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Lack of professional training of vendors


Believe it or not, many sellers sell without knowing how they do it. The title of this article is the literal expression expressed by numerous participants who at coffee-breaks or at the end of their participation in the courses or seminars that I develop.

The main cause of this phenomenon that arises is the lack of professional training in the vital activity that they carry out.

Under difficult working conditions, it is not surprising that many offer to work in the sale with the healthy prospect of generating a decent income and even higher than that of other organizational positions.

But the responsibility for incorporating them rests solely with entrepreneurs and managers.

They select them with "a lot of experience" with the erroneous criterion of saving the necessary training that provides them with a high sales potential. After verifying that they are not performing, they repeatedly incur recruitment expenses and new selections indefinitely under the same conditions.

Although the expense was obviously saved, let us review the damages generated by continuing with said "executive and executive malpractice" in sales:

  • The performance in terms of results is generally meager and even low according to the level of income it should produce from remuneration, commissions and per diem. The quality in each contact of said representatives is of poor quality, which directly affects the image that each The potential buyer (prospect) consists of the products / services and the company that such sellers represent. Dismissal costs, lack of productivity during the period of the vacant position, recruitment, selection and time dedicated to putting it into operation, far exceed what it would have been to carry out basic and indispensable training. A potential for successful business ends in a resounding failure unless the process described above is recognized and reversed in time,since the lack of income and negative image concludes by discarding it from the minds of its potential consumers. Since in professional sales nothing is offered if there is no recognized need for the prospect, after raising this case: "nobility obliges." It would be appropriate to make a humble suggestion for those who live and wish to reverse the above, it would be recommended to: Read a book or publication that describes "what it is, how it is done and what is required to sell professionally" (For example: E-book La Venta Professional or Professional Retail Sale, Keys to a successful sale) * This will allow you to understand the essence and then sell as you truly want: with consistency in the quantity and quality of these results.Develop the criteria and act accordingly that the seller should not be a "bird of passage" in the organization, but a collaborator who comes to join to produce the vital results for their subsistence and growth, transmitting a quality image of their products or services and generating a level of satisfaction that causes the return of your prospects for more benefits in the future and that transmits to your relationships the wonderful experience lived with said representative (even when you have not purchased).Define the ideal profile to establish objectively the true requirements that the company, its marketing strategy, its positioning goal, its philosophy, products or services, etc., require in each one of them. Select the most suitable and train them regarding: the company,its mission, vision and goals; its products or services in terms of benefits and those of the competition; professional sales techniques, specific management procedures, among other more specific topics. This training, well done, is the highest return investment that any company can make… Provide a method of coaching for monitoring and training on the job, as well as planning future continuous improvement activities.as well as planning future continuous improvement activities.as well as planning future continuous improvement activities.

As you reflect, we are aware that many companies are having a difficult time while a few others are growing despite the difficulties of the market and the prevailing economic situation.

After reflection, hasn't the time come to take the necessary actions to achieve the success you want?

© Copyright 2008, by Martín E. Heller

Lack of professional training of vendors