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Organizational Training Needs Assessment


Starting with a shallow analysis, we can affirm that in all organizations there are training needs. The reason for this statement is very simple: there is always someone who does not do something because they do not know how to do it.

Starting from this point, the task of detecting what the training needs are, could be considered very simple, but the complex reality of the people inserted in an organizational environment, makes this process require a deep analysis.

The first and perhaps the most important premise is to be able to detect, evaluate and separate training needs from those that are not.

This point is of great importance since, to establish problems that can be solved with training, and that this does not coincide with reality, is to make a wrong diagnosis and start from a wrong point.

If this situation is not corrected and a training plan based on an erroneous diagnosis is carried out, it will result in: the organization's complaint, the frustration of the participants and the discrediting of the training area.

Taking these possible consequences into account, it is extremely important to evaluate which problems "are not solved with training ".

The beginning of the analysis should be guided, not only by the description of the existing needs that those who request the evaluation can provide, but also a meticulous and detailed field work with those who are involved in the process is necessary.

This analysis will show those who have training needs due to lack of knowledge, skills or attitudes for a certain job. But, they will also arise, who, being in a position to do so (with the knowledge, skills and attitudes) do not do it.

This will be the first major division of the diagnosis, where the problems that appeared whose solution does not depend on the implementation of training programs should be stated, and yes, they should be the reason for studying the organizational analysis.

Equally important, it is to analyze and define the culture of the organization that requests the process and its historical and current behavior, in relation to habits linked to training.

It is necessary to establish whether this previous culture allows training problems to be perceived and manifested or if they tend to relate their problems to other factors.

If this analysis is not carried out correctly, even when carrying out a very detailed field work, training needs will not arise, since those involved will not see them as such.

At this point we can go deeper into the analysis, and establish who are the ones who must realize that there really is a need for training.

In the first place, we could locate the trainer, since being a professional with autonomy and independence within the company, he is the one who will see them first, because he is not conditioned by the culture of the same.

Then the power system of the organization that is the one that requires something, that cannot be realized in the current conditions, is exposing a need.

Also, the managers or direct supervisors of those involved have to understand that "something" that the organization needs and cannot carry out, it has a reason related to the lack of some ability to do it. They must clearly communicate what the organization of the people involved needs, motivate to solve this situation through learning and stimulate, during the implementation process of what has been learned.

Finally, it is essential that the person himself perceives the need to modify or incorporate knowledge, skills or attitudes that allow putting into practice what the organization requires and cannot do due to ignorance.

We must emphasize that it is not always easy for those who perform a task to recognize that the task is poorly performed or that it can be improved. These discrepancy needs are undoubtedly the most difficult to establish.

As for those needs that arise from changes in the organization or incorporations, they carry in themselves the importance of being a matter of learning. In any case, and without contradicting everything said above, we must not forget that a need for training is not important in itself, but that what assigns value to it is what it will make possible to do.

It is at this point that we approach our conclusion, affirming that any learning within the organizational sphere has not only an intrinsic value, but also becomes a strategic resource for business management. Much more in those organizations that base growth on the development of their intellectual capital.

Organizational Training Needs Assessment