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Loyalty with excellence in customer service

Table of contents:



The client is the purpose of our work and is the reason for this trial, we want to publicize the importance of promoting customer service, establish the role that customers play in a company, we hope to activate that spark of helpful person we have all of us somewhere and to be able to improve not only our working life but also personal giving an excellent service to each client, to the internal client that we are ourselves, to the client that is at home can be our family etc.


The customer is the purpose of our work and is the reason for this essay, we want to show the importance of promoting customer service, establish the role that the customer plays in a company, we hope to turn that spark of helpful person we have somewhere all of us and not only to improve our working lives if not personal giving each customer an excellent service, internal customer that we ourselves, the customer is at home so our family can be.


The correct relationship with customers provides loyalty, good customer service can become a promotional element for the company, much more powerful even than advertising, direct sales or discounts.

Among the topics to be discussed we will address the importance of offering excellent customer service, examples of companies that have succeeded thanks to this inexhaustible source of wealth that is service will be mentioned, the contingencies in which the service is involved will be seen Yes, as some of the types of clients and some strategies of the service, such as quality, added value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

II. Background

In this essay we will address the issue of customer service, understanding customer as the person who frequently uses the services of a professional or a company; We can define other words that will be useful for understanding the subject, such as serving, which means being useful, is being attentive to the needs of others; We must provide customers with excellent service and quality in it, the latter refers to the set of aspects and characteristics of a product and service that are related to its ability to meet the latent needs of our customers.

The word service comes from the Latin servus, although we cannot refer to a specific date for the origin of the service, if we can affirm that customer service has undergone numerous changes over time and this has been modified depending on the needs that are in the time, of the own age of the client; as expressed by the magazine (Fast Company, 2014) «… Relations between companies are changing; the nature of work is changing; The definition of success in business is changing. The result is a revolution as far reaching as the Industrial Revolution. " Everything changes over time and success in a company would be sustainable if excellent service is offered, because that implies greater profits for the company,There is no better advertising than satisfied customers, so we must know techniques and have the necessary skills such as being an honest person, being so implies that we would be transparent with our clients, we must have communication skills to achieve effective communication, we must learning to listen, how to speak and when to speak, the market is increasingly competitive, companies struggle and invest to position themselves in a good place and few are those that invest in training personnel, in giving courses in values, in giving techniques of customer service, ignoring that providing an excellent service experience could change the customer's opinion about said brand or place.Being so implies that we would be transparent with our clients, we must have communication skills to achieve effective communication, we must learn to listen, how to speak and when to speak, the market is increasingly competitive, companies struggle and invest to position themselves in a good place and few are those that invest in training the personnel, in giving courses on values, in giving customer service techniques, ignoring that providing an excellent service experience could change the customer's opinion about said brand or place.Being so implies that we would be transparent with our clients, we must have communication skills to achieve effective communication, we must learn to listen, how to speak and when to speak, the market is increasingly competitive, companies struggle and invest to position themselves in a good place and few are those that invest in training the personnel, in giving courses on values, in giving customer service techniques, ignoring that providing an excellent service experience could change the customer's opinion about said brand or place.companies struggle and invest to position themselves in a good place and few are those that invest in training personnel, in giving courses in values, in giving customer service techniques, ignoring that providing an excellent service experience could change the opinion of the client on said brand or place.companies struggle and invest to position themselves in a good place and few are those that invest in training personnel, in giving courses in values, in giving customer service techniques, ignoring that providing an excellent service experience could change the opinion of the client on said brand or place.

"Currently, both in the industrial field and in mass consumption, markets are increasingly segmented as a consequence of the increasing diversity of the tastes and preferences of customers…" (Publicaciones Vértice SL, 2007) Faced with so many needs and competition, the attention that must be offered to clients must be a unique experience, offering a surprise every day and that the clientele is satisfied with the service offered to achieve loyalty in them.

III. Development

Clients are an investment.

As we mentioned before, providing an excellent service experience can achieve loyal customers, satisfied with the company they are representing, taking first of all the responsibility that you are the company, regardless of the position held in the organization chart. We all have to wear the servus shirt to provide the exceptional service that our clients deserve. What would happen if we took responsibility for any complaint that our client presents? We would make our client feel valuable, important, let's not forget that service is an inexhaustible source of wealth, Human Resources Director Emily Ericksen says “We are in the business of developing people, as much or more than in the coffee business ”(Starbucks Coffee,1993) Imagine the market dimension that this company covers and the profits that you get by actually having people as business and serve them coffee, thus making an ordinary product that exists since ancient times a source of wealth thanks to good care and customer service they provide.

We can say that "Your goal as a company is not only to have the best customer service, but to be legendary" we attribute these words to the businessman Sam Walton, founder of the most important retail stores in the United States, Wal-Mart and Sam's, remember that the company is each and every one of the members who are within it and we must provide good service first to the internal customer, to our colleagues and colleagues; One of the objectives of the company management is to motivate the staff, there is no doubt that a happy worker will transmit that satisfaction to the client, let's not forget that people give good service when they like what they do.

Now let's address the part of complaints in customer service, in basic terms a complaint is a statement corresponding to the expectations that have not been met, but on that a complaint is an opportunity that is presented to us to satisfy an unsatisfied customer, customer complaints are a red light, an alert for companies that implies that objectives are not being achieved, we redefine the word and accept that complaint that the customer presents as a gift, in order to perceive them as such, we first have to start to change our attitude towards complaints, let's be optimistic and find something positive in everything bad, Bill Gates says that the most angry customers are your biggest and best source of learning,Well then, let's learn from those dissatisfied customers and implement corporate solidarity, let's assume the error of some other colleague without looking for culprits, remember that we represent the company.

In order to provide an excellent service we must consider some strategies for it, the leadership of the management can is one link in the chain, in this part as leaders they must promote the development of collaborators and training in terms of service, we also have to Employee satisfaction is what drives their loyalty, recalling an anecdote in a job interview with a major cell company we will call x, they ask the person who went to find a job if he used x cell phone company to which The interviewee replied that no, because it is very expensive, that his family uses the company and, for these reasons, he did not use company x,What I am going to as a person tries to provide a good service if at first they are not convinced of what their company is, therefore they must create satisfied, loyal, productive internal customers, customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and what better than starting with the internal departments of the company.

IV. conclusion

In this essay we have tried to understand the importance of providing excellent treatment to customers, the subject is more complex than it appears since we deal with people, who have emotions, that each one is different and we cannot create a basic rule to treat everyone equally, that is why customer service gives us proof that we are human beings and that we all need everyone is a cost-benefit relationship with our customers, impersonal treatment through a machine to Many customers can irritate them, without a doubt the success of a company depends primarily on the demand for customers and the loyalty of each one of them.

The service is a conglomerate of activities that seek to commit to respond to the needs of customers.

We conclude that customer service is the set of interrelated functions in order for the customer to acquire a good experience and obtain a product at the right time and place.

V. References

  • Fast Company. (2014). Fast Company.Publicaciones Vértice SL (2007). Customer Support. Málagana: Vértice.Starbucks Coffee. (1998). Obtained from Entrepreneur.com:
Loyalty with excellence in customer service