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Paperless training

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The training proposed by the different Spanish consultancies aimed at facilitating the learning of skills such as sales, negotiation, personalized attention, communication, motivation, leadership, delegation or management of work teams, seems to be aimed at people. They have not received previous training on this subject, since they are essentially made up of theoretical explanations accompanied by some experiential exercises.

However, these companies do not cover the training demand of the Spanish company, where the majority of workers have already received basic training in these skills, and which is concerned with finding solutions related to facilitating a change in behavior that is reflected in the Obtaining results on a daily basis.

Aiming to generate stable changes in people's behavior two years ago, the managing author of Armando Blanco Consultors, hereinafter abconsultors, began an investigation to propose a possible solution; the Paperless Training, hereinafter FSP.

What is paperless training?

FSP is a pedagogical methodology aimed at facilitating behavioral change.

Part of a basic assumption is that the maladaptive behaviors in the work environment are the consequence of an unsupportive attitude that has its origins in an unsatisfactory perception and previous experiences.

To achieve a behavioral change, the FSP works by modifying the attitude, reviving the participant the situations that generate conflict, and helping him to rehearse new responses in a group, making him an active subject of the training.

The technique under which this system pivots is the Forum Theater and the Image Theater, devised by Augusto Boal in the 70s-80s, in search of new methods and ways of making two previously separate worlds speak; this is on the one hand the Theater, and on the other the Psychology.

What does it consist of?

Given the nature of the skills involved, team management, leadership, motivation, negotiation, the FSP is a type of training in which attendees start from the first moment to work to make a change from the point of view of direct action, and in which theory only occupies the role strictly necessary for this type of subject, that is, as a clarifying summary.

The technique begins with some exercises of high emotional impact, ranging from a small play, to a simulation activity aimed at breaking the barrier in adult training.

Next, attendees are asked to relive in small groups those conflicts that arise in their day to day and for which they do not have a clear or definitive solution.

From here on, among the conflicts that have become apparent in the group, the attendees rehearse the most dramatizable event, and then be represented in the training group as a whole.

It is from the search for solutions to the group conflict, that the consultants raise the possibility of introducing techniques and tools that make a change possible *, this is a paradoxical intervention that helps the person to get out of a vicious circle.

The group catharsis does the rest, making the attendees come out reinforced to face this conflict that they could not overcome, after having been tested the response in the training group.

In which areas can I use paperless training?

In addition to the aforementioned areas, referring to the field of commercial relations, as well as the field of people and team management; The FSP has proven to be a very useful tool also in the field of public presentations as well as for the training and retraining of trainers, evaluation of competences or the management of meetings.

  • Change understood in the Waltzalawick nomenclature, is a type2 change, since a type1 change would be corresponding to more of the same, that is, they are small actions that unconsciously only help perpetuate the system.
Paperless training