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Educational evaluation


Throughout history, the concern of the human being in satisfying his needs, and even more, as a member of a society has led him to generate a series of processes for this purpose.

These processes are not only aimed at satisfying the needs of man as an animal but also as a creator of knowledge and it is here that he needs to evaluate to choose or select which of these processes of generating knowledge brings him closer to the maximum vision of satisfaction and determine which or which they must be restructured or discarded in their decision making.

The process of formulation and selection of knowledge must have a roadmap covered with the light given by planning, the use of strategies to know how to direct them in an organized manner with a communication that clearly and understandably transmits the objectives and their sources of information, delimiting and conceptualize the instruments with which the information should be measured or valued, the context in which it is developed and useful to it, who will be the agents who will execute it and at what time.

For this to happen, evaluation must be useful, feasible, legal and precise, leading to logical and ethical judgments.

In this context, the vision of the evaluation will be: "Collection of information for decision-making" with quality.

Evaluation is the energy of learning, it feeds it back.

Its structure will respond to the following problematic systematization

  • What strategies to meet certain objectives? What information should I use? What is the use of value judgments and how to feed back the process? Under what criteria and in what context do I execute this process? Who evaluate, who and in what weather?

The sublime stage of the evaluation comes with the meta-evaluation which is the evaluation of the evaluation itself, it is here, where the circular process of quality evaluation ends and restarts, it becomes a process of improvement and constant learning towards within society and its environment, generates knowledge for continuous objectives, with new strategies, with new ways of constantly and consciously leveraging the development of knowledge for the purpose diagnosed by society, with relevance.

It is to make the evaluation process flexible to change, with leading and motivating agents who make proactive evaluations, in a harmonious framework with synergistic effervescence in search of awakening the talents that add to the development of knowledge.

The coherence of its structure gives it a consistent backbone that massifies the essence of knowledge and makes this process a living, agile, elastic and flexible organism with deep and real proposals that project them as a support for the advancement of society in the fight with the globalized worlds of the 21st century.


Marín Peralta Jaime Thesis "Evaluation in the Medical School of the Private University San Pedro" UPSP Chimbote.

Álvarez Méndez Juan, The Structure of Evaluation.

Marín Peralta Jaime “Evaluation in Peru. UPSP Chimbote

Mateo Andrés Joan., History and Development of Evaluation

Álvarez Méndez Juan, The Semantic Field of Evaluation

Educational evaluation