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Exogenous factors as a cause of crime

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Criminogenic factors: it is everything that favors the conduct commission, for Mayorca it is “an endogenous, exogenous or mixed estimate that contributes to the formation of the criminal phenomenon”.

Criminogenic factors can be divided into two:

  • Exogenous factors Endogenous factors

In general, we can say that endogenous factors refer to those that are born with the subject and act towards the external environment, producing certain results. There is a relationship between the activity of the organism with antisocial behaviors. For Dr. Solís Quiroga “somatic endogenous causes are those that manifest in the body, as well as anomalies or defects and bodily, hereditary or acquired diseases, also peculiarities in their development.

Now we will talk about exogenous factors in a deeper way. Exogenous factors are all those that occur, as their name indicates outside the individual; we could say that they are those that come from outside to inside.

The exogenous factors are, for example, those that Ferri called Telluric; we are referring here already to physical factors; the temperature that can have a direct influence on antisociality and the type of crime; the rain, the pluvial precipitation, and even for some authors the changes of the lunar phases; in addition to physical phenomena in general, earthquakes, tremors, cyclones, etc.

We have social factors, for example the family, the neighborhood where you live; if the family is integrated or disintegrated, how many children does the family have, the gang with which the subject meets, the social class to which he belongs, etc.

Exogenous factors refer to the natural environment (climate, rain, heat, cold, humidity, etc.) and the artificial environments formed by the human being (the neighborhood, the house, the media, etc.). The artificial natural environment constitutes a constant stimulus to which the subject interacts continuously.

The physical environment

Investigations have been made of the relationship between environmental conditions and crime.

The climatic factor is of important analysis, it has been verified that the antisocial act occurs under certain circumstances influenced by the climate.

A study by Werner Wolff (1976), especially on the crime of theft, yielded the following results.

The comparison of the changes of season with the crime, indicates that the robberies increase in the cold months, because in them the need for food, clothes, etc. is greater.


The media are the resources available to transmit information of any kind.

The behavior developed by the influence of the media is based on imitating the behaviors observed or heard in them. Imitation consists in copying the behaviors of another real or unreal person and that are admired by the people who imitate them, for Brian key “in the media the subliminal phenomenon is presented, which includes techniques that try and awaken in the individual an illusion of reality to attract the attention of the emitters and that cause that thousands of people are manipulated ”.

Some media

  • TelevisionVideogamesInternet

The family

The family as a criminogenic factor is the basic unit of antisocial behaviors, which will form violent and aggressive personalities, as well as the wrong way of relating to the environment or society.

The family can be criminogenic when the parents are in situations of alcohol, drug addiction, promiscuity, prostitution in conditions of abandonment, and this constitutes in a decisive way to put the members in antosociality.

Social factors

For Solís Quiroga "it is exogenous social factors that refer to friendships, bad companies, gangs, centers of amusement and vice, social structure, political organization, culture, work, education, etc… ”

The social factor refers to the influence that society has, the economic crisis; social inequality; migration from one city to another as a consequence of poverty due to lack of employment, corrupt or inefficient security forces, etc. All these circumstances, events, events and happenings influence an individual to carry out antisocial behavior or to provoke another type of behavior.

The education

It is important to talk about education. The individuals who have more education does not mean that they are the ones with the least antisocial behavior, the opposite can happen, the more knowledge the greater the preparation of the crime and vice versa. A subject with sufficient knowledge allows the possibility of relating more to his future victim or of involving him better, that is, manipulating her. With more knowledge, the more likely you are; for example, in fraud crimes, intelligence stands out to deceive the subject and thus obtain some good.

Cultural Factor

Within society it is necessary to talk about culture. By culture we understand those behaviors that differentiate some societies or social groups from others. When we talk about culture, we talk about beliefs, habits of life, customs, education, laws, etc.

Culture will also determine that a person begins to have antisocial behaviors. In all cultures there will be individuals who take the path towards antisociality, these individuals begin to be part of antisocial subcultures.

Therefore, there are going to be groups of individuals that are part of cultures that they are going to find out of life in society, in these cultures hierarchy and discipline are going to predominate.

The economy

Economics is studied in criminology for the importance of the state of satisfaction of individual and social needs, dissatisfaction has as a consequence.

The importance of economic conditions in the commission of antisocial acts lies in their influence on the gradual development of antisocial personalities. The antisocial behavior in this case results from the maladjustment to the environment due to economic instability.

Unpleasant conditions lead or favor the individual to carry out some antisocial behaviors, when the person does not adapt to the bad economic situation, causes internal problems that lead him to satisfy his deficiencies in theft and / or drugs.

Criminal phenomena are presented through processes that, for the most part, act in the form of variable elements that are investigated and assessed in each case.

Thus, in the analysis of criminality, it is not enough to list the factors that determine it, but rather that it is necessary to verify which are the ways or ways in which they are interrelated, in order to find the logical-functional order of his performance.


  1. Rodríguez Manzanera, LUIS. Clinical criminology.
Exogenous factors as a cause of crime