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Training of professional skills at the university of pinar del río

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An analysis of the Socio-Humanist Careers was carried out in the Semi-face-to-face Study Mode of the University of Pinar del Río, where a re-adaptation of the study plans is proposed for the formation of general professional Competences in said careers. In this sense, it is required to teach to think, to do, to be and to coexist in society, which requires, in short, teaching how to learn to learn in a socio-work environment.

Students must graduate with a series of skills as active and effective processors of knowledge, with a general job training that includes a series of general professional competences, which are essential to guarantee a competent future professional.

By way of Introduction….

Socio-humanistic careers have distinctive characteristics from the rest of the careers, there being difficulties in the formation of general professional skills in these students and in their subsequent professional performance.

The authors then assume as General professional competences a: Comprehensive system of capacities, where values, attitudes, and experiences in different contexts are promoted, based on knowledge and skills, to perform in the socio-labor environment with efficiency and effectiveness in professional situations diverse; laying the foundations for the development and training of the remaining competencies.

Higher education is therefore enriched by work practice and in turn the company or institution where the work practice is carried out is enriched, both appropriating and benefiting from Higher Education that responds to social interests in a relevant way.

The ways of acting of an individual on reality (also called performances), when solving problems, when interacting with others, when facing situations, are what we call competencies. An individual is more competent to the extent that her internal representations favor a better performance on her life, immersed in a certain context. Thus, what is sought is the development of skills that empower an individual to improve their quality of life. (Quintana Lozano, J.1999)

Then, according to the authors' criteria, professional competence is glimpsed as the integration of the degree of preparation, training and development of the individual as a result of their learning, where we base training on basic principles, knowing, knowing how to do, knowing how to be, knowing how to share or live in an academic, work and social community putting into play knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and work experience in different contexts.

The formation of general professional competences is a process that runs throughout life; essentially constituting the development of adaptive capacities, of constant improvement, flexibility, dynamism, an essential factor to assume and respond to the evolution of jobs and social mobility.

In blended learning, the training of general professional competences must be linked to the center where each of these students works; where the student feels a fundamental part of their training process guaranteeing the development of a training model in which the aspirations in relation to the formation of their personality are specified, considering their current and potential characteristics, ways of thinking and acting in all spheres of his work and social life, as well as his manifestations in the various relationships and situations of the reality in which he develops.

Present situation of the Semipresencialidad in the University of Pinar del Río.

At the moment, the total enrollment in the University of Pinar del Río, in the Universalization in all the careers is 13,882 students and in the socio-humanistic careers it is 10,285 students in all the municipalities and sources of income for this type of study, representing 74% of the total students, distributed as follows:


Entry method


Sociocultural studies















2. 3












Social comunication


































2. 3










10 285

Legend. TS: Social Workers ME: Emerging Teachers

IA: Art instructors EDA: Assisted distance education.

TAR: Álvaro Reynoso Task CSIJ: Comprehensive improvement course for young people.

The formation of general professional competences for socio-humanistic careers requires knowing the object of the profession, the modes and spheres of action and the profile of the professional; to design and establish a greater theory - practice relationship, linked to the professional profile of careers.

From the analysis of the professional profiles of the careers in social and humanistic sciences, the curricula of these careers, the modes of action and the studies carried out by the authors Díaz Domínguez, T; Homero Fuentes, C; Márquez Delgado, D. L and Marín Cándano, O; We can assume as characteristics that distinguish socio-humanistic careers the following:

1. With a strong humanistic, sociological and psychological focus.

2. They are not directly taxed to the exact and natural sciences.

3. Their jobs are mainly based on services and not on production.

4. They impact social, emotional, economic, political, cultural and legal conflicts.

5. They are conciliators and mediators par excellence.

6. They need a broad communication, linguistic and dialogue development.

7. They are essentially managers in the sectors of society.

8. They pay tribute to the search for solutions to the modes of social action.

9. They transform and help transform social and cultural reality.

10. They directly influence social transformation, visualizing these transformations.

11. They arise and exist from, by and for society.

12. They are integrated to the communities or sectors where the problems are manifested to know them, to base them and to solve them.

13. They thrive on social situations and the surrounding environment.

14. They generally guarantee the perpetuity of customs, traditions and strengthen identity.

These distinctive features demonstrate the need and feasibility of developing general professional competencies in socio-humanistic careers.

Therefore, the formation of general professional competences in socio-humanistic careers should be aimed at preparing students from the social perspective, with a generalizing, comprehensive approach, where they are offered and develop basic skills of the profession, basic world skills. work, where you can capture the surrounding world, understand it, base it and modify it, order your impressions, needs and aspirations based on professional activity, without removing your own personality and skills.

Professional performance is the concrete expression of the way of acting professionally, in a specific socio-labor environment; In this sense, the mode of action is stable and regular training based on performance in the specific manifestation of the context in which it takes place.

The approach of general professional competences in the professional models of socio-humanistic careers means integrating from the base the general competences to be promoted, to the labor practice in relation to the specific professional functions within each profile and the job position.

The internal structure of socio-humanistic careers must respond dialectically to the general fields of action, modes and common spheres of action, so that the graduate can develop and face the profession and life in a competent way and dominating a series of general professional competences inherent in socio - humanistic sciences.

The professional competences in the field of higher education are considered as: A set of capacities for the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the socio-labor context that allow professionals to: interpret it, argue it and propose solutions from an innovative and creative in solving problems. (Díaz Domínguez, T)

Therefore, general professional competencies respond to the current world of work, linked to society, professional profile and work practice, as well as social, labor, political and economic characteristics and contexts. Grouping the races taking into account the distinctive and unifying elements.

Training based on general professional competences is a feasible way to prepare future graduates with the quality that society needs and the historical moment, since they will be prepared to take on any task of a general and social nature related to their career specifically or with the socio - humanist sphere in general, guaranteeing a professional prepared to face challenges and transform the society in which he lives.

It is essential in conditions of semi-attendance that teachers and tutors maintain a differentiated attention to students in the process of training general professional skills, both at the university, and in the company or institution where they work or where they carry out the practice in case of be disconnected from work.

The formation of general professional competences in socio-humanistic careers

After carrying out an analysis of the study plans, professional profile and MES documents on socio - humanistic careers, we have come to the conclusion that they have similar modes of action and performance.

All these careers have in common of (saving their own terminologies):

• Value social relationships.

• Actively participate in the social life of the country, demonstrating a solid scientific and cultural background.

• Specify and know the basic principles of the sciences to which they are taxed.

• Develop love for the profession, professional and social ethics and technical and cultural self-preparation.

• Link general aesthetic training with the development of habits of adequate use of language in both oral and written expression.

• Know how, where and what to look for in documents, associated with a particular topic.

• Locate, analyze and classify information related to specific topics.

• Interpret, analyze and write documents.

• Be creative in the proposed solutions and develop the capacity for aesthetic appreciation and appreciation.

• Provide innovative solutions that are based on the management of the different resources available to them.

• Have a correct oral expression.

• Develops oral and written communication skills in the mother tongue.

• Know how to cope in the environment where the social problem to be solved exists.

• Act within the principles of professional ethics.

• Orient their individual interests according to the needs of society, based on the knowledge and skills they develop through the study of the specialty.

• Promote, organize and carry out activities capable of promoting cultural and social life.

• Master the scientific - methodological tools that allow them a historical - logical vision of the development of society and social thought.

• Teaching related to specific science.

• Appreciate the social contribution and provide advice in this regard.

• Develop in the detection, resolution and prophylaxis of social problems both in the individual, group or institutional environment.

• Ability to innovate to achieve the maximum technical and economic use of technology, in accordance with social laws and with the scientific and technical principles of the profession and its integration into social life.

• Ability to work in teams and solve problems.

• Use of Information Techniques and Technologies, as well as a foreign language.

• Assume a new type of leadership and management, which will exercise in its role as participant and agent of change for the development of the country and its citizens, with the decision to serve the interests and projects of the community.

• Develop forms of intervention or action that contributes to improving or eliminating the problems detected, together with the corresponding institutional management structures.

• Promote - through intervention, changes in the mechanisms of apprehension and ways of solving social problems that affect individuals / families and institutions.

• Diagnose and evaluate communication processes in entities. community, economic, political, social, cultural.

• Analyze, conceptualize, organize, execute and evaluate social communication strategies, as well as participate in the implementation of communication actions derived from the strategies.

• Prepare and select specialized materials for dissemination.

Analyze, advise and train different audiences in the development of communication tasks in the different areas of an entity.

• Advise in decision-making on the behavior of entities in their internal and external communication.

• Design, execute and evaluate research results.

• Implement prophylactic solutions.

• Make research designs.

• Conceive, design and carry out research.

It is precisely on these characteristics and modes of action in which the training of general professional competences is worked on and the didactic conception for socio-humanistic careers is designed on them.

Distinction of the readaptation of the study plans for the socio-humanistic careers in the blended learning of the University of Pinar del Río

Initially, an analysis of the socio - humanistic careers in semi - attendance conditions is carried out to adapt their study plan to the new conditions of the Cuban University.

For this, the proposal of cycles of precedence in socio-humanistic careers for the formation of general professional competences is made. With the proposal we are reflecting around the concept of semester in the blended modality.

We intend then to adapt the study plan of the socio-humanistic careers for its application in the blended modality from the structuring of the Plan of the Teaching Process by cycles or levels, define the corresponding objectives in each of them, specify the skills to be promoted by cycles and the main general problems to be solved, emphasizing in professional competences powers in each cycle.

It would therefore be prudent to start from an analysis of the socio - humanistic careers in particular, their objectives, fields of action, spheres of action and general skills that they have in common, since the context is an essential link to take into account.

To achieve an efficient and effective professional performance, the preparation throughout the career is governed by the linkage of the career to the jobs, emphasizing professional practices and teaching students on the basis of problems. most frequent reals of the profession.

We are therefore proposing a structuring of the socio-humanistic careers by study cycles, which keep precedence relationships between them and have the same object of study, only at different levels of complexity and depth, as students progress through each of they.

The subjects will then be structured according to their contribution to the objectives of the cycles and sequenced within each cycle according to the precedence requirements between them.

In order to define the objectives in each cycle, it was necessary to recognize the main common skills that future graduates of socio-humanistic careers must possess in conditions of semi-attendance, among them we have:

  1. Review and analyze documents. Interpret and write documents. Teamwork. Express themselves correctly Communicate both orally and in writing with command of the language. Act consistently in the face of the social situations you face. Appreciate social problems and value them. Provide solutions. Be creative and innovative at all times. Implement prophylactic solutions to detected problems. Act with leadership. Design and develop investigations. Implement the research results. Act under ethical principles.

• Analyze, conceptualize, organize, execute and evaluate social communication strategies.

• Prepare, select and promote materials for dissemination.

• Diagnose and evaluate communication processes.

• Advise and train for the development of communication tasks and decision making.

All these basic skills to be promoted in future graduates of socio-humanistic careers must be developed in practice, confronting students with specific, real and frequent work problems, from their workplace.

The fact of being students through the blended modality gives us advantages because these students are linked to a workplace, in many cases it has nothing to do with the career they study but if there are work, social or contextual situations that can directly or indirectly affect students and can be used for their professional practice and development of general professional skills.

Valuing these aspects, the career cycles were designed, so that each student is the manager of their own performance and decides how and when to study.

It is proposed to structure the socio - humanistic careers in 4 basic cycles:

1. Cycle I: Basic and general training. (Includes the Basic and General Training Disciplines of the races)

2. Cycle II: Specific training. (Includes the Basic - Specific Training Disciplines)

3. Cycle III: Training in the exercise of the profession. (Includes the Disciplines of the exercise of the profession)

4. Cycle IV: Deepening and expansion. (Includes the proposed subjects for each degree, taking into account the profile and the curriculum)

The structuring by cycles of precedence for the blended modality constitutes the embryo for the development of the Main Integrative Discipline in each of the socio-humanistic careers. Where the DPI in each career and cycle has the same objective as the study cycle that the student is going through and integrates the knowledge, skills and values ​​of all the subjects that comprise it by career.

The cycles of precedence will have a distinctive feature; taking into account that the socio-humanistic careers have similarities in terms of their study plan, modes and spheres of action, having a common core, Cycle I will be common to the 7 socio-humanistic careers, grouping the basic, theoretical and general training. After the student finishes Cycle I, he will be able to decide with more elements which of the races he wants to enroll. Initially, enrollment will be done at the Faculty, with a tentative enrollment for careers, but that may vary at the end of the Cycle.

In Cycle II there will be common subjects but it begins to diversify according to the chosen profession. Cycle III will be different for each career, because it groups the disciplines of the exercise of the profession and as for Cycle IV which is of deepening and specialization there will be subjects common to all careers and the diversity will depend on the logic of science, the logic of the profession and the motivations for one or the other sphere and it is not precedent.

Cycle I is made up of basic, theoretical, general training subjects. It aims to: Familiarization with the careers and general training of students.

The main problems that are intended to be solved at the end of all the subjects that make up this cycle are aimed at carrying out simple investigations of social activity, recognizing and evaluating simple problems, becoming familiar with socio-humanistic careers and the profession, identifying professional problems of general mode, as well as managing and interpreting specific information and documentation.

The main skills that will be promoted will be listening, observing, identifying, defining, evaluating, reviewing documents, writing and interpreting.

Cycle II is made up of specific basic subjects and aims to: Integrate into the socio-humanist system with command of the theoretical foundations.

The main problems that are intended to be solved at the end of the cycle are aimed at the processing and handling of information, participating in consultancies and analyzes related to the profession.

The main skills to enhance in this cycle are to negotiate, agree, mediate, make decisions, expose, analyze, process.

Cycle III is made up of subjects from the exercise of the profession and has the objective of: Developing and consolidating professional training from the exercise of the profession.

The main problems to be solved upon completion are aimed at the development and consolidation of documentary analysis, information processing of the specific activity of each career, will make proposals aimed at developing and perfecting the practice of the profession, will carry out oral presentations and research.

The main skills to be promoted are those of investigating, deciding, integrating, working in teams and having a broad cultural and scientific domain of the profession.

Cycle IV is made up of elective subjects with a general profile and has the following objectives: The deepening, specialization and expansion of general knowledge of socio-humanistic careers.

The main skills to be promoted are those of competently demonstrating, consolidating, managing and acting in the social, cultural, scientific and professional fields.

It is a cycle in which each student decides in which order or sequence they wish to study, in which they contribute to delve into important topics for the graduate of socio-humanistic careers who remain a little weak in the career and which are currently obtained at over the years exercising the profession empirically.

However, if you work on these topics, students will graduate with a greater preparation to face professional life, of course all linked to existing work problems and forming general professional skills in them.

It will be mainly aimed at specialization based on the spheres of action in which he works or expects to work.

The subjects of this cycle can be taken when students want from the beginning to the end of the degree, regardless, there is no need for sequencing in them, as they are optional, they will choose the ones they prefer, but it will be necessary to enroll 45% minimum of the proposed subjects; although they can take them all if they wish. A prior request will be necessary for the preparation of the teacher and the enrollment of the group.

In each race, a preliminary analysis will be carried out with the study plan to select the deepening subjects in each profession according to the modes of action, the profiles and the specific professional skills in each career.

The fusion of these study cycles will be aimed at the formation of general professional competences, starting from the general to the particular, where students learn by doing and learn to investigate.

Creativity, independence, timely and accurate decision making, analysis, consistency, mastery of social and theoretical issues, responsibility, are promoted, exposed, defended positions, among others.

With this structuring by cycles, students are oriented in their individual study plan, where they can enroll the subjects in the order they wish within the cycle but following the precedence of the following study cycles. It is proposed that students enroll at the same time a minimum of 4 subjects and the maximum is decided by each one taking into account their potential.

With this proposal we want to eliminate the concept of year and semester from the blended modality, leaving only the concept of cycle adapted to the real possibilities of each Municipal University Venue and to the individual potentialities of the students.

With this, the attendance will be less and less but the methodological preparation of the teachers will be greater; valuing very well in each case the methods, means, forms and evaluation to be used.


  • A new reorganization of the study plan for the formation of General Professional Competences in the socio - humanistic careers of the blended modality is proposed. The characteristics of the socio - humanistic careers and the common professional skills that will serve as the basis for structuring the cycles of precedence were determined. The Educational Teaching Process Plan is organized in cycles of precedence for socio-humanistic careers in the blended modality, where students are oriented in their individual study plan. The structuring by cycles of precedence can be generalized to any other degree program in the blended modality as considered by the Higher Education Institution.


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Training of professional skills at the university of pinar del río