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Sales and Marketing Strategies for Recession Times


It is obvious that in an economy in recession the sales of a company will be diminished by external factors that can hardly be controlled, despite this, it is possible to plan a winning strategy that allows capturing those consumers who have not been so affected by the crisis or those companies that simply must consume in order to continue producing or existing.

One of the mistakes that is frequently made is to launch an advertising campaign to attract new prospects, giving them the respective instructions so that they know where and when to go to close the business, this can work in a growing economy, but in the midst of a crisis the The correct strategy would be to set a specific time and space where the commercial representative can personally capture the prospect personally to close the deal. For example, instead of offering discount coupons and waiting to see who buys me, I could organize an exhibition and where face-to-face can generate sales opportunities.

One of the main philosophies for achieving success in business (and in life) is this, "No matter what the problem or challenge is, there is always a way to solve it successfully." The most successful entrepreneurs I know have embraced this philosophy, and instead of concentrating on what they CANNOT do, they spend their mental effort finding a solution to their problems.

Some tips to differentiate yourself and beat the competition would be:

- Offer benefits and gifts for the person responsible for the purchase, not for the company, in this way the decision-maker will be praised for receiving something in return, this gift should be something significant but does not imply a high cost for your company, Likewise, it can be complemented by loyalty to the client, offering them greater gifts as they accumulate more purchases.

- If you currently have cash problems, I recommend offering discounts for early purchases, for example if the customer purchases 10 units of your product monthly, offer him a 10% discount if he cancels the 120 units that he will consume during the year, from this So both benefit.

- Accept barter, if you need to buy something and you do not have enough cash flow, you can give something that if you have, your product or service, the same thing happens to other companies, maybe money is scarce but there is always something to market; information and knowledge is also another factor with which we can barter.

- Focus efforts on the one who is already a regular customer or on the one you perceive to be able to buy again if you give them the proper motivation, such as discount plans, payment in installments, free associated products, a differentiated service, etc.

- Free training, maybe your prospects are without much to do in their offices, you can invite them to a free training course, in which you will obviously treat them like kings in order to brainwash them and persuade them of the need to have your services.

- Do not compromise or sacrifice the profit margin, instead that the buyer feels that he is not at risk of losing money, first you do the work and then you charge, without advances, without surcharges and without discounts; First the client is satisfied with your work and then you pay.

Have you ever heard the advice of a professional salesman who told you his secret of success, recommended you:

- Always be honest with the client to earn their trust

- Get to know the product thoroughly and know very well the benefits it has

- Do not speak ill of the competition, do not consider its existence

- Have a speech where all the advantages of our product come out, etc.

Another mistake that is usually made is to focus on these points, that is, every good seller will frankly comment on how wonderful their product is, they will be courteous to their prospect and avoid at all costs speaking ill of their competitors, in these Times almost nobody falls that easy anymore.

As we practice in my workshops with Derkra College, if we can get our prospect to create a mental image of himself using our product or service, visualizing his particular benefit (and not common or general benefits) himself, imagining and enjoying something that He doesn't have one yet but what can you help him get if he decides, then we will have a better chance of winning. It is important to know how to act, pretend, lie, exaggerate, extort and blackmail if necessary.

Recently a company that produces luxury carpets had zero sales and asked me for advice, none of their clients were buying their products because they considered spending money on them was not a priority, in times when there was no money or to pay their employees' wages; the solution was to “lend” (sell / rent) the customer database (names, phone numbers, title, segmentation, etc.) to related (non-competing) companies such as carpet cleaning services, office furniture, among other. The bottom line is that you always have something that someone else needs and that you can take advantage of.

Recommendations are essential, but you should not ask your client to recommend you to another person so that later you can go knock on the door for this other person, introduce yourself, make your products known, follow up with the client and wait for them to buy someday, NO, when you talk to anyone (client or non-client) you should ask them for recommendations from those companies that are investing and what they are investing in, so you can identify who may be a possible buyer and rule out those who "are interested in your product but at the moment they don't have money to spend ”

If there are no opportunities along one path, you must be open to follow another path. If my clients who already trust me are spending their money on rubles other than mine, it doesn't matter, I must follow the path where the money is; If the trust and relationship with your clients is strongly established, they will not care if you dedicate yourself to selling A or B, they will always trust what you offer them.

The right price for the indicated client, all our clients do not have the same economic solvency, although our product is the same, its economic value must be focused on the perception that each client has of how much it is worth, sometimes raising the price and then Offering a discount is beneficial, perhaps in another case I can charge more to someone who is in a hurry and again I can charge less to someone who is comparing various proposals.

Finally, in times of crisis a lot of creativity and coldness are required to know how to face opportunities.

Sales and Marketing Strategies for Recession Times