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Sales strategy of a company. mole doña isi

Table of contents:


1.- Mole Doña ISI Background

The gastronomic inspiration of the Mexican has its climax in the mole. That is why it is the quintessential festive dish: when it comes to celebrating big, only one mole of turkey is at the height of the event, it would be enough to observe the enormous quality of moles that exist and those that we have had through the centuries to record their condition are the decanted result of the inspiration of the peoples. But in reality, they have existed and there are as many moles as there are stews that cook them and it must be considered that it is almost impossible to copy a mole even with the recipe, since there are numerous details that each cook solves in her own way and at the moment. In other words, mole is an individual and particular synthesis of gastronomy.

On the other hand, mole represents Mexican cuisine like no other, its miscegenation.

In the sum of almost V culinary centuries and we can see them in the mole poblano, the most famous of our moles.

A more or less common recipe includes indigenous ingredients such as the four chiles: ancho, pasilla, mulattos and chipotle, as well as toasted corn tortilla chocolate, anise, raisins, onion and garlic, and of course it is prepared with lard: oriental species such as cloves, pepper and cinnamon.

Mole doña Isi is located in the Berriozábal municipality of the state of Chiapas, which was created on February 5, 2010 is a company that is dedicated to the production and marketing of Chiapas mole whose family tradition has gone hand in hand with the realization of this product which has been successful in the market thanks to the quality and good taste that distinguishes them.

The company is represented by a group of women who carry out a different position in the administration of the company in order to position itself as the company with the best production of mole.

1.1. Mission

To be a successful company, through giving added value to the food product of the region and marketing it both nationally and internationally.

1.2. View

Being a company positioned in the market and highly exporting, capable of satisfying the requirements of delivery and safety with our clients.

The Doña Isi mole product is aimed at Mexican families who like different recipes and ways to prepare traditional Mexican food. Below we present the different presentations that we handle of the Doña Isi Mole:

Mole doña ISI sales strategies

1.3. Competences

The direct competition that mole doña Isi has are as follows:

  • The coast manufactures the Doña Chonita mole in different varieties and presentations, which is distributed in the different marketers, Herdez produces the Doña María mole in its only presentation.

One of the indirect powers is:

  • The Rogelio Bueno brand processes the mole poblano in its presentation of tretra brikEl mole doña teresita

1.4. SWOT

Good ubication It is a local brand
Affordable prices Growth opportunity
Being a family business Product variety
100% natural Technology acquisition
Good working environment Product export
Lack of resources Economic crisis
Lack of machinery Established brands
Untrained staff Natural phenomena
Bad publicity Demographic decline
Short product life Cultural changes in diet

1.5. Distribution channel

Mole Doña Isi has an indirect distribution channel since it distributes its product with the large and small marketers in the town, which are: winery, sam`s and groceries where consumers can purchase the product.

Mole doña ISI sales strategies

2. Goal setting

The objectives to be achieved by the company “mole doña isi” are the following that will benefit growth and development:

  • Increase the sales volume with our intermediaries by applying a discount to the purchase of a box with a 50% discount on the 2nd box. Increase the repetitive purchase with the promotions that will be applied to the final consumer such as: when you put 2 labels together you will give away A free product of 250 grams. Promote product knowledge by implementing a promotion system so that the product has been known by consumers. It is intended to achieve an exhibition at the point of sale by forming agreements with the marketers to have display cubicles and test the product (tasting).With the two previous points it will be possible to keep the product on the market and be able to compete with the established brands (face the competition).Encourage intermediaries by taking them to visits to our production facilities to observe the elaboration of the product and the process it carries out.

3. Promotional activities

Purchase to increase sales: a free product promotion will be carried out when two doña Isi mole tapas are put together and delivered to the person in charge of the establishment where the product is purchased or directly to the product delivery cart.

This is intended to repeat the purchase of the product to obtain the benefit of the promotion and increase sales.

In order to publicize the promotion, a poster will be made in large marketers, the aim is to implement test and sample display points of the product, this to make it known to the public and allow it to be more competitive with the brands positioned in it. of the product and some recipes that can be made with it.

When acquiring a product in the display module with the sample of your purchase ticket you will be given the following purchase incentives:

  • a pen and pencil

Within the organization there will be a sales contest where it is intended to increase them but with our sales team where the first three places will have prizes this will increase the motivation of the employees and encourage them to give their best effort to obtain the incentives of the mole sales contests doña Isi.


Mole doña ISI sales strategies

4. Promotions of benefits for the company, customer or employees

4.1. Display

This sales promotion for Mole Doña Isi aims to contemplate two types of scenarios that include a benefit for the company and customers or consumers within this there are also two sales promotions, the tasting and the gift of gifts for those involved in this activity.

  • The exhibition has the advantage for consumers is that it generates a benefit of diversity of products with natural ingredients. The exhibition will have an advantage for the company since it will introduce customers to the mole product Doña Isi and balance the competition that exists with the brands that are already in the market and the characteristics of the product.

4.2. Tasting

  • The advantage for the consumer is the product test that will personally show the consistency and flavor of the product. The advantage for the company is to publicize the product and position the brand of mole relative to the competition.

4.3. Gifts or gifts

  • Consumers will have the incentive of the gifts given in the purchase of product at the marketer where the display point is located (pen, pin, grocer).The company will have the benefit of promoting consumer loyalty and increasing sales by gifts or gifts.

4.4. Promotion put two caps together and exchange for a free product

  • The consumer will have the benefit of obtaining a free product by joining two covers with the promotion. The company will have the benefit of increasing the sales of the product and also increasing its consumption.

4.5. Sales Force Competition

  • The advantage for collaborators who are in the sales force this will give the benefit of achieving the first three places in relation to sales volume will have awards (tables, flat screen DVD player LG5 optimus).The company will benefit from the increase of product sales and keep your sales force motivated.

Dissemination of sales promotion

The penetration of the mole Doña Isi with the change of image aims to make the incursion through a flyer where it is intended to publicize the following points that the promotion has:

The exhibition, tasting and the gift of incentives for product purchase at the exhibition point is intended to be disseminated with a flyer

The promotion of delivering two caps for the exchange of a free product will be announced on the website or on the wall of the mole doña Isi social network.

The contest made for the sales force is intended to publicize through the website and through notices within the organization.

4.6. Official Facebook page of mole doña ISI

Mole doña ISI sales strategies

4.7. Mole Doña ISI official website. www.moledoñaisi.com.mx

Mole doña ISI sales strategies

5.- Pilot test

The activity will be carried out in the classroom where it is intended to carry out the promotion test that will be done by Doña Isi who will have the following steps:

An exhibition will be held where the presentations of mole Doña Isi will be presented with a company recipe book for the use of the product with a tasting of the product where it is intended to give attendees a small test of the product and the presentation of the gifts of the sales promotion that these will be given in the purchase of the product. In the same way, the promotion for the sales force will be presented, which will be for reasons and incentives for our collaborators. Counting on the way in which it is intended to introduce the sales promotion that will be through flyers where the places where the exhibition place will be and the delivery of the gifts and the promotion of joining two covers and the gift of a product free.

6.- Implementation

When implementing the promotional campaign for mole Doña Isi, it is intended to have 5 employees who will be trained and will be distributed in all the activities to be carried out, at the point of distribution of flyers the work will be assigned to 2 employees for tasting to 1 and The last 2 employees will be needed for the delivery of the prizes and exhibition to the consumers.

The promotions will be announced through the flyer and through the social network known as facebook and the official page of mole doña Isi, so that the client is informed of the promotions that mole dona Isi offers.

The delivery of prizes such as the meeting of two tapas and taking free product will be delivered to the consumer in the delivery cars or with the employees where they purchased the product in which the client will have to wear the marked cover to validate the promotion. As well as prizes such as pens, coupons and groceries, these will be delivered at the displays that are located in the self-service known as chedrahui.

For the sales force, it is intended to carry out the contest that this will be announced through an internal call and social network where it will specify the start period which the contest will have a year of validity in order to know the winner, the prizes to The winners will be presented in the same company in front of their colleagues so that this is a motivational incentive for the collaborators.

7.- Analysis of the result

The analysis of the results that will be obtained from the sales promotion will be by means of a statistical count of the sales prior to the realization of the promotional campaign the increase of these after the promotional campaign.

It will also be evaluated by means of the registration obtained on the exhibition island that will be found in the shopping malls where the data of the people will be taken for the gifts given.

Taking advantage of technology, the acceptance of the promotional campaign through social networks will also be analyzed.

Also for the registration of the covers delivered to the delivery cars either by the establishment that made the change of the promotion or with the direct consumer.


Sales strategies in any organization are very important, especially taking into account that it will serve to improve services and various processes that will allow a positive change when the strategies are well focused.

The changes and the competences at present are very present in every company, be it micro, small, medium or large; for this reason we must always consider sales strategies when we talk about products that allow us to promote and make a change to improve it.

Information sources

  • Interview with Doña Isidra owner of the mole.
Sales strategy of a company. mole doña isi