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Study on the decision to study computing for women at a university in mexico

Table of contents:



The purpose of this work was to know if economic and social factors influence the decision of women who study engineering in computer systems at the Technological University of Superior Studies in Chalco. To do this, a sample of 100 women of different ages and school grade was taken, and a questionnaire of 41 questions was applied to them. The stated objective was to determine if women are influenced by family, friends, income, or some cultural stereotype, when deciding to study that profession. The data from said questionnaires were uploaded to the SPSS program for analysis and those that are most relevant are considered to approve or reject the initial hypothesis.


The purpose of this work was to learn first-hand about some of the reasons why women in the Chalco area and neighboring towns decide to enter the Technological Institute for Higher Studies in Chalco to study a career in computer systems engineering. As noted in the specialized literature, there is a stereotype that this type of career is for men, which is why the entry of women to this career results in very low percentages.

There are several and numerous investigations and articles related to the entry of women into this type of career, among which we consider it appropriate to return to incorporate them into this work, we can cite those texts by the following authors:

  1. Ph. Brown. (2003) that mentions aspects related to the increase in the level of education and the multiplication of degrees, therefore the competition between social groups for access to certain social positions becomes increasingly tough. The author suggests that education is also a way to (continue) to distinguish oneself from others.Muller and Karle consider that the observed differences between social inequalities and school trajectories between countries are mainly due to the modalities in the organization of the system and their management of flows, and not to the national specificities that explain the association between social origin and school career. Duru-Bellat (1996) argues that the reproduction of inequity in school is a reflection of inequity in society and that,Despite the “unifying” intentions of a common curriculum, “the actors implement strategies in the system. As for the perception of why more men than women study engineering, professionals in the private and public sector agree in historically related it to a men's race.

The research is framed in a social context in which the idea that engineering is a career for men is deprived, therefore, our analysis will have as a basis for study the idea set forth in section D) of the aforementioned. Now, in the current conditions of the country and even more, the global conditions of the market, the participation of the best and most capable elements is essential, in this case, it is important to know the level of participation.

One of the themes that stand out the most in this work is gender. Both cultural issues and different social models converge in this section. In López-Sáez's opinion, in his work called “The choice of a typically feminine or masculine career. From a psychosocial perspective: the influence of gender ”, considers that the family environment is important as a factor that influences and conditions the choice of a university degree. In this work, other types of factors are mentioned such as: values, attitudes, expectations and skills, friends, teachers, vocation, professional evaluation and prestige.

It is an interesting exercise to be able to contrast the similarities and differences in percentages obtained in research carried out in different parts of the world, as well as to support or reject the idea that this career in computer systems engineering is only for men.

In the work written by Patricia García Guevara, called "Careers in Engineering in the context of globalization: a gender perspective" something very interesting is stated about the entry of women into the field of engineering. The author states: “On the other hand, the growth of female percentages in engineering is linked, among other things, to the economic, technological and professional market transformations caused by the previous two; to certain changes in gender relations; to the expansion of the educational offer; to state policies; to population growth. "


The statistical method used was descriptive, involving the systematic collection and presentation of data to give a clear idea of ​​a given situation. The analysis of these data was loaded into the SPSS program whose main function is statistical analysis and data information management that allows us to generate from distribution graphs and descriptive statistics to complex statistical analyzes.

Sample size

The sample was obtained from a group of 100 women between 18 and 24 years of age and from various degrees of the Computer Systems Engineering degree at the Technological University of Superior Studies in Chalco.

Data collection

For the compilation, an instrument was designed with 41 questions that considered economic, social and cultural aspects that could influence the decision of the women who study in the computer systems career at the Tecnológico. The independent variables that were considered for this work were economic income; Life expectancy; education level; living place; home; future employment; parents 'schooling and parents' expectations. The dependent variable consisted of entering engineering in computer systems.

Once the questionnaire was ready, authorization was requested from the educational institution to apply said instrument. Once the corresponding authorization was obtained from the academic area, in particular from the head of the engineering division in computer systems and human resources from the Technological Institute for Higher Studies in Chalco, the questionnaire application process continued. Both shifts were taken and the teaching staff of the institution participated during the application of the questionnaire. This had a benefit, since the instrument and the students' responses were highly serious.


Once the information was received, it was uploaded to the SPSS program for its particular analysis of those data that would allow us to accept or reject the hypothesis. In this regard and in general we can mention the following resulting characteristics. Most of them are women who live in the municipality of Chalco.

Study on the decision to study women's computing

70% of the respondents study in the morning shift

Study on the decision to study women's computing

A large percentage of the parents of the respondents are engaged in trade or are workers.

Study on the decision to study women's computing

96% of them do not have a car:

Study on the decision to study women's computing

They also do not have an economic income since they are full-time students.

Study on the decision to study women's computing

1.- Returning to the hypothesis that consisted of knowing if the women who study engineering in computer systems are influenced by family, friends, income, salary, this means that cultural stereotypes represent an influencing factor for women who enter the career in computer systems engineering and applying chi² / mrc to a confidence level of 0.05%, we have to:

Chi-square tests




Asymptotic next (2-sided)

Exact significance (2-sided)

Exact significance (1 sided)

Pearson's Chi-square

11,765 a





Continuity correction b




Likelihood ratio






Fisher's exact test



N of valid cases


Study on the decision to study women's computing

Therefore, once the data has been evaluated and verified with Table E of the book on the fundamentals of statistics in social research, the hypothesis is accepted.


After having done this work, we are left with many enriching experiences. Firstly, we observe that the percentage of women entering the computer systems engineering degree at that institution is increasing. We even dare to say that little by little the stereotype that it is a race for men will turn out to be an affirmation that is beginning to waver. Regarding the teachings that she leaves us, it seems to me that the most important is that an investigation, however minimal it may be, is quite a challenge and requires a great commitment on the part of the researcher, only in this way the results obtained

Another aspect that we consider necessary is to carry out in-depth analyzes on the insertion of women in the field of engineering. Accurate information on the subject must help to make decisions aimed at opening the doors to the female gender to be inserted in all kinds of careers, not only humanistic but also in the exact sciences.

I am sure that this type of work encourages analysis and arouses in us as students the desire to approach educational research. Not only to satisfy our appetite to know but also and more importantly, to satisfy the demands of a Mexican society that demands a quality education.


  • FERRANDO, F. et al. Study on the low presence of women in mechanical engineering studies. Mechanical Engineering Department. Rovira I Virgili University. Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering. XIX National Congress of Mechanical Engineering, available at http://www.xixcnim.uji.es/CDActas/Documentos/ComunicacionesOrales/04-08.pdfGARCÍA Guevara, Patricia. "Careers in Engineering within the framework of globalization: a gender perspective", available at www.cee.iteso.mx/BE/RevistaCEE/t_2002_3_05.pdfLEVI, Jack. Foundations of statistics in society research. Northeastern University. Alpha Omega. Mexico, Federal District, 2010.LOPEZ Sáez, Mercedes. Choosing a typically female or male career. From a psychosocial perspective: the influence of gender. Educational research and documentation center.Ministry of education and science, Madrid, Spain available at


After formulating a cross-table analysis between the answers to the questions "Some family member is an engineer" and "Some acquaintance or friend studied engineering", it was found that after verifying the resulting square girl and comparing it with the value of the same square table of the book, the hypothesis raised was accepted. Therefore, the family or friendship background is considered as a factor that influences the decision of women who study engineering in computer systems at the Technological University of Superior Studies in Chalco.

Some relative is an engineer * Some acquaintance or friend study engineering crosstabulation


Some acquaintance or friend studied engineering




Some relative is an engineer NO












Study on the decision to study computing for women at a university in mexico