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Artistic evolution. art and digitization

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Since the human being emerged on earth and differentiated himself from other primates, he has always had a need that others did not have and it is the fact of expressing himself, whether it is expressing his feelings, his thoughts, his ideas or even his problems, That need has made the human being an expressive being in every way, since he developed speech, languages, the way to communicate with others.

One of the ways in which he began to communicate is through paintings or hieroglyphs, in which in the ancient caves you can see how they painted animals or things that caught their attention, in the same way they painted images or silhouettes of humans performing actions that they saw as hunting animals or doing some other activity.

These paintings we can say that they are a way of expressing feelings and everything mentioned above, is what we can say as art, we could say that they are the first expressions of art of humanity, later more ways emerged to do it as the tools they used for hunting or at the same time when they started to make their clay instruments to be able to eat.

In the end, art has evolved over time and we must say that it is a form of expression that has become a bit abstract, but its diversity is so great that we can say that there is art for everyone, for all types of tastes. and people, it's just a matter of searching.

Today you can be an artist in any of its types or you can simply be an art lover in its different types and branches. In this article we will talk about how art has evolved and what awaits us for the future with art.


According to (wikipedia.org, 2018) art means the following:

Art is a component of culture, reflecting in its conception the economic and social substrates, and the transmission of ideas and values, inherent to any human culture throughout space and time. It is usually considered that with the appearance of Homo sapiens, art initially had a ritual, magical or religious function (paleolithic art), but that function changed with the evolution of the human being, acquiring an aesthetic component and a social, pedagogical, and commercial function. or simply ornamental. (wikipedia.org, 2018)

We can also find another definition of art which gives it to us (Porto, 2008) and it is the following:

Origins of art.

The origin of the art is located in the Paleolithic, during the Stone Age. Although the theory that art emerged in the early Upper Paleolithic as a characteristic production of Homo Sapiens Sapiens 40,000 years ago in Europe was widespread a few years ago, much older artistic manifestations have recently been found in other continents such as Africa and Australia.

From these findings it is believed that the appearance of art is a universal phenomenon and the possibility that Neanderthal man (Homo neanderthalensis) also produced art is contemplated.

The first works of art

These first artistic manifestations do not coincide with the current definition of what is art, but are productions of the so-called arts and crafts (see applied arts). Art for art's sake, the creation of beautiful works with an aesthetic function and their collecting is a modern invention with only a few centuries old that does not appear in traditional villages.

Broadly speaking, the most characteristic examples of the beginning of art are cave paintings, figures and other carved objects of furniture art and megalithic monuments. In the timeline: Art in the Stone Age, you will find more detailed information with dates, names and places of the discoveries of oldest and most important works of art from the Paleolithic and Neolithic.

Usefulness and meaning of art in prehistory

Experts agree that the art of prehistory was instrumental and created with specific functions. The difficulty lies in discovering what the true meaning or utility is because although there are various hypotheses about the origin of art (shamanic, totemic rituals, religious symbolism, propitiatory magic…), it is impossible to verify them.

One of the ways to extract more rigorous hypotheses about the meaning of primitive art is to find traditional peoples who continue to practice arts and crafts very similar to prehistoric findings and ask them directly why they do it. Thus, it has been possible to extrapolate, for example, that the bull from the Altamira Cave has the characteristics of a ritual painting created by a shaman to appropriate the animal's strength. (Lasso, 2016)

Characteristics of art.

  • It is a set of artistic activities. Throughout history, the arts have been classified into several types. Since the 20th century, the classic activities included among the fine arts are music, literature, dance, theater, painting, sculpture and architecture. However there are other alternative divisions of which you can read more in the article: Types of art and how they are classified. It is a language. León Tolstoi said that art is one of the means of communication between men. And it is that art is a form of expression through which ideas can be transmitted, whether they are those of the artist or whoever commissioned the work. It is a creative activity. Art requires one or more creators, art being the product of an activity that requires inventiveness and since modern times innovation and originality. It is dynamic. The concept of what is and is not art is constantly transforming and evolving. They have little in common the works of art of prehistory, with those of the middle or modern ages. You can read about the different definitions of art throughout history in the article: What is art. It is subjective. Art is open to multiple interpretations, which makes it so difficult to assess objectively. But in a time when you want to measure and quantify everything, it does not have to be a negative quality. Nietzsche already said that we have art to not die of the truth.
  • It is indefinable. Although it is possible to define what art is in a context, it seems impossible to agree on a single universal and timeless, concrete, realistic and true definition. It is a cultural manifestation. One of the functions of art history is to analyze through its artistic productions the historical and cultural context in which they were produced. It has no intrinsic utility. Although art can perform different functions within a society, the truth is that these values ​​are arbitrary and manipulable, since art lacks an immediate inherent use. (aboutespanol.com, 2018)

The future of art in the air.

"Your room is your canvas. Your palette, your imagination. The possibilities are endless". It is the description that the internet giant Google makes of its innovative application Tilt Brush, destined to revolutionize the world of creativity and entertainment, since this tool allows you to have your own painting studio in the virtual world.

The experience for artists is going to be really different from now on: using a virtual reality system, they will be able to paint their works in 3D, in an immersion space.

The user of the app, who must be connected to virtual reality glasses HTC Vive, has at his disposal a three-dimensional space - his own room will be the blank canvas -, which offers him endless possibilities: he can draw in the air everything that goes through your head. In fact, the result is a kind of sculpture.

The line is floating in 3D space and the person can interact with the virtual objects by rotating around them to contemplate them from all possible angles and carry out the corrections they need to improve their work.

One of the two wireless controls of the HTC Vive works as a virtual palette of paints and the other as a brush (there are many different brushes); and it has the possibility of incorporating some three-dimensional animations predefined by the system.

During the creation process and also at the end of it, the system allows photos to be taken from any position, so that users can share their creations with the rest of the world. (muyinteresante.es)

Fashion designers tool.

The applications are very diverse, and are not restricted to the art world, as fashion designers can also use it as a creative tool to draw their creations to scale.

In fact, many see in this application the possible birth of a new batch of digital artists and designers. In addition, it is a very fun activity for children. (muyinteresante.es)

Art and digitization

Nowadays, with the new technologies applied to culture or art, a very long process will also be lived until it is implanted, for example, in museums and we can naturally see how these entities and advanced forms of artificial intelligence are related.

We can say that one of the great inclinations in art and technology for the coming years will be to explore the sensations and emotions of the viewer. It seems that this maxim will be one of the winning horses in the art of the future that awaits us, making the user the protagonist of artistic action.

In accordance with the new trends that are glimpsed, they make art a hybrid that accepts multiple combinations with technological advances. This new trend will settle during 2018 and we will see it more and more in museums in the not too distant future.

Currently, technology has become one more tool at the service of art, but today what is happening goes further and virtual reality is sometimes the work itself.

Some experts such as Agustín Pérez Rubio, artistic director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires, affirm that “In the future, museums will not collect objects but rather experiences, this does not mean that art will be eradicated, but that the point will not be the object, but quite the opposite, the dematerialization of the hand of new technologies, liquid screens or sound, atmospheres will be created, where the visitor will leave his own mark ", Concepts such as Digital Design, Human Computer Interaction, WearableTechnology Art, Big Data, Art and Robotics, Architecture and interactive sculpture and Bio art are increasingly common in the field of culture.

Of all of them, interactive sculpture has become habitual and achieved great success in the years that we live. An example of these artistic techniques is Daniel Rozin, an Israeli artist who works in the area of ​​interactive digital art.

Rozin creates installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the viewer's presence and point of view. In many cases, the viewer becomes the content of the piece, and in others the viewer is invited to take an active role in creating the piece.

Outstanding in these lides is the artist Caitlind RC Browny her work "Cloud", a wonderful large-scale interactive installation that invites the viewer to walk through a rain of 6,000 light bulbs where the viewer manipulates its on and off.

On the other hand, Digital Performances are increasingly spectacular and habitual in the current artistic scene as a symbol of the avant-garde.

They mix soundscapes with projections and digital animations or choreography, creating an optical and sensory effect on the viewer.

Bioart or Bio-Art is one of the most recent trends developed by contemporary art.

Bio-art is a way of seeing and analyzing where, how and in what ways human culture and the rest of living beings are related, using tissues, bacteria, living organisms and life processes to create works of art that blur the traditional distinctions between science and art.

The use of live tissue culture, genetics, morphological transformations, biomechanical constructions by bio-art artists, which also raise ethical and social questions in the development of biotechnology, are common in bio-art.

One of its pioneers was Eduardo Kac whose work with living beings gave rise to one of his best-known works; that of the Alba rabbit, work in which, through genetic manipulation of the animal, it changed color.

These artistic manifestations that leave us the door open to glimpse the future that is coming to us, are just the tip of the iceberg that has come to be called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. (Millán, 2017)

6 projects to combine art and technology.

The technological development of recent years has taken over many of the aspects of our lives, even those that seem most remote, such as culture and art. With results that could be classified as futuristic and that on many occasions it is difficult to believe that they are reality, the use of new technologies in the artistic field is opening doors to different expressions that allow the development of new paths for creatives and artists around the world.

The cases that we will show you below are some of the most striking examples of what happens when art and technology combine to create new experiences and ways of seeing the world.

Mind art

Mind Art is a project created by Shanghai artist Jody Xiong to promote the paint brand Winsor & Newton China, who brought together 16 disabled people with the goal of creating works of art based on brain signals. Using an EEG helmet (a helmet that allows to record the bioelectric activity of the brain) and the technology of the American company Neurosky, biosensors were placed on the heads of the participants who could use the electrical signals from their brain to detonate balloons. filled with paint located in the center of four canvases.

Omote: video mapping makeup

Artist and producer Nabumichi Asai, in collaboration with makeup artist Hiroto Kuwahara and digital imaging engineer Paul Lacroix, created this proposal that undoubtedly promises to revolutionize the way in which live presentations are made. Omote is a light projection on the face of a model, which allows you to experiment and modify the makeup you had on and even completely transform your face using motion capture and projection mapping.

Gloves Mi.Mu

These gloves are a new 'wearable' devised by the English singer and producer Imogen Heap, which allow you to produce and play live music without having to interact directly with a console or computer. It is enough with the movement of the hands, fingers and arms to achieve the desired sounds and effects. They work via Wi-Fi through music production software called Ableton Live and motion sensors that read each gesture to translate it into sound or another desired action.

exus Design Disrupted: a holographic show

It is difficult to make a distinction between reality and fiction when seeing the beautiful model Coco Rochá and the other characters who accompany her in this show, which impeccably uses 3D mapping projection, made for the launch of the new Lexus IS, 2014 model in framework of MADE Fashion Week 2013. With Radical Friend and Andrew Thomas Huang as creative directors and a robust production team, this presentation is an excellent result of the combination of art, fashion and technology.

Re + Public and the art of augmented reality

Augmented reality is the possibility of creating an illusion, in which spaces, people or objects seem to be intervened in real time by some digital element displayed through a technological device.

This is the basis for artist BC "Heavy" Bierman, digital media expert Ean Mering and artist / activist Jordan Seiler to create Re + Public. A team in charge of intervening urban spaces making 3D installations on advertising images or works by other artists. Just use a mobile device to see an immersive world, invisible to the naked eye.

Graffiti with lasers

James Powderly is a designer, engineer, and artist who went from working at NASA to developing “open source” tools for street artists. Among a variety of outstanding projects that he has done, there is one in particular that attracts a lot of attention, it is about the creation of a prototype that, through a projection on a surface and a computer system that recognizes the movements of a laser pointer (Laser tag), allows to create light drawings. (Ramírez, 2014).


The human being from its beginnings was an expressive being and with very deep feelings which has sought to be able to channel or shape them in some way, the most effective way that it has found has been through art and its different branches or derivatives.

But just like the human being, art has evolved with it, perhaps at a lower rate since we usually have the concept that art is something ancient or classic and therefore it is something that has been done routinely over the years, however with the advent of technology.

Currently, there are many technological tools that try to take art into the future, such as virtual reality that seeks interaction with works of art or creating art in virtual worlds that millions of people, through the use of ICTs, can Be a part of it and get to know it more deeply without having to leave the comfort of your homes.

Human ingenuity goes beyond the place where it is, it always seeks to connect things to others and art has not been the exception, in the future museums will be both physical and interactive, we will be able to appreciate works of art wherever they meet and even be able to touch them without the fear of mistreating them since everything will be virtual, holographic.

In the future the paintings will go from being abstract to being an augmented reality, the paintings will stop being that paintings, to become interactive landscapes in which we will be able to appreciate each one of the details that the artist captured.

Thesis proposal.

Make nano chips with preloaded talents to facilitate the creation of art.

Overall objective.

By using nano chips implanted in the head, you can load content to specialize and become an artist, be it graphic or musical, where by loading the chip you can make professional strokes or play a musical instrument without learning.


I thank my mother who is the strength to continue every day and who has made me get to where I am, my teachers who have given me their time and knowledge to continue my studies, Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández since He has given us all his experience and knowledge in this matter of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, as well as CONACYT since he gives us his support to motivate us to get ahead in our adventure for masters.


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Millán, A. (July 19, 2017). http://thefineart.es. Retrieved on May 24, 2018, from http://thefineart.es: http://thefineart.es/blog/post/el-futuro-del-arte-y-larevolucion-digital-imuyinteresante.es. (sf). https://www.muyinteresante.es. Retrieved on May 24, 2018, from



Porto, JP (2008). https://definicion.de. Retrieved on May 23, 2018, from https://definicion.de:

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Artistic evolution. art and digitization