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Customer strategies through crm and remote channel development

Table of contents:


When one defines within the company a customer project, a customer strategy, and the implementation of a CRM, or a customer intelligence program or any type of software, within the relevant points that we can include, as critics, are the lines initially in the defined initial strategy.

It is important to integrate the different areas of the company, through clear and measurable objectives for each member of the project.


We have to understand that the success of this project depends on the joint actions defined by the managers, and within these pieces, the most important is the project leader, since he is in charge of making the ideas developed and created tangible.

When we define team members, it is important to highlight the unique characteristics that each one will have within the baseline of the project, as well as their integration in its tasks.

Within the definition of the objectives of the project, we can mention a list of countless activities.

We can mention as a tangible and measurable objective within the company, what refers to the presentation of a work methodology to ensure customer satisfaction.

Although if we mention customer satisfaction, it does not necessarily depend on the CRM strategy, but on the actions coordinated by the different marketing, commercial and service areas. But also in areas that are also within the value chain, such as BackOffice areas for the customer, such as HR, Logistics, Packaging, Administration and Finance, which make up the offer delivered to the customer.

Within the design of a project we can focus on points which I am going to expose in this small manual.

The CRM implementation project calls for the areas associated with comprehensive customer management. The companies currently have Commercial, Services, Sales, Marketing areas, among others, which in some companies are shared areas, in others the guidelines are unilateral to the areas, and in others they have the same guidelines depending on the corporate framework of the company.

We must start generating project start documents, where we expose the scope and points to be solved with the execution of the project. Differentiate the company in the large areas of scope and within the attributions of the project define the value criteria and execution criteria.

We can take the example of an automotive company, where it has large product segments, which are, cars, motorcycles, power products and spare parts, each of these lines are defined both in relation to commercial strategies, positioning strategies, presence brand in different channels, which can be face-to-face, through branches and virtual, which are the web, interactions in virtual branches and all the points of interaction that are subject to measurement.

The development of the brands associated with each one, and their behavior in the market today is determined by the interaction of the aforementioned areas.

The contact center and data that both the commercial area and the services area have play a very important role within this interaction.

What is relevant about this is to generate concrete data on the behavior of our clients, in terms of purchases, interactions, specific situations in which the client comes into contact with the company, customer retention, evaluate queries, follow-up on complaints, perform customer segmentation associated with products and brands.

Evaluate our customers, who are loyal to the brand and what their loyalty cycle is, what their buying behavior has been in the last year, what their buying behavior has been in recent months, if it is periodic, if it is cyclical, If it has any inputs or partial or total trigger, and after carrying out all these analyzes, then there, to be able to determine the specific niches of clients, with the final objective that the actions of MKT, Commercial, be focused and oriented effectively and efficient.

When we define a CRM strategy in a company, and define the implementation of a customer guidelines system, it is also of utmost importance to be able to define the scope and objectives, since this allows us to build the project baselines.

As a project scope, we define all those areas that are directly or transversally associated with the use of customer data, which will allow us to trace them in the future.

It will allow to measure and predict behavior, with a range of error which can be identified every time we interact with our clients.

The participants are essential, as well as the definition of the scope of each area, since the responsibility for the execution of the project falls not only on the Leader, but also on the areas that I list below, Marketing, Services, Analysis of Data, Commercial, Contact Center and the CRM area.

We make a design map, which is a measurement and guideline element for its development.

Design map for CRM

Within the modular design of the project, we can define different strategies to develop the project.

The activities indicated below are a series of items which in this chapter intend to be mentioned and will be dealt with in each of the following chapters:

The activities derived from the general scope are the following:

  • Project Gantt chart design Updating phases and tasks, with definition of managers Development of sales modules and services Development of marketing modules and integration processes with remote and face-to-face sales channels Preparation of databases customers.

Regarding the designs of the modules, we can mention that the contact center, its integration and orientation, both internal and external, as well as its direct and transversal functionalities, are essential.

  • The definition of the contact center components, and their integration and service protocols, Implementation and design of the service console, which will be used by the executives and the Softphone. Which will have double functionality, inbound and outbound. Generation and subsequent implementation of the attention workflow, defined for the comprehensive attention that the contact center will perform, as well as the design of the internal referrals of cases (tickets), and escalations generated and its execution deadlines. Creation of reporting related to the type of management. Incorporation to the attention model of an IVR, which can facilitate self-care and make our processes objective and effective. Implementation through the contact center of different telemarketing campaigns, surveys, loyalty, among others.

Cross-sectional integration with branches, design of training plans and change management are all actions that we must manage in the design, execution and implementation of the project.

The incorporation of web channels are also defining in the mechanics of the relationship expected with the implementation of the CRM, within the company, since the strategy is part of the evaluation of the client.

Understand the customer life cycle, purchase life cycle, and all the actions that as a company must be carried out to deliver the greatest benefits to customers.

Development of the Gantt chart

Development of the Gantt chart for developing a CRM

Project development:

1. Initial Project Planning The baseline of the project is defined.
2. Analysis and associated processes The scope of the participatory areas is defined.
3. Design of processes associated with the use of the tool. Definition of modules and reporting styles.
4. Construction Views and frames of the application.
5. Implementation Definition of dates defined in action plan.
6. Use of crm Definition of campaigns.

1. Initial planning of the project: the baseline of the project is defined, and the scope within the areas.

  • Definition of project managers and scopes o Kick off of the project Administration and user protocols o Training for project members o Infrastructure strategy o System and module design or IT Plan for integration with branches, networks, concessionaires, etc. IT plan for integration of customer data mart or change management plan Training plan in the Internal - External tool or measurement plan (KPI's)

2. Analysis of associated processes or Definition of Functional areas and IT

  • Review of definition of initial project requirements or Definition and or support of business rules by committed areas or Definition of information structure Definition of procedures for carrying out processes or Definition of interfaces Analysis of current operation (KPI's) or Analysis of SLA's internal and external

3. Design of processes associated with the use of tools:

  • Design of user views by modules Design of processes and sub-processes associated with data loading and info views Define reporting style or expected reports with interested areas Customize modules:
  1. Marketing: user views by category Sales: user views by category Services: user views by category Call center: user views by category
  • Define service protocols and user protocols Design of interfaces and loading processes Infrastructure specification Project scope network design Internal test plan design Evaluation and review

4- Construction:

  • Design solution configuration Final view of Marketing, Sales, Services and Call Center Modules Final view of Dashboard or dashboards Construction of interfaces and loading processes Test execution User acceptance Change management Migration and decision of pilot branches,

5. Implementation

  • Execution of the pilot Training of users of the application internally and externally Loading of data and evaluation of information Application in production Support to end users Measurement of results

6. Use of CRM: it is a Mix of joint and coordinated actions through multiple and different media such as the internet, mobile phones, print media, outdoor advertising and social media.

  • Marketing campaign design Using Canal contact center:
  1. Upselling Campaign Crosselling Campaign Retention Campaign Welcome Campaign Service Schedule Campaign Loyalty Campaign (Loyalty, design of client matrix programs) Using Web Channel
  • Using mobile, web channel:
  1. Participation in advertising banners on different www, defined according to the target market Campaign of the product to be advertised according to the season (winter, summer, autumn, spring) Multi-platform digital campaign designs
  • Use of print media

Contact Center:

  • Review of operationsReview of reportsInteractions through, inbound, web, social networksRevision of service protocols: service scripts, must be focused according to customers.Outbound: "Welcome campaigns, Scheduling, retention, brand recall, Crosselling, and Upselling of products. Reports of queries and complaints with the corresponding definitions and protocols for the typification of information. Chat on line, towards intermediate users and final clients. Preparation of a matrix of clients, in relation to the segment, product, channel and dimension. New points of contact. (in-person sales points, integration and review of data related to the customer life cycle)

Control of process stages:

  • Evaluate stages of implementation in the areas of the company.

Critical implementation factors for project success

  1. Creation of the client park, in order to obtain the traceability of clients Be consistent with the implementation of the project stages Prepare the users for resistance to change, by the new use of the tool Execution and control deadlines Evaluate possible contingency plans, by If the application suffers delays to start-up Make a start-up, staggered maintaining the standards of efficiency and up time of application That the team is consolidated and aligned with the benefits of the project

Preliminary conclusions

Initially after the implementation of the CRM, we can preliminarily infer some qualitative conclusions which will allow us, as analysts, to be more efficient in the strategies to be applied, as well as to be effective with our clients, managing to deliver value offers to our clients.

Within the data that we can obtain:

  • Determine the needs of the clientsDetermine the ways in which those needs become value offers, (>) greater benefit for clients that translates into (>) greater benefit for the companyDevelop for each client segment a focused value offer, of in such a way that our clients perceive the benefit

What should we define in the case of using the Remote Channel?

Who are my clients?

Who are my Clients? - CRM Remote Channel

What are the moments of customer interaction and what is your highest assessment?

Interaction with customers in CRM

How to improve this interaction on the Remote Channel?

  • Identify the types of clients according to the segment of attention and establish the niche of attention there Identify types of attention according to the type of client Optimize internal management to provide an improvement in the service Targeted advise to clients Improve the customer experience when in contact with remote interaction points

When we begin to improve the interaction with our clients, the critical attention niches are also identified within the mesh of attention, and thus we can focus the service and optimize the procedures.

The data obtained allows us to define the seasonality of the services, prepare credit, informative, loyalty campaigns at certain periods of the year, welcome, reminder, also allows us to recognize through forums, suggestions, complaints and how it is our product or service, perceived by the market, in such a way that all the previous actions translate into greater profitability.

It allows us to know the sensitivity of the market, the behavior of demand, increase capillarity and multiproduct interrelations.

With this, we optimize the attention, we sensitize the personnel who are in the front of attention, we make a mix of channels and we build predictive models of behavior of our clients.

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Customer strategies through crm and remote channel development