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Content management skills training at a university

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This work contains a Content Management Skills Training Program for professors at the University of Cienfuegos that today in the 21st century is inevitable for academic research.

For effective training of researchers, recognition of the dimension of the problem is required, a different model of training for library users has to be adopted, the evolving nature of training needs has to be recognized. Research centers have an important role to play together with librarians, an explicit debate on meta-cognitive aspects of these skills is necessary. Teachers have to take responsibility for their own learning in this area. For this reason, we develop this Program with a series of actions and operations that will help our teachers to develop skills in content management.


The management of information, documentation and knowledge is emerging as a strategic component of the first magnitude. The traditional orientation of the tactical character of information or documentation management projects changes when it is considered a true component of the institutional strategy. This change not only affects the institutions that are created to act specifically in the field of e-business (so questioned now by the dot-com crisis), but, at least theoretically, it is a reality even in the most "Traditional". The deep technological revolution that we are experiencing, and of which we still do not have sufficient perspective to know where it is taking us, has been the engine of this change.

For this reason, educational institutions often simplify their actions in the face of the new reality, focusing it on the purchase and installation of state-of-the-art computing tools that should give short-term results. This has led to more than a few failures, to disillusioned managers and even technologies with a bad reputation that are changing their name in intelligent marketing campaigns. Still, we observe a series of unstoppable trends, which focus the compendium of "good practices" in information management in institutions and the change of certain traditional concepts.

From our point of view it is important that these changes are incorporated into both the skills of information managers and the theoretical body of our discipline. Since the middle of the 20th century it has been recognized that information is a resource, and that the development of increasingly efficient tools for its use is having a huge impact on productivity. This takes on a special meaning in this new stage in which society uses this type of technology with increasing integration, given the fact that almost all basic social functions are strongly influenced by knowledge processing technologies.

For this reason, information is placed at the center of productive life, becoming a strategic and technological resource. The library, as one of the oldest institutions that man created to preserve his knowledge, has itself suffered the repercussions of the changes that the supports in which this knowledge has been expressed throughout humanity.

Specialists in Library Science and Information Science must be prepared for these changes required by the technological revolution of the 21st century, and propose what current systems still need to improve, anticipating the needs of its users. This new reality imposes the requirement to develop new search methods, to introduce systems that try to add semantic information to documents, new forms of indexing and new services. On the other hand, the need to facilitate the use of computational tools triggers extensive research activity around user interfaces. In this context, there is no doubt that libraries and their professionals must become discreet transmitters of information, active agents of change,for which it is necessary to have automated bibliographic funds and also with a dynamic incorporation of the new computational technology, without which it is not possible today to speak of updated information, since the facilities provided by information technologies cannot be ignored and communication, for the reproduction and dissemination of documentary information, which makes it possible to speed up its circulation. Searching for information in computing environments is a complex task, since it is not carried out in a uniform way, and is subject to prior knowledge on the subject being sought.since the facilities provided by information and communication technologies for the reproduction and dissemination of documentary information cannot be ignored, which makes it possible to accelerate its circulation. Searching for information in computing environments is a complex task, since it is not carried out in a uniform way, and is subject to prior knowledge on the subject being sought.since the facilities provided by information and communication technologies for the reproduction and dissemination of documentary information cannot be ignored, which makes it possible to accelerate its circulation. Searching for information in computing environments is a complex task, since it is not carried out in a uniform way, and is subject to prior knowledge on the subject being sought.

In addition, in this information management process, the tools with which the action and operation are carried out are also essential.

When a user considers the need to obtain new information on a matter or matter of interest, he is manifesting a lack, an irregular situation of his mental and cognitive structures. It is a mental state of uncertainty that moves the individual to develop a series of actions to get out of that state. The response to this type of situation is a set of actions that the individual must carry out to leave the original state, or to solve her problem, actions that are intimately related to the acquisition of new information and the appropriate communication process.


This work shows the Program that is carried out at the University of Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez" for content management in teachers. For this, a diagnosis was first carried out, which allowed to be up to date, regarding the level of knowledge that teachers had for content management.

In addition to applying surveys to various professors and researchers, which resulted in the need to investigate in this regard, to see how the problem of insufficient preparation for content management could be solved, a situation that is necessary for prepare and that their classes respond to the academic interests of the institution, using information and communication technology. The Information Culture is the set of habits, skills and values ​​that a person uses to "recognize when information is necessary and to be able to locate, access, organize, evaluate and effectively use the information they need".

The concept of Information Culture is linked to the ethical use of information, a very important aspect in our environment, and compliance with the rules that govern it, and especially with the formation of a culture of exchange and production of knowledge. The formation of a solid information culture in teachers is inserted as one of the training needs that can allow the essential self-education to be able to follow the pace of change and adaptation required in the current context of the development of science and technology.

Self-learning will be expressed in constant updating of existing knowledge, and on the other hand, it will mean perfecting professional skills, the first having libraries and documentation centers as essential institutions and the second having practice and improvement or training, but also the information service centers as a unifying element. In this context, of the training acquired at the University, the professors and researchers will be able to have, first of all, the “hard” core of basic and professional knowledge, that which has lasting value; and secondly, of the system of general skills formed in them, where the skills for accessing and using information will be highlighted: These are spaces in which librarians have earned a place.

Under the new conditions, the education of users that librarians must constantly improve and expand, and the academic and curricular training of the skills of access and use of information in teachers, will coincide more and more widely, thus, the barriers that differentiate academic and library work in Higher Education.

For all the foregoing in this work, the following Skills Training program for Content Management has been developed for professors at the University of Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"

General objectives:

Educational Generals:

Understand the role of content management in society and the importance of acquiring an informational culture that is sympathetic to the exchange and production of knowledge. Be competent in access and use of information adjusted to the requirements of the specialty. Master the general methodology for the selection, search, evaluation and use of information in all its formats. Value the information available to you in the library, the intranet and other CES. Integrate the information culture and the skills for content management into the Teaching and Learning Process. Disseminate the value of effective use of information, to the knowledge products that arise as a result of information activities.

General Instructions:

That teachers are able to: Understand in their specific context, the importance of content management for their work as a teacher and researcher. Apply technology to your study object, and use it creatively.

Search for information on the topics of your subject and use it creatively and efficiently. Apply self-logical and dialectical reasoning to each of the problems that arise in Content Management.

Knowledge system:

Topic I. Browse the Intranet and explain all its services. Explain the contents offered by the UCF Intranet, referring to the University Library, Faculties, Study Centers, University Network and Master's Programs. Work with the icons that appear on the Library site. (Search Tools, Services offered to the user, Personalized and Thematic Digital Libraries with visibility on the Intranet).

Topic II. Presentation of the University Editorial (EDUNIV) of the Month. Know how to operate with each of the resources. Explain the importance of registering with the Editorial in order to access all the services of this resource. Access the EDUNIV Folder to review the Document Repository, Thematic Portals, Tools and Virtual Communities. Show all services provided on the EDUNIV home page.

Topic III. Presentation of the MES Magazine Portal. http://revistas.mes.edu.cu - Explain what this site consists of and the possibilities they offer users (detailing the procedure used to establish scientific articles, results of Research Projects, summaries of doctoral theses and master's degrees).

Topic IV. Use of Remote Databases (EBSCO- INFOTRAC) http://bives.mes.edu.cu Highlight the importance of the use of these Databases whose access has been purchased by the MES from these international organizations. Explain in detail the access to each of the Databases, taking into account the possibilities it offers from the operational point of view to be able to efficiently acquire the information. Correctly identify the keywords in the English language to carry out an efficient search according to the area of ​​knowledge provided.

Topic V. Employment of the Current Contens in the National Network http://bives.mes.edu.cu Highlight the importance of the use of this resource whose access has been purchased by the MES from international organizations. Explain in detail the access to this resource, taking into account the possibilities that it offers from the operational point of view to be able to efficiently acquire the information. Correctly identify the keywords in the English language to carry out an efficient search according to the area of ​​knowledge envisaged

Topic VI. Participation in virtual academic networks (Virtual Communities) http://peri.mes.edu.cu http://www.academici.com - Explain the concept of Virtual Communities and the possibilities they offer users. - Access these electronic addresses to subscribe to them.

Topic VII. Creation of Personalized (Endnote) and Thematic Databases. Explain in detail the concept of Personalized and Thematic. Offer the possibilities of the Endnote bibliographic manager to users. Show the Endnote installation process using the icon that appears on the Intranet: Demonstrate to users the use of a Personalized and Thematic Library with the Endnote bibliographic manager (taking as an example the libraries that appear on the UCF Library site)

Skills System:

Manage: the information necessary to achieve the planned objectives related to a given area of ​​knowledge.

Select: A more specific and specific analysis of the information desired by users is carried out to fulfill the planned objectives.

Acquire: the information of the selection made according to the interests of the users taking into account the characteristics of the content (language, current, relevance, extension)

Process: the information according to the contents that refers to the bibliography that is processed; and analyze in detail the descriptors that are present in the material being analyzed.

Use: the information we must take into account language, news, author

Disseminate: the information with the required quality to all users through the available technological resources, and make a brief comment on the bibliography.

Below we present the Actions and Operations to be carried out to fulfill the objectives proposed in the Ucf teachers' skills training program related to content management.

Actions to manage the information.

  • Manage information in databases, websites, documents, etc. Carry out a specific search to limit the information retrieved, and excess information. Operations: Operate with the UCF Intranet, and its various services. Operate with the MES Portal, and its various Resources. Browse Databases, Websites, and other documents.

Actions to select the information.

  • The specification of latent needs must be precise and in simple language. Use of the Boléan operators, to retrieve the records according to your need. Browse search results to select and reject.


  • Perform searches in EBSCO, using the Boléano operators. Select from the databases the information to use.

Actions to Acquire the information

  • Appreciate the language in which the information appears. Save records and print them. Evaluate the information that we are going to acquire.


  • Operate with the EDUNIV Portal, and remote Databases, to select the pertinent information. Send selected records to personal email

Actions to Process the information

  • Internalize the information. Know the subject matter to which the information belongs Classify it according to the subject


  • Read and analyze the introduction, prologue, index or chapters that the bibliography contains, to know its subject

Actions, to Use the information.

  • Evaluate the usefulness of this information. Estimate the objectivity of the information. Appreciate the originality of the information (the information may be exclusive to the entity being consulted or it may be obtained from other sources.) Evaluate the updating and validity of the information.

Operations: Actions to Disseminate the information.

  • Share the information with the University Community. Disseminate information in reservoirs. Make a brief comment on the bibliography used.


  • Perform information promotion using technology (email, Intranet, Library Site, Databases, Events, Workshops, Forum)

Methodology used.

They will be explained using the workshops as a typology of classes, guaranteeing the active and conscious participation of teachers in this process, they will be carried out by Teaching Departments and Study Centers, achieving individualized attention in the operationalization of the technological resources explained in the different topics.


This work allowed us to get to know the informational culture that our teachers had before receiving this program from technicians and specialists from the library. This question is so important today for the professor and researcher, since a professor or researcher who is doing science is not conceived, and has never accessed a remote database, (EBSCO-INFOTRAC), that he has not accessed Current Contents, who has not had access to Referenced Journals on their subject, Master's and Doctoral Theses, Virtual Communities, who has not been able to create a personalized digital Library to collect and order their bibliography, according to a standard.

This work has allowed both our technicians and specialists as well as professors and researchers to receive adequate training in order to efficiently develop in our future professionals the skills of information processing and communication. Which maintains much validity in the XXI century.


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Content management skills training at a university