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Focus on customer satisfaction in your business

Table of contents:


Your satisfaction or that of the customer? An everyday dilemma that makes your business look bad!

If your Employee does not resist the temptation to satisfy his personal needs above the needs of his Client, he puts the entire business at risk.

The problem of many companies is NOT involving their people in their vision, and that is when the Client becomes NOT the business option that you dreamed of!

It is not enough to write a vision perfectly to make it happen! Passion is required to serve your employees and involve everyone in our dreams, so that they can be clear about where we want to run and how we want to act in front of our Clients.

Even when the economic situations in the world make us reflect on everything that we must change in order to rise above them, but above all to ensure a privileged place in the market where we participate, a low level of performance is still observed everywhere. personnel who have the important task of fulfilling the wishes and satisfying the needs of the Clients.

And when I live the experience, I can't stop thinking about the Leaders of each Company and I seriously question if they are doing their job in terms of involving their employees in their dreams, purposes and their business vision. And it is here, where I would like to take the time to ask you about it. What do you do to involve employees in your dreams? How do you involve them to ensure that the vision and purpose of your business is fulfilled?

I think that not necessarily having the vision written generates the possibility of fulfilling it. Business Leaders have to do much more to reach it and this means involving and investing the necessary time to talk about it with their employees.

Employees must get involved because there is no other way to make our Clients generate the highest perceived value from our business and as a consequence, give us the possibility to play in the market in a privileged place (Gain Market Participation).). I can't stop thinking about that discussion a few days ago between Aeroméxico employees arguing about a place on board, while customers have to get off the plane because the flight is apparently oversold. Could it be that the Clients are guilty of the over-sale, as the personnel of said company say? Or is it that we are the Clients that pay for a plane ticket, the ones that should be privileged to choose this airline as part of a trip?

Could it be that any employee of a Restaurant can lift us from the table without even offering us the possibility of consumption, as happened in the El Corral Restaurant in Bogotá?

What I do believe is that in both cases, employees are not aligned with the business vision, and employers are betting their future on the market dearly!

If your staff is not aligned with what you want to achieve, the only one that suffers is the Client, suffering that will later transfer to your Company. Do not hesitate!

Business Leadership also means having the ability to shape and influence your future in a remarkable way. In other words, you as a leader must be directly involved to ensure that your dreams, vision and business philosophy are fully fulfilled in actions that translate into Customer satisfaction and as a consequence, it generates a High Perceived Value of the products and services that provides us on a daily basis. Leaders are required who can change and change without being tied to the failures or successes that have been achieved in order to consistently remain in the preference of consumers. It is required not to lose that entrepreneurial spirit as a Leader to be able to transfer this philosophy of change throughout the organization,and the Renewal towards Excellence in the Company can be generated permanently.

Successful Leaders (Entrepreneurs), in my opinion, must have some characteristics that make them different when it comes to carrying out work for their Clients and among them I think of the following:

  1. Passion: Without passion for the Client, the rest that you think to achieve in them is impossible. It takes true passion to go out of our way to meet customer needs and make them feel like they are the most important thing in your business. Passion is required to invest the time that is necessary without getting tired and without losing enthusiasm for achieving the vision, because the only purpose is to Serve others. Vision: Clarity is required to passionately run to the place we have defined as our business purpose. You can not run only with the attitude and good wishes if we do not have the clarity that is required to walk the path. Courage: To modify how many times our performance is necessary during the tour. In order to free ourselves from the old ideas, methods or paradigms that are emerging from the top management and that become bottlenecks that the Leaders defend tooth and nail only because they come from the highest level and must be subordinated to it. Courage, to get up as many times as necessary from the failures and stumbles that we will surely give ourselves during the journey learning from each lived experience and transform ourselves as many times as necessary to give the best to our Clients. Ethical conduct: To work cohesively with our collaborators, committing ourselves to their growth and development, to collaborate as a team and make sure that the goals are met. One just cannot do things, so it is necessary to seriously commit ourselves to our people in order to go hand in hand in the sense that we have foreseen. Success Management: Having the ability to work consistently and humbly when it comes to SERVING the Customer. Making us aware of who it is on whom the survival of our business depends. An arrogant company loses customers, money and direction and it is our employees who demonstrate to us with their daily actions whether we are at this point or not. If so, we must be careful! We could disappear from the market.

Courage is required to pay the known land and above all to eliminate old practices and paradigms that make our business obsolete for customers.

Without passion, what you plan to achieve is impossible.

Passion is required to reach a higher level of commitment, to unfold our potential and to put it to the service of others without hesitation.

People must be with you or you won't make it!

Our employees then play an important role in validating our results to our Clients, if they are not enthusiastic about what they do, if they are not committed to their vision, they simply will not achieve the level of performance they are looking for. And it is our Leadership that helps keep our workforce focused, through its internal stability as well. It is the task of the leader, to ensure then:

  1. Maintain undisturbed customer care: 100% focus on meeting their needs. Operational flexibility: To change, before the customer requires it. Skills challenged at the highest level: To unleash the potential of our people for the sake of ensure our business vision. ensure that employees feel good: it will only be so that they can have joy for what they do. (For serving).Definition of clear Goals: So that they can fulfill their responsibility towards the Clients and towards the Company. (Level of Business Impact).

It is the leader then who has a leading role to achieve their dreams and their results.

You must be prepared to influence the Highest Level, preparing the development of your leadership in all areas and departments in the company, since each of them represents a moment of truth for the Client and a challenge between connecting him with our organization.

It is not enough to implement control systems and good business management to ensure long-term results with customers, it is necessary to realize that the elements that give us the best possibilities to stay in the preference of our customers, have to do with the performances of the people who represent us. Realize that your business is in the hands of your leaders!

And our leadership capacity will be the level of results that we have with clients who will ultimately decide the permanence of our business in their preferences.

Take care to invest in the training of your leaders, because you will not be able to count on the commitment of the people, as long as they are not happy with what they do and with their dream.

Reach out to experts to achieve the best results for your business. I'm at your service.

The good message

If you don't have your people on your side, you just won't do it. Their results depend on this and their leadership is the base material required to achieve our purposes and exceed the expectations of our clients in the market where we participate.

Focus on customer satisfaction in your business