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Factors for having a professional website and seller

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The high percentage of websites that suffer from little or no income grows every day. And while there are certainly more reasons for this alarming failure rate than can be covered in this article, I am sure that here are the main reasons why more websites than ever will have to "close" soon…

Notice: You may not like what you will read in this article. This article is not written to make you feel bad, it is to help the large number of online businesses that are NOT having the results they expected when they were put online. It is totally up to you what you do with your website and with the advice in this article.

The key:

Read the next eight points and answer them honestly. They can be answered with a YES or with a NO. If you answer "No" twice, you will have reason to worry…

1.- Do you have your own domain name?

Sounds weird doesn't it? Well, you would be surprised at the number of small businesses that are still trying with free hosting. If the first impression of the visitor when they arrive at your website is: www.alguienhospedajegratis / tumpresa instead of a more credible www.tuempresa.com you have problems. It is a simple fact in online business that if your business cannot afford $ 35 a year in a domain, many potential customers will think twice before they buy something from your business.

2.- Does your website offer free and valuable information about your sector, about your area of ​​expertise?

Many websites are merely a store and nothing else. The best websites include help, assistance… It is an online fact that websites that offer useful information are more likely to keep visitors longer and have a more repetitive audience. In addition, you can earn the respect and trust of your potential customers by sharing your experience in the matter. Selling something on the Internet is not easy. You must first build trust.

3.- Does your website have a professional appearance?

Or does it look like a website designed by a beginner? There is nothing wrong with being a beginner in the world of online business, but your website must be attractive and professional. Ask five people not related to your website for their honest opinion. Consider their suggestions. If you want to develop and grow your online business, you have to be professional !!

This also means that your sales copy has to be accurate, correct and professional, and it must MOTIVATE your visitors to action. Is your sales text effective? If not, have it checked by a professional. An attractive website with a really effective sales system, with sales text, will earn a significant amount of money online, especially with the amount of inefficient websites out there!

4.- Do you offer your visitors orders on a secure server?

This is vital, today. Payments on a secure server is a must in every online business. More than 70% of the orders made from the Manual (How to sell your product or service on the Internet) are by card on the secure server. 20% by phone and the rest by bank transfer and money order.

5.- Are you creating a mailing list (opt-in) asking your visitors for their email?

You need to give each visitor a good reason to leave you their email. A free newsletter, a special discount on a product, or news in the sector will suffice. Convince him that it has to be on your list. And to collect the information a simple form is enough, ask the essential do not ask a million questions that the reader is afraid to answer. Your visitors may be interested in connecting with you, but it may bother them having to reveal too much information about themselves.

Another incentive (the one I use at www.marketing-eficaz.com) to have your email left is to set up an answering machine that, in addition to storing the email, immediately sends a useful article to the visitor. It is what is called in marketing "immediate gratification" and is even more effective than simply asking for the email to send information several days later.

6.- Do you contact your list regularly?

Whether it is a weekly, monthly or irregular newsletter you have to have a solid contact strategy. This is the most effective way to make your visitors come regularly to your website. It happens at www.marketing-eficaz.com and it happens on many websites that the best promotional tool is your mailing list. Through it, the person regularly receives news about you, a relationship is created, and if the person in question ever needs an article that you offer, where will they go to look first? About 40% of people who buy my sales manual do so from this newsletter and 35% of those who request a website are from this newsletter.

You can use your newsletter to communicate special offers to your readers, present new products to them in scoop, communicate agreements with other related companies to obtain special prices, etc.

7.- Do you promote your website regularly?

Once you know that you have a product or service that can be sold, what remains to succeed is to make it known to people.

On the Internet, sales are directly related to the visits you have on your website. If you make one sale for every 100 visitors, if you triple the visitors you will triple the sales. As simple as that. Although many people do not understand it. They do not promote their website, so they do not increase their income.

8.- Do you have professional statistics on your website?

If you do not know how many visitors you have, how many on each page or where they come from, or what keyword they are using in the search engines to find you, you are blindly taking your online business. It is important to know all this information and the statistics that your hosting server will offer you are usually insufficient. I use for www.marketing-eficaz.com the service offered in is a service that offers the information that I have previously mentioned and much more. You can use it for free or if you prefer to keep the privacy of your numbers it only costs you $ 5 a month.

As you can see, you don't need to spend a fortune on programs like Webtrends that cost about $ 300.

Well, how many times have you answered NO? If you have done it more than twice, your website is in danger of extinction. If you answered NO twice, it means that your online business is losing a lot of income and your competition is probably not.

I have not written this article to worry, but I know from experience why many online businesses do not work, while others rise like the foam. www.marketing-eficaz.com had a profitability rate of 371% in February. March income has already surpassed February. So do your homework and put your website to work. An online business does not work alone, but if you are generous with your business, it will be with you, especially online.

Print this article and fix the faults your website has.

You will be amazed at the results.

Factors for having a professional website and seller