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Merchandising strategies for a small food market

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This research work is aimed at small and micro-entrepreneurs from Ayacucho to improve their image of their small businesses, since they lack a business culture and a business vision; they do not give the least importance to the applicability of a set of techniques and tools that are purely scientific and technical in business management. For this reason we can say that, although a series of research works of this nature have been carried out by institutions aimed at promoting social and business development, such as universities and other institutions, mostly of a non-governmental nature, little has been done. in its application, generally in shops of a certain age, but it is more regrettable than its owners, when they learn about it,they tend to lack interest and almost never apply it.

Therefore, seeing the need to promote, even more strongly, a culture of true entrepreneurs with a much more optimizing point of view in the use of their resources, a group of students from the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga, in quality of practitioners, we have developed the Merchandising Strategies in the Andrés F. Vivanco market. Since this marketing tool is being used more frequently in commercial establishments, both national and foreign, that have similar characteristics to the Ayacucho supply markets, and the results are truly surprising and encouraging.

What you will find in this work is a set of steps and guidelines for permanent application, totally didactic, in all merchandising elements: price, decoration, presentation, guarantee, placement and care.

It is worth mentioning that the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga, through the Sub Management of Market and Commerce, together with the AMARES project, has been promoting a project called “Healthy Markets”, in all the supply markets of Ayacucho, and as part of this project. is this research paper.



The Andrés F. Vivanco food market is located between the intersections of Jr. 28 de julio and Jr. Carlos F. Vivanco streets, in front of the San Francisco de Asís temple. It is currently administered by the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga, through the Department of Commerce, Markets and Municipal Police. It gathers approximately 500 partners (merchants) distributed in more than fifteen lines of business, such as: crimson, cheese, fruit, clothing, shoes, breads, handicrafts, remedies, food, chickens, groceries, chichas juices, vegetables, plastiquerías, etc.


We are a food market, aimed at providing quality services that meet the basic needs of consumers, in order to seek economic and social development of the Ayacucho population, working with kindness and justice.


We are a modern market with tradition, forging merchants with a broad entrepreneurial vision that help improve the quality of life of those who use this service, with more demanding characteristics in terms of quality of service and product.


This work analyzes the performance of the Andrés F. Vivanco supply market in relation to merchandising variables. The empirical analysis is carried out using the "store - check" technique in the commercial establishments belonging to each of the business lines.

Each line of business has a personalized treatment regarding the application of merchandising strategies, minimally in its six basic elements: attention, presentation, decoration, placement, prices and guarantee. Considering that the hardness of a supply market is fundamentally determined by the lack of an adequate order in the location of trading posts within the market and cleaning before, during and after the day's commercial activity, it is concluded that the degree of Hardness does not directly influence the influx of customers, but it does influence its normal development. For this reason, it has been deemed convenient to deepen the analysis and study regarding the techniques of attention and customer service, provided that the aforementioned are exceeded.

The municipality of Huamanga faces serious limitations in fulfilling its functions of providing public services and investing in the necessary infrastructure for its citizens, through the adaptation of the supply markets. These investment needs are increasingly growing due to the uncontrolled urban growth in many cities and migration processes.

The most dynamic sector of the Peruvian economy is commerce, which has brought about the need for investments in the construction and operation of the supply markets. However, the lack of resources of the municipality, in many cases due to poor collection in the markets and the growing informal trade, has resulted in the lack of adequate infrastructure. Furthermore, the services required by the markets are a very complex issue, which hinders their effective administration.

Many markets in the country, such as the Carlos F. Vivanco market in Ayacucho, lack internal and external cleaning, clean hygienic services, periodic fumigation, have no disaster prevention, are structurally insecure, assigned spaces are not respected, and they don't grow at a sufficient rate. These even generate negative collateral effects such as environmental and crime problems.

It should be noted that in the Carlos F. Vivanco market, the majority of the partners are women and of advanced age, which influences the efficient and effective treatment that should be provided not only to Ayacucho consumers but also to national tourists such as foreigners, who need a good quality of service for its positive economic effect and especially in the good image of Ayacucho.

For this reason, the need to apply merchandising tools, since it encompasses the improvement of the aspects mentioned in the previous paragraph, but with sufficient collaboration from the merchants themselves as well as from the municipality. However, beyond what we are mentioning, it is to promote and stimulate the merchant not only the application of merchandising elements but the effective application of quality customer service and care techniques.



Nowadays, the great importance of having the right sales structure must be taken into account. In what way should the unit be structured? How will the commercial positions and sales sections be distributed? How will the flow of customers in such a way that their acquisition is stimulated by customers ?, we refer then to the application of merchandising techniques.

To start, we can define merchandising as that activity in retail stores, based on promotional actions on the set of products sold there, in order to optimize the sales space; In short, they are all the marketing actions carried out at the point of sale.

Merchandising has been defined by the French Institute of Merchandising as follows:

"Set of studies and application techniques carried out in practice, jointly or separately, by distributors and manufacturers in order to increase the profitability of the point of sale and give better output to the products, by constantly adapting the assortment of needs of market and the proper presentation of the goods ”.

Córdoba and Torres (1990) speak of two points of view: that of the manufacturer and that of the distributor. According to these authors, for the manufacturer, merchandising is the set of advertising and promotional activities carried out at the retail level, in order to attract consumer attention to their product, offered for sale in the store. For the distributor it is the set of means to ensure optimal profitability of the sales area; in other words, merchandising is their marketing for the distributor.

In this work we will emphasize presentation merchandising, which implies a series of principles and techniques on the different macro variables that make up merchandising - mix: presentation, decoration, placement, attention, prices and guarantee.

  • Presentation. The first point to keep in mind when it comes to merchandising, since the good condition and cleanliness are of utmost importance if you want to awaken the consumer of the product offered. Decor. To make the point of sale more attractive and thus incentivize customers to visit the market and worry about knowing what is being sold there. Placement. This is very useful, because it implies that the products are well located and in family. Price. Establish a consumer-friendly pricing policy. Attention. Good attention at the point of sale will result in surplus benefits in the sale of a product. Warranty. Products at the point of sale must have the necessary characteristics of health and quality.

As you can see, within the establishments selling the products, there are many factors that will make them succeed or fail, for this reason, going to certain places or purchasing products is becoming an excellent opportunity for fun and knowledge, which will make the purchase act less boring every day.

Therefore, give life to a product or increase its sale, a primary objective in merchandising.


As a result of an exhaustive investigation, through an empirical and observational method, a set of problems has been perceived, of which the most important and relevant is: “The inadequate distribution of trading posts in apples and the lack of necessary services that impede the normal development of business and the good image of the market ”.


  1. Improve the image of the market, through the actions of the merchants themselves who must comply with merchandising techniques at the point of sale and be aware of the importance of customer service and attention techniques. Increase the level of sales of each one of the business lines, achieving customer loyalty through a good application of merchandising techniques. Improve sanitary conditions and cleanliness in all components of the market, where the customer's eyes reach.



The market under study is also known as a retail market, where small quantities are sold directly to consumers.

We have a new modality of this type of market in the so-called «Supermarkets» (Supermarkets) of North American origin, which constitute large chains or organizations that move huge capitals.

In these, "self-service" is used, that is, the same consumer chooses the items to buy, eliminating the dependent employee and the small merchant who personally sells his items. It is there where this research work is oriented.

Currently, one of the growing sectors of the economy is commerce, which represents the highest level of GDP in the country, which is why economic agents and the government take more importance in the development of this sector, through local governments; that is why we can mention the supply markets as a different and interesting system administered by the municipalities, in this case by the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga. In all regions of the country you can see the existence of this type of trade.

It should be noted that current markets are very dynamic, because the same situation allows it; globalization has brought with it many economic, social and technological changes; as for example, the intervention of foreign investors in the national economy, this makes retailers reorient to be more competitive, it is more the same customers are now more demanding; As a consequence of these changes, current markets are fragmented and specialized, because each market segment seeks differentiation and this is represented in competitive and comparative advantage.

In Peru, distribution channels have become more important, now we can clearly see who are wholesalers, retailers, retailers and why not mention virtual ones. Retailers are playing a very important role in the ease of access of consumers to basic necessities, as long as the wholesalers apply a favorable pricing policy for the merchants in detail, that is why the supply markets have managed to have more importance, precisely for this particularity.

Competition between economic units has reached such a point that today we know what “unfair competition” is; for example, the uncontrolled growth of informal trade around the food market, which results in not only the difficulty of economic development of formal merchants, but also the evasion of taxes, not because they are at a disadvantage comparative. Beyond the aforementioned, we can say that aggressive competition, in the good sense of the word, has brought with it greater benefits for the final consumer, since he has greater ease of access to any product in relation to its price.

The products offered by the Andrés F. Vivanco food market are of great variety as for the consumer, they find “everything”. The products that enjoy the greatest privilege are: juices, handicrafts, clothes and food; those who are at a disadvantage, due to the same location of their stalls and the necessary conditions are: cheeses, meats and vegetables.

The services offered by all merchants in the market do not meet the necessary parameters of quality of service, this is the reason why we emphasize the effective implementation of customer care and service techniques.


Ayacucho consumers are not very demanding in terms of product quality, generally this food market is oriented to segments B and C of the population, that is why we can see so many informal merchants even inside the market. But now consumers, for the same reason that they have more information, tend to make greater demands on merchants; for example, now they demand that products like bread do not have to contain that chemical element called "potassium bromate".

The highest sales levels are shown at the end of the month, because the majority of consumers depend on the State, in other words, they are public workers, and they are used to buying basic products in large volumes in order to supply all the month and streamline your income.

The culture of Ayacucho consumers, for the most part, is not in modernity but in tradition, that is why shopping centers do not offer the products offered by the supply markets. But it is necessary to point out that there is a tendency to modernity, we see this in the demands and complaints of consumers about the market infrastructure and its environmental conditions.


We can mention the following opportunities and threats:

First. Some of the opportunities are:

  • The law and regulation of privatization of public markets owned by municipalities. Law No. 26569 and DS No. 004-96-PRES. The creation of PROMpyme that guides its functions and efforts towards the competitive capacity of micro-entrepreneurs. The increase in the tourism sector in Ayacucho in recent months, which has its repercussions on the level of sales of tourism products.

Second. Some of the threats are:

  • The increase in informal trade both inside and outside the market. Other supply markets that have greater benefits and privileges due to the inactivity of regulation by the municipality. The progressive increase in common crime that drives away tourism in Ayacucho.


We can mention the following strengths and weaknesses of the product and market:

First. Some of the strengths we have:

  • Location of the public market in the central part of the city. The variety of products that are sold and that attracts the attention of the consumer. Solid organization of the members that comprise it and that have positive characteristics of optimism.

Second. Some of the weaknesses we have:

  • The majority of merchants are elderly and have a low willingness to provide customer service. Infrastructure is not very adequate and is prone to catastrophe. Lack of some fundamental values ​​of merchants in the business world, such as discipline, order and responsibility.


As previously mentioned, the methodology followed in the empirical analysis consists of:

  1. Collection of information using "store - check" techniques; that is, direct data collection on the shelves of the retail establishment. It was carried out during the months of June and July 2005 at the Andrés F. Vivanco food market in the city of Ayacucho. Given that, according to the information collected, the characteristics that we can mention about the market, some of them, are: each merchant (partner) is independent in the sense of running the business, but for this they pay a fee, per rental right, equivalent to S /. 2.50 nuevos soles per square meter of land (stand). It should also be noted, once again, that the market is invaded by informal traders (itinerant) inside the market, hindering the work of the administrator or authority who takes his place,For this reason, in the presentation of results we will focus on the application of the six elements of merchandising, reaching the techniques of customer service and attention, measuring the different dimensions of merchandising and the different variables representative of the commercial strategy for the client, taking into account merchandising principles: profitability, location, impact, availability, price and exhibition.
  • Attention indicators, Presentation indicators, Decoration indicators, Placement indicators, Price indicators, Warranty indicators.

For this analysis, not only the commercial establishments analyzed are compared with each other, but also with other establishments in other supply markets in the same city (Nery García, April 12, Playa Grau).


The peculiarity of the Andrés F. Vivanco food market is that it is located in the central area of ​​the city next to more or less populous neighborhoods and that it is also one of the oldest markets in the city (90 years old) and has a surface of approximately 6000 m2.


This is the first step to take into account when it comes to merchandising, since the good condition and cleanliness are of utmost importance if you want to awaken in the consumer purchasing habits of the offered product.

The meat section, despite being one of the best located business lines, presents serious difficulties in terms of presentation. As you can see, each commercial stall is restricted by the sales space it has, the construction material is not suitable, since it is a product that needs a high level of hygiene and sanitation, it is necessary to point out the lack of water drinking and lighting. The product must be exhibited in its entirety the variety it offers, each merchant must have at least their own drinking water to keep their sales facilities clean, since it is the only way to improve the presentation, and most important of all this is that the product (meat) must have its guarantee, without adulterating or falsifying such certification.

It has been perceived in the food section that there is not an adequate distribution of the commercial stalls, which makes it difficult to differentiate and market them; For the client it is difficult to know what type of food is offered in that section and what he does is only due to the need to counter hunger. Your utensils must be in good condition, the different varieties of food must be displayed in a showcase, in the best possible way, so that it catches the customer's attention, and the entire sales space must be obviously clean.

Most of the commercial stalls offer traditional clothes, so they must turn this feature into an opportunity for economic growth, in this sense the products must tie in good condition, gathering the necessary quality of materials.

What most attracts attention are the crafts for their beauty and peculiarity, as in any other product, the same merchants must give the priority of the case to keep their products clean and presentable in all the commercial activity without neglecting at any time.

Breads deserve more attention in terms of hygiene and the good condition of the products. The non-existence of a material that covers the products permanently has been perceived in the face of the threat of insects, dusts and other elements harmful to health. Therefore, each merchant must have a material that covers her hand.

The conditions of their trading posts must start from obtaining inputs for the preparation of their products until final consumption. It is essential that the storage of some supplies should be avoided for a longer time than necessary.

Some merchants such as chichas and vegetables have seen the lack of some suitable materials for customer service, such as chairs, benches, etc. in the case of chichas.

In conclusion, we can say that the responsibility lies with the merchants themselves, and the monitoring corresponds to the administration, enforcing the sanitary regulations, which, incidentally, have been issued by DIGESA, exclusively for the supply markets.

3.6.2. DECOR

Closely linked to what the presentation is is the next step, which is the good decoration of the point of sale, to make it more striking and thus encourage customers to visit the facilities and worry about what is being sold there.. Having said this we can say the following:

In the meat section, there is a lack of lighting, the floor is not adequate, this means that consumers do not reach the part where natural light no longer reaches. The floor and walls convey a feeling of desolation for the same reason of lack of lighting.

Regarding the meals, we can mention that the decoration has to be oriented with the display of the variety of foods that are offered in such a way that there is no disorder like what we see now.

Crafts, for the same reason that is characterized by transmitting beauty, must give priority to what is the ease of access to its trading posts. Their products themselves must contain, as added value, messages that draw the consumer's attention; as for example, in the chullos there may be an image of the Quinua obelisk, churches, El Arco, etc. for this the merchants themselves must manage with their suppliers.

With regard to clothes, shoes, and breads, the decoration must also be in the same products; for example, in clothes they must be in view of the customer, the products must be those that have striking colors such as: red, yellow, white, etc.

The poorer decoration is perceived in the vegetable section, because there is not enough lighting, and their sales stalls are not adequate and the merchants themselves are in the front position of the products and that is the complete opposite when it comes to merchandising. It should be noted that the products offered in the market must be available directly to the consumer.

If it is a question of chichas and juices, these must exhibit the most striking products; for example, those of juice must exhibit fresh and showy fruits; those of chicha, their containers must be transparent so that the consumer is curious and worries about what type of chicha is sold.

In conclusion we can say that the creativity of each of the merchants is at stake, that the best possible way to attract the attention of their products.

And finally it is necessary to point out that some lines of business such as: meat, food, breads, vegetables, groceries and chickens must contain, in some part of their stalls, posters that allude to the attributes of the product and the market; For example, in meals there may be posters or charts that represent the protein capacity of your meals.


This is one of the most important parts when it comes to merchandising, because it consists that the products are located in the family and well ordered, that the quantities reach for all those who want to acquire the product, that it is easy to acquire and access, and very It is important that there is an adequate space to transit within the establishment and avoid inconvenience to customers.

In the meat section there are very clear deficiencies in terms of their location and display of the same products, we can see the products (meats) are in disarray, the customer has yet to ask what type of meat is offered. By them we can say that merchants have to put their products horizontally from right to left, according to the level of demand that these products have and also depending on the complement that the different types of meat have.

The commercial stalls that are on the extreme side (next to the wall) and that have a different material than the other stalls, must not exceed the corridors (space) where the clients enter because it hinders the normal transit inside of the establishment and generate discomfort to consumers. And lastly, meats must always be available directly to the customer, this implies that sellers must be behind the product, and absolute freedom must be given so that they can choose what they are going to wear.

In the handicraft section we can say the following: there is no adequate distribution of products according to the types of handicrafts, the entire block offered there exceeds the sales space, crossing the aisles, generating a feeling of difficulty and boredom for the customer. The products that are located in the external and upper part of the commercial stand make it difficult for customers to see and be curious. For this reason, we can say that the order in the display and presentation of the products is decisive, the products with the highest level of sales must be placed at the height of the customer's eyes and vertically similar products. Larger products have to take up as little space as possible. The distribution of products can be based on the type of crafts: textile, ceramics,fabrics, etc. And vertically; that is, similar products vertically.

In the food section, unlike the other turns, the priority is not so much in the placement but in other factors that we will mention later; but it is necessary to emphasize the following: the pots where food is prepared as utensils must be in view of the customer, because 80% of the effectiveness of a sale corresponds to the visual factor, the rest to other factors such as hearing, taste, etc. Likewise, we can point out that the display of meals in the fountains must be transparent and must be as close as possible to the customer's disposal.

Regarding the clothing section, the following can be observed: that the majority of clothing offered is for adults and women and therefore they must have a particular placement, it is also necessary to point out that since they are bulky products, they exceed the space through which market customers pass, making it difficult to access different commercial stalls. You should place similar products vertically, and horizontally at the customer's eye level the products with the highest demand. It is necessary, in this case, to say that the striking colors should be located on the outside of the stall, we can give equal consideration to fashion products.

In the grocery section, it is essential to take into account what placement is, because these are commercial positions that offer basic and more dynamic products in their sales. Currently it has been observed the following: that the products in detail are randomly located, to seem better, but do not respond to those purely technical and scientific aspects. Because they are products with large sales volumes, it is necessary to dedicate a good space to them in the exhibition, to avoid that they do not sell or are constantly stocking up. Another problem that is perceived is the incorrect display of the goods (form and place), so it is necessary to take into account that the products are differentiated by their sizes, capacities, brands, in order that the wide offer can be observed.It is also necessary to locate the goods taking into account their interrelation, in other words, put the complementary products on the same line. For example, when the client acquires a certain merchandise, he is practically invited to acquire others related to it, such as spaghetti, tuna, cheese and ketchup; milk, rice and cinnamon, etc.

When it comes to shoes, it is important to mention some deficient aspects regarding their placement. For example, if goods are true, that the products are in apparent order, but that does not appeal to the customer, much less convinces him, therefore we can say that these products are constantly changing in terms of fashion, and therefore they must be on display in a much larger space. It should be located in the same area, but strategically distributed, considering that when shopping, it is not for one sex, but for men, women and children.

Regarding chichas and juices, there is little, little we can say regarding the placement of products because it is a one-line service that is to sell juice or chicha, as the case may be; But we can say regarding juices that, the location of the products must be oriented to the inputs that it uses for the elaboration of the juices, which must be in view of the customers; In the case of chicha, it can be mentioned that the containers that contain such a product must be located horizontally and they must be transparent to attract the customer's attention and for the ease of choosing the type of chicha.

When we refer to the vegetables section we can point out serious difficulties and problems regarding their placement, it is appreciated that the products are not ordered properly, some are above the other, and so on. Which hinders the ease of access and purchase of the product. Therefore we emphasize this point, noting first, that the products (vegetables) must have an adequate sales material, distributing the products in small areas necessary for their exhibition and must be fully available to the customer.

Finally, as an important lake in terms of placement, there are the loaves, these are characterized as a product with a high volume of sales, they must be exhibited permanently and in order. There are varieties of breads, which must respond to the highest level of interest and demand to be located horizontally.

3.6.4. PRICES

This point to keep in mind is to have a favorable pricing policy for consumers. Remember that all of us look for the lowest price for a product that can be found in various parts.

It is known that in the central part of the city of Ayacucho there are more than 02 supply markets, even the distance that separates them is not considerably adequate, generating several alternatives for the client. In this sense, merchants have the absolute responsibility to seek a favorable price policy that will attract customers. Beyond what is discharged, there are many factors that allow the same products to differ in their prices; this is the case of meats, generally the meat sold in the Andrés F. Vivanco food market meets the necessary quality and health requirements, thus reflecting its prices; But this would not be surprising if it were not for the lack of necessary demands for quality standards in other supply markets.

Another important factor that influences the price of products is that some supply markets enjoy higher privileges than others; for example, the Nery García Zárate market has one of the most decisive advantages when it comes to prices, we refer to wholesalers who have access to this market, thus generating more competitive prices.

For merchandising purposes, we can only say that the responsibility lies with merchants regardless of the type of business they are engaged in, but the realization of that will necessarily be with the intervention of the municipality; In other words, the local government authorities must allow wholesalers to enter these supply markets, without neglecting the chaos and disorder that it would generate if it were not administered efficiently and effectively.


Another important point is the guarantee you have of a product or item and it will make us acquire it with greater confidence. Products such as meat, chickens, foods, breads, juices, chichas, remedies and warehouses must meet high levels of guarantee, because these products are of basic need for the consumer. This does not mean that other products sold in the market are exempt from this requirement, moreover, the guarantee as one of the attributes of a market is reflected in the good image of the market.

It should be noted as important to identify the characteristics of the market in terms of guarantee. One of the deficiencies that has been seen is in business lines such as: cheeses, vegetables and food; for example, if we talk about food, we have experienced that some merchants sell reheated food, generally this is seen in the afternoon hours; If we talk about cheeses, it is evident that the cheeses are stagnant in their sales, and obviously these are stored, thus losing their quality.

In conclusion we state that the guarantee is the sole responsibility of the merchants. Using some parameters they can measure the level of guarantee of their products.


As we have seen serious deficiencies in customer service, we believe that due to the advanced age of most merchants, exceeding 50 years of age; We have seen it convenient to present some guidelines for proper care for your clients.

Today we are witnessing a great change: The customer has become the most important person in any business. He is treated like a king.

When a client has experienced what a good service is in the market, there is no reason to change to another public market; sometimes even (within reasonable limits) you are willing to pay a slightly higher price in exchange for a guarantee of good service.

On the other hand, it is good to emphasize that the quality of service of a company will always be difficult to imitate. That is why we say that a public market oriented towards excellence in customer service and attention can emerge unscathed from the attacks of competition, as customers reward good service with their loyalty. Loyalty that is based on effective ties and habit.

Why is it important to have a program of excellence in customer service and attention?

Because poor care and poor service quality are the root cause of customer loss.

In recent years, various investigations have been carried out to find out why customers are lost. Plus point, minus point, the results can help us a lot to rethink our quality of service. These results were:

  • Because 1% die ………………………………… Because they change their address …………………… 3% Because they make new friends …………… 5% Because of the prices lowest of the competition …….8% Due to the quality of the products …………………..13% Due to the poor attention and indifference of the Sales and Service Staff ………………….70%

In order to comprehensively and coherently develop what is excellence in customer service and attention, and with the aim that this information is most useful to it and becomes knowledge, we will continue the development of the different levels in the that the Learning Process occurs in what we have agreed to call the Pyramid of Excellence in customer service and attention.

  1. Spirituality: Why? Identity: Who? Beliefs and Values: Why? Skills and Abilities: How? Behavior: What? Environment: Where?


Whatever the size of your business and your financial resources, your facilities, your location, your trading post must be presented as impeccably as possible. In some way, the facilities are a "model" of the product that we intend to sell. The way you decorate, order and keep your establishment neat and elegant is a reflection of how you as an owner feel about yourself, your clients and your employees.

Whether your premises are very large or small, talk to your customers about how the premises might look better or what layout of the environment makes you more functional.

The public, the clientele, the buyers must feel good in your facilities. If they are products whose attention is delayed, invite something or facilitate the purchase of snacks, drinks or food.

Well-painted walls, impeccably clean floors, neat and well-groomed exteriors make the customer think, "This must be a trustworthy place as they put so much care into all of these things."

Another detail, customers like to see on the sideboards or showcases a large number and variety of products. The sample of our merchandise must be attractive.

A challenge for you, a merchant friend, is to decorate or organize the facilities of your business so that the expression of your clients is: "How good"… "How beautiful"… and that they think "These people are very careful… they think of everything… the position he looks first ”… But remember, none of this has value if your treatment is not warm, friendly.

A detail to take into account is the lighting, businesses in half light do not generate profits unless it is a night club or disco. Why scare off customers for a few coins.

The way of presenting hygienic services is also very important. It is almost impossible to get good care and service in the market where the toilets and toilets are dirty or neglected.

In summary, the appearance of the market and the commercial stalls reflects its values ​​and the product it sells. Think of your business as if it were your home; your guests must feel at ease.

Finally, none of this would work if your product or service is not of good quality or if it does not provide an excellent service.

Who is the client?

  • The customer is the most important person in our business. Still on the phone. Even by mail. The client is the one who pays my salary and that of my employees. The client is the person who does me a favor when arriving at my business. The client is the person who is right… almost always.


In order to conquer the client, ten key principles must be answered:

  • If you are not going to be nice to your customers, better close your business.

I don't know what his temperament, his character, his cultural level or his emotional control are; I am sure of only one thing: Either you are kind and gentle with your clients (you and your employees) or better close your business. An old proverb says: "If you are not able to smile, do not open a store."

The secret to success is treating everyone as we would like to be treated. Making clients' lives as pleasant as possible (within our means) should be one of our goals in service. If so, customers will return one hundred to one.

  • Solutions yes, problems no.

If we want our business operations to be successful we must first of all be convinced that nothing is more valuable in business than money. If by our own esteem we are not “cheap”, to achieve success we must offer “something more” and that something else, it is made up of three fundamental things: Intelligence, common sense and creativity; all in one package called: Convenience or sense of opportunity.

The goal is to remove obstacles, solve problems, make life easy for customers. When a client says "could…" you should be prepared to say "if we can". As someone said, "zero problems".

The results are amazing, not only do we generate an impressive amount of repertoire to solve potential problems, but we also devised various ways to attract and satisfy customers.

  • Keep your promises and if you can give something else.

Deliver on your service promises. Doing what you must do in the time that you must do it, with the guarantee and quality that you have promised is the minimum requirement to provide good customer service.

Never make promises you can't keep, but even go further always give something more than what you promised. Exceed customer expectations.

  • Serving is good, serving Well is Better.

A good guarantee in the service begins with the treatment, we have already said it and we will continue saying it: Smiles, polite greetings, kind words, but… you cannot stay there. You have to go a little further you have to provide good service: effective, efficient, quality.

Every business, however small it may be, requires strategy, systems, in order to do things well from start to finish.

  • The golden key of the business: The improvement strategy.

The improvement strategy is to always improve. What about sales? Good very good. Ah, the boss answers, so get better. How is the attention to the public? Asks the boss. “Excellent” respond the employees. "Then improve it," replies the boss.

Merchant friends, progress must be something permanent in you… and in your business, whatever the type of activity you are engaged in, if you are satisfied with your current level and accommodate the "minimum effort", your business It will decline sooner or later.

  • Don't guess what the customer wants: Ask him.

Providing quality service is not as easy as changing numbers on the board. It requires a philosophy of service, commitment, change of belief systems, respect for oneself and for others.

Wanting to compete only for the price is not the best idea, because we charge what we charge there will always be someone who charges less than or equal to us, therefore it is essential and necessary to place ourselves from the customer's point of view and for this there is nothing better than asking the customers themselves.

  • When you make a mistake: Acknowledge your mistakes and don't repeat them.

All human activity is always susceptible to misunderstandings, errors or mistakes, even though its policy is zero defects, even though its staff is the best and has designed strategies to ensure that everything goes well.

The first thing we must do is apologize and then amend the error. There is no more deplorable spectacle than seeing an employee trying to blame or assaulting a customer for a problem.

Apologies must be sincere, personal, heartfelt. Let the client know that our business is to give him satisfaction, not to cause problems.

  • Earn the King's loyalty.

It is said that we live in a stage characterized by the dictatorship of the client: Since they choose what to buy? Where to buy? When to buy? How to pay?…

Others prefer to name him THE KING. We prefer this second qualifier; But, whether the King or dictator is the most important thing, what interests us is their loyalty, and the smart thing, the practical thing is to get them to come back and always do business with us. And to conquer that King for life you have to make him feel that the entire organization works for him and with him.

For this you have to start by promoting their loyalty and, there is no better way to promote that loyalty than by being loyal and grateful; And a concrete way to express that gratitude is to create incentive and reward programs for regular customers.

  • To gain customer trust: Harmonize with him.

One of the essential requirements to be able to provide excellence in customer service and attention is the technical call of HARMONIZATION. It is the first great selling skill in personal contact with the customer. It consists of building a relationship of trust and harmony with him, vibrating on the same note. Harmonization also allows the so-called empathy to be developed in an extraordinary way, that is, the ability to put yourself in the client's place. "In the client's shoes."

People like people who are like them and of course communicate better with people who speak the same language.

This is achieved by matching the three aspects with the client: Body language, tone of voice and speech.

  • Treat your employees as well as your customers.

If you want to be sure of a good treatment of customers by employees, treat your employees with the same cordiality and kindness with which you treat your customers. All people need affection, attention, and their employees are no exception to that rule. Treating employees with the respect and consideration that we show for customers is not only ethical and fair but also convenient for the business.



Success in any plane of life is achieved by POWERING AND EXPLOITING the main skills or talents you possess. As you aim for the success of your business, it is essential that you know, develop and fully exploit your main skills… and of course that of your employees and workers.

With this you not only increase your productivity and profits, but both you and your workers are motivated because they are developing their natural talents and responding effectively and efficiently to their tasks.

It is good to understand these skills, that these talents obey a certain type of INTELLIGENCE that developed, used and properly exploited will make possible the purpose of BEING FIRST - BEING THE BEST. This leads us inexorably to the need and importance of constant training and allows us to say that the investment in training, in education, in training will be multiplied.

That is why in the company, in business: creativity is essential.


Although we are better able to perform in what we are most capable of, it is essential, however, to permanently develop other skills that allow us to perform better, and these new resources and patterns of thought and action are achieved through training.

No company will be able to provide a service of Excellence in Customer Care and Service if its personnel are not sufficiently trained and qualified: Excellence is not achieved by chance or with good intentions.

A person, therefore, receives training because he lacks certain knowledge, and a good boss must know exactly what skill and abilities it requires to learn that to arrange his training as soon as possible.



Beliefs are our ideas, thoughts, convictions that we have about things and that we have acquired in the course of our lives, the main sources being the family environment, the social environment, significant events, the media, the readings, etc.

Beliefs activate faith, and faith is certainty in things not seen. It is the faculty of making the invisible visible. Faith, the power that says yes, to what it has not seen.

Achieving excellence in attention and customer service in terms of beliefs means on the one hand eliminating limiting beliefs, which have prevented us from providing a service of excellence, and on the other, incorporating new beliefs that favor an excellent service. If you like you can call this process metanoia or if you prefer paradigm shift


Values ​​are the most important beliefs for a person. They are the belief system about the just and unfair, the good and the bad. The valuable or the useless. They are concrete beliefs with high emotional content.

Businesses are strongly influenced by the values ​​of those who conduct the business. Likewise, customers also have their own hierarchy of values; and in order to provide you with an excellent service in your attention and service, we must know what matters most to you. In the section "Do not guess what the client wants: ask him" what you are going to detect is what matters most to you, and that is a way of finding out what your values ​​are.

If you want to treat people effectively, you must first of all know what really matters to them, that is, specify the hierarchy of values ​​by which they are guided. If not, we will have great difficulty understanding even the elementary others.


In a time marked by vertiginous changes, extreme competitiveness, the uncontrollable advancement of electronics, the superabundance of information, globalization, the concentration of power and many other manifestations of modernity, it makes it essential for people to have the resources Personal skills compare effectively dealing with these challenges.

Only when each person understands the immense value that he possesses will he respect and love himself and then be truly in a position to value, respect and love his neighbor, life, nature; the entire universe.

Regarding our theme: Excellence in customer service and attention, we say that only those who esteem and value themselves are capable of serving well and serving with quality (authentically). Since it assumes the identity of the SUPER SELLER.

It would be futile to pretend that people create a harmonious environment, exhibit positive behavior, develop their abilities, agree to change their pernicious beliefs and re-hierarchize their values, if they have not previously found the sense of being themselves, of recognizing their immense worth, of knowing deserving of a dignified, happy, meaningful life.

In other words, self-esteem is one of the areas of the pyramid that must be worked to truly aspire to achieve success. That is why she is one of the basic pillars in our training program.

The lack of self-esteem can be reflected in two ways in a businessperson, the first, the one that indicates an inferiority complex and that is revealed in the mistreatment of the client or the employees was a sullen, spoiled, despotic, ironic, derogatory, mocking treatment or aggressive and another who feels less and feels worthy of anything that reflects abandonment, carelessness, disorder, submission, resentment. Bitterness, complaints, self-pity, vices, etc. In both cases, it SHOULD NOT BE STRANGE that the clients DON'T RESPECT IT, since they don't forget how, says Dr. Ribeiro, the world treats us the way we treat ourselves.


It is not possible to speak of excellence or successes if these six factors: Environment, behavior, abilities - capacities, values ​​- beliefs, identity and spirituality are not aligned.

The human being is a unit, a totality and it is not possible to obtain isolated lasting changes. A program of excellence whatever its sign cannot and should not neglect any of these six.

Now I ask you. Friend merchant: Do you believe that through service you can help give people these two things: LOVE AND HAPPINESS that you long for and need? Do you think it is possible to include added value to your product or service?

Because in the end, we know very well that people don't buy products or buy services, they buy mental states. This is evident in the duplicity, the ads mostly place more emphasis on the mental state than on the product itself.

That is why we say to all those people who sell something, whatever the activity they carry out, that as sellers are mental state alters and that to sell something to someone is to provide them with a favorable state of mind.

However we find that everyone wants to be appreciated, respected, cordial, words of praise, good wishes, kindness, affection, appreciation…

But since life gives us back what we give, we have to be the ones who give everything we want to be given.

If you want love, give love; if you want friendship, give friendship; if you want smiles, give smiles; if you want respect, give respect; if you want joy, give joy… if you want to prosper, help others to progress; if you want to get compliments, give compliments.

In other words: What do you do if you want your garden to bear pleasant and tasty fruit? Give first, isn't it? It is logical, first you have to give: preparation of the ground, seeds, water, fertilizer, attention, care. Or do you know of any case that the land gives you the fruits without first sowing?

In doing so, we spin the wheel of prosperity, we grow as human beings, we feel WELL - HAPPY… and of course, by the way:





Merchandising strategies refer to point-of-sale marketing. As a consequence, their application and implementation is the sole responsibility of merchants, but with the consistent support of the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga, through the Sub-Market Management and Commerce.

The six merchandising elements that we have developed for your application is one of the methods that best suits the reality of the Andrés F. Vivanco market. As the market is known to be of some age, that is why traders are reluctant to these types of changes.

For its effective application, it is necessary to sensitize and make the owners of the commercial stalls aware of the importation of merchandising techniques. Once this is achieved, the next step is to give them the necessary theoretical knowledge so that they have a clear idea of ​​what merchandising is. And finally, to make known the proposals that we have made and that their application never ends, that is, their application is eminently permanent.


In that part we will refer to some changes or improvements that must necessarily be made:

  1. The market façade has to be painted in the same color with which it is currently painted, but this time with washable paint. On the upper part of the main door of the market the market name must be placed, preferably wooden with the In order to maintain the tradition, the following must be done inside the market:
  • List of all commercial positions, placed in the upper left part of the position, if it is made of metallic material; If the material is noble or made of wood, such as: meat, bread, vegetables, as the case may be, the numbering must be in the inner and central part of the post. The enumeration, to which we refer, must be made from approximately 001 to 530 and the material for this must be metal in a rectangular shape (40 x 20 Cm.) In the first case; in the other, you only have to do the respective painting with the necessary size. You have to place ads that allow easy access to products you want to buy. These ads are a kind of advertising panels, they will be strategically placed in the busiest places on the market.

It should be noted that these panels will refer to all the products offered Jan. Market, but not the location of the products, because there is a total disorder in the distribution of business lines.


  • Rodrigo Martinic P. Merchandising strategies, Edic. Diego Portales University. 2004. Jorge E. Pereira. Merchandising. Spain 2003. Córdoba and Torres. Marketing at the Point of Sale. 1990.
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Merchandising strategies for a small food market