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Lack of teaching profile in Mexican educational institutions


Until today much has been said about the importance of the Teacher in the classrooms, about different pedagogical techniques and educational models. But one question is worth noting. The profile of the teacher who dictates it? Or is it that we can all be teachers? Do we meet the minimum requirements to be so? The term teaching contains the different meanings:


A teacher or professor is a person who teaches a certain science or art. They must have pedagogical skills to be effective agents of the learning process. The teacher, therefore, starts from the basis that teaching is her dedication and fundamental profession and that her skills consist of teaching the subject matter in the best possible way for the student.

There are teachers for all levels, elementary school, high school, university, postgraduate and doctorate. And at all these educational levels, the teacher should have a profile defined by the schools or educational institutions in which they provide their services, that is, define what the profile that my teachers should meet within my institution should be.

By means of an adequate and well-defined profile of teaching staff in educational institutions, we could avoid that tremendous evil that plagues all these niches of knowledge and which is called teacher rotation; It should be noted that the teaching rotation exerts a complex problem for the students, since the replacement of a guide is not the same as the replacement of an automotive part. The automotive part remains for what remains and the teacher has to find a way to fit into a group already decimated by the event of the abandonment of their mentor.

In the search for an adequate teacher profile, in a globalized world where communication and technology processes seem to go by leaps and bounds, it is necessary to have teachers who meet a profile, so that they can complete a learning facilitator process Efficient and effective. To achieve this, an educational quality that is demanded by all Mexicans, and make that education sustainable.

This Work proposes to dictate the basic guidelines that provide us with the characteristics to define a good teacher profile. He proposes to provide us with an orientation to avoid the mistakes of hiring teachers without the proper profile, which generates a rotation. In other words, as mentioned in previous paragraphs, the teacher starts from the basis that teaching is his dedication and fundamental profession.

In the following pages the problem of the lack of the profile for the teacher will be exposed. The factors that involve the existence of individuals working as teachers and the consequences of their actions. The theoretical framework that supports said research, the case study that determines the problem, the methodology used, history, current situation, problem to solve, analysis of the cause, proposed solution, action plan, and conclusions and comments.

Theoretical framework

Profile or face for the teacher?

The objective of the essay is to determine the profile of today's teacher, raised by the authors as the face of the teacher, and to analyze the problems caused by not having the right profile, leading us to the teacher's rotation. The analysis takes up the concept of preparing a suitable profile for the teacher, this profile will help prevent teacher turnover. In addition to taking into account the social function of the Educator. But without neglecting the security needs that she has, both to maintain a permanent and competitive job that allows her to improve her standard of living, both family and preparation. Considering the current context.

From this perspective, the activity of the teacher is manifested through a practice in which students and teachers seek through education to have a vision of commitment, respect, analysis and social exchange. That through the teacher generates in the student the Increase in their level of knowledge.

The work of these authors is based on some Keywords: Profile, Face, Education (paideia), Teacher. Where the emphasis is on guiding and leading other individuals. For the Greeks, the pedagogue or driver was a slave and the paideia was a set of activities that free men could do. In this way they educated children on the grammar of the Greek language, music, wrestling, and gymnastics. Only when children were adults and free could they be in paideia because only the men in their freedom could love, according to the Greeks, knowledge, knowledge, science and philosophy. From this historical reference, it can be seen then that, currently, the teacher builds and rebuilds the paideia from his daily work in the classroom. two

The current requirements, the knowledge societies based on the technological advances and advances in science, demand more and more professionalism from the teacher, that is to say, a profile or a face based on itself where the cognitive domain is not enough, that is to say An immediate update of events is required to be in accordance with the Knowledge levels. And thus be able to undertake the teaching process that students require on a daily basis. In this sense, it could be said that in general terms, the teacher's face assumes new features, indications, signs, characteristics that influence a way of life brought to his academic practice.

Case study

Identifying the problems and shortage of teachers who have not only the necessary capacity to teach a course, but also the adequate profile that will allow them not to spoil the development of the student in their classroom, where the teacher plays a fundamental role as facilitator of the information and where the student plays his future educational career, where it is not possible to afford to change teacher up to three times to teach a subject lasting one semester, because teachers found a better opportunity ¨ $ ¨. Given this situation, the question arises: Why are there teachers who do not have the right profile? Or is it perhaps that as colloquially it is said "It is not the fault of the Indian, but the one who does it compadre". Teachers who do not fulfill the responsibility as group leader.Teachers who have not clearly defined their objectives, who are not interested in pursuing a teaching career.

Given this, the need arises to generate an adequate profile for the teacher. This particular interest was generated when I heard a phrase in 1997 when for the first time I was offered the opportunity to teach at the UANE-Torreón Unit, after almost 3 years of teaching at a competing University, on that occasion in where the Sub-Director (René Guajardo) gave us training commenting on that phrase that makes me take this project, the phrase says "The errors of surgeons do not speak anymore, but those of teachers grow day by day".

It is there where I consider it of great importance to carry out this project where it arises, based on my experience as a teacher, mainly, where I have seen colleagues who teach classes only as UR (last resort) and not as a pleasure, satisfaction or feel that need to be in front of a group, being able to lead and leaving a legacy to the students. Becoming a true facilitator and stimulator of continuous learning.

Faced with this situation where the educational offer is increasingly wide and the need to have teachers who truly meet an adequate profile designed by each institution according to its mission, vision and objectives.

We will run the risk of giving students and future professionals to society and the same country, who do not have the characteristics that a globalization and technological modernization is demanding, causing a result that would be fatal for the future professional, since we would send it to the field work with too many deficiencies that would cause enormous difficulty to develop in the professional and social environment.

Methodology used.

In the study of the problem of a lack of the profile of the teacher associated with the rotation of the same within educational institutions. I took a questionnaire shown in figure 1.

This questionnaire was applied to different educational institutions at the preparatory level. In this survey, points of great importance are considered where the null knowledge of a teacher's job profile is demonstrated, and in turn it reveals revealing data on teacher turnover during the school year (one semester). Concluding in the following results.

The results towards question 3, gives us the opportunity to emphasize a total lack of knowledge of what a profile is, since 50% of educational institutions focus on having this degree and the other 50% on attitude and pedagogical capacity..

The results towards question 4, the teacher's physical features are considered as mentioned. 90% of the institutions concentrate on the points listed, and 10% leave out the physical traits of age and sex.

The results towards question 5, 75% consider acceptable psychological characteristics such as: Self-control, Group Management. And the remaining 25% continue to emphasize that this graduate, and we even go so far as to mention that he is a professional in every way, but that outside of school we are not interested in what he does… that is the profile of the teacher for this institution.

The results towards question 6, is an average of 30% of rotation in the semester. What makes us think about the poor quality of education that is imparted by having a rotation that in any other sector would be unacceptable.

The results towards question 7, 90% conclude that in case of teacher resignation, his plan B is based on the planning that he has left. The class will continue to be taught by a related teacher. While the remaining 10% hire another teacher. That surely was part of the statistics of the educational rotation.

It should be noted that the evidence and names of the institutions where the questionnaire was carried out will be included in the annexes at the end of this essay, thanking the information provided through this tool.


The way of conceiving the historical problem of a lack of teacher profile and relating it to the high turnover in educational institutions, goes back to my years as a student, born in 1971, I had to finish my primary education in 1983. In those years the teacher had been trained after having been selected by the teaching staff and completed a Normalista education (Normal, Superior Normal). What can make me assume that this teacher, who was not very well paid and whom on many occasions I saw him arrive walking or arriving on the road, felt that commitment to society in terms of training and integrity is concerned (figure 2). It should be noted and it is valid to reference that film by Don Mario Moreno Qpdabout the Master. Integral person who begins an academic training seeking to increase the level of knowledge of his students, to later become an agent of educational and social transformation, who in the face of any adversity always sought honesty, honesty, challenge.

It is true that it was another Mexico, but the educational evolution of today in Mexico is retrograde, and it is evident, before any doubt, it is only enough to see primary school children with a poor quality of reading, without knowing the basics of mathematics (the multiplication tables), and finally, there would be innumerable flaws that have been acquired today, and that we so easily blame for educational reforms. Gentlemen, they are educational reforms, not reforms that impede increasing the knowledge of our students. The latter, there they are, ready to receive knowledge, despite any political, social or union problems.

Historically, due to the demographic explosion and the need for greater educational spaces, the need for more teachers was also generated. It is there where I want to emphasize that the possibility of changing to service education for business education (for the teacher) arises badly, and where the teacher was distorted, he lost that touch of passion for teaching, to be a more bureaucrat. Worried more about his pension, salary changes, gap year, sit-ins, double positions and innumerable causes, which we see every day. Little remains of that professional who became one of the four best considered in our country, since in every society a Master, Doctor, Priest and Lawyer was required.

That while it is true, educational growth in a country is excellent, it is also true that it must be backed by a quality in education, since otherwise we would only be impoverishing the professional quality of a country.

That is why I consider that in the teaching classrooms the importance was asked for the future teacher, where the selection of those students already with a different concept from those teachers who were more dedicated, passionate, and who literally left their lives in a classroom, it became a business for the teacher. Summing up this concept, I am referring mainly to the fact that this future teacher sees the teaching career as the goose that lays the golden eggs, a job for life despite the poor quality, backed by one of the three strongest unions from Mexico.

And as it is said colloquially in Mexico "To Show a Button", The National Union of Education Workers, will prepare a Profile of the Mexican Teacher "The SNTE has brought together its technical teams to prepare a national application survey, whose result allows to determine the profile of the Mexican teacher: ages, marital status, percentages of teachers who are heads of household, percentage of family income contributed by the teacher, diseases derived from their activity, most frequent diseases, etc. These features will allow the development of joint actions or recommendations that can be converted into plans, programs or policies for the benefit of the teaching profession ”. (Flores, Olga) "Preparation of a Mexican teaching profile" Inmujeres-SNTE Agreement. 2008 Http://www.snte.org.mx (March 25, 2010)

For the good of education, I hope and want to have the confidence that they will effectively develop that profile that I give myself to the task of proposing in this essay, since only in this way can we combat this high turnover of teachers, which generate a lack of control among students..

Current situation.

It is more than evident that at the moment the educational institutions that have a true profile of the teacher are numbered and with the fingers of the hands; that it goes from being a list of requirements, capacities and knowledge of the teacher, for a real analysis where the capacities and attributes of both cognitive and attitude are reflected.

It is there the core part of this essay, where the implementation of the teaching profile is more than necessary. Since educational institutions should seek to have the best teachers in their ranks, and not act like the vast majority of educational institutions, which is to hire a teacher who has not the slightest notion of the responsibility that implies facing a group, in the role of formative leader.

The Professional who became a teacher.

In many cases we have learned or met in our walk through teaching, professionals who adhere to educational institutions as a last resource to have a job that allows them to bear the costs of living. I do not intend to criticize this way of thinking, what I do give myself the task of commenting on is the commitment that is acquired when taking a group of students without the slightest interest in increasing their level of knowledge. It is undeniable that the current situation within this field causes us to see good professionals as teachers, but without commitment to myself, to students and educational institutions, that is, the teacher who is looking for other professional opportunities and who He doesn't mind leaving a class in the middle of teaching to join a new job.It is there where educational institutions have incurred a failure in not having a teacher profile. Since they are more concerned with hiring professionals as teachers, judging their cognitive level and not their attitude, personality, compliance, degree of influence.

Within this reality, in our country there is a sufficient list of private and government educational institutions. Among which few are those with an established teacher profile, one of the ones worthy of being in this essay is the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG). From this educational institution I am pleased to highlight part of the angular points that mark within the profile of the teacher.

The Teacher Profile for the UAG.

For the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, the profile of the teacher is: “The teacher that the University needs is the one that stands in full solidarity with it so that its mission and vision is fulfilled or carried out, the University being an educational institution attached from its birth to some philosophical principles with which it remains committed and which are the foundation of its university work. The Professor has to accept and endorse the transcendent and apostolic aspect set forth in the mission and vision, where we find that part of his mission is to educate at the highest level and to fully train people in the intellectual, moral, social and professional fields.; and it is part of their vision to inculcate the highest moral values ​​and spread them in all areas of society,which is nothing other than accepting the apostolic commitment of Christianity. But it is not just a matter of the University teacher standing in solidarity with his mission. The authentic autonomous teacher is the one who accepts and endorses the thinking and actions of the Institution. Not only that the shirt is put on: that the shirt is incorporated into the soul. And as the University is an Institution of culture of the highest level and that seeks perfection in all its scientific and cultural manifestations, its teachers must be studious, investigative, disciplined people, never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ” (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003But it is not just a matter of the University teacher standing in solidarity with his mission. The authentic autonomous teacher is the one who accepts and endorses the thinking and actions of the Institution. Not only that the shirt is put on: that the shirt is incorporated into the soul. And as the University is an Institution of culture of the highest level and that seeks perfection in all its scientific and cultural manifestations, its teachers must be studious, investigative, disciplined people, never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ” (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003But it is not just a matter of the University teacher standing in solidarity with his mission. The authentic autonomous teacher is the one who accepts and endorses the thinking and actions of the Institution. Not only that the shirt is put on: that the shirt is incorporated into the soul. And as the University is an Institution of culture of the highest level and that seeks perfection in all its scientific and cultural manifestations, its teachers must be studious, investigative, disciplined people, never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ” (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003Not only that the shirt is put on: that the shirt is incorporated into the soul. And as the University is an Institution of culture of the highest level and that seeks perfection in all its scientific and cultural manifestations, its teachers must be studious, investigative, disciplined people, never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ” (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003Not only that the shirt is put on: that the shirt is incorporated into the soul. And as the University is an Institution of culture of the highest level and that seeks perfection in all its scientific and cultural manifestations, its teachers must be studious, investigative, disciplined people, never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ” (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ”. (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003never satisfied with their wealth of knowledge and always eager for new achievements ”. (Chávez, José) "What kind of teacher does the Uag require?" Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003 (March 25, 2010).

My opinion about the concept of the profile of the teacher at the UAG, is not entirely favorable, since I do not share that last sentence that says "Assume the apostolic commitment of Christianity."

On the other hand, if they mention something fundamental to the profile of the teacher, stick to the mission, vision of the institution, at least we are sure that they have it and ask their teachers to stick to it, not like in other institutions that are not even hung up on it.

It must be recognized that if you have a well-defined teacher profile, they know what they are looking for from them and as it is colloquially said "On notice, there is no deception".

This is why the current situation in which we are immersed within the field of education is not pleasant or encouraging, since learning levels are down. But it is there where there is a great area of ​​opportunity for educational institutions to become trainers of their own teachers and seek to keep them well aware of their challenges and scope within the teaching life.

Problems to be solved.

Given the situation that we have been seeing, the need to solve this problem arises, for which the cause and effect diagram was used, through this widely used graphic technique, the relationships between the problem and the possible causes can be clearly seen that they may be favoring for him to happen.

This appreciation led me to an analysis where I could consider the different areas involved in it, as shown in Figure 3.

Where we can observe factors such as Labor, Economic, Method and Development. And break down each of them into subgroups that allowed me to delve into the problems to be solved.

Within each of the factors analyzed and its subgroups the following were found:

The economic factor shows two possibilities that are; low wages and low social benefits. The method factor gives us the possibility of understanding that there are poor job analyzes accompanied by inadequate recruitment and selection. In the case of the workforce, we observed unskilled teachers and a lack of training. In the development factor we observe a lack of objectives and a null career plan for teachers within institutions.

Analysis of the Causes.

Within the analysis of the previously identified causes, I propose to show the characteristics that mainly influence the fact of the importance of the teacher's profile, since the lack of this contributes to a high rate of turnover in educational institutions, these causes are the following:


-Low salaries.

-Low Social Benefits.

Within this factor, I go back to Maslow's Theory of the hierarchy of needs, where priority is given to satisfying primary needs to subsequently satisfy higher needs, but although it is true "as basic needs are met, People try to fill the highest levels. If basic needs are not met, they require priority, so efforts to meet the highest level needs must be postponed ”(Keith Davis, 1983). Maslow described a hierarchy of needs of five levels, these five levels include:

1-Basic physiological needs.

2-Physical and emotional security.

3-Belonging and social needs.

4-Estimation and social position.

5-Self-updating and satisfaction.

The way in which I intend to adapt this Maslow model, associated with economic factors in the lack of the teaching profile and its rotation within educational institutions, is according to the fact that the needs of a lower nature are satisfied primarily by money rewards. People earn money that they exchange to buy satisfactions for their physiological needs. In other words, if the low salaries that a teacher receives do not allow him to fully satisfy the needs of the first and second level, it will be difficult for him to constitute himself as a teacher seeking to stay or pursue a career in an educational institution.

The teacher must be fed with feelings of dignity, security and confidence in order to function within the highest quality standards and thus be able to become a learning instrument developing their optimum levels.

We can hardly appreciate a teacher, focused on his stay within an educational institution; if your financial remuneration does not allow you to meet your basic needs. Or, a teacher who does not have a benefit program that supports their expenses, that is, they do not have medical care for him or his family. This encourages any human to search for different horizons and to remain shortly within educational institutions.


-Recruitment and Inappropriate Selection.

-Poor Job Analysis.

It is more than known and recognized to know that many of the teachers who are currently working in educational institutions, arrived there by chance or by recommendation, but we hardly observe an adequate recruitment and selection process, the most we see is an advertisement. in the newspaper, an interview with the director and to work, or you never know what happened, they don't speak to you again.

Within the selection we can understand by this "the procedure to find the man who covers the right position, at an adequate cost" (Arias Galicia Fernando, 1976). But it would fit the question What is the profile of the suitable educational? Within this question we find that the analysis of the position is of utmost importance. "Since depending on the functions that have to be covered, certain skills, studies, experience and initiative will be required, since working conditions, responsibility and effort will vary in each case. For this reason it is important to examine the characteristics of each position, in order to establish the necessary requirements to carry it out with responsibility for success; for this, nothing better than to carry out an analysis of it ”(Arias Galicia Fernando, 1976).

This essay is based on the fundamental part of the job analysis, seen forcefully and separately, the profile of the teacher's position. Where it will seek to establish a standard of the teacher's profile.


-Unqualified teachers.

-Lack of training.

Within the analysis we recognized the lack of qualified Teachers; that is to say, that teacher, who as a package, offers him a couple of subjects, among them, more than one that is outside his areas of knowledge and that due to the need for an income, agrees to teach those subjects.

It is noteworthy that having this type of practice within educational institutions generally leads to teacher rotation, concluding at an additional cost and showing the presence of some problems.

Although it is worth mentioning, that given the law of supply and demand, it is possible to have these characteristics within educational institutions in a more common and continuous way, since unfortunately many less serious educational institutions use it as common practice.

In addition to the more than evident problems that are generated in the student, which will yield their results within a student who is vaguely prepared, by a teacher who is much more confused than the student. Taking us to see students with a poor educational quality. If we add to this the lack of preparation or training in group management, teaching techniques, ice-breaking techniques, psychological observation techniques, we will conclude with an acute problem in educational institutions and an almost unbearable tension for teachers, which mostly flee these schools.


-Lack of Institutional Objectives.

-Lack of a Teaching Career Plan.

It is important to mention that most of the businesses, civil associations, currently have a mission, vision, purpose, clear objectives in the short, medium and long term, etc. These are some of the more than evident characteristics of proper planning. On the other hand, in some educational institutions, it is only subsisted by the nobility of a clientele that is made up of knowledge and transformation. Not because of his planning expertise.

If we look at this from the point of view of a teacher; freshly unpacked in one of these educational institutions, you will hardly know what direction it is taking inside that ship aimlessly. So how can I explain what his career plan is, what will happen to him in “N” number of months or years. If you can aspire to more than just teaching.

If we have an adequate career plan, the teacher will be able to agree if his stay is convenient for him. And then he will be able to "stone crush", so that later on in a well-planned career plan he can become a dean or a full-time teacher.

This is what I consider as fertile land within educational institutions, I am fully convinced that within educational institutions, one of the most precious resources must be that of the teacher. But I must also consider, as a teacher that I am, that there is little information and a lot of anxiety, of what will happen when my teaching ends, there is something else for me or I am only a passing bird until something more of my being is offered.

Proposed solution.

During this essay I have been mentioning different areas of opportunity where it must be transcendental that we act; in order to ensure that there is an adequate profile of the teacher's position and therefore avoid rotation of the teacher within educational institutions as much as possible.

It is then, then, the beginning of my proposal, in order to make it useful within training institutions or organizations; that they must understand the challenge and the importance of the role or role that corresponds to them for the benefit of Mexico.

1) Development Proposals.

Clear definition of the Mission, Vision, Values, Objectives and Goals.

It is vitally important that all educational institutions or organizations have their Mission, Vision, Values, Objectives and Goals. Since only in this way can we adapt to the profile of the teacher, make us aware of what we want from the teacher in our institutions.

The mission.

It is "the reason, purpose, purpose or reason for the existence of a company or organization because it defines: 1) what it intends to fulfill in its environment or social system in which it operates, 2) what it intends to do, and 3) the one who will do it for; and it is influenced at specific moments by some elements such as: the history of the organization, the preferences of management and / or the owners, external or environmental factors, the available resources, and its distinctive capabilities ”(Thompson Iván). "Definition of mission" Mission and Vision. December 4, 2006 (April 1, 2010).

Everything that educational institutions or organizations do for their students is what we can consider as their mission. And this must be well defined; to be clear on where to start to develop an adequate teacher profile.

The vision.

The direction in which the educational institution or organization is heading in a considerable period of time, and serves as a path for decision-making and strategic business planning.

The values.

They are made up of a vast list of characteristics that must be intrinsic within any organization such as; honesty, honesty, commitment, innovation, reliability, growth, customers etc. And these must be defined in a clear and precise way, leaving nothing to the subjective or the perceptions of each individual, because this is where we must start to achieve the objectives.

The objectives.

All organizations must set goals, these must be made up of achievable definitions; that they include in what time they must be achieved. An organizational objective is a desired situation that the educational organization must try to achieve, that is, "where we direct our actions".

Career Plan Proposal.

It is more than evident that being able to have a career plan for the teacher would be more than attractive within all educational organizations, but what is the Career Plan? It is an activity derived from planning where it allows us to select the objectives and the professional history is determined in the future, it is to offer the teacher the knowledge how far he can go.

Being able to meet our human resources, know about all the tasks and positions that the individual performs during their working life, professional history and professional objectives. It is also encouraging in the search for low turnover within the teaching field.

The Advantages of having a career plan encouraged by educational organizations, is currently of utmost importance, since it will allow employees to set professional goals and actively work to achieve them. These goals in turn would help motivate employees to make progress in their education or training.

The teacher would receive this information in a clear way, since he would know that he has the same development opportunities. Furthermore, it makes clear the requirements that all teachers must meet, and encourages the interest of continuous preparation.

It is also evident that educational organizations benefit from a career plan, as it enables employee development, decreases turnover and meets the psychological needs of the employee. Thus, having a career plan that defines the objectives that must be attainable by teachers and where all the possibilities of growth within educational organizations are clearly and objectively manifested. It will allow us to create a climate of stability, trust and development within all teachers.

2) The Economic Factor.

This factor is also important in the level of rotation that educational organizations are presenting, since the lack of adequate salaries or social benefits packages such as IMSS or INFONAVIT, generate in the teacher an uncertainty that culminates in the rotation of this.

My proposal in this area is that every teacher must have at least one contract for a certain time, not less than 6 months. Where the teacher has the social benefits of law. In other words, he has a certainty that he will be rendering his services at said institution for that time, and not as at present, that said contract is for a subject, where the uncertainty for the teacher is much greater.

It is also convenient for educational organizations to consider the need to train and have a staff of teachers who are permanently (indefinite-term contract) teaching their chairs, that is, a single well-selected group of multifunctional teachers who may have education or training Over a wider range of chairs to be taught, that would help by giving a sense of belonging and decrease turnover.

It is also convenient that in terms of wages these are competitive, it is not enough to define the hourly payment, the teacher must be motivated with performance bonuses, bonuses for excellent personal attire, research hour bonuses, etc. In this way the teaching commitment with educational institutions or organizations will be increased.

3) Labor.

Within this factor, two aspects of maximum importance were considered, such as; unskilled teachers and lack of training. The fact that a teacher is not qualified to be able to teach a chair with the necessary quality and adequate knowledge to promote the increase of knowledge in the student, is a very great risk on the part of educational organizations, since it depends on the quality and the teacher's responsibility in taking on that challenge. But what is more insane is that within the subject scheduling assigned to a teacher, it is proposed to teach chairs on topics that are not related to their profession.

This is where I raise my voice, because in my teaching experience and my practice in four educational institutions. Being a human resources administrator and with more than 15 years of professional experience in the area and having taught more than 12 different chairs. I have never taught a chair in human resources. "Wow."

That is why my proposal is that each institution or educational organization look for teachers who are prepared to teach the corresponding subject, grouping them into areas such as: physical-mathematical, administrative, accounting, human, biological, labor and law sciences., among other. And they are under the supervision of an area or career manager, who, among other activities, will be responsible for scheduling the delivery of each subject, assigning it to the teacher who has the appropriate knowledge to teach it.

It is important to highlight that being grouped by these areas and under the control of an area or career manager, will provide the possibility of having an internal training or teacher training program. Where in a programmed way and according to the specific needs of your profession, take an active part, training in different areas, in order to enrich your cognitive area and be more competitive within the teaching career.

It is truly a contradiction, that within an educational institution, teacher training is almost nil, we have colleagues who have become outdated in tools that are basic today, such as the use of the cannon, computer packages, etc.

This point is truly relevant for any educational organization that prides itself on being competitive, let's not let our teachers fall into obsolescence, every teacher is the reflection that we project of our institution.

4) Method.

Within this factor we find inadequate recruitment and selection, and poor job analysis. It is more than evident that the first reflects a lack of the selection procedure. On the part of educational institutions or organizations, this results in rotation. The following question should be highlighted: How could teachers who are not qualified have arrived at a school?

The possibilities or responses can be varied, the important thing is to prevent this from happening. It is there where my proposal is born, suggesting a selection process that is standardized (figure 4).

Selection Process Suitable for Teachers

Where we can in a standardized way follow the steps to achieve a selection of the teaching staff appropriate to our educational organizations, of course, that we may fail in the selection, but the error rate will be much lower, than leaving everything in good view and feeling of an individual.

Said selection process considers basic aspects, which may be related to the truthfulness of the teacher's information. Such is the case of applying general knowledge exams, interviews, tests to define if you adhere to the job profile, physical exams.

The data that is thrown from this process will give us the opportunity to continue or to discard the candidate, to later verify the candidate's personal and work references to teaching. Then going on to make an offer that of course must be competitive and accompanied by a career plan. That if you accept, you will proceed to request personal and professional evidence (title, letters, certificates). To then proceed to the induction period of said teacher, where he must understand the mission, vision, values ​​and objectives of the organization.

I consider this process the basic minimum that every organization requires in the hiring of a new teacher, as long as they seek the maximum possibility of success in their hiring.

In the second, which is the climax of this essay, I will propose what should be an adequate integration of the analysis of a position, to make way for the profile proposed for the teacher, which helps to avoid the problem of Rotation of the same within the Educational institutions.

For the analysis of the position, a document must be developed that includes:

1) The job description: that are all the functions that we must perform in said position, expressed in a general and analytical way.

2) The position: which are the set of activities, responsibilities and conditions that comprise it, and must be accompanied by experience, training that is required in the position.

3) Hierarchy: which is the place it occupies within an organizational structure and its relations with other areas.

4) Requirements of the position: they are the minimum requirements that the teacher who demands that position must meet.

5) Name of the position: it is the classification assigned to it, and it should generally be short and well defined (interim teacher, tenured teacher, dean).

It is more than evident to mention the importance that educational institutions have the job analysis of a teacher, since it will provide us with the tools to develop an adequate recruitment and selection process, it will give us the guideline to establish an adequate training program for teaching needs, in addition to properly stipulating the scheduling of salary evaluations and an incentive plan.

And by the way obvious, it gives us the precedent to carry out a closer supervision of our teaching talent.

The fundamental part of this essay is part of the job analysis, "The job profile". They are the finest ingredients in this process, since it is about the human being at its best.

The job profile must comply with a basic content where we must find, data that gives us knowing his name, age, sex, marital status, specific characteristics of the individual. In this sense, the good teacher must meet the following characteristics of a profile:

  • The responsability.

Where you must be able to persevere in your assigned job and prove to be tough, determined. Being a person you can trust.

  • Personal relationships and sociability.

You must have the capacity to be an open person, with the capacity to build instead of criticizing, calm, measured in your comments and with confidence in others. You must have the ability to foster social relationships and maintain a good circle of contacts.

  • Self-esteem and emotional stability.

The teacher must think well of himself, that is, to think in favorable rather than unfavorable terms. You must be an emotionally stable individual and relatively free from worries, anxieties, and nervous tensions.

  • Challenges

The teacher must be able to work on difficult problems, maintain the need to investigate, enjoy questions and discussions that lead to reflection and thinking of new ideas.

  • Proactive

You must be able to work with energy, vitality, and be able to do more activities than the average person.

  • Leadership and Decision Making

The teacher must be able to control his impulses and not make hasty or sudden decisions, being able to be dominant, since he plays a main role within the group and will have the need to make unpopular decisions, which will lead the group to achieve its goals. objectives.

  • Empathy.

You must have a sense of understanding of the factors that plague your students and the people with whom you have social relationships.

Since the teacher works making unpopular decisions of tasks that are under his responsibility, having to organize different types of people, diplomacy that allows him to foster creativity among his students to accept new ideas is essential. The teacher plays a transcendental role in a group, is a mediator who must have the ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts, must have skills to overcome objections and demonstrate the ability to persuade and understand, must be able to maintain empathy with their students, who allow you to maintain an optimal level of learning and satisfaction among them.

The teacher must have a commitment to students, in terms of increasing the level of knowledge, through appropriate teaching practices and techniques. Always showing leadership and professionalism according to the needs that a globalized world demands day by day from our students.

I have spoken a lot about the importance of a profile of the teaching position that helps to avoid its rotation within educational institutions. It is there where I consider that educational institutions or organizations should play a fundamental role becoming teacher educators and not employers of staff with teacher characteristics.

That is, if we already have the basic points of any organization such as the vision, mission, objectives, selection process, salary package, career managers or areas. And we have defined the job analysis, accompanied by a teacher profile. How long should we wait to train the teacher we require? The conditions are in place, that is why I have mentioned in previous chapters that it is laughable to think that in a training institution the teacher receives the least amount of training. That is why, having the profile that we require for our teachers, who are well identified with the points already mentioned, only the most important thing is to “develop them” so that they feel the stability of any educational institution, and decide to take firm roots. and solid,becoming the best teacher profile. "The satisfaction".


It is more than evident that educational offerings at this time present a great diversity of options to choose from, which is why the importance of educational institutions or organizations in the implementation of all the factors that I have mentioned and that lead to a good profile of the teacher's position.

There is no magic wand to train the right teachers, who will enrich the cultural and knowledge heritage of all our students. Nor will they magically adapt to our vision, mission, objectives. No gentlemen, there are no such devices. We must get to work, gentlemen responsible for education in Mexico.

That is why my proposal, which designs the profile of the teacher, which adapts to a reality of our times, which is accompanied by a true package of benefits, salaries and seasoned is worth the expression, with a feeling of stability, growth on the part of of the teacher within these institutions.

The teacher must be considered as an irreplaceable resource. The love for teaching is less and less, being in front of a group and leading it, thus achieving the objectives set.

So my appreciation to those teachers, the good teachers. Those who sacrificed their lives so that others would be the professionals who try to achieve the changes always promised and never achieved in our beautiful and broken Mexico.

Gentlemen, work is the only resource that generates results in all areas, education cannot be excluded from this, the teacher must not be excluded from this. The teacher is the key that opens the door of knowledge and that will gradually give us the possibility of becoming wisdom. Let's get on the teaching boat, all of us who have the profile, and do not do it any more because of an economic need, remember that we do great damage to the students by teaching a chair without foundation, without respect for the profession, without the love for work, without the Profile.

Documentary references

  • Arias Galicia, Fernando. Human Resources Administration, Editorial Trillas, México 1973, pp. 174-289 Davis, Keith. Human behavior at work, Editorial Mc Graw Hill, Mexico 1983, pp.45-108Flores, Olga "Elaboration of a Mexican teaching profile" Inmujeres-SNTE Agreement. 2008 Http: //www.snte.org.mxChávez, José “What kind of teacher does the Uag require” Panel the profile of the uag teacher. January 2003(March 25, 2010).Thompson Iván. “Definition of mission” December 4, 2006 (April 1, 2010).

Term collected in Wiki asked for the free encyclopedia where the terminology of the teacher is emphasized.

Andrade Martha Cecilia and Muñoz Dagua Clarena. They wrote an article about ´´Profile or Face for the Teacher´´ for the Faculty of Administration and Economics University Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. In October, 2003.

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Lack of teaching profile in Mexican educational institutions