel Marketing as a distributor, you need to BUILD as long as it takes a network of thousands of people so that it maintains itself and you receive royalties for the consumption of the people associated with your network.

So in WakeUpNow there are 3 types of profits: Sales Profits, Team Profits and Additional Profits.

Profits on Sales

Sales Profits are paid on each qualifying sale made by you, your downstream organization, or any customer referred by someone in your Marketing Organization.

Margins on Personal Sales

Most purchases generate immediate profit margins. Profits represent the margin between cost and purchase price (up to 40%). The Margins on Personal Sales are paid on the sales that you make personally, that is, when you introduce and refer to a new client.

Group Sales Earnings

A small portion of each retail sale that you personally make as well as the sales that occur among the EI enrolled in the downline of your organization, for six generations, is paid as Group Sales Profits. As you subscribe to more participants, your Group Sales Profit potential will go through the roof.

Team Earnings

Team Earnings are related to your rank. T3A3C3's recommended strategy will help you advance through the ranks as you cultivate a High Performance Team. You can advance through three levels of Development Bonuses: Director, Founder and Executive. Additionally, you may qualify to earn Global Leadership Fund shares. The Registration Sponsor and the Placement Sponsor.

How i start

Building a team is decisive in multi-level sales, the objective is to associate with your network people who have the resources, contacts, energy and entrepreneurial talent, capable of developing a lucrative organization.

This type of people will be able to attract others who meet the valuable characteristics mentioned above.

Summoning these types of people to your organization is the first decisive step in the development of a self-sufficient network, a network that will grow and be sustained for years, even without their participation.

Focus on Three is recommended: Help Three Get Three (clients). This strategy is to increase your customer base and the size of your organization to achieve success.

Also Empower your people as knowing how to help people grow is a key skill for a good distributor and can make the difference between having a successful network, where people stay for years or having a revolving door network in where the best people leave as fast as they entered.


We must take advantage of word-of-mouth disclosure and make a profit of it like multilevel marketing, which benefits both the people who promote it to the company.

We must put a lot of effort and sacrifice to succeed in a multilevel company, it only depends on us. Knowing that this type of business requires the same dedication and time as any other.

Plus you only need to invest a small amount of money and through dedication reach our financial goals. We even avoid common business problems like costs, advertising, overhead, accounting, and accounts receivable.

Lastly, if we are social people or easily persuade people, we must take advantage of these tools and apply them, since they can serve us as in this type of marketing and have a wide network of people.


1. Lic. Beatriz Soto. Participatory marketing. Management Org. Business magazine.


2. José Hidalgo Solís. Multilevel marketing and pyramid businesses. Marking analysis: dynamo business advisors.


3. WakeUpNow summary payment plan. WakeUpNow.Inc.

hub.wakeupnow.com/resources/cmsHubResources/152.Compensation Overview_spanish.pdf

4. Fundamentals of Multilevel Marketing. Padrericolatino.Org.

of Multilevel Marketing.pdf

Wakeupnow business sales strategy