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Excellent service for excellent results in rr.hh

The service becomes increasingly important in a company. Developing the best methods to make it efficient is an indispensable factor for the proper functioning and good results of an organization.

As we appreciated in previous articles, every day it is more important that a company has an excellent service provision. Therefore, it is necessary to have trained personnel who respond in an excellent way to the demands that clients demand and deserve. If a company needs qualified personnel, logically the selection and training will be more careful.

For this reason, in this article we will appreciate some topics that have been developed today and their impact on companies seeking to have an excellent service. Recall, moreover, that never before has there been a considerable shift from manufacturing to services, which has produced new ideas and increased efforts.

A compelling example of the success or failure of a company can be when we enter a clothing store. The advertising may be very striking, the premises are very well decorated and clean and the articles are of very good quality, but if we find a disrespectful seller, who does not meet our needs, or, on the other hand, we perceive a heavy environment where feel sad or angry, immediately we will leave the place and we will not acquire anything.

A personnel manager needs to play a very important role in the following topics:

Service and quality of life at work: when we find ourselves in a favorable work environment, our productivity and performance will be better and we will try to carry out the tasks with greater pleasure and dedication. Likewise, for our quality of life at work to increase, some important personal needs must be met.

A good guide and supervision of all the topics covered will generate greater commitment on the part of the employee and will ensure that all personal and group objectives will be met, for the benefit of both the employee and the company and society in general.

These can be: having a decent job, safe and hygienic working conditions, adequate payments and benefits, job security, competent supervision, feedback on job performance, opportunities to learn and grow on the job, to advance on merit, a positive social climate and justice and "fair play". All of the above will give motivation to the staff for an excellent performance of their functions.

Service and selection: having a dynamic, mature human group, tolerant of frequent human contact and possessing attitudes and aptitudes in accordance with what is being sought, is the first step for a company to have subsequent success in the market. For this, an excellent selection of personnel by the company is essential.

Service and training: to avoid that an employee who is in direct contact with customers improvises or does not know what to do, it is necessary to train him to get ahead in difficult situations or his own, when establishing communication with consumers. Logically, if there is no good training, negative results will be given since a production error can be amended but one in service is usually fatal.

Service and performance measurement and feedback: you always need to know how work is being done. For this purpose, it is essential to implement a good performance evaluation (a topic you found in previous articles). For personnel who come into direct contact with customers, this evaluation will be different since it is not the same as that which can be done to an individual who is in the production part.

As a final conclusion, it is pertinent to clarify that all of the above must be developed by joining efforts of all the dependencies of a company. Only in this way will favorable results be obtained that will make the service of a company generate its total success.

Service and HR
A personnel manager must promote that certain aspects are established in the best way that will make service in a company the most important feature of it.
Excellent service for excellent results in rr.hh