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Evaluation of the impact of training in a province of Cuba

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This work addresses a topic that is currently the subject of continuous analysis and transformation processes: the Evaluation of the impact of Training. Specifically, it shows the synthesis of an experience in the Villa Clara Provincial Administration Council, Cuba, with significant results for the administration in the territory and in the country.

The work specifies the results of the application of a methodological procedure that analyzes the qualitative and quantitative indicators for evaluating the impact of training and three specific stages are stratified: the before, the during and the after. In the search for information, different research tools are applied, including questionnaires, interviews, document review and observation. The results are specified to the Placetas Municipal Administration Council, an entity subordinate to the Villa Clara Provincial Administration Council.


The Revolution has recognized the main role of the cadres of the State and the Government with the construction of the New Society, therefore, for many years it has invested in their training so that they can lead with correct methods and styles, in accordance with the development of the science and technique or get the best results from your work.

During the last years, national programs have been developed for the training of cadres in Strategic Management, Accounting and Finance, Environmental focus, Computing, Legal Issues and now the second stage of Economic Preparation is beginning. Despite the effort made, the economic and social development results are not sufficient, it cannot yet be specified which part corresponds to the training and which part to other actions of the work with the cadres.

The evaluation of the training of the cadres now becomes an urgent task due to the importance of the use of resources and the need for them to be transformed into tangible results, demonstrating their efficiency and effectiveness.

The municipality of Placetas has been characterized by constant training and improvement of its cadres and reserves, by virtue of which it was selected to develop the training impact pilotage.

From this moment on, we set ourselves the task of preparing an execution schedule for the different activities that this study requires, conceived in three fundamental stages, determining in each of them the execution times of the various activities.

First stage: Before the training

Main results

The analyzes carried out on the results of the operation of the Council of Administration of the municipality, the review of the development strategy, of the strategy of preparation and improvement of cadres, as well as the results of the determination of needs, made it possible to identify the need to improve the operation. internal to the management body. This action made it possible to define the course.

It was determined to select this topic, in addition, due to deficiencies detected in the visits made by the CAM Secretariat to the internal operation of the Boards of Directors of subordinate entities, the main ones focused on:

  • Insufficient command over the functions of the management body. Certain ignorance of the tables on Agreement No. 4047. Ignorance on the preparation of the documentation of the Commissions and Working Groups, mainly in the preparation of Minutes, Thematic Plans, Meetings Programs, monitoring of the Agreements and Work Systems. Lack of domain and practical application for the operation of the Boards of Directors.

The development of the training program was analyzed with the methodological and andragogical criteria of specialists. The title, session hours, number of sessions, the techniques to be used, the expected impacts in the individual, organizational and social dimensions were defined. The content and knowledge system was worked on, as well as the bibliography.

Situation before the Training

It was difficult, showing reliable indicators of inefficiency in the functioning of systems and irregularities in the discipline and compliance with planning. Situations such as:

  • Frequent changes in the date of C / D meetings. Predominance of meetings with extremely extensive agendas. The same problem addressed at different points on the agenda. Absence of analysis of fundamental themes in the work of the entities. The documents to be analyzed at the meeting were not circulated, so the members did not prepare previously. Lack of preparation of the members, with interventions only in their area or department, lack of comprehensiveness. Lack of quality of the minutes, in some cases the essentials were not collected and in others everything that had been discussed was reflected. The agreements and indications of higher instances were not worked and implemented, so the responses that were issued were from the Director and not from the Organ. The agreements adopted will be functional,It lacked quality in its writing and analyzed problems did not conclude with agreements. Lack of monitoring of agreements and many times they were not checked. Reviews of formal minutes, without taking into account the entity's own indicators and were not an instrument to perfect the work.

During training

With a view to perfecting the work planning, exchange sessions were held with the cadres and directors, in a table work where all the ideas, projections of the Municipal Assembly and priorities of the Administration Council for the formation of the work, which form the basis of the internal functioning and concluded with an opinion of the commissions created to evaluate the work systems.

On the other hand, all the thematic plans of the boards of directors of the entities were sampled, checking that they were taken into account.

  • General topics that respond to CAM and CAP guidelines. Efficiency indicators specific to each entity. A guide for the review of minutes was prepared, which in a different way responds to the particularities of each entity. Differentiated training sessions are held with the directors: Sport, Justice, Accounting Management Office, since they are recently promoted to the position. A working session was held with the secretaries of the vice-presidents to perfect the operation of the government commissions regarding the preparation of the meetings, preparation of the minutes, definition of the agreements that are adopted and work with the filing system. Consolidation and improvement of the working systems of the Boards of Directors that respond to the projections of the Assembly and indications of the CAM.Spaces for attention to prioritized activities such as: attention to the population, delegates, approaches to the population and internal control, among others. Increase of control actions on the fulfillment of the economy plan.

After the Training:

  • The dates of the Boards of Directors are characterized, allowing them to have their programming and plan the insertion in their meetings. The monthly delivery of the minutes to the Secretariat for review is achieved. Logical sequence and coherence were achieved in the topic plans and reduction of the number of topics to be discussed per meeting. The level of preparation of the members of the Boards of Directors has increased from the circulation of the documents in the meetings, more comprehensive interventions. Inclusion in the plans of topics of the Boards of Directors of essential topics such as: attention to the population, approaches, communities, CAM agreements and accountability to CAM. Use of the review of minutes as a way to improve the work from the office with the signs made.Improvement of the quality in the writing of the agreements. Existence of a register for the control and monitoring of the agreements in each entity. Checking of agreements at all meetings. Uniformity and aesthetics in the minutes. 71.3% of the participation of the vice-presidents in the meetings of the management councils, which means visiting 3 out of 4 planned meetings, which evaluate the conduct and conduct of the meeting as satisfactory. Individualization of the register for the reviews of minutes of the boards of directors and the commissions based on their particularities. The reduction of the number of topics to be addressed per meeting. Minimizing absences of directors from meetings of the board of directors, only in very justified cases.It is guaranteed that at least one agreement is adopted in each subject under discussion. “General matters” was removed from the agenda.

Redesign of the work system after training

1. Monthly review of the minutes of the boards of directors and use of these elements for decision-making.

2. Monthly evaluation of the operation of the boards of directors at a directors' meeting.

3. Quarterly evaluation of the operation of the administration council and the management councils in CAM meetings.

4. Conducting practical training sessions with the secretaries of the management councils.

5. Carrying out monthly visits to municipal entities to control internal operations.

6. Elaboration of a guide for the accountability of entities to the board of directors based on internal operations.

7. Monthly dispatch with the directors to analyze deficiencies indicated in the summary of minutes.

8. Inclusion in the evaluation of tables of the results or deficiencies that persist in the internal functioning of the Management Bodies as an indicator to be evaluated.

Quarterly summary of the minutes review

Months Total meetings Presence of the director Total themes Total agreements Average agreements by themes Average agreements per meeting
January 2. 3 2. 3 85 153 1.8 6.6
February 22 twenty-one 107 146 1.3 6.6
March 25 24 123 170 1.3 6.8
Quarter close 69 67 315 471 1.4 6.8
Months Total meetings Presence of the director Total themes Total agreements Average agreements by themes Average agreements per meeting
April 24 2. 3 140 228 1.6 9.5
May 2. 3 2. 3 134 169 1.2 7.6
June 24 24 121 168 1.3 7
Quarter close 71 70 395 565 1.4 8.8
July 24 24 121 110 0.9 5.4
August 8 8 43 48 1.1 6
September 47 46 152 208 1.4 4.4
Quarter close 79 78 316 366 1.1 4.6

Chart 1: Quarterly analysis


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Evaluation of the impact of training in a province of Cuba