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Financing of national organizations for higher level scholarships in mexico


This essay addresses the financing of some organizations and foundations for scholarships at the higher level, with the objective of analyzing and recognizing the financial contribution that they provide through scholarships to young university students who are pursuing a Bachelor's or Postgraduate degree. The economic supports are given through maintenance, transportation, excellence, national and international mobility, benefits, social service and certification.

The organisms that will be addressed during the development of this trial are ANUIES, SEP, CNBES, CUMEX, SANTANDER, FUNDACIÒÒ TELMEX, EDUCAFIN FIDERH, and CONACYT, the latter are organisms for postgraduate scholarships. To conclude, the following question will be answered: Do the organizations in charge of granting scholarships to universities manage to supply all students?

There are many circumstances that force young people to abandon their professional training, the most important is the lack of economic resources to continue supporting the expenses generated by studying for a degree, therefore the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) in conjunction with the Government Federal, State and the National Coordination of Higher Education Scholarships (Cnbes) offer a variety of scholarships through agreements with schools, which offer financial aid to enter different degrees, engineering, technical and postgraduate degrees.

Below I will disclose the aforementioned organizations, as well as their characteristics, their financing, the agreements with universities and the requirements that you request to be a fellow.

ANUIES is a very important institution of higher education in the country, as it promotes comprehensive improvement in the fields of teaching, research and the extension of culture and services, in addition to being made up of 179 universities and higher education institutions, of which 151 are public and 29 private, This organization is financed by the United States Embassy in Mexico, in co-sponsorship and collaboration with the Technological University of Durango.

Some universities with which it has an agreement are the Technological Institute of Aguascalientes, Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Autonomous University of Chiapas, University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, University of the Valley of Mexico, National Pedagogical University, among others.

The Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMEX) is an independent organization made up of 20 universities and public higher education institutions in Mexico. Each institution can obtain a total of six scholarships with an amount of $ 5,000.00 per month per student and operates under eight areas of knowledge : Architecture, Biology, Accounting and Administration, Civil Engineering, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Medicine.

Some Universities that belong to the cumex consortium are Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Autonomous University of Baja California, Autonomous University of Chiapas, University of Guadalajara, among others.

The most important requirements that this body requires for universities to be registered are; Being a public university affiliated to ANUIES, having 85% of the total enrollment of evaluable programs of higher technician, associate professional and bachelor's degree recognized for their good quality by the National System of Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education of Mexico and the non less important, being on the National Registry of Scientific and Technological Institutions and Companies (RENIECyT).

The Scholarship portal of the Secretary of Public Education is a portal that offers an overview of the scholarship offers that the Federal Government makes available in a transparent, timely, homogeneous and quality manner, both to attend basic education levels, upper, upper and postgraduate medium supporting culture, sports and teaching.

All the State and Federal Universities of the country, as well as the Technological Institutes and Universities have access to these scholarships offered by the SEP. Its financing is granted by federal funds from the budget of the Ministry of Public Education, by Federal Contributions to Federal Entities and Municipalities through the Program to Support the

Strengthening of the Federal Entities.

The National Coordination of Higher Education Scholarships (CNBES), dependent on the Subsecretariat of Higher Education, is the entity responsible for the granting and operation of various modalities of the National Scholarship Program for students who are enrolled at the Bachelor's or Higher Technical University level. (TSU) in Public Institutions of Higher Education (IPES).

The CNBES Through various programs, such as PRONABES, promotes Scholarships for Excellence, Social Service, Bonding and Titling, among others. Some requirements that you consider necessary to be a fellow are; be a regular student with an average of 8, belong to an IPES, be a person of limited resources, and comply with the provisions of the call.

The National Scholarship and Financing Program (PRONABES) is one of the largest scholarship programs coordinated by CNBES. PRONABES is a responsibility shared between the Government of the Republic, state governments and IPES, the Program also receives financial support from the Bécalos program of Fundación Televisa.

As part of Banco Santander's Corporate Social Responsibility, through the Support Plan for Higher Education, Santander Universities supports the national academic mobility of university students as one of the fundamental mechanisms for raising educational quality and achieving a higher level of cooperation and integration between Higher Education Institutions, is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students of Mexican Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that maintain a specific collaboration agreement for national mobility.

Those scholarships can be mobility, internships, study, and excellence awards. They are financed by Banco Santander and other private institutions.

FUNDACIÓN TELMEX, through its Educational Program, offers scholarships throughout the national territory to undergraduate, master's and doctorate students who are studying from the first to the penultimate period. It offers 244,620 scholarships supporting students of academic excellence at the higher and postgraduate levels, enrolled in public and private institutions located in the national territory. Through the granting of a scholarship, which consists of a monthly financial contribution and a computer equipment with Internet access, the aim is to bring them closer to technology. In addition, courses, conferences, workshops and various special events such as "Mexico Siglo XXI" are organized.

It should be said that a call is held annually in September and the scholarship committee reviews and authorizes those that meet the established requirements. This organization is financed by Carlos Slim.

It is the Institute of Financing and Information for Education, (EDUCAFIN) is a decentralized agency of the Government of the State of Guanajuato, which seeks options to finance education, create links with other similar institutions and provide information on the educational issue. It is an educational loan with which you can cover (in a complementary or total way) your registration, tuition or maintenance expenses.

It is aimed at all Guanajuato citizens by birth or by a minimum residence in the State of 2 years. They must be enrolled or accepted in upper secondary, higher or postgraduate schools, as well as; in technical careers, language schools and schools that provide job training. The credit is so flexible that it can be used only when necessary, we must not forget that since it is a reimbursable credit, it must be paid so that other young people can benefit from the support.

The organizations that finance the postgraduate scholarships, their characteristics, requirements and financial contributions will be described below so that young people with Bachelor's degrees can prepare more and have more opportunities in the workplace.

The National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) is a decentralized public body of the Mexican federal government dedicated to promoting and stimulating the development of science and technology in that country. Through the Conacyt it is possible for students to obtain financial support for postgraduate studies (master's or doctorate) in universities with recognized academic excellence within and outside the country.

The requirements for obtaining a scholarship at CONACYT is to be enrolled in a postgraduate program registered in the National Quality Postgraduate Program, to have a minimum average of 7.8 or its equivalent at the level of studies immediately prior to the one requested or to have obtained a minimum average of 8.0 in each of the school periods studied within the Graduate Program you are studying, being a "full-time" student.

An important condition to mention is that scholarships will not be awarded to students seeking to pursue postgraduate studies equal to or less than that obtained with support from CONACYT or from Mexican government resources. The other requirements are described in the corresponding call.

FIDERH, the Fund for the Development of Human Resources, is a trust of the Mexican government that was created in 1971 by Banco de México and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. It is a financing program for Mexican students who wish to pursue a specialty, master's or doctorate abroad, in various areas of study, but not in virtual systems.

By means of a credit that is granted in Mexican pesos, it does not generate commissions, it begins to be returned one year after finishing the studies, quarterly and up to 10 years. They are awarded to Mexicans and the study program must last between 9 and 36 months. FIDERH Banco de México financing may be used to pay tuition, living expenses and medical insurance in the amount of up to 200,000 pesos abroad.

In order to be a beneficiary of a scholarship from this organization, you must be Mexican, have a bachelor's or master's degree, a letter of acceptance from the institution where you want to study, an average higher than 8.0, handle a language and a guarantee with Mexican residence.

The Beca Foundation is an avant-garde educational institution created by a group of entrepreneurs committed to the educational development of young talents in Mexico and Latin America. Through international links, we support the professional training of students who wish to carry out postgraduate programs in their country or abroad, through scholarships and study grants within the most prestigious universities.

The scholarships awarded by the Fundación Beca are non-refundable, which is why it requires support from individuals, companies, governments and institutions, national and international, in order to fulfill its mission, the Foundation has two forms of support:

Larger donations: Companies, governments and institutions can support the various areas of FB's work and through the granting of monthly, semi-annual or annual donations.

To conclude, I will answer the question posed at the beginning of this essay, Do the bodies in charge of granting scholarships to universities manage to supply all students? These financial supports are granted in order to contribute to the student's economy, since they are people with limited resources, unfortunately not all are benefited, according to the newspaper La Jornada (2013) in Mexico, 18.75 percent correspond to students of higher education, from the which approximately 10 percent have had some type of scholarship during their professional career.

While it is true that the agencies do a great job in supporting young people who want to get ahead, however, not all of them manage to meet their needs, since the institutions also have a limited government budget that covers a certain number of university students, in addition to that scholarships are sometimes not given to those who really need it, leaving the rest without support to continue their careers.

As an effect of this cause, young people decide not to start their professional career or worse still abandon their studies joining a large list of university students who drop out due to lack of financial resources, leaving the opportunity to perform as a person and provide professionals to our country.



2016 /

becas.estudia.com.mx/becas+banco+mexico+fiderh+mexicanos.htm National Institute of Statistics and Geography. Population and housing census 2012.

Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico.

Secretary of Public Education.

Scholarships for the higher level. National Coordination of Higher Education Scholarships.

La Jornada newspaper http://www.colmich.edu.mx/files/transparencia/becas_nac.pdf

3e76-4aea-8334-8136543005c3 & groupId = 50467 http://www.anuies.mx/noticias/universitarios-de-14-ies-afiliadas-a-la-anuiesparticiparn-en http: //www.cnbes.sep.gob. mx / 10-scholarships / 10-beca_manutencion http://www.cnbes.sep.gob.mx/ http://www.oem.com.mx/oem/notas/n2873368.htm https: //www.uv. mx / dcadministrativas / conacyt / que – es – conacyt / http://www.conacyt.gob.mx/posgrados/index.php/centro–de–apoyo/becas– and financing http: //www.conacyt.gob. mx / posgrados / images / pdfs / PNPC-PagWeb.pdf

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Financing of national organizations for higher level scholarships in mexico