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Excerpts from speeches to practice sales oratory


Speech excerpts

These paragraphs can be used to practice speaking in the training of vendors, or people who need fluency in communication due to the nature of the work they carry out on a daily basis, I hope that this small contribution will be very useful to you.

"I know stagnant men and women who will always be stagnant, do you know why? I am going to tell you. Because they never had the courage to finish what they had started; so; decision and firm will and perseverance you must have, if you are a successful man you want to be ”


How I overcome an obstacle

Do you know how I overcome an obstacle?

I will tell you. First, I try to surround him, if I can't, I try to go under, if I don't succeed, I try to jump over, and, if this is not possible, then I attack God thoroughly and overcome all obstacles.

Honesty in your words

"Say what you think now in a loud voice and tomorrow, say what you think in a loud voice too, although the latter is in total contradiction

with what you said today; but this way you will be sure of being misinterpreted; But what is wrong with being misinterpreted?

If Pythagoras was mistakenly interpreted like Socrates, Jesus, Luther, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and any pure and wise spirit that came to incarnate in human form. It is that being great is equivalent to being misunderstood ».

Severity of my words

"I know that the severity of my words will scandalize many" but, are there no reasons for this severity? Today, I will be as crude as the truth and as inflexible as justice. On this point I do not want to think, speak, or write in moderation. no! no!

Tell a man that his house is on fire so as not to give him a moderate alarm; tell him to rescue his wife from the kidnapper; tell a mother to release his child little by little from the fire into which he has fallen; but do not encourage me to use moderation in the fight for a cause as just as this.


"Life is the most precious thing that man possesses, he is granted it only once and he must know how to live it in such a way that it does not cause him torturing pain for years spent in vain; and so that his conscience does not shake him, for the vile and petty yesterday that he did not know how to take advantage of, and so that when he dies he can exclaim that all his life and all his strength, he has dedicated it to the most beautiful thing that the world has, to the fight for justice, peace and the liberation of humanity.


"The people cry out peace! Peace! But there is no peace. The war has already started, I don't know what the others plan to do, but as far as I'm concerned, give me freedom or give me death. ”

You were born to succeed, strive.

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Excerpts from speeches to practice sales oratory