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Families raised as a social challenge


The duality of human nature of Sigmund Freud ((1856 - 1939) was an Austrian neurologist, father of psychoanalysis and one of the greatest intellectual figures of the 20th century) comes to mind at the moment.

The famous Eros and Thanatos, Freud was the one who, in his studies of the human psyche, discovered these twin impulses that make the human being act and live. He named them following the very old tradition of classical Greece. Eros (by the Greek god of love), is the urge to love and sexuality, the desire for the other, and the need to prolong existence through progeny or descent (the result of reproduction). For his part, Thanatos (death) is that impulse that inevitably leads us to death and that makes pain and suffering the martyrdom of every human being.

And so, thanks to Freud and the events of the 20th century, we can assure you that Eros and Thanatos were having fun for much of the last century and without wanting to be pessimistic, much less Machiavellian, I am afraid there is a high probability that these sympathetic beings have been preparing the ground for the final thrust to the human species.

It is sympathetically paradoxical that the great achievements in scientific and technological knowledge of the last century have been created and reproduced in parallel with the great aberrations that human beings had to experience; I will only mention the most obvious one, as was the paradigm of nuclear physics, resulting in not only an excellent source of energy and a great medical tool (Eros) but also spawned a weapon of mass destruction, the atomic bomb (Thanatos).

But the thing did not end there or is that they forgot the Nobel Prize winners in Medicine (1962), Francis Harry Compton Crick, James D. Watson and Maurice Wilkins for their spectacular discoveries of the molecular structure of nucleic acids (the double helix). in which Nuclear Deoxyribo Acid (commonly known as DNA) is structured and its importance for the transfer of information in living matter.

Rosalind Franklin (análisis cristalográficos por rayos X), Crick (competencias específicas en genética y en procesos biológicos) y Watson (cristalografía) el 25 de abril de 1953 en la revista Nature proponen la estructura en doble hélice de la molécula de ADN, nada más y nada menos que la estructura del ADN, la necesaria llave para entender todos los secretos de la vida, increíble, toda la vida en la tierra existe únicamente gracias a este omnipresente ADN, desde la más pequeña bacteria hasta el hombre. Este grandioso paradigma surgió a finales del siglo pasado, en el umbral del tercer mileno –cuyo germen, no por casualidad, se halla en investigaciones científicas militares sobre la respuesta del cuerpo humano a la emisión de radiaciones-, señores, apenas es un recién nacido, está en pañales, ¿qué se tendrá dentro de 50 o 100, y ni que hablar dentro de 200 años? Mi estimado lector, solo por escribir estas líneas el cuerpo se me eriza y comienzo a rezar el Padre Nuestro y el Ave María.

Scientific development is one of the most important factors in the transformation of society. But the effects of science and technology on society are double-sided: on the one hand, they contribute to improving the standard of living (Eros), but on the other, it can lead to the creation of techniques that jeopardize both development like the subsistence of humanity (Thanatos).

Anyone with a bit of doubt should read an international open letter, signed by 140 scientists from 27 countries (World Scientists' Statement Calling for a Moratorium on GM Crops and Ban on Patents., Taken on 07/15/2013), in which They call for the release of genetically altered organisms to the environment to be suspended for five years and for this period to undergo this technology for public and independent research that takes into account its ethical and socio-economic aspects, as well as the latest scientific findings.

The open letter, titled World Scientists' Statement Calling for a Moratorium on GM Crops and a Ban on Patents, says that "we are extremely concerned" about the release and commercialization of GM grains and foods in light of the growing evidence of the danger this represents. to biodiversity, consumer safety and human health. The signing scientists categorically state that "neither the need nor the benefits of genetic engineering have been proven" and that there is "new scientific evidence that has convinced us of the need for an immediate moratorium" against the release of transgenic organisms into the environment.

The statement states that there are "serious doubts about how safe GM foods are" due to the results of recent experiments on animals as subjects. Specific reference is made to experiments in which rats were fed genetically altered potatoes. As a result, the rats suffered abnormal weight loss and serious damage to their immune systems. This is just one of numerous such experiments that have had unexpected and alarming results.

The signers even question the scientific validity of genetic engineering: "The technology is driven by an outdated deterministic genetic science that presumes that organisms are simply determined by constant and inert genes that can be arbitrarily manipulated to serve our needs, while discoveries Scientists done in the last twenty years have invalidated all the premises of genetic determinism. "


  • How do you know if cloning will eventually be used to reproduce individuals with a criminal tendency? Or is it really an alternative to reproduce species that are in danger of extinction? Or perhaps this last option will be used as a facade to “legalize” and take advantage of the first?

How about we clone several women and several men and from these couples, we engender a whole army of experts in the art of espionage, experts in killing or in the best of cases, we would simply have a factory of servants, total they are simply clones, Or perhaps we would have an industrial factory for organs prepared and ready for the highest bidder.

Perhaps we will use these clones for the different experiments in the big and prestigious laboratories, it is definitely better to use a clone than to use a guinea pig, don't you think?

  • How to know if the genetic alteration of plant varieties can be used to make them more resistant to pests, overcome the use of insecticides and lower costs? Or rather, will this advance in biotechnology be used as a weapon to develop predatory species damage to the plantations of competing countries or simple political enemies? How to know if a good part of scientific inventions and technological innovations will continue to be used for the development of chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons, with the devastating and lethal power they have demonstrated have in every war in which they have been used? or rather, can such advances only be used,to produce in the quantity and with the necessary quality the goods and services that are required to improve the quality of life and well-being of all humanity?

Certainly, we would be falling for lies if we thought that the solution is in the legal world, without question, it would be illusory to think that with drafting a bunch of laws and signing any other agreement we would have the problem under control.

In order to promote a few moments of reflection and just as an example: What happened to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, signed on December 11, 1997 by the industrialized countries where they committed to implement a set of measures to reduce greenhouse gases?

It would be interesting to put on the table the different variables that in 2001, President George Bush (United States) and in 2011, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, used to justify abandoning the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

Gentlemen, the only, real and true solution is in the family, YES, we must necessarily increase the level of education and awareness of the family since it will be she who decides to create and protect those possible beings capable of selling the soul for thirty coins of silver, capable of destroying their neighbor through greed and sick hunger for power.

Families raised as a social challenge