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Performance evaluation with a focus on skills in the Cuban sugar industry

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The article shows a procedure for performance evaluation with a focus on competencies in the sugar industry. Systematic performance evaluation is a key activity in human capital management, contributes to positively reinforce successful behavior or rectify wrong behavior and in the feedback of the continuous training process, essential in business administration. This procedure includes the initial preparation stages, characterization of the area under study, diagnosis of the performance evaluation system in the area, and finally the determination of competencies, using the modified functional analysis. The application of this procedure in the UEB Central Azucarero Fernando de Dios Buñuel allowed determining the main deficiencies:Methods related to tangible indicators, errors such as halo effect and central tendency are used, parameters of technological discipline are not complied with and the respective training actions are not projected, labor competencies are not identified for each of the jobs. Finally, an action plan is proposed to favor performance evaluation based on the labor competencies of the workers in the entity.Finally, an action plan is proposed to favor performance evaluation based on the labor competencies of the workers in the entity.Finally, an action plan is proposed to favor performance evaluation based on the labor competencies of the workers in the entity.


Performance evaluation, competencies, procedure, business administration.


The article shows a procedure for evaluating the performance with competences focus in the sugar industry. The systematic evaluation of the performance is a key activity for managing the human capital, it contributes to strengthen

the successful behavior or to rectify the inaccurate behavior, essential for the management administration. This procedure contains several phases: the initial preparation, the characterization of the object of study area, the diagnostic of the evaluation system of the performance in the area and, at last, the determination of the competences, by the modified functional analysis. The aplication of this procedure in UEB Fernando de Dios Buñuel Sugar Factory allows to deciding the main deficiencies: They only use methods related to tangible indicators, they thrive errors like halo effect and central tendency, break a promise of the technological discipline's parameters do not project the respective capacitation actions, there are not identified the laboral competences for each of the work places. Finally,it is exposed an action plan to favor performance evaluation based on labor competences of the entity's workers.


Performance evaluation, competence, procedure, management administration


Today, the globalization of the market gives human capital a decisive role in the competitiveness and survival of the company. Therefore, improving their performance constitutes a strategic objective for the fulfillment of the mission in organizations. The sugar agribusiness has as its premise to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of human capital, evidencing itself in the increase in labor productivity.

It is proposed by Aguirre (2001), that Human Capital Management by competencies constitutes a tool to promote and guide the individual and collective learning process in the organization, in order to generate competitive advantages in the market, achieve greater productivity and comply with the established regulations. However, it is considered that this topic has not been sufficiently studied from the perspective of evaluating the performance of workers. In this sense, the processes for selecting, training and evaluating the performance of workers in relation to the competency-based management approach are especially relevant to achieving the objectives and goals proposed by the organization.

An important component of the internal architecture of the company, Martens (1996) points out, is the competence of the human factor, that is, the contribution that people are capable of developing to achieve certain objectives and adds that the emergence of labor competence must to do with the need for companies to find ways of differentiation in the global market, placing the development of human competence among its key competences and that distinguishes it as an organization.

Performance management by competencies, according to Cuesta (2008), is today a relevant concept to understand in Human Capital Management (GCH), it implies greater integration between strategy, work system and organizational culture, together with a greater knowledge of the potentialities of people and their development.

According to what is stated in the AZCUBA Sugar Group Strategy in the period: 2012-2017, it requires a technically well-prepared human capital, with a higher level of participation, with its needs and aspirations adequately met, highly committed and identified with its unit and its sector. (AZCUBA, 2012). In the specific objectives of the sugar group strategy, it is proposed to apply the approach of labor competencies in the work of training, selection, evaluation and stimulation of human capital.

The fundamental contribution of the human capital development process to the objectives of the organization is to achieve increased productivity, through the effective performance of its human capital. One of the fundamental factors that affect productivity variations is related to the increase or decrease in the effectiveness of the worker's performance reflected in the efficiency analyzes. As stated by Junco (2011), productivity is the indicator that represents the most obvious point of articulation between economic-productive results and the level of skills of the labor force.

In this sense, the focus on labor competence arises in response to the need to improve the quality and relevance of human capital training. The transformations caused by the evolution of technology require necessary modifications in the skills that workers must possess to respond to qualitative demands according to the context of production and services to achieve the required levels of productivity, performance and efficiency. nowadays.

From the aforementioned and from the reality verified by the researchers in the purification area of ​​the UEB Central Azucarero Fernando de Dios Buñuel, insufficiencies are identified in relation to the absence of a system for performance evaluation based on the focus on labor competencies, non-compliance with the parameters of the technological discipline measured in said evaluation, which is carried out in a conventional manner and not according to new trends in human capital management, in addition, training is not used as one of the mechanisms used to solve the performance deficiencies.

This reveals the need to design a procedure for performance evaluation based on labor competencies that favors business management, in correspondence with the strategic changes that have occurred in the Cuban sugar sector.


The continuous improvement of the processes inherent in human capital is the essential objective of organizations for their progress in a competitive environment. These growing needs are the driving force for change in the management of the different subsystems that make up human capital. During the last decades, competitiveness has become important, both in practice and in theory, as it is considered a strategic tool linked to the efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness of companies, processes and the performance of their human capital.

The management of human capital by competences constitutes a tool to promote and guide the individual and collective learning process in the organization in order to generate competitive advantages in the market, achieve greater productivity and comply with the established regulations. Management by competences starts from the determination of the labor competences required by the different positions, so that the performance of people in them is successful.

Among the exponents is Cuesta (2008), who emphasizes that Human Capital Management assumes a large cluster of activities related to labor organization in its interaction with people, highlighting key activities such as: personnel inventory, selection, performance evaluation, communication plans, training and career plans, climate and motivation studies, work organization, ergonomics, working conditions and health and safety, strategic planning and optimization of templates, payment systems, psychosocial stimulation, auditing, etc.

The authors García and Reyes (2010), are of the opinion that before recruiting, selecting and integrating human capital into employment, all human requirements (traits, knowledge, cognitive and behavioral abilities, aptitudes) valued in the man - work relationship that will finally allow the new occupant of the position to achieve its adaptation to it and this translates into the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

The Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination as part of the Regional Program for Occupational Training and Labor Insertion (FOIL) establishes that the evaluation of labor competencies as a certification tool is the process by which sufficient evidence is gathered on the performance of an individual. (ILO / CINTERFOR, 2009)

There are five types of skills characteristics:

  • Motivations. What a person thinks or wants and what impels him to action. Motivations drive, direct and select behaviors through certain situations or goals. Personality traits. They are the physical characteristics and responses given to certain situations or information. Self-understanding. They are the attitudes of a person, their values ​​or the image they have of themselves. Knowledge. Information a person has about a specific content area Skills. The ability to carry out a mental or physical task. (Spencer & Spencer, 1999)

Currently, the concept of job skills has come to occupy a relevant space in the business world, so there are various definitions of the term job skills, however all converge that it is a system of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes demonstrated in the exercise of the profession and which in turn are related to the criterion of suitability for the performance of an occupation.

In NC 3000: 2007 job competencies are defined as a synergistic set of knowledge, skills, experiences, feelings, attitudes, motivations, personal characteristics and values, based on demonstrated suitability, associated with superior performance of the worker and the organization, in correspondence with the technical, productive and service requirements. It is an essential requirement that these competencies are observable, measurable and that they contribute to the achievement of the organization's objectives.

The term competencies highlights aspects such as professional experience where skills, knowledge and abilities are acquired that are not recognized through degrees, but such evaluation is important for human capital to obtain benefits from them as well as the organization to use them.

For their part, Sánchez, Marrero and Martínez (2005) propose labor competence as the operative element that links the individual and collective capacity to generate value with work processes, which is why it constitutes a new alternative to improve the performance of individuals and of the organization. The first of these authors Sánchez (2007) defined labor competence as a complex and synergistic structure of human requirements made up of cognitive, physical and socio-affective elements that lead the worker towards a superior performance of their functions and tasks, in correspondence with the principle of proven suitability and the organization's strategy.

Junco (2011) states that in terms of current trends in the development of competency systems, the following are distinguished:

  • Behavioral Analysis

In this analysis the following are taken as indicators: motives, personality characteristics, self-image, social role and it has as a personal starting point of success in its performance (effective performance). Although limited because such a broad definition does not allow precision, the difference between minimum and effective competences is not clear and is part of historical models (past successes).

  • Constructivist Analysis

It takes as reference not only successful figures but also those of a lower level, which allows expanding the range of training possibilities, begins by analyzing the dysfunctions of the organization (Diagnosis) and has a limitation that does not delve into the strategy.

  • Functional analysis

In this case, we start from a desired result or a problem and its solution, from the objectives of the organization and from the area, then wondering what needs to be done to achieve it (gradual derivation), describe products and not processes. It has as disadvantages that it is based on structural patterns, being highly dependent on the context. Therefore, it is not easily extrapolated.

The aforementioned author proposes a variant of the latter, in this case the Modified Functional Analysis, which starts from underlying attributes (knowledge, attitudes, values, abilities). It is especially important for structuring the Competition Rules.

To achieve the standardization of competences, it is necessary to define the standards expressed by Junco (2011), based on a group of aspects:

  1. 1. Performance criteria (results) 2. Field of application (working conditions) 3. Evidence of performance (results that serve as evidence) 4. Evidence of knowledge (results showing application of knowledge) 5. Evidence of skills (evidence of compliance with requirements and standards)

The labor competences can be obtained starting from the functional decomposition of each occupation or specialty (Functional Analysis). To identify the requirements of the profile, as a unit of measurement and starting point for the design of solutions, we start from the design of a competency matrix.

The implementation of the Labor Competencies Management system in the sugar agribusiness has its antecedents since 2002, with the application of the Productivity Measurement and Advancement System (SIMAPRO) advised by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The Self-Training and Evaluation Guide for Labor Competencies helps to obtain skills, knowledge and attitudes, in addition to developing the labor competencies that are necessary to carry out work properly and improve the productivity and quality necessary to achieve better individual and collective performance that contributes to compliance. of the organization's objectives. It also serves to know what are the most important aspects of the work being done, what is being done well and what aspects to change or reinforce.

Productivity allows you to visualize, control and guide the decision-making process. It indicates where there are problems and where we have made progress. It is an indicator that reflects the efficiency in the use of inputs and tangible assets and constitutes a bridge between the world of work and the world of finance.

The fundamental factors that affect productivity variations are: an increase or decrease in the efficiency of the worker's performance, the introduction of technological improvements and a reduction in the workforce. The fundamental contribution of the human capital development process to the objectives of the organization is to achieve increased productivity through the effective performance of its human resources.

Performance evaluation, performance evaluation or performance evaluation based on job competencies, says Cuesta (2008) is the key HRM process or activity consisting of a procedure that aims to assess, in the most systematic and objective way possible, the performance or employee performance in the organization. Of course, performance evaluation by competencies means a higher stage of performance evaluation.

The Performance Evaluation of workers is the systematic measurement of the work activity they carry out over a period of time and of their potential development in the area in which they work within the work entity. (MTSS, 2007).

Among the fundamental aspects to be evaluated are:

  • Increased productivity, quality, qualification, discipline, compliance with safety and health standards at work, the proper use of material resources, equipment and machinery, the rational use of energy carriers and the improvement of service and environmental protection.

The performance evaluation by labor competencies is carried out in coherence with the organizational strategy and consequently with the provisions of the competency charge profile. It is carried out essentially attending to: mission or objectives set, the labor competencies manifested in the results (especially associated with the quantity and quality of the work carried out) and the responsibilities assumed along with the working conditions and the demands of the organizational culture. (Cuesta, 2008)

Performance evaluation methods are based on the application of the indicators or objectives to be measured or valued. Incorporated into performance evaluation systems, their recurrences are not exclusive; Thus, for example, the objective evaluation method can be used, as well as the self-evaluation method.

The existence of tangible and intangible indicators means that these methods are divided into two groups: the first, referring to tangible indicators, in this case taking into account quantity of production, quality of production, absenteeism, accidents, salary, promotions, etc.

For their part, the methods related to intangible indicators are related to management, cooperation, competence, commitment, etc. When included in the performance evaluation system, they do not exclude methods related to tangible indicators. They will become more popular as the tasks to be evaluated are no longer simple, versatility and teamwork are used.

The following are identified as fundamental indicators for performance evaluation:

  • The objectives, functions and tasks fulfilled in the stage Labor discipline and the use of the working day Compliance with the safety and health standards at work The recommendations derived from the previous annual performance evaluation The use and care of material resources (energy carriers), personal protection equipment and means Compliance with the training and individual development plan

Procedure to be used to diagnose the performance evaluation system in the purification area of ​​the UEB Central Azucarero Fernando de Dios Buñuel.

To carry out the diagnosis of the performance evaluation system in the purification area in the UEB CA Fernando de Dios Buñuel, a procedure was used based on what was proposed by Junco Fernández (2011). So the following stages are defined:

Objective: To guarantee the support and collaboration of technicians and workers with experience and knowledge in the matter, specialized personnel and leaders of the entity. During this stage it is necessary to inform the personnel involved about the objective of the work and its importance for the area.

Objective: To determine the characteristics of the area, as well as the workforce to

Step 1. Characterization of the area under study

In this step, the area under study is characterized, taking into account the key positions, the relationships established in the process, the fundamental teams in the area, and the level of automation. Functions that contribute to the UEB mission CA Fernando are described. God Buñuel.

Step 2. Characterization of the workforce

It is necessary to start from this characterization to know the peculiarities and potential of the personnel. The composition of the workforce is analyzed by occupational category, educational level, age composition and seniority.

Objective: To determine the information necessary for the diagnosis of the performance evaluation.

To collect the information for the diagnosis is obtained from the review of documents, harvest reports, SIMAPRO records. In addition to collecting the data related to the system. The laboratory analysis sheet is used to analyze the parameters of the technological discipline. The current state of performance evaluation in the entity under study, its deficiencies and possible causes, as well as the positive aspects, are diagnosed. A survey was applied to the area chief, area technician, and brigade leaders.

Objective: To determine the competences for the Sugar Factory, the purification area and for jobs.

It is based on what was expressed by Junco (2011), using the modified functional analysis of this author for the determination of the competences. In this analysis, starting from the strategic objectives or more general functions of the organization (its mission) and its gradual derivation (key competences and sub-competencies), following the structural line of the process until achieving competence standards in key areas and profiles.

The functions for the area are established based on the mission and the strategic objectives. Once these general competences (CG) have been defined, it is necessary to continue decomposing each one of them into units of competences (UC). Then for each unit of competence it is necessary to define their evidence of performance, knowledge and skills for a given occupation.

Application of the procedure to diagnose the performance evaluation system

Stage 1. Initial preparation. It has the support of technicians and workers with experience and knowledge in the matter, specialized personnel and leaders of the entity.

Stage 2. Characterization of the area under study

Step 1. Characterization of the Purification area of ​​the UEB CA Fernando de Dios Buñuel

The purification plant removes impurities and other non-sugars present in the mixed juice from the mill outlet to the clarified juice outlet for evaporation or concentration, through sedimentation and filtration, regulating acidity, achieving better use and optimal processing in the rest of the process.

  • Juice purification threads Preparation of lime slurry Allocation of Mixed Juice Heating of Mixed Juice until Flashing Juice Clarification Preparation and Application of Flocculant Cachaça Filtration Concentration or Evaporation Process

Step 2. Composition of the workforce

The purification area has an approved workforce of 20 workers, 18 covered by workers, which shows the superiority of this category, which represents 90% of the total and 10% represented by the head of manufacturing and a technician from the area of purification guaranteeing that the activities are carried out with the required quality and speed. The male sex predominates, there is no indirect staff, the activity carried out in it is directly related to the production process. The distribution of staff by age revealed that 50% are under the age of 50, indicating the need to take advantage of the potential of this part of the workforce.40% of the workforce exceed 20 years of work experience, reflecting the degree of commitment and belonging of the workers to the organization. The level of schooling is represented by 55% of qualified workers, 35% of upper middle level and only 10% of higher level.

Stage 3. Diagnosis of performance evaluation

The evaluations are carried out by the immediate superior manager of the worker, translating the results into a model where incidents related to labor discipline and technological discipline are collected at the end of the working day and then the evaluation is carried out at the end of the harvest.

To evaluate the technological discipline the average values ​​per year and the data obtained from the laboratory reports were processed with a weekly frequency of the following variables:

  1. 1. Juice temperature at the outlet of the heaters2. PH of clarified juice 3. Pol in cachaça 4. Density of lime slurry 5. Brix of the cheek 6. Purity drop from clarified to filter

In a survey of the area chief, brigade chiefs and area technician, it was found that workers with deficiencies in the operation are not adequately trained. Only methods related to tangible indicators are used, errors such as halo effect and central tendency prevail, parameters of the technological discipline are not complied with and the respective training actions are not planned, the labor competencies for each one of the jobs are not identified.

To start the analysis of the determination of the competences, the entity's mission is taken into account as the first element.

Determination of the competencies for the heater operator job.

Solutions proposal

According to the main problems detected in the diagnosis of the performance evaluation, actions aimed at promoting the referred system and increasing productivity are proposed, grouped by objectives and some of them are detailed below:

Objective 1: Implement a management model for labor competencies as the basic link that allows identifying the potential existing in human capital.

Action 1: Prepare a documented procedure based on labor competencies for planning, executing and controlling the annual evaluation of worker performance in each of the area's jobs.

Objective 2: Integrate preparation, dissemination and information on the subject, in order to create education towards control and the correct application in performance evaluation for job competencies.

Action 2: Establish the performance evaluation based on the Competency Matrix: key competences, sub-competences and base performance in each case.

Action 3: Carry out the study, analysis and discussion with the labor collective of the Competency Matrix, so that the workers master the why? of the new method of performance evaluation and how they will be evaluated.

Objective 3: Establish the direct link between the behavior of the indicators of the technological discipline and individual performance.

Action 4: Identify the gaps that workers present between the competencies required for their positions and those that they possess.

Action 5: Identify individual learning needs (Self-diagnosis).

Action 6: Based on the evaluation results, record in the summary model the competences that the worker does not possess, as well as the measures that derive based on the problem raised (training, preparation, transfer to another job, demotion, etc., as appropriate).

Regarding the economic, social and environmental impacts obtained with the application of this proposal, taking into account numerous operational factors associated with the industrial impact on the yield and the% of use of the RPC, the sugar losses produced by investment of sucrose for keeping the pH range low, 1.27 t of sucrose are destroyed in one day, which is equivalent to stopping the recovery of 1.16 t of sugar, which at a price of 520 USD is equivalent to 603.20 USD that would be stopped in one day.

Bearing in mind that in the 2013 harvest 168.28 t of sucrose were destroyed and 154,256 t of sugar were no longer produced due to this cause and in the 2014 harvest the value of destroyed sucrose was 154.97 t and 139.80 t of sugar investment losses the amounts would rise at 294,056 t of sugar which at a price of USD 520 per ton would result in losses equivalent to USD 152 909.12. The pol in cachaça although it is in the norm as established for the unit (up to 2 units), does not mean that for this concept there are no losses.

Considering that the performance of human capital is one of the best ways to preserve the environment, the application of the proposed actions contributes to savings, allows the production of high quality raw sugar at competitive prices and safe conditions to satisfy market demands while preserving environment.


The transformations that have taken place in the sugar industry require the improvement of the performance evaluation of the workers that work in the different areas of it, therefore a new approach based on labor competencies is imposed that considers the necessary interaction between the different subsystems that make up human capital management.

A procedure for the diagnosis of performance evaluation based on labor competencies was prepared based on what was proposed by Junco Fernández (2011), adapted to the characteristics of the entity, taking into account the Matrix of Competences: key competences, sub- competencies and base performance in each case.

The application of the procedure allowed determining that among the main deficiencies in the performance evaluation system are the use of methods related to tangible indicators and intangibles are unknown, errors such as halo effect and central tendency prevail, discipline parameters are not complied with technology without the projection of the respective training actions.


  1. Aguirre, V. (2001). A GRH analysis in the technical plan of the ETECSA telecommunications network. (Master's Thesis). ISPJAE, Havana, Cuba.Cuba, AZCUBA (2012). Holguín sugar company strategy 2012-2017.Cuba, National Standardization Office. (2007). NC 3000: 2007. Integrated human capital system. Vocabulary. Cuba, Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution 21/20 Performance evaluation, Cuesta, A. (2008). Human Resources Management Technology. Havana: Academia.García, Y., Reyes, L. (2010, February 22). Methodology to determine job skills. Recovered from http://www.gestiopolis.com/metodologia-para-determinar-las-competencias-laborales/Junco, G (2011). Manual for the formation and development of Human capital. Havana:National Sugar Training Center. CubaMertens, L. (1996). Labor competence: systems, emergence and models. Montevideo: Cinterfor Sánchez, A., Marrero, CE and Martínez, CC (2005). A look at the origins of the competitions.. Ciencias Holguín, 11 (2), 1-14 Sánchez, A. (2007). Technology for the Integrated Development of Labor Competencies in Entities Co Application in the Holguín province (Doctoral Thesis). University of Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Holguín, Cuba. Spencer LM & Spencer SM (1999). Model Work Skills for Superior Performance. Papers d Formació Municipal. Servei de Formació Local. May (57), p. 5.A look at the origins of the competitions.. Ciencias Holguín, 11 (2), 1-14 Sánchez, A. (2007). Technology for the Integrated Development of Labor Competencies in Entities Co Application in the Holguín province (Doctoral Thesis). University of Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Holguín, Cuba. Spencer LM & Spencer SM (1999). Model Work Skills for Superior Performance. Papers d Formació Municipal. Servei de Formació Local. May (57), p. 5.A look at the origins of the competitions.. Ciencias Holguín, 11 (2), 1-14 Sánchez, A. (2007). Technology for the Integrated Development of Labor Competencies in Entities Co Application in the Holguín province (Doctoral Thesis). University of Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Holguín, Cuba. Spencer LM & Spencer SM (1999). Model Work Skills for Superior Performance. Papers d Formació Municipal. Servei de Formació Local. May (57), p. 5.Papers d Formació Municipal. Servei de Formació Local. May (57), p. 5.Papers d Formació Municipal. Servei de Formació Local. May (57), p. 5.

Status of sugar cane juice mixtures in the condensation process

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Performance evaluation with a focus on skills in the Cuban sugar industry