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Performance evaluation and integrated human capital management

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This article shows an instrument to develop Performance Evaluation in organizations, based on the labor competencies that are needed for the positions or occupations.


The HRM constitutes a system in which the fundamental link is Man within the organization, as a resource that must be able to be optimized, bearing in mind the social and economic sphere, since it is the resource that guarantees to develop each and every one of the functions of the company. HRM has evolved from classic personnel administration to developing knowledge management.

The basic competitive advantage of companies at the beginning of the 21st century does not lie in natural resources or specifically in energy resources, it does not lie in financial resources, and it does not lie even in technology: the basic competitive advantage of companies at the beginning of the 21st century it will be based on the level of preparation and management of human resources. Cuesta (1997).

HRM and companies today demand the integration of human resource systems, achieving harmony among them, ensuring that the outputs of each of them constitute fundamental inputs for the rest. One of the vital systems is Performance Evaluation, which has become a key activity within the HRM, being important for the activation and operation of the remaining subsystems. From it, information is obtained that is useful for planning training, developing personnel policies, providing feedback to the worker so that he can evaluate the way he is working, articulate the company's remuneration policy, among others.

Therefore, it is necessary to control or evaluate the behavior of human resources, which serves as a starting point to determine where the deficiencies and needs are.

To develop this system, methodologies are needed that facilitate work and establish how to do things, the implantation of an erroneous methodology or that does not contemplate the current requirements of the HRM would have an impact on the successful performance of workers, on the achievement of individual objectives. and in the productivity of work.

Materials and methods

Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, systemic structural and modeling are used.

Results of the work

In order to achieve a Performance Evaluation System that coherently links the new trends in HRM and responds to the current needs of organizations, a performance evaluation methodology (Annex 1) is developed, consisting of 4 phases and 12 stages that are described below:

Phase I: Initial Preparation, aims to achieve the continuity of the following phases, organize the entire process, managing to have a team in charge of carrying out the activity and committed to it, focusing its effort on guaranteeing a comprehensive performance evaluation, where they are Results, behaviors and competencies count, in addition to balancing it with the organization's strategic objectives. A first one is developed through three stages: Planning and design organization, where a multi-disciplinary group is created to carry out the system and the work schedule is carried out in such a way as to guarantee that all activities are carried out on the necessary date..

Then the Characterization of the organization under study is carried out, as well as its workforce to get to know all the activities of the organization and the characteristics of its workforce.

Phase II: Design of the EDCH System, in this phase the performance evaluation system is designed, as an integral part of the SGICH, based on management by competencies, one of the main outputs being the evaluation models, to carry out the same is It is necessary to carry out six stages, Determination of the competences, with the objective of defining the labor competences for each position, in such a way that it constitutes a base for the evaluation of the workers. Identification of the existing legal body on Performance Evaluation, it is studied all the existing legal body on the subject in question in order not to violate what is established by the agencies in charge and to define the rules of the Performance Evaluation system,that they will be the methodological base that will sustain the process and will be in full correspondence with what is stated by the identified legal body.

Design of indicators and evaluation categories, in this stage the integration of results, behavior and competencies will materialize, it is necessary to take into account the competency profiles, since the indicators to be evaluated will be defined, as well as the categories assessment in a way that describes a behavior. Determination of the evaluators and the evaluation period, has the purpose of defining those responsible for the performance evaluation system and the period to be carried out, since it makes those involved responsible and commits them to the system, being in charge of carrying out the same For the determination of the evaluation period, the regulated, the existing payments in the entity under study will be taken into account,the activity that is carried out and other aspects that the Human Resources specialists refer to together with the organization's management. Definition of the evaluation methods, this will establish the methods to be used to carry out the evaluation, which will be a combination of several of them (Self-evaluation method, Interactive method, 360-degree method, Graphic scales method, Descriptive phrase method, etc) Elaboration of the evaluation models, the fundamental objective of this task is to collect the results of the performance evaluation in registers or models where the evaluated competences are specified.It will be a combination of several of them (Self-evaluation method, Interactive method, 360-degree method, Graphic scales method, Descriptive phrase method, etc.). Preparation of evaluation models, the main objective of this task is to collect the results of the evaluation of performance in registers or models where the evaluated competencies are specified.It will be a combination of several of them (Self-evaluation method, Interactive method, 360-degree method, Graphic scales method, Descriptive phrase method, etc.). Preparation of evaluation models, the main objective of this task is to collect the results of the evaluation of performance in registers or models where the evaluated competencies are specified.

Phase III: Carrying out the design of the EDCH system, this phase aims to carry out the performance evaluation system, it is developed through three fundamental stages: Design training that will encompass the leaders and those involved in the process in order to train them in the use of all the methods and tools necessary to develop the system. Subsequently, this training must reach the workers in a more specific way, addressing the evaluation itself (Objective of the Performance Evaluation System and evaluation, Impact of performance evaluation, Indicators to evaluate them, Evaluation categories, Evaluation periods). Conducting the evaluation,In this task, the performance evaluation is carried out in the models established in previous stages, where everything raised so far in the proposed methodology is linked. Analysis of the evaluation results, this is in charge of analyzing the results obtained in carrying out the evaluation in order to identify the causes and conditions that prevent the achievement of better results.

Phase IV: Evaluation, control and improvement of the EDCH, after the performance evaluation has been carried out, it is necessary to evaluate the system, with the objective of determining possible problems and making the pertinent adjustments for its improvement, obtaining feedback. This is developed using indicators such as: Evaluation Index (IE) and Evaluation Quality Index (ICE).

With this last phase, the proposal of a methodology that allows the improvement of quality management in a tourist destination is concluded, based on a theoretical model where common aspects of quality management approaches and the particularities of tourist destinations that demand different treatments with respect to quality management.


As a result of this work, a methodology was developed for the design of a performance evaluation system based on competencies, which contributes to the implementation of an SGICH. Furthermore, in order to carry it out, the stages that make up each of the phases were designed, explaining the tools to be used.

1. The methodology is based on one of the most current approaches in Human Resources Management, such as Competency Management, with a strong focus on improvement.

2. The methodology should contribute to the implementation of a SGICH by allowing the entities under study to:

• Evaluate performance based on competencies based on various indicators designed as part of the methodology.

• Determine the causes that limit the achievement of better performance results, this constituting a main entrance to the other processes of the HRM (training, reward).

• Achieve a permanent increase in the skills of workers.

• Stimulate the improvement of the evaluation methodology itself in order to ensure the constant improvement of the entity as a system.


1. Alcántara, Jonathan (2005). Management by labor competence in the company and professional training. At: http://www.gestiopolis.com/

2. Chiavenato, Idalberto (1998). Human resources management. Fifth edition. McGraw Hill Publishing. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia.

3. Cuesta Santos, Armando (1999). Human Resources Management Technology. Editorial Academia. Havana Cuba. 205 pp.


Annex 1 General Methodology for Performance Evaluation.

Performance evaluation and integrated human capital management