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Education and training for police teachers at a university in bolivia

Table of contents:


1. Introduction

1.1. Topic

In the following work, the monograph on the police professor in the XXI century, as it should be, based on conceptualizations based on our reality, will emerge, consequently emerging as a result of a critical analysis, a proposal in the field of Police University, Mcl. Antonio José de Sucre, which operates in the city of La Paz.

1.2. Background

The success of the Police University is based on the quality of its teachers, without logically neglecting the component of higher authorities and the educational community; However, it is important to mention that the development of humanity depends on education, so the need to promote the professional and human growth of each citizen emerges so that with the skills and abilities obtained in university classrooms, they adequately face the new demands. of today's world.

Specifically, the new police professional, his postgraduate training and his constant updating, is in function of the quality of the teachers, arising the interest in proposing the development of a comprehensive educational process that manages to train people, learners and educators. active with abilities to function adequately in the context that interact, reflective, dialogical and humanistic, that respond to the demands of national reality and the requirements of students, within the critical dialogue to improve the teaching and learning process at the Police University.

1.3. Justification

Currently, the role of the police professor to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process at the Police University Mcl is indisputable. Antonio jose de sucre. Consequently, the need arises for the permanent training and updating of the university teacher, who guarantee educational quality.

For the Police University Mcl. Antonio José de Sucre, the performance of the twenty-first century teacher related to raising the quality of education should become a concern, therefore, what is intended in this monograph is to awaken the generation of actions to ensure that the police teacher of the 21st century, it is adequate, thoughtful, with leadership capacity, capable of sustaining a critical dialogue with the police educational community, based on values, humanistic, thoughtful and investigative.

There are factors that affect higher education, impacting the satisfaction of the basic learning needs that our country requires, among which we can point out inadequate and static pedagogical practices in the face of the demands for change, those that are linked to traditional pedagogy, in which learning is rote, therefore short, is imposed on students, in whose teaching practice students passively copy the dictates, memorize without thinking or understanding, are not participatory and only respond when the teacher asks them, They work alone without cooperating with each other, they do not participate on their own initiative, they do not reach conclusions, they do not investigate, they do not expose and discuss their ideas, they do not discover meanings, they do not propose alternatives and they do not solve problems.

What has been noted is necessary to displace it, implying a Copernican teacher revolution, understanding that students represent the center of the teaching-learning process. It is important to consider that psychic processes such as sensation, perception, memory, thought and imagination develop in learning, which converge in cognitive development.

The challenges in police education in the 21st century constitute, for the university professor, a challenge to reflect and discover in itself the need to investigate and reflect on the different aspects that are part of its permanent updating, therefore, the fate of the learners is a responsibility that lies in their hands.

Due to this situation, it is considered important to study the relationship between students and educators with the development of the country. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that there are no underdeveloped countries, what exists are under-administered countries, resulting from the lack of capacity of their human resources as a consequence of educational training.

I consider this monograph pertinent, due to its topicality in the face of the changes and turbulences in today's world that demand structural, curricular and academic training modernization, the capacity of university professors, with a vocation for service, to guide teaching to the demands of a society in constant change and therefore assuming new conceptions of education and the need to generate priority strategies according to the needs of the students and the national reality, in order to provide the nation with professionals trained in the classrooms of the Police University capable of developing adequately in a world of constant change and responding to the demands of national reality.

1.4. Conceptual framework

The teacher's relationship with the student in the classroom occurs through the application of didactics in the teaching and learning process, in which the teacher demonstrates his / her skills in the proper development of objectives, content, methods, means and evaluation. This context demands the capacity of the teacher within the concept of permanent updating.

"If we do not break the habit according to which an authority that is the teacher, there is a set of knowledge that he knows, that he has and that transmits or is the dogmatism of knowledge if we do not act and create skills that break this, already in the direct treatment of the teacher-student. If we are not going to an idea of ​​education by which educating is really both teaching and learning, then we cannot really talk about a new education, and here it seems to me that it is important to underline three types of principles that had to take into account everything the time, to inform them of our methods, our techniques, our skills.

First, the principle of CRITICISM according to which we should be thinking all the time that when educating we must raise critical awareness, awaken critical awareness, which is the same as making people lucid, to realize, where they are, who they are., which can be, in what situation he lives, what are the causes, the reasons for his life, the causes, the reasons for his country. What are the causes and reasons for the phenomena, etc. In other words, go to a critical consciousness that is ever firmer, deeper, sharper, in all learners; This is what can basically be achieved, when it comes to raising awareness, it is requested that in all students, a critical awareness be achieved that is as alert and as profound.

The second principle is the principle of CREATION not to give anything but to provoke so that each one can take from himself everything that he can give; This is very important, because it is also the only way that each individual acquires confidence, about his own dignity, his own role, his own role in life, and perceives himself as someone who is necessary, to the extent that He is a creator, insofar as someone feels that he is giving of himself.

When we make the student have an increasingly acute critical conscience, we are giving him the best way to relate to the world, because critical conscience will give him the real image of the world and when we make each one a source of creation, we are giving the best way to relate to oneself, that creates, that contributes, that is not too much, that is necessary. And not as someone who is inferior or frustrated.

And the third principle is COOPERATION, the idea that what he is doing, he does better than others, in an exchange of efforts in a combined effort, in constant cooperation, this is how we give the student, with this principle, the best relationship you have with others, the relationship of cooperation; of solidarity, of collaboration; These three principles must imbue all our goals, all our techniques, all our procedures, and all the subjects that we can teach and all the specialties that we can have. ”1

1. Mavilo Calero Pérez, Constructivism: A Challenge of Pedagogical Innovation, 1997, Editorial San Marcos, Printed in Peru, pages. 180, 181, 182.

On this aspect, the Constructivist Concerns arise in Peru, mentioning that “For the normalista what is worth is not the quantity or even the quality of knowledge that the disciple acquires, but the way he assimilates and uses them, by virtue of forces own, with a minimum of influence on the part of the teacher. ”

"Today the vulgar idea that a school teacher requires only a few principles of teaching technique is inadmissible." 2

The purpose of education is not to teach the maximum, to maximize results, but above all to teach to learn, to teach to develop even after school life.

Luis C. Infantes mentions, “The Teacher who does not study, who does not try to catch up on the progress of education, does not honestly carry out his work; when he least thinks he will find himself behind in pedagogy, without initiative, without enthusiasm and without faith. ”

“Be a different teacher, link the classroom with the community and take advantage of every learning opportunity. With their students they face different problem situations. Encourage inter-learning and self-evaluations. Encourage criticality, creativity, cooperation, and commitment in your children. Encourage the autonomous and collective work of your students. Promote meaningful activities and learning. Reinforce the positive behaviors of your students. ”3

2. Mavilo Calero Pérez, Basic Theories and Applications of Pedagogical Constructivism, 1998, Editorial San Marcos, Printed in Peru, page.76.

3. Mavilo Calero Pérez, Constructivist Education Strategies, 1999, Editorial San Marcos, Printed in Peru, pag. 328.

It is important that the 21st century police professor orient his teaching to meaningful rather than traditional learning. The differentiation and contrast that J. Novak makes between meaningful learning and mechanical learning, allows us to understand the above:

Significant learning. Non-arbitrary, non-verbal, substantive incorporation of new knowledge within the cognitive structure. Deliberate effort to relate new knowledge to higher order concepts, broader within the cognitive structure. Learning related to facts or objects of experience. Affective commitment to relate new knowledge with previous learning.

Mechanical learning. Arbitrary, Verbalist, non-substantive incorporation of new knowledge within the cognitive structure. There are no efforts to integrate new knowledge with existing concepts in cognitive structure. Learning not related to facts or objects. There is no affective commitment to relate new knowledge to previous learning.

The most important idea of ​​Ausbel's thinking in modern pedagogy is that of significant learning closely related to the theory of cognitive assimilation. In meaningful learning “The acquisition of new information depends to a large degree on the relevant ideas that already exist in the cognitive structure and that meaningful learning of human beings occurs through an interaction of new information with existing ideas. The result of this interaction constitutes an assimilation of new and old meanings to form a highly differentiated cognitive structure. ”Meaningful learning is presented by reception or by discovery.

For Vygotsky, psychological development is not possible without instruction, he considered that to study higher psychological functions it is necessary to investigate the entire process of construction and evolution in the contexts of phylogenetic and ontogenetic development.

According to Vygotsky good learning is one that precedes development. It presents the teaching methodology based on the creation of the Zones of Next Development. Applying to higher education, they can be configured in a dialectical sequence of three moments that constitute a permanent process, the Real Development Zone, the Proximal Development Zone and the Potential Development Zone.

He began, he strove to find clear and concrete solutions aimed at providing support to the human being so that he can achieve the betterment of human society. Consequently, raising the criteria of humanistic education. He pointed out, the man does not lift much with his hands. But in the heart and the head it can accumulate great treasures.

On the other hand, the essence of Makarenko's educational theory consists in his concept of the primacy of the collective and not the individual, education must be the subordinate of individuality to the common good.

To prepare a lesson properly, the most important thing is to take into account the intellectual level and tolerance of the student, which means knowing the student's performance. “To determine the intellectual level, a direct question to the student about their level of advancement of the previous subject required as a basis for preparing the new one will suffice, but almost always the fact that the student answers dishonestly, hiding the truth and decreasing his level as much as I can. Therefore, it will be necessary to take a quick test with some three key questions that allow the teacher to determine the level of progress of the previous subject ”4.

Writer Anatole France once said: "Knowing is not worth much, being creative is everything." Creativity is to the mind, what physical exercise is to the body. We cannot achieve great physical achievements without training properly, the same applies to the mind; our brain cells are the muscles of the mind and one of the most complete and efficient exercises for the mind is to use it in creative work. ”4

“There is evidence that creative work and research are essential ingredients for teaching, and that teaching improves the power of research. In other words, both research and teaching are synergistically related, as a study by the University of Colorado has revealed “…. a high correlation between those who are high-level researchers and those who are high-level teachers. ” (Boschmann, 1987). Being creative and knowing how to teach complement each other. Creativity challenges the use of new ideas, while being controlled by narrow specialization. Creativity explores new horizons, teaching pushes one to go to the basics. ”4.

4. Saul J. Escalera, The Art of Teaching, 1995, Cochabamba Edition - Bolivia, pag. 22 and 27.

1.4.1. Theoretical construction

By remembering the moments when we were students, we realize the impact that good teachers caused in our lives, the significant influences on our way of thinking, of conceiving the world and of our actions in our lives. Consequently, without a doubt, the role of teachers in the context of education is of great importance for the training of students for personal and country development.

Therefore, the need to improve the quality of the National Police teacher emerges, which allows a quality teaching-learning process, fundamentally motivated by constant changes and the advancement of science and technology that require updated and flexible study plans.; however, the attention given by the senior management of the Educational Units of the Police Institution is also important.

From what has been noted, in order to develop one's own theoretical construction, as the 21st century police professor should be, in the first instance, the need to synthetically describe the objectives of police education emerges, in this sense, the INSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVE, consists of, Train and train Police according to the professional profile, to guarantee peace and social tranquility, through public order and security, provide the necessary cooperation and assistance to society, protect the environment, public and private property.

And the OBJECTIVE OF THE NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF INSTRUCTION AND EDUCATION, Police University, proposes: To exercise a permanent, recurrent and dynamic education with a process of research and development and innovation techniques for an efficient application and performance in the professional field.

With these guidelines, I consider that the police teacher of the 21st century should be a professional with adequate skills, qualities and attributes, that allows effective teaching, that guides their work to achieve interactions between participants in the police education process, who have the capacity to working as a team, must be a facilitator of teaching and designer of learning methods, achieving changes in individual and group attitudes, and also of their own behavior with a permanent update to improve student learning by raising the quality of the teaching process and learning. In addition, it must have the capacity to design the education of the future within the humanist conception.

The Police Professor of the XXI century within the education of the future must focus on the human condition; However, the classroom component is made up of students from different cultures and customs in this diversity. It is necessary for you to understand that we are all human and that together we can manage to build the education of the future by recognizing the human condition.

In our terrestrial condition we are both cosmic and terrestrial beings as living beings, we depend on the terrestrial biosphere and we recognize our physical and biological terrestrial identity. But due to our humanity itself, our culture, our mind, our conscience we move away from each other, but we understand that all truly human development means joint development of individualities, of community participation and of the sense of belonging with the human species.

The education of the future must ensure the idea of ​​the unity of the human species without erasing diversity. Diversity is not only in biological, sociological and cultural traits. There is a properly Psychic, affective and intellectual diversity. In the individual field there is a unity in genetic diversity. In the social field there is unity in the diversity of languages ​​and of organizations, a situation that constitutes a challenge for the police teacher, in such a way that they achieve unity within the humanist conception of education. Thus the essential vocation of the education of the future must be the examination and study of human complexity. Consequently, the education of the future must also show the multiple facets of the human. The destiny of the human species, the individual destiny, the social destiny, the historical destiny,all destinations united, intertwined and inseparable to raise the quality of life.

In the current era, teaching and learning are different in relation to previous times, therefore, the police teacher must not only make read books that can be killed, must consequently encourage to open the book of nature, and instead of see the shadows of things, see things themselves. In the learning of the present time, it is of paramount importance to awaken the attention of the students and make them curious to the phenomena of reality, and never rush to that curiosity, but put the problems within their reach and let them solve them. Let him not know anything because of what they have told him, but because he himself has discovered and understood it. The interesting thing is that you do not learn science but invent it.

The twenty-first century police professor must have the ability to dialogue with students to adapt their curricular programming to their needs, adopting teaching methodologies and strategies to the objectives and programmed competencies and allowing students the opportunity to investigate and explore.

I reiterate, because of the importance that I consider the teacher's capacity for dialogue, because through dialogue, we have the opportunity for rational and constructive criticism, in this attitude you will understand that you are not the only one who teaches because there is education everywhere and everywhere. the point is that knowledge is created collaboratively; for this reason, it must be reflective, dialogue and problematizer so that the problems are faced and solved together, building a knowledge resulting from the active participation of the student, so that he learns for life, his personal development and its impact on development. Of the homeland.

The police teacher of the 21st century must be thoughtful, with leadership capacity, capable of sustaining a critical dialogue with the police educational community, based on values, humanistic, thoughtful and investigative.

2. Conclusions

Education has always been and is next to man in charge of teachers, in the first instance it was given spontaneously and then it begins to be given intentionally and systematically, in the current era the conviction of that the greatest wealth of a nation lies in competitive scientific and technological knowledge.

The development of this knowledge is carried out by the teacher within an educational system, which must be within a country's development strategy, therefore, it cannot be exclusive, because the humanistic horizon and the necessary balance that all nation for its development.

Consequently, the conclusion arises that the 21st century police professor should be a guide for the education of the future towards the implementation of learning models and teaching styles that consider the impact to produce changes in attitudes between educators and learners, to better understand the learning and that generate the capacity of a culture of investigation and discovery, critical reflective dialogue, within the foundations of an education for life and that contributes to the development of the country according to the detection of its needs.

On the other hand, it is advisable that the Police University implement actions aimed at promoting research and permanent support for students in their concerns, initiatives and problems, for which purpose it requires full-time teachers who, in addition to the professorship, fulfill these functions and others necessary for learning.

If we understand the thinking of students, we will have a greater ability to adapt teaching methods to their abilities, and it is necessary to know the development of thought from birth to adulthood, understanding that in students of any class, they vary greatly both their level of cognitive development as well as their academic knowledge, a situation that shows that students are the best source of information about their own skills and competences.

Consequently, the importance of knowing how knowledge is acquired emerges, for which purpose the process of cognitive development and the cognitive structure of the subject have central importance. We cannot imagine a Teacher who works successfully and knows nothing about the learning process; Consequently, success is found in having the necessary experience of cognitive processes, considering that a citizen is being trained in the service of his country and the community, so meaningful learning is extremely important, incorporating education within the concept. humanistic and for the common good,so that their acquired knowledge is permanently applied in their lives and mainly in their professional performance, standing out as useful citizens at the service of the development of their homeland.

3. Recommendations

In accordance with what has been noted, it is recommended that at the Police University Mcl. Antonio José de Sucre, a continuous training program for the Police professor is started, in order that it is constantly updated, In addition, the program and curricular content for this update must be agreed in such a way, that it includes content to achieve competences according to the emerging approach of this monograph regarding how to be the police professor of the XXI century. In addition, teachers must on their own initiative go to postgraduate higher education centers to enable their constant updating. To perform a quality service that demands the requirements of the students and the country.

In the same way, adopt the necessary actions aimed at having full-time teachers to promote research and permanent support for students in their concerns, initiatives and problems.

4. Bibliography

  • PETROVSKY, A (1986), "General Psychology, Didactic Manual for the Institutes of Pedagogy", Editorial Progreso, Moscow. VIGOTSKI, Lev (1988) The Development of Superior Psychological Processes, Editorial Grijalbo, Mexico. Piaget, Jean La Equilibración de cognitive structures, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1978.AUSBEL, DP Educational Psychology: A cognitive point of view. México, Trillas, 1976. NOVAK, Joseph and GOWIN, Bob (1988), “Aprendiendo alear”, Human Constructivism. Ediciones Martínez Roca, Spain.COMENIO, Juan Amos, Literary Review: Marcia Torres, Editorial Trillas, Spain.MAKARENKO, AS Pedagogicheskaya poem, Editorial of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, Moscow, 1957.Translation, Editorial Progreso de Moscu. MAVILO CALERO PÉREZ, Constructivism: A Challenge of Pedagogical Innovation, 1997, Editorial San Marcos,Printed in Peru. Basic Theories and Applications of Pedagogical Constructivism, 1998, Editorial San Marcos, Printed in Peru. Constructivist Education Strategies, 1999, Editorial San Marcos, Printed in Peru. SAUL J. ESCALERA, The Art of Teaching, 1995, Edition Cochabamba - Bolivia.
Education and training for police teachers at a university in bolivia