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Study on the properties of aloe

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It is a product whose presentations are in cream, gel and foam with a unique concentration of aloe extract 50%

The properties of Aloe were investigated and a pharmaceutical procedure was developed to bring the only line of products based on pure Aloe arborescens extract today: a natural active ingredient without contraindications with a unique concentration.

It is 50% extract of Aloe arborescens, to treat inflammatory skin conditions and to heal skin lesions and erosions.

Job Objectives

  • Know the characteristics and properties of Aloe arborescens. Find out the origin of Aloe arborescens Appreciate the unique concentration of aloe extract at 50%. Investigate the different techniques used for this work. Relate this work to Biotechnology. Differentiate the Aloe arborescens plant with that of Aloe vera. Understand the genotyping of species.

Development of the topic

It is a gel, foam or cream that has all the action of the pure aloe extract, unlike other available products that only contain a maximum of 2% aloe in its composition.

It is a product fully developed in Argentina and since it is not a dialyzed extract, it retains 100% of its natural components. Its composition is constant in all seasons of the year.

Aloe arborescens

Some mother plants of Aloe arborescens were introduced to the country from South Africa. These plants have been vegetatively propagated for several years, maintaining a clone with its own identity, isolated from other aloe plants.

Clone: Initially designated a population of cells or organisms obtained by vegetative reproduction of a single cell or organism. When molecular genetic engineering allowed any gene or DNA fragment in bacteria to multiply, the concept extended to gene cloning.

In general, the members of a clone have identical hereditary characteristics, that is, their genes are the same, with the exception of some differences due to mutations. The clone is an organism that derives from another through a process of asexual reproduction. For example, identical twins, which originate from the division of a single fertilized egg, are members of one clone, whereas non-identical twins that originate from the fertilization of two independent eggs are not.

Thanks to recent advances in genetic engineering, scientists can isolate an individual gene (or groups of genes) from one organism and implant it in another organism belonging to a different species. The species selected as recipients are generally those with asexual reproduction, such as bacteria or yeast.

It means obtaining a colony of genetically identical cells, which contain the DNA segment of interest (extra-o DNA)

This clone shows particular characteristics, at a genetic and morphological level, as well as adaptation to the region where it grows.

A genotypic (applying molecular markers) and phenotypic analysis of these plants was carried out, with the aim of establishing a clonal garden to obtain homogeneous plant material for the cultivation of standardized plantations.

The selection criteria used was based on:

  • Genetic purity of the species Potential extract productivity per plant Concentration of active ingredients (glycoproteins, aloe mannans) per ml of extract

Active principles

Among the components of the aloe gel are glycoproteins, substances that accelerate the healing processes, reduce pain and inflammation. It also has polysaccharides, carbohydrates that stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis.

Mechanism of action of the gel on epidermal cells

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins can be considered, according to how they are in the membrane, falling into one of these two categories:

The outer surface of the membrane tends to be rich in glycolipids that have their hydrophobic tails embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane and their heads towards the outside of the cell. Together with the carbohydrates attached to proteins (glycoproteins), they intervene in the recognition of an organism's "self". Differentiation antigens, better known as CD antigens (by Cluster of Differentiation, differentiation group) are nothing more than glycoproteins that are expressed on the surface of the membranes.

Mother plants (ortet) were obtained through a micropropagation process, which in turn were cloned in vitro using the meristem culture technique, ensuring their health.

From this clonal garden, made up of superior genotypes, propagules were obtained to establish in the field, giving rise to a plantation that currently, and after 6 years of development by macropropagation (vegetative propagation), ensures the genetic continuity of the mother plant.

Likewise, of the genetic material obtained from these mother plants, a germplasm bank was reserved, in vitro, as a genetic base to support the plantation.

Aloe arborescens

The word "aloe" comes from the Greek and refers to the drying juice that is extracted from its leaves. The word "arborescens" in Latin means: "in the form of a tree." It was applied to this species due to its habit of stem formation.

Contrary to popular belief, the typical variety of domestic growth in our country is Aloe arborescens and not Aloe vera.

The Aloe arborescens presents high concentration of glycoproteins and mannans. In addition, there is ample scientific and popular evidence that proves its therapeutic properties.

Botanical Details of Aloe arborescens: Plant with a well developed upright stem. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, up to 50 or more cm long, sessile, dark green, with strong thorny teeth on the margin. Red flowers, 3.5 cm long, gathered in dense and erect clusters. South Africa. Ornamental, it blooms in winter and multiplies by pieces of plants, being the most cultivated species in the country.

Use of aloe in our environment

Aloe is widely used to treat various ailments. In our country, leaf extracts are often used directly on the skin for their healing and decongestant power. This form of use is not the most recommended due to the potential risks of allergy and infections.

Aloe arborescens characteristics and properties

There are more than 360 species of aloe. Erroneously people call aloe vera what is actually aloe arborescens, a species widely studied by the Japanese for its great therapeutic properties.

The full name of this species is Aloe Arborescens Mill. It has anti-diabetic, anti-carcinogenic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial properties and is indicated to treat different skin diseases, among other qualities.

Origin of aloe arborescens

The origin of the plant is in southern Africa, where it was used not only for medical purposes, but was also a great source of belief. It was not long before it began to be used in Asia and, mainly, in China.

But it was not until 1569 that he landed in America, brought by the European expeditionaries who encouraged his cultivation. The plantations spread rapidly through all the countries of the continent until reaching Argentina.

When it begins to be cultivated in different places from its origin, the plant displays its natural facility to hybridize and thus, natural adaptations arise due to the different environmental conditions (soil, rainfall, temperatures) in addition to those caused intentionally. This hybridization was causing an important change in the plant and the appearance of new species, varieties and ecotypes.

Size between 20 cm. up to 20 meters.

There are 350 varieties of the Genus Aloe. They come from Africa although their cultivation has spread in many places.

Aloe arborescens is also used in gardening. Many are known as Aloe vera but in reality there are two specific species that have spread due to the strong demand for this plant, which are Aloe ferox or Cape aloe, and Aloe barbadensis. They are especially widespread in warm areas of the United States, Mexico, the Antilles, the Bahamas, Venezuela, Greece, Morocco, Israel, Egypt, Arabia, Algeria or India.

In the Iberian Peninsula the barbadensis species is cultivated in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.

This plant has been known since ancient times. Dioscorides already described it in his Greek herbalist.

Widely used in China and Egypt, named in The Bible. All civilizations have known of its medicinal and cosmetic properties, Roman, Greek, Arab and Hindu. Used by Cleopatra in her daily cures and taken by the Spanish to America in their conquest of the new world.

Medicinal properties such as cathartic, and regenerative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and external bactericidal effects.

It is effective against dermatological conditions and exanthematic infections (measles, chickenpox, rubella, herpes), disorders of the gastric and intestinal mucosa and inflammatory bowel and oral mucosa diseases, immunosuppressed states, inflammatory processes, tumor processes.

Analysis of aloe plants from different provenances showed great variation in leaf size, pH, fiber content, calcium and magnesium, and certain peaks on HPLC.

Hence, it is important to note that there is great variation in the chemical and pharmacological composition both between species, between batches of the same species and between plants with different provenances.

This product is processed from its own controlled plantations, which guarantees a stable raw material of homogeneous quality and therefore a product with constant properties in all batches.

Arborescens vs Vera the same but different

The varieties have differences in the DNA pattern, this is verified by the absence or presence of AFLP bands visible in a polyacrylamide gel.

Aloe arborescens has a qualitative composition similar to Aloe Vera but there are several quantitative differences, especially in the content of hexoses, proteins and certain trace elements such as boron and selenium.

Biochemical - pharmacological aspects


Element Mg / 100 ml

Aloe Arborescens

Aloe vera











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Properties of aloe arborescens

High healing and anti-inflammatory power

Aloe Arborescens extract stimulates healing, is a skin regenerator, moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, and many more revitalizing applications.

  • It is also a great natural resource for relief in cases of burns. It regenerates cells, calms, refreshes, deflates, cleanses and heals. It hydrates, cleans, polishes and softens the skin. It prevents wrinkles and keeps skin fresh, youthful and gives it a healthy glow. Protects against the harmful effects of the sun, dust, smoke, exhaust gases, among others. Provides relief to burns and inflammations of the skin. Reduces swelling, pain and treats bruises. Stimulates skin cells and rejuvenates the skin.It is used to treat all types of burns (from acids, heat, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.). In cases of infections, mycoses, psoriasis, sores and insect bites, this plant acts very effectively

Techniques used

Genotypic analysis

If we consider that the genotype is the set of genes of an individual and that the environment is the set of non-hereditary causes that influence the expression of the genotype, the phenotypic value (x) can be represented by the following equation:

Where "g" is the genotypic value and "e" is the environmental deviation.

Thus, according to this equation, the phenotypic variance (Vp) of a population of genetically distinct individuals affected by variable environmental factors between one individual and another, can be decomposed into two parts:

Where VG is the variance due to hereditary differences and VE is attributable to environmental causes.

A favorable situation for the calculation of each part of the phenotypic variance occurs when the groups in object are formed by genetically homogeneous individuals, such as in the case of pure lines or clonal progenies.

Genetic determination coefficient

(broad heritability)

It is the quotient between the genetic variance and the phenotypic variance:

The significance of this relationship is that it constitutes an index of the importance of the genotype as the cause of phenotypic differences between individuals in the population.

The value can vary between zero and one. It will be zero (0) when the differences between individuals is determined only by environmental factors, and one (1) when the differences are due only to genetic causes.

We must say that heritability is not a characteristic of the individual but of the population to which it belongs and in the environmental conditions in which it was estimated.

Strict heritability

The proportion of the total phenotypic variance due to the additive effects of the genes represents the heritability of the character under study.

It is called narrow sense heritability in order to distinguish it from broad sense heritability since it only takes into account the part of the genetic variance attributable to differences between the reproductive values ​​of the genes:

Obviously, if we are to make predictions about the degree of similarity between relatives or predictions about certain characteristics of future generations, we must use h2N, because this only takes into account the fixed part of the variance that estimates the reproductive value. of a certain phenotype.

It is common to consider h2 values ​​on the following arbitrary scale:

Genotype: Set or part of the genetic makeup of an individual. Set of genes existing in each of the cell nuclei of individuals belonging to a certain plant or animal species. from Greek: gen- / gon- (gr.) + typos (gr.)

Phenotype: The manifestation of this genotype is called "phenotype". The phenotype can be a biochemical, physiological characteristic, or it can be a specific physical trait. Thus, every phenotype is always the result of a genotypic expression.

Meristem cultivation

This technique consists of isolating the meristem and sowing it in a suitable culture medium that enables the development of a complete plant.

The term meristem culture, in general, is not correctly used, since in most cases the meristematic dome is sown accompanied by one or two leaf primordia.

The dome is a structure less than 0.1 mm in diameter, very difficult to successfully extract in isolation, and from which it is often difficult to obtain complete plants. This requires a culture medium with a very balanced concentration of nutrients and very strict environmental conditions.

Consequently, the results in this regard have been very poor. For this reason, in most cases, the dome is used accompanied by one or more leaf primordia. Perhaps the best course of action would be to use the term "yolk," or "bud," or "stem." Despite this, in this chapter we will use the name meristem cultivation because this is the most widespread terminology, although it is not strictly correct.

In general, the plants from the meristem culture are considered to be identical or homologous to the mother plant from which the explant was extracted. In contrast, plants derived from other tissues such as callus, nucela, flower buds or protoplasts, usually present different degrees of variability. The latter is not desirable for the production of virus-free plants, where the objective is to improve the health of the plant but retain the rest of its agronomic characteristics.

However, it is important to clarify that certain mutations have been reported in plants from meristem culture, but much less frequently and less important than those detected with other in vitro plant breeding systems.

The meristem culture has been used successfully for different purposes, among them the most frequent are the rapid cloning of desirable material (micro propagation), germplasm conservation at low temperature or cryopreservation and to obtain plants free of systemic pathogens, among they viruses.

The meristem could be defined as the region where mitosis occurs, a type of cell division by which two daughter cells are formed from an initial cell, with the same characteristics and chromosomal number as the original. Histologically, this embryonic tissue is made up of cells with thin primary walls, a dense cytoplasm and a large nucleus, without developed plastids.

Meristems are present at the ends of roots and stems, known as apical, root and caulinar meristems respectively, they are responsible for the primary growth of the plant.

Lateral or secondary meristems appear later, when the plant has completed primary growth in length and will develop secondary growth.

Cambium and phylogen are the two secondary meristems, they are located in a cylindrical shape throughout the entire plant. The cambium forms xylem and secondary phloem or wood from trees, and the phylogen is the one that forms the peridermis, commonly called the bark.


A new ally to treat inflammatory skin conditions, heal skin lesions and erosions.

It guarantees an excellent penetration of the pure aloe extract and due to its texture it is ideal for treating erosions and skin irritations. It is especially indicated for use after invasive dermatological procedures, burns, lacerations or wounds, during or after radiant treatment, varicose ulcers, decubitus or inflammatory lesions in the diaper area in babies.

There are two presentations: Cream and Foam. Each with its own characteristics and specific indications:

Cream: Presentation: 20 g pommel

Foam: Ideal for use in large areas due to its high healing power and rapid penetration, especially suitable for repairing extensive injuries or hairy areas of the body, both in inflammatory skin processes and in continuity solutions.

It is recommended to treat rosacea, couperose, post peeling and post waxing or shaving.

Presentation: 60 ml dosing container for 150 doses


The power of Aloe at its best in foam

This foam obtained by biotechnological processes combines an excellent surface remanence with a high dispersibility, making it an optimal alternative to treat large and inflamed areas, regardless of the oiliness of the skin.

The mother plants that gave rise to the clonal garden of Aloe arborescens were selected for genetic purity. From there the Aloe plantation was established, which provides in each batch of leaves, the active ingredient rich in glycoproteins and aloemannans.

Traceability: You can trace the route that goes from the clone used for extraction, to the batch of extract used to make the product. Traceability guarantees the standardization of the product, and ensures the equivalence of the assets and consequently, the batch-to-batch continuity of the therapeutic properties of the Único products with 50% pure aloe extract.

The available products contain a maximum of 2% Aloe in its composition.


Applying the knowledge of the Biotechnology subject, we became interested in a product made with the Aloe arborescens plant, with a unique concentration of Aloe extract at 50%.

A genotypic and phenotypic analysis of these plants was performed

These plants have been vegetatively propagated for several years, maintaining a clone with its own identity, isolated from other aloe plants.

This clone shows particular characteristics, at a genetic and morphological level, as well as adaptation to the region where it grows.

By means of a micropropagation process, the mother plants were obtained by growing meristems, ensuring their health.

They were specified according to the different species, the most convenient to apply them medicinally, where they are detailed in their respective applications.

Certification of origin (micropropagated seedlings planted in characterized and controlled soil)

  • Batch to batch reproducibility Controlled quality
Study on the properties of aloe