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Performance evaluation and analysis of the potential of human capital for value creation


The globalization of the world economy leads us to constantly rethink our paradigms and adapt to reality. The changes are NOW !!. We do it or we are out of context. There is no time to "meditate" if it is what we want. Those are the rules of the game. The options are, do we play or not play? And if the answer is "Yes", let's do it in the best way and with the best players. In the capacity and speed of reaction that companies have will be success or failure.

Now, what came first? The chicken or the egg?

Taken to the field of Human Resources, we ask ourselves: are effective human resources programs and practices the ones that produce positive economic results in companies? Or, the positive economic results, move companies to improve their programs and practices From Human Resources?

Work has been carried out on the different ways of approaching Human Resources programs and their direct relationship with business economic results, concluding that the first of the statements is valid.

Undoubtedly, and based on the theory that the person is the fundamental axis so that organizations do not lose their mission and, in relation to their work, it is the end and the raison d'être of the human resources professional, we must enter the concept of Human Capital and Creation of Value.

The global trend is to differentiate one company from another based on its Human Capital, and its growth will be directly related to the development, loyalty and loyalty that is achieved with its person.

Currently working on the basis of five dimensions that contribute positively to achieving the Human Capital / Value Creation equation. They are:

Clear and concrete rewards and responsibilities.

Strengthening effective communications.

Generation of an attractive and flexible “culture” of work.

Excellence in the selection process and talent retention.

Training and development programs adapted to real needs and people.

Having made this presentation, it is easier to understand the real importance of having these powerful tools that are Performance Evaluation and Potential Analysis.

Of course they can be applied separately, but let us remember that a golden principle in Human Resources is to obtain the best and greatest use and benefit from any system that involves direct contact and participation of staff.

With the Performance Evaluation, we will know WHAT IT IS. We will look at the present. We can control deviations. Closely monitor the modifications that have been implemented and what is the degree of acceptance that they have had. Know the interaction or teamwork and also the supervisor's ability to perform his specific task as group leader.

The Potential Analysis, on the other hand, will inform us about WHAT IT WILL BE. We will anticipate the future. That is why it is also called Future Development Analysis. We will be able to build the replacement organization charts; promotions; training plans; see what is the potential of each employee and, based on this, complete their Development Plan or Internal Career; determine among several candidates which is the best placed to access the promotion.

In these two paragraphs I have simply marked the main uses of these tools, but in truth they will be limited only by the set of needs of the company.

There are many systems for performing Performance Assessment and Potential Analysis. I dare not rule out any. In fact, the one that I have used in the companies where I had the responsibility of directing the Human Resources area, and that I use in those of my clients in my activity as a consultant, and I explain to my students in my teaching task, is actually a combination of two systems, that of Factors and that of Degrees.

I recommend that each person in charge of Human Resources determine which system best suits their company.

It is very important to choose the factors and determine their gradation and to keep the Absolute Confidentiality in the resulting Table of Values, because that is where the reliability of your application will lie.

In the case of Performance Evaluation, I recommend the use of factors applicable to three main areas:

About the Action: planning; continuity and monitoring; and attitude towards change

About the Relationship: with his subordinates; with the organization; and the capacity of representation; and finally

About the Results: quality; quantity; job knowledge; and capacity for self-development).

The Potential Analysis will be more successful if it is carried out on the following factors: breadth of vision; sense of reality; imagination; faculty of analysis; quality of effective leader and social adaptability, adding as an additional contribution the evaluator's determination of what are the evaluated person's strengths and weaknesses, their personal characteristics and their level of expectation for a promotion.

In both cases, it is essential to evaluate fairly and act with your employee as you would like them to act with you.

Friends and colleagues: it is our time. Only we can show our General Managers, business owners or CEOs, the importance of Human Capital and what are the best tools that allow achieving the best and fastest return on investment. Let's study the different systems and determine which one best suits our needs

Throughout my professional career in the Human Resources area, started back in 1970, I have directly carried out more than thirty implementations, and indirectly, through the seminars I have given in companies and in different Institutions, and in classes taught at various universities in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, would lose count of how many are in operation or in the process of being executed. For this reason, and thinking of presenting to the market a concrete solution, easy to use and low investment, I have developed Evaluation.

Evaluation is the Performance Evaluation and Potential Analysis system developed by Hugo Zavala Human Resources, whose easy implementation and affordable cost make it an ideal tool for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Of course I also have a commercial interest, but those who know me know that my great affection for teaching predominates, so do not hesitate to consult me, without feeling that this implies any commitment on your part.

Performance evaluation and analysis of the potential of human capital for value creation