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Study of graduates in computer science and their insertion into the labor market (2005

Table of contents:



The project sought to clarify the relationship that the ITVG Computing Degree and its graduates have with society. This study turns out to be a means to evaluate the relevance of the degree, the quality of the study plans and programs, as well as the expectations of the graduates. The study addresses aspects related to the education they received and the graduates' work field, which have their own schemes but which converge in many aspects. The project includes a population of graduates from the Bachelor of Computer Science corresponding to the graduation cycle in 2005 until the generation that graduated in January 2009.



To know the relevance of the professional training that the graduates of the Bachelor of Informatics that the ITVG offers. Through a survey of graduates. Likewise, it is intended to know their performance, professional career, degree of satisfaction with the education received and their insertion in the labor market.


Apply the methodology for data analysis. Systematize information to obtain results. Design and apply instruments to obtain the information. Collect data.

Project development and results

Approximately 40% of the students who graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in the year 2005 - January 2009 were considered in the present investigation. Of a total of 135 students, 54 graduate students were interviewed.

Graph 1 describes the qualification of the quality of education provided by the teaching staff, emphasis on research, as well as the curriculum that the graduate studied and the conditions of the campus in infrastructure.

Study of computer science graduates and their insertion into the labor market (2005-2009)

Graph 2 describes the professional performance of the graduates, the coherence that must exist between the training and the type of employment, three questions were asked.

Study of computer science graduates and their insertion into the labor market (2005-2009)

In the question Which postgraduate would you like to study? the following referring percentages were found in graph 3

Study of computer science graduates and their insertion into the labor market (2005-2009)

In the question What refresher courses would you like to take? the following percentages were found in graph 4.

Study of computer science graduates and their insertion into the labor market (2005-2009)

Conclusions / Observations

The Technological Institute of the Guadiana Valley has the need to face great challenges that the contemporary world presents to it, not only due to social, political or economic events, but also due to the demand of various sectors that influence the formation of the graduate in the computer science career.. The institution's mission must improve and strengthen the relationship with society and concretize its daily actions in the full formation processes of its graduates, since they will have to integrate into society, fostering in them a positive image of the development of their communities..


  • DGEST Technical-Administrative Provisions. Follow-up study of graduates of Central American regional graduate programs. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Exams of National Education Policies. Mexico: OECD. (1997). Higher education. Paris: OECD. pp 100-107 and 235-241.Méndez Fraustro Carlos Jaime, Pérez Pulido Ignacio. 2003 Graduate Study, Los Altos University Center, University of Guadalajara.
Study of graduates in computer science and their insertion into the labor market (2005