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Formalization of the human resources function in a Cuban company



Human Resources Management plays a fundamental role in achieving organizational objectives, because man, due to his actions, constitutes the most complex resource of an organization, which justifies the need to improve this activity every day.


The work that is presented offers a Proposal for Procedures to Formalize the Human Resources Activity in the Materials Construction Company of Las Tunas. The proposed procedures provide elements that adjust to the characteristics and specificities of the company, allowing specialists and managers in the Human Resources area to reach higher levels of management, which is why the research aims to; design procedures to formalize the activities of each of the human resources subsystems. These procedures allowed, homogenize, reorganize and control the processes that must be carried out for the entry, permanence, promotion and termination of the labor relations of the organization's workers.forming a coherent system and with relationships for the purpose of their interaction, for the achievement of the mission, strategies and objectives established for each level. The investigation took into account the use of dialectical materialism as a general method of knowledge and specific research methods such as the abstract logic with the procedures of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.strategies and objectives established for each level. The investigation took into account the use of dialectical materialism as a general method of knowledge and specific research methods such as the abstract logic with the procedures of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.strategies and objectives established for each level. The investigation took into account the use of dialectical materialism as a general method of knowledge and specific research methods such as the abstract logic with the procedures of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.The investigation took into account the use of dialectical materialism as a general method of knowledge and specific research methods such as the abstract logic with the procedures of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.The investigation took into account the use of dialectical materialism as a general method of knowledge and specific research methods such as the abstract logic with the procedures of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.The work is at the stage of application of the procedures through which it has been achieved: greater integration of the subsystems included in the area of ​​human resources, avoiding duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of management of human resources, improvement in information channels and internal participation in the company, among others.


The success of any organization depends on a series of factors, mostly related to the activity of Human Resources. Precisely this sphere today faces great challenges due to the changes that are taking place in the world in all aspects, and its immediate repercussion on economic and social processes. This implies the need to acquire new competences regarding how to manage Human Resources in times of uncertainty and instability.

Our country is not immune to these changes that have a direct impact on Human Resources Management, the most delicate and complex component of management and that frequently faces great obstacles and resistance to change.

The Business Improvement process from its statement in the General Bases and in its Principles places emphasis on a new direction and organization of the company, and above all on its capacity to improve itself. It offers the possibility of developing new conceptions through the central objective of promoting the development of initiative, creativity and responsibility of workers. Human Resources Management must be considered the essential basis for this process not only to successfully carry out its current approaches, but also to set new objectives to face the challenges of tomorrow. That is why it is necessary to develop Human Resources Management with an organizational approach that goes beyond traditional functions.

The Construction Materials Company of Las Tunas is undergoing business improvement, which has allowed it to begin a process of continuous improvement in a planned and organized manner and becomes an exceptional factor in developing Human Resources Management with qualitatively superior approaches.

Although this company shows significant advances in Human Resources Management, there was no integrating system that allowed the different functions that are conceived in human resources management to be grouped according to the particularities and characteristics of the organization. That is why the problem of our research consists in the existing insufficiency of control and organization within the subdirectorate that governs the activity, which limits the management of these resources.

Taking into account the previous problem, the objective of this work is: To design procedures to formalize the activities of each of the human resources subsystems.


If procedures are designed to formalize the activities of each of the human resources subsystems, it will contribute to overcoming the insufficiency of control and organization that limit the management of these resources.

Study Objective: Human Resources Management Process.

Field of action: Human resources subsystems.


The resources

It is extremely interesting to observe how human thought has evolved so rapidly, especially in recent years, in relation to the importance and impact that people have in organizations; it is as if he had suddenly awakened from a long lethargy that prevented him from realizing that this was not a race alien to his species but was merely a reflection of himself.

Until a few decades ago, Human Resources (HR), personnel or, more coldly, labor, was a resource considered exclusively from the point of view of production. The production processes were simple and, consequently, highly skilled workers were not needed, which allowed going to a job market where it was easy to find this type of workers, since they were abundant.

However, starting in the 1970s, with the economic crisis caused by the so-called, in journalistic terms, the oil shock, the phenomenon of workforce reduction occurs, as part of the immediate consequences of this crisis, in part because In most large companies the workforce was oversized and personnel costs had increased alarmingly, already representing an element with a strong impact on business profits.

There is then a change in attitude towards HR functions, since these tasks became more frequent, implied a know-how, and the consequences of not carrying them out correctly were more important in economic and social terms. Advanced companies began to think that establishing systems for this purpose could be a competitive advantage.

The growth in the size of companies, the increase in labor legislation, the division of labor, modern trends towards a greater humanization of the company's operating methods, and the new systems of worker motivation led to greater specialization by the hand of construction and a lack of operators to carry out certain complex activities, which implied the establishment of new recruitment systems, more sophisticated training methods and higher remuneration.

In this way, HR is transformed into one of the fundamental factors of Business Policy, which allows guaranteeing the ideal workforce for current and prospective plans, achieving the greatest efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce and contributing to the work becomes a vital necessity.

Human resources are those in which people, a basic element in the organization, appear as work elements, who use resources and dispose the organization to acquire other necessary resources (Chiavenato, 1993).

These Human Resources are characterized by:

  • They cannot be the patrimony of the organization unlike other types of resources. Knowledge, experience, skills, etc. They are personal heritage. From a qualitative point of view, their culture, interpersonal relationships, behaviors, etc., are difficult to reproduce, imitate and replace, therefore, they are considered as scarce resources. Experiences, knowledge are intangible and are manifested by the behavior of employees in the organization.They are carriers of intangible assets, that is, they have the know-how of the organization and have knowledge. They are also capable of creating and adding value, they have the ability to manage, adapt, solve problems and make decisions, these assets are difficult for the company to appropriate.HH can be perfected through training and development. If they are used properly, they do not lose “value”, on the contrary, the greater and better they are, the more they are valued socially, and particularly within the organization.

1.2 Human Resources as a determining factor in the organization .

Only people are capable of promoting or destroying an organization, therefore, its importance is invaluable, they are the key to the business, so they must be integrated into a motivating project that they hope and feel like their own.

The influence of organizations on the lives of individuals is fundamental, the way in which people live, feed, dress, their value systems, their expectations and convictions are deeply influenced by organizations. And vice versa: these are also influenced by the way of thinking and feeling of your participant. Thus, the interdependence of needs of the individual and the organization is immense, since both the lives and the goals of both are inseparably intertwined.

Both individuals and organizations have objectives that must be achieved among the possible alternatives. Organizations recruit and select their human resources to achieve, with or through them, organizational objectives (production, profitability, cost reduction, market expansion, satisfaction of customer needs, etc.). However, once individuals are recruited and selected, they have personal goals that they strive to achieve, and often use the organization to achieve them.

In our country, the development of human resources, as part of the economic, social and cultural changes, began four decades ago. And the criticisms that from a conceptual or practical point of view could be made, are directed precisely to the fact that the design of our organizations has not been up to the level of this development of human resources.

There is a trend aimed at transforming the vision of human resources, based on the measurement of their impact, where it is intended to demonstrate that what is usually considered spending can and should be seen as an investment. However, and in a contradictory way, there are companies that have not yet assimilated the magnitude of Human Resources, it is still usually seen as a necessary evil, a mandatory process, in which compliance with legal regulations and punctual payment of salary obligations.

It is, then, about changing the conception of human resources in relation to their role in the company. They must move from a secondary role, as an area or partial functional activity, whose execution has restrictions and designed actions, to play a main role that determines the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

1. 3 Resource Management

Human Resources Management (HRM) is not what is generally known in most companies under the name of Personnel Administration. This is projected from broader perspectives and incorporates ideas related to the development of the organization and the quality of life at work. It consists of planning, organization, development, and coordination and control of techniques capable of promoting the efficient performance of personnel, while the organization represents the means that allows the people who collaborate in it to achieve individual goals related directly or indirectly to work. HRM means conquering and maintaining people in the organization, working and giving their best with a positive and favorable attitude.

HRM refers to an activity that depends less on hierarchies, orders and mandates, and points out the importance of an active participation of all company workers. The objective is to foster a cooperative relationship between managers and workers to avoid frequent confrontations derived from a traditional hierarchical relationship. When HRM works properly, employees commit to the organization's long-term goals, allowing the organization to better adapt to change.

The HRM involves taking a series of measures, among which the following should be highlighted: the commitment of workers to business objectives, the payment of wages based on the productivity of each worker, fair treatment for them, continued professional training and linking contracting policy to other aspects related to the organization of the activity such as production, marketing and sales.

The HRM is responsible for all activities in which men related to the company influence or are influenced. The responsibility and execution of human resources belongs to everyone, but mainly to senior management and line managers. Assuming this criterion has an inescapable practical sense, it must be a constant in the minds of managers.

There are no universal laws or principles for HRM. It is contingent in nature because it depends on the organizational situation: on the environment, on policies, on the technology used by the organization, and above all it depends on the quality and quantity of the available HR. As these elements change, therefore, the way of managing human resources changes, hence its contingency, which is made up of highly flexible and adaptable techniques, subject to dynamic development. HRM is not an end in itself, but a means of achieving the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

  1. 4 Human Resources Management System.

The Human Resources Management System (SGRH) is a complex Organism, created in a certain framework, space-time, formed by interrelated elements and subsystems that compose it, with qualities that the subsystems do not have separately, and that allow the elaboration and implement actions and achieve various objectives, in interaction with elements of material and financial resources, which make it possible to achieve greater business efficiency.

Taking into account the existence of different HRM models, our study was based fundamentally on that of Idalberto Chiavenato (see Annex 1), from which variations of the elements that make up the different subsystems are introduced: provision, application, maintenance subsystem, training and development, audit and control.

For a better visualization of the procedures applied for each of the aforementioned subsystems, it was necessary to characterize the company under study.

1.5 Characterization of the Las Tunas Construction Materials Company.

The Las Tunas Construction Materials Company, with an organizational structure as shown (Annex 2), is located on Avenida Camilo Cienfuegos No. 223 in the city of Las Tunas, is subordinate to the Industrial Business Group for Construction of the Ministry of the Building. It has a group of production centers mainly in the Las Tunas municipality, in addition to the municipalities of Puerto Padre, Majibacoa and Colombia.

It was founded in June 1966, and created by Resolution No. 58/81 of the Ministry of Construction as a Construction Materials Company No. 2 of Las Tunas and by Resolution No. 123/2002 issued by the Ministry of Construction in its sixth section the name of the entity was changed to Las Tunas Construction Materials Company, it has the following mission:


"Provide constructive development with quality materials, based on excellence, innovation and experience."

The company has as Vision:

We are leaders in the production of construction materials in the territory, we distinguish ourselves by progressively applying and developing a quality management system that meets customer expectations and allows us to maintain a position of competitiveness in conjunction with achieving excellence. We have motivated managers and workers, with high performance and a sense of belonging, with a tendency to assume responsibility in the fulfillment of their functions as a way to achieve self-management of the processes.

Social object.

  1. Produce, transport and wholesale aggregates including silica sand and other materials from the quarry, paints, gypsum, lime and its derivatives, clay and mud products and systems, concrete elements, terrazzo, additives, textured repels, monolayers, glue cement, dehydrated mix, hydraulic tiles, cast iron and bronze elements, products for the glass and ceramic industry, refractory products, hydraulic concretes, coatings and waterproofing agents, including their application; wood carpentry, including its assembly and offer after-sales services, all in national currency and currency. Provide maintenance and assembly services to industrial technological facilities and equipment for the production of construction materials;laboratory for testing construction materials, rental of construction equipment, complementary and specialized transport, transportation of general cargo; of diagnosis, repair and maintenance of automotive, construction and complementary transport equipment, as well as its aggregates; warehouse rental, parking; rental of premises, scientific-technical services and execution of R&D projects and technological innovations, as well as technical assistance, consulting and advice on activities in the production of construction materials; specialized blasting services, including your project; produce and commercialize in retail form surplus agricultural products from self-consumption to their workers and from storage and sale of fuel and lubricants,the latter only to entities of the Ministry of Construction system, all of them in national currency.

The company works in three fundamental branches: quarry, concrete and red ceramic, producing materials such as: aggregates, wall, floor, ceiling and woodwork elements.

Characteristics of Human Resources in the Company .

The company Materiales de la Construcción Las Tunas, has prepared the Human Resources strategy and defined the policies for that area, for which it has a Deputy Director and Technicians who attend the following activities at the company level:

  • Organization of Work and Salary. Labor Resources. Protection and Hygiene of Work. Training.

In each Production and Services establishment they have a Human Resources Management technician who attends to the activities indicated above, except for cadres.

The Strategic Objective of the company's Human Resources area is as follows:

  • Increase the efficiency of Human Resources through better management of it.

Mission and vision of the Company's Human Resources area


Plan, organize and control the actions of Human Resources Management, aimed at providing knowledge, motivation, occupational health and safety conditions, as well as its rational use, to guarantee greater efficiency in the exploitation of force of the Entity.


We have the necessary workers, with knowledge, a high sense of belonging and with excellent conditions of occupational health and safety, to fulfill the goals set by the Organization.

1.5 Current Status of Human Resources Management in the company.

Despite the fact that in the company Human Resources Management is in charge of guaranteeing the increase in effectiveness and efficiency in which the significance of human resources and the optimal use of their potentials are valued, it has not been possible for Its constituent elements are integrated into a coherent system as interrelated and interdependent parts that allow an integrative and dynamic approach to management.

Based on the information obtained in the research about HRM in the company, it was known that:

  • The planning that is carried out has deficiencies, since in the identification of the number of workers, study techniques are not applied to work, load balancing and capacity with the rigor established by legislation. In the description and analysis of the position, only Present the functions of the position without taking into account the duties and responsibilities of the same. In the recruitment process, the communication channels that make it possible to create a quarry where you can select the appropriate personnel to the demands of the organization are not exploited. The Admission Committee performs for the subsequent selection of the candidate is superficial, because the necessary techniques are not effectively applied. As a consequence, sometimes the most suitable candidate is not selected.The process of incorporation into the job is carried out effectively, complying with the provisions. Performance evaluation is carried out every six months in the case of workers, services and administrative staff through the Regulations prepared by the company, and in the case of technicians. It is annual as established in Resolution No. 6/98 of the MTSS. In the evaluations carried out, only the insufficiencies that appear during the development of their work content are reflected, without taking into account the knowledge, labor discipline and professional improvement. The training activity presents difficulties, since the actions should be broader and should not be limited only to training that group of workers who present difficulties in the result of the Diagnosis of Training Needs (DNC),rather, it has to take into account the development of the rest of the workers. No long-term training needs are planned, preventing the individual development of each worker.The salary compensation activity shows acceptable levels in the organization, since in inspections carried out by groups outside the company, it has been verified that there is a correct salary policy that guarantees that the salaries and wages of the employees are in correspondence with their performance. A safety and health management is carried out on the worker but there are still conditions to improve the operation of this activity. There is little action on the investigation and solution of deficiencies related to motivation. There are no actions to control the Human Resources Management System.

1.6 Methodology used in the research.

The methodology used in the research was based on a sequence of logical steps, allowing the content covered to be detailed in a more understandable way.

First step: Bibliographic compilation.

Second step: Familiarization with the entity.

Step Three: Preliminary study.

Fourth step: Preparation of the proposed Procedures.

For this, the following was taken into account:

  • The implementation of Resolution 297/03 of the MFP The format that is established in the company for the elaboration of For each one, the following are detailed: Company code. Organization to which it belongs. Name of the entity. Area to which it belongs. Title of the procedure Objective Development of the procedure Start of the operation Position or job that begins the operation Explanation of the procedure Documents that are prepared Reference used Responsible for custody and filing The specific characteristics of the company and the form in which the HR activity is organized.The conceptual theoretical approaches on Human Resources Management and specifically the theory of Idalberto Chiavenato.The resolutions that for this activity are mainly dictated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), the Ministry of Finance and Prices (MFP),the Ministry of Construction (MICONS), Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Ministry of Higher Education (MES).The company's strategy and HR policies.

Teamwork was carried out with specialists who attend to the HR activity, until the procedures for each subsystem were established, which were organized as follows (Annex 3):

1.7 Procedures proposed for the Human Resources Management System.

Provision and Employment

  • Procedure for Human Resources Planning:

Present and future needs will be defined for each functional area of ​​the company. It will allow supplying the right and necessary personnel at the right time, this must be in hand with the strategic planning of the organization.

  • Procedure for the Analysis and job description:

It will allow determining the tasks and activities that will be performed by a group of people. It will help other functions of the human resource activity such as: recruitment, selection, training, performance evaluation, administration of wages and salaries.

  • Recruitment Procedure:

This process will attract, through various sources of recruitment, candidates who possess the requirements to occupy the position that must be filled in the company.

  • Selection Procedure:

The selection techniques that allow choosing among the candidates who have been recruited will be determined, the one who is more likely to adjust to the position.

  • Procedure for Incorporation:

It will provide the candidate with an orientation for their perfect integration into the organization and the group. This process will allow the new worker to learn the value system, norms and behavior patterns required by the company.

Performance evaluation.

  • Procedure to evaluate the performance of the workers. It will allow:

Have an estimate of how the work is going. Identify employees who need training in certain areas or activities.

Provide promotion opportunities mainly for growth and development to workers.

Improve human relations at work.

Raise motivation with new forms of stimulation and recognition.

Match the needs of workers with the mission and objectives of the company, responding in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness.


  • Compensation Procedure Will allow:

Remunerate each employee according to the value of the position they occupy.

Properly reward him for his performance and dedication.

Obtain from the employees the acceptance of the payment systems adopted by the company.

  • Hygiene and Safety Procedure:

A study and control of the physical and environmental conditions of hygiene and safety that powerfully influence human behavior will be carried out.

  • Motivation Procedure:

Actions will be carried out to maintain a motivated, participatory and productive workforce within the company.


  • Training Procedure.

Constant training programs will be carried out for workers to improve the performance of tasks and powers that allow equipping workers with the necessary knowledge and skills.


  • Control Procedure.

It will show how the system works, locating practices and conditions that are harmful to the organization. The control process works according to the information it receives and contributes to decision-making.

Next, the procedures developed for each of the previously exposed subsystems were detailed.



Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process for Planning Workers.

Code: B-1-1

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Determine workforce needs in accordance with the organization's plans.

Procedure development

Start of operation: Director of the company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Define the workforce, which requires: Knowing the production or services to be performed (quantity, quality and assortments) Defining the management structure. Knowing the technology available. Analysis of the production flow and organization of work and production..Measure the installed capacity of each job. Define for each job depending on the load and capacity, the number of workers. The template is prepared by the OTS specialist in conjunction with the administration and the Union Organization, which is analyzed by the Company's Management and approved by GEICON. Legalization of the workforce using the model established by the Model Legislation (P-2) Define the possible losses of each position during the year and the specific period of the low (retirement,illness, promotions).Define the needs of workers by job by comparing the approved template (P-2) and the cover (P-4).

Documents that are produced:

  • Model P-2 Model P-3 Model P-4 (Annex 4)

Reference used:

  • Resolution No. 57/88 CETSS Establishes the authorization of the template and its update Resolution No. 26/06 MTSS. General Regulations on the organization of work.

Responsible for custody and filing.

The person in charge of custody and filing will be appointed when the analysis is carried out by the Human Resources department with all its members and those responsible for this activity in the establishments.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process for Job Description and Analysis.

Code: B-1-2

Objectives of the procedure:

  • Establish the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the position. Define the preparation and personal characteristics that a worker must gather in order to carry out the position effectively. Provide information that is the basis for almost all human resources activities.

Procedure development

Start of operation: Director of the company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Choose the most appropriate description and analysis methods according to the nature and characteristics of the positions. The most widely used methods are the following: Direct observation method. Questionnaire method. Direct interview method. Mixed method. Create a commission that will be in charge of the description and analysis. Analyze the location of the positions in the organization chart, with the aim of defining the relationship of the position with his superior, the relationship of the position with his subordinates, the level of the position within the organization chart, the relationship of the position with his collaterals, and analyzing the information regarding the position found in the position qualifiers. of the job, respect the name that appears in the template. Occupational category, area and establishment to which the job belongs.Determine the content of work required: Describe the tasks to be performed. What does it do? Describe the way tasks are carried out, specifying the techniques, equipment, tools and instruments that are used. How do they do it? Define the purpose of the job. Why do they do it? Level of Use. responsibilities of each position regarding: Tools and equipment.Materials and raw materials.Money, titles or documents.Confidential information.Other workers (moral or results).To the results of other positions and of the Company.Know the prevailing working conditions regarding a: Work environment. Lighting. Vibration. Air toxicity. Air composition. Safety: Physical and psychological risks to which the occupant of the position is subjected. Danger (type, where, when).Nervous tension (work where high attention is required to avoid death or total disability). Quickly flammable and explosive substances. Highly corrosive or infectious substances. Petroleum plants and high-voltage electronic equipment. Biological agent exposed to red-hot metals. Closed places and extremely narrow. High-altitude work on scaffolding. Bus driving. Welders with oxygen, gas and acetylene balloons. Financial conditions: Total salary. Scale salary. Pay for being in the technical occupational category. Pay for accounting. Irregular.Payment for postgraduate degrees (masters and doctorates).Payment for Social Economic Interest Coefficient (CIES).Determine the personal demands that the position demands of the worker: Mental requirements Academic training. General and specific knowledge.Behaviors of a general and specific nature. Work discipline. Personal characteristics. Verbal skills. Command skills. Concentration at work. Ability to assimilate instructions. Be communicative. Be reserved. Formal education standards. Physical requirements: Maximum and minimum age. Resistance to physical effort. Worker position. Hearing. Accuracy of movements. Speed ​​of reflexes. Care of personal appearance. Skill in muscle coordination for repeated or sporadic movements, in machine handling, in motor activities, in mounts and classifications.Formal education standards Physical requirements: Maximum and minimum age, Resistance to physical effort, Worker position, Hearing, Accuracy of movements, Speed ​​of reflexes, Care of personal appearance, Skill in muscle coordination for repeated or sporadic movements, in machine operation, in motor activities, in assemblies and in classifications.Formal education standards Physical requirements: Maximum and minimum age, Resistance to physical effort, Worker position, Hearing, Accuracy of movements, Speed ​​of reflexes, Care of personal appearance, Skill in muscle coordination for repeated or sporadic movements, in machine operation, in motor activities, in assemblies and in classifications.

Documents that are produced:

  • Description and Analysis for each job.

Reference used:

  • Resolution 28/2006 MTSS. Regulation on the Implementation of the new Occupation and Job Qualifiers with a wide profile.

Responsible for custody and filing.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process for the Recruitment of workers.

Code: B-1-3

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Identify and obtain enough qualified candidates with the capacity to occupy positions and positions in the organization.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the company

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Determination of the characteristics of the personnel to be recruited, according to the demands of the position. Identify and select the sources of recruitment that may be internal or external. Firstly, internal recruitment is carried out where the possibility of occupying the position with the initial source of employment is taken. Declared available or interrupted personnel, who meet the established requirements. This will be fulfilled as long as the position to be filled belongs to a group of equal or less complexity than the one previously held. of murals, morning, evening and Affiliate Assembly, for the knowledge of the rest of the workers who show interest.If there are no applicants or if they do not exist, they are not suitable to fill the vacant position, external recruitment is carried out through the Municipal Directorate of Labor and Social Security, the radio and the newspaper.The call must inform: Specific name of the Plaza. Address of the job center of the vacant plaza. General functions of the plaza. Requirements of the position. Work and rest regime. Payment and / or stimulation system to which they are welcomed. Other material benefits. Start date and of termination of the call.The duration of the call is according to the provisions of the Collective Labor Agreement.The call must inform: Specific name of the place Address of the job center of the vacant place General functions of the place Requirements of the position Regime of work and rest Payment system and / or stimulation to which they are found reception. Other material benefits. Start and end date of the call. The duration of the call is according to the provisions of the Collective Labor Agreement.The call must inform: Specific name of the place Address of the job center of the vacant place General functions of the place Requirements of the position Regime of work and rest Payment system and / or stimulation to which they are found reception. Other material benefits. Start and end date of the call. The duration of the call is according to the provisions of the Collective Labor Agreement.

Documents that are produced:

  • Worker application (Internal recruitment) Filing of positions in the DTSS (FT-25) DTSS assignment tickets of the selected

References used to elaborate the procedure.

  • Resolution No.8 / 2005 MTSS General Regulations on Labor Relations.

Responsible for custody and filing.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

AREA: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process for the Selection of workers.

Code: B-1-4

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Select which of several people is the most suitable to occupy the position.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Having the Entry Committee, which is in charge of analyzing the candidates who choose the position. Resolution 8/2005 (Procedure for the Constitution and Functioning of the Entry Committees) Selection of the person or persons with experience in the activity of the plaza that is in call to advise the Entry Committee. The Entry Committee analyzes the suitability of candidates based on the requirements established in Resolution 8/2005 of the MTSS and selection techniques that are listed below: Selection interview. Knowledge or capacity tests. Psychometric test. Group dynamics. Exams (medical physicists)

The application of all these techniques is not necessary, the Entrance Committee decides which ones to use.

  • In order to give more precision and objectivity to the analysis, the Entry Committee relies on data and information from the Job Description and Analysis. According to the results of the analysis, the Entry Committee issues its recommendation to the Director, who makes the decision The candidates are informed about who was selected and the unselected are incorporated into the job exchange. The selected candidate will pass a trial period that will determine the final selection. In this period, the worker must demonstrate that she possesses the requirements and qualities necessary for the performance of the occupation or position. The duration of the trial period is depending on the complexity of the position or occupation in question, by agreement of the Management and. the Union Organization of the Entity,.which is inscribed in the Collective Labor Agreement. Every new worker must pass the probationary period except: Recent graduates who are the object of the labor training established in the current legislation. or works when the contract period does not exceed six months. Temporary home contractors. Appointed to occupy positions of management, officials, and others that are covered by appointment, unless their provisional appointment is decided before their final appointment. Workers who due to their experience and recognized work history can be exonerated by the head of the entity. Other cases provided for in the Law.The legalization of the definitive labor relations is carried out through the employment contract in the case of workers in the occupational categories of workers, services, administrative and technical, except those established by Resolution 15 and 16/2000 of the MTSS; or legalization through the appointment in the case of workers in the occupational category of managers and those established in Resolution 15 and 16/2000 of the MTSS.

Documents that are produced:

  • Minutes of the Analysis by the Committee of the different candidates. Approval by the Director of the entity or Head of Establishment. Contracts: Eventual and Definitive.

References used to elaborate the procedure.

  • Resolution No. 8/2005 MTSS General Regulation on Labor Relations. Resolution No. 15/2000 MTSS Reliability Charges Resolution No. 16/2000 MTSS Officials Positions Decree Law 197

Responsible for custody and filing.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process for the Incorporation of workers to the position.

Code: B-1-5

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Provide adaptation and integration of the candidate to the position and to the organization.

Procedure development

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Workers who join the entity regardless of the type of contract they sign, are received by the administration in coordination with the union and other organizations of the center that will be responsible for providing the information listed below.: History and traditions of the entity, establishment, center or area, as well as awards and incentives received. Mission of the entity, establishment, center or area. Payment and salary stimulation system. Moral stimulation system. Training of workers. Possibilities of promotion. Proven suitability, job competence, performance evaluation. Occupational health and safety standards. Internal disciplinary regulation. Collective Labor Agreement. Importance of your job position for others.His responsibility with the Quality Management System. Show him the work center as well as the delimitation of access to the areas. Explain the functions of the job. In the case of internal workers, the information decreases, since there are elements that he knows and there is no need to teach.

Documents that are produced:

  • Worker Incorporation Act

References used to elaborate the procedure.

  • Resolution No. 8/2005 MTSS. General Regulations on Labor Relations.

Responsible for custody and filing.


Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Process to Evaluate the Performance of the workers

Code: B-1-6

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Determine and accredit the performance of people in the organization, the performance of results and behavior to achieve the proposed objectives. Facilitate decision-making regarding permanence, development, promotion and compensation for the final results. Guarantee the improvement in the performance of the workers in the future. Validate the decisions made in the recruitment, selection and incorporation of the personnel, as well as in the training of the same. Facilitate the communication of the subordinate boss throughout the year and improve the organization's work environment.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • That the worker knows the general functions assigned to his job in each period. The performance evaluation is carried out by the immediate superior boss and includes workers from the occupational categories of workers, services and administrative personnel. leaders are governed by Decree Laws 196 and 197 of October 15, 1999. Performance evaluation will be carried out monthly and must be completed before 10 days of next month. Managers will evaluate the activity of the worker based on their results, not for the efforts. The proposal of evaluation of each worker is analyzed between the evaluated, the evaluator and the Union Organization. Record in the model established for these effects the final results of the individual evaluation of each worker,and the same must be signed by the evaluated and the evaluator. In the performance evaluation, the correspondence between the Description and Analysis of the Worker's Position (DAPT), the performance of the activity, and job competencies will be verified, which is measured at Through a series of indicators, the indicators established for the evaluation of the performance of the workers are the following: Results of the work, Quality of the work, Professional improvement, Labor discipline, Maintenance and conservation of equipment, means of work and Individual Production Means. (MPI) Each indicator will be given a maximum of 5 points and then averaged.The evaluations will be:In the performance evaluation, the correspondence between the Description and Analysis of the Worker's Position (DAPT), the performance of the activity, and job competencies will be verified, which is measured through a series of indicators. of the performance of the workers are the following: Results of the work. Quality of the work. Professional improvement. Labor discipline. Maintenance and conservation of equipment, means of work and Individual Production Means (MPI). Each indicator will be given a maximum of 5 points and then averaged. Assessments will be:In the performance evaluation, the correspondence between the Description and Analysis of the Worker's Position (DAPT), the performance of the activity, and job competencies will be verified, which is measured through a series of indicators. of the performance of the workers are the following: Results of the work. Quality of the work. Professional improvement. Labor discipline. Maintenance and conservation of equipment, means of work and Individual Production Means (MPI). Each indicator will be given a maximum of 5 points and then averaged. Assessments will be:Results of the work Quality of the work Professional improvement Labor discipline Maintenance and conservation of equipment, work means and Individual Production Means (MPI) Each indicator will be given a maximum of 5 points and will then be averaged.:Results of the work Quality of the work Professional improvement Labor discipline Maintenance and conservation of equipment, work means and Individual Production Means (MPI) Each indicator will be given a maximum of 5 points and will then be averaged.:

Results Points

Meritorious 5

Good 4

Regular 3

Bad 2-0

  • Each of the indicators is valued and assigned the corresponding score. The final evaluation will be the average of the points obtained. When the final result is Bad or Regular, an analysis will be carried out to determine which alternative to choose: training, relocation to another job or separation from the end of each evaluation, the immediate superior manager must reflect in writing the degree of compliance of the workers, explicitly and concretely, the incidents that gave rise to the evaluation, as well as other significant aspects of which will be concluded with the job qualification. The immediate superior manager is in charge of informing the worker of the evaluation results and this must sign to demonstrate your agreement.In the event of disagreement by a worker, he can claim before the Director of the Company, who decides what proceeds within 30 days and against this decision there is no appeal. The evaluated worker can claim before the Base Labor Justice Body, in the event that it considers that any established procedure for performance evaluation was violated, the evaluations will be filed in the labor file of each worker, once they are collected from all areas of the company by the labor resources technician.in the event that it considers that any established procedure for performance evaluation was violated, the evaluations will be filed in the labor file of each worker, once they have been collected from all areas of the company by the labor resources technician.in the event that it considers that any established procedure for performance evaluation was violated, the evaluations will be filed in the labor file of each worker, once they have been collected from all areas of the company by the labor resources technician.

Documents that are produced:

  • Performance Evaluation Model (Annex 6).

Reference used:

  • Resolution No.8 / 2005 MTSS. General Regulation on Labor Relations. Regulation of Evaluation of Performance in the Company.

Responsible for custody and filing.


Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Salary Compensation Process.

Code: B-1-7

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Contribute to the work expressed in results, exerting its role as an essential way to satisfy the needs and expectations of the staff. Contribute to the increase in activity levels, effectiveness and business efficiency. Contribute to the increase in the relationship between results. of work and salary incentives.

Procedure development

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Remuneration and salary compensation is made in two ways: On-time payment: consists of making a payment to the worker depending on his basic rate (according to the scale group to which he belongs established in the job qualifier) ​​and the hours actually Worked.Payment to performance: consists of a relationship between the results of production or services and the salary to be earned. This is calculated according to the internal distribution regulations that establish the approved payment system. The company applies the two forms of payment, where the worker earns his salary on time in the first fortnight of the following month, which is adjusted in the payroll that reflects the salary for overcompliance or penalty that is settled in the second fortnight of the following month.To make the performance payment, the company designs and approves the payment systems to be applied together with the workers. Those workers directly linked to production apply the payment system to collective piece rates, individual piece rate, indirect piece rate. of indirect workers to production is made through payment systems for general efficiency indicators or specific indicators. For indirect establishment personnel (Management) it is applied by specific indicators and in the case of production support establishments (Head Office, Equipment and Assurance) it is by general efficiency indicators.These systems are periodically analyzed by both the human resources management of the company as well as the management of the establishments,workers and union with the aim of perfecting them in order to increase efficiency. All payment system should be made up of the following structure: The general principles of the system will be addressed. Objective of the system. Requirements to be met for approval and system application.Covered workers.Indicators:
    1. Indicators trainers are those that create salary. Conditioning indicators: are those that determine the salary formed.
    Personnel empowered to certify compliance with the training and conditioning indicators. Evaluation period of the indicators. Description of the payment system:
    1. Salary formation through:
    The wage rate: in the case of the piece rate payment system, the Percentages of compliance, the wage fund with its productive support or savings in expenses in the case of payment systems by specific or general efficiency indicators. of the salary formed: it will allow to make a salary remuneration to each worker depending on their incidence on the results of their area, this is done through two coefficients: Labor Participation Coefficient (CPL).Individual Distribution Coefficient (CDI). together with the preparation and approval of the payment system, the Internal distribution regulation must be carried out, which must have the following aspects: The workers covered by each area. Areas with their respective training and conditioning indicators.The plans of the indicators by which the system of each area is governed. The requirements for the application of the regulation. Procedure for the calculation of the salary to be distributed. Levels of salary to be received according to the indicators. Ratio of the percentage of penalties for non-compliance. of the established indicators.Facts and behaviors that limit or invalidate the obtaining of the salary for overcompliance.Evaluation and payment period.Annexes (CPL indicators and calculation examples).Once the salary is formed on time and performance, the payroll is made.The payroll is prepared by the Human Resources area and received by the Department of Economics.Levels of salary to be received according to the indicators.Relation of the percentages of penalization for non-compliance with the established indicators.Facts and behaviors that limit or invalidate the obtaining of the salary for overcompliance.Evaluation and payment period.Annexes (CPL indicators and examples Once the salary has been established on time and on performance, the payroll is made. The payroll is made by the Human Resources area and received by the Department of Economics.Levels of salary to be received according to the indicators.Relation of the percentages of penalization for non-compliance with the established indicators.Facts and behaviors that limit or invalidate the obtaining of the salary for overcompliance.Evaluation and payment period.Annexes (CPL indicators and examples Once the salary has been established on time and on performance, the payroll is made. The payroll is made by the Human Resources area and received by the Department of Economics.Once the salary is established in time and performance, the payroll is made. The payroll is made by the Human Resources area and received by the Department of Economics.Once the salary is established in time and performance, the payroll is made. The payroll is made by the Human Resources area and received by the Department of Economics.

Documents that are produced:

  • Payroll. Calculation sheet (payment to performance). Certification of indicators. Payment reports (payment on time).

Reference used:

  • Resolution 39/2004 MTSS Payment System Methodology. Resolution 27/2006 MTSS General Regulations for the Organization of Wages.

Responsible for custody and filing.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Work Hygiene and Safety Process.

Code: B-1-8

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Guarantee the environmental and safety working conditions for the workers in order to intensify their concentration at work, quality, their physical and mental state, avoiding damage to the health of the workers.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • To guarantee the hygiene and safety of workers, you must proceed through two moments:
  1. Training on the different rules, instructions, action plans and experiences of events that have occurred. Risk control:
    • Create a working group or commission to identify and evaluate risks, which will be made up of the worker, specialized technician, the union organization and the head of the area. Make a diagnosis in all areas of the company to define the possible causes of Occurrence of accidents and / or occupational diseases. Analysis and selection of the risk list for each position, area, work center, establishments. Analysis of risk assessment. Determination of the measurement plan. Evaluation and control of the measurement plan. measure.
  • Each position requires the Health and Safety Rule where the worker is informed what to do before, during and after the working day.The plan of measurement and the lifting of occupational risks will be signed by the person responsible for human resources of the establishment and the occupational hygiene and protection technician (PHT) Ensure that for each job there are individual and / or collective protective equipment, adequate lighting and ventilation

Documents that are produced:

  • Risk Assessment Record Model. (Annex 5) Program of Prevention measures. Established regulations for occupational health and safety. Rules for each post on occupational hygiene and safety. Training instructions.

Reference used to prepare the procedures:

  • Resolution No. 21/2001 MTSS. Control and Evaluation of Labor Risks. Law 13/77 Protection and General Hygiene. Instructions 17/27 and 17/28 / 1982. They govern the development of the rules by job.

Responsible for custody and filing.

Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Motivation Process.

Code: B-1-9

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Having motivated workers who have a high sense of belonging for the results of the organization.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • To carry out the actions of motivating elements of workers, you must: Make a diagnosis of the existing work environment in each area of ​​the entity on the methods and style of management, working conditions, food, recreation, communication, salary, recognition results among others. Prepare a plan of measures to eradicate deficiencies. Control of compliance with the plan of measures. Analysis with workers of compliance with the plan of measures. The plan of measures is approved by the director of the entity and the union.

Documents that are produced:

  • List of deficiencies detected during the diagnosis. Plan of measures.

Reference used:

  • Resolution No.13 / 2004 MTSS. Moral Stimulation System. Law 13 Safety and Health at work.

Responsible for custody and filing.


Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Worker Training Process.

Code: B-1-10

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Provide workers with the necessary knowledge and skills at the right time and place at the lowest possible cost.

Procedure development.

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • Carry out the diagnosis of training needs (DNC) in the different areas in correspondence with: Results of the Performance Evaluation, those related to the lack of knowledge and skills. Annual diagnosis through work skills. To carry out the annual diagnosis The labor competencies and the units of competencies are taken as a base, which are determined as follows: Constitution and training of the work groups in charge of determining the labor competencies of the job. This group should be made up of: The chief (president), The most qualified specialist, Union representative, Identification of labor competencies and units of competence, which are carried out based on the purpose of the area and the qualifiers of the position.Preparation of the competence matrix: The immediate heads of each area are the maximum responsible for the preparation of the DNC.The company trainer is in charge of preparing the annual training plan and the eventual plan, in which the proposals are integrated of training of the different areas. The annual plan is prepared in the last quarter of the year, for the next year, in correspondence with the results of the diagnosis of labor competencies and the evaluation of previous performance. This plan is prepared on the same date in that the economic plan of the entity is elaborated with the objective of taking into account the budget for training. Depending on the type of training used in the training, the plan is drawn up: On site,which are all the training actions that are carried out within the company. Incorporation to Schools, which are all the actions that are carried out outside the company through budgeted training units of the Agency, the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) and The Ministry of Education (MINED).The eventual plan will be elaborated during the year in correspondence with the results of the performance evaluation and unforeseen situations. The training modes that can be used for the training are the following: Habilitation. Complete Training Courses. Improvement or Promotion Courses. Training for recent graduates. On-the-job training. Postgraduate, Diploma and Master's Courses. RR training plans.HH are discussed and analyzed with the representatives of the Trade Union Organization, it is approved by the Board of Directors of the entity and is part of the Collective Labor Agreement. The Management of the company must manage and ensure the human, material and financial resources that are require for the execution of the training plan. Organize the training actions for the execution of the plans by coordinating with the Training Centers and the instructors, solving the identified needs. Compliance with the training plan is evaluated quarterly based on of: Compliance with the start and end of the planned training actions. The actual participation of the workers expected to enroll in each action and those enrolled. Material, human and financial insurance.The evaluation of the impact achieved in the entity's production and services process. The main difficulties and measures to solve them. The evaluation of the impact of the training is carried out through an analysis where the following questions and variables are taken into account.

Questions: Variables:

If what is needed is taught. Productivity increase.

If what is needed is learned. Increased Quality.

If what you learn applies. Decrease in Cost.

Increased Technological Discipline.

Decreased Accidentality

Decreased Errors.

Increased Organization of the Process.

  • Prepare a long-term training plan that allows a greater development of the knowledge of the workers, in correspondence with the vision and expectation of general development of the company.

Documents that are produced:

  • Competition Matrix. Training Plans. (Annex 6)

Reference used:

  • Resolution No.28 / 2006 MTSS. Regulation on the Implementation of the new high-profile Occupation and Job Qualifiers. Resolution No. 29/2006 MTSS. Regulation for the Planning, Organization, Execution and Control of the Work of the Training and Development of Human Resources, in the Labor Entities.

Responsible for custody and filing.


Agency: MICONS

Code: 126.0

Entity: Construction Materials Company. Las Tunas.

Area: Human Resources.

Procedure title: Control Process.

Code: B-1-11

Purpose of the procedure:

  • Provide the necessary data and information, in a way that allows all workers to understand and effectively perform their work activities. Contribute to decision-making. Allow control of compliance with the procedures of each subsystem.

Procedure development

Start of operation: Director of the Company.

Position or job that starts the operation: Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Scope: Central Office and Establishments of the company.

Procedure explanation:

  • The control will be carried out permanently allowing to correct the elements that prove in practice to be inoperative or not lead to the expected results and / or to add new initiatives that allow achieving the proposed objectives. Definition of the necessary data base to facilitate control and flow of information that guarantees and keeps updated the management of human resources. It must be made up in each subsystem as follows: Provision and Employment:Company's human resources strategies and policies. Personnel needs planning. Organizational structure. Characteristics of the workforce. Study of jobs. Expenses that need to be incurred. Fluctuation by job positions. Recruitment.Number of available or interrupted workers.Definition of the demands, characteristics and conditions of the positions offered.Employment applications.Techniques of selection.Relation of the employment contracts of the employed persons.Integration process.Documents that are They elaborate in this subsystem Resolutions and normative documents that regulate this subsystem. Performance evaluation.Results of the evaluations of the performance of each worker. Number of times that the worker has consecutively obtained the grade of poor or fair. Number of promoted, demobilized, trained workers according to the results of the evaluation. Number of claims of the workers for the results of the evaluation Documents produced in this subsystem Resolutions and normative documents that regulate this subsystem Time worked by each worker Hourly rate of each position Evaluation of the labor participation coefficient of each worker Salary according to time worked by each worker.Wage paid for overcompliance.Workers covered by each payment system.Workers' satisfaction with the system of salary, stimulation and other rewards.Formation and development.Information from the summary of the determination of training needs. Number of workers who have training actions. Number of workers by form of training (improvement, qualification and training) Documents that are prepared in this subsystem. Resolutions and normative documents that regulate this subsystem. Carry out a global analysis of the result of the economic indicators of work and wages and then a specific analysis to determine the real impact of human resources on said result: Finished production. Mercantile production. Production in process at the beginning. Production in process at Final.Gross production.Material expenses.Received services.Added value.Average of workers.Value added productivity.Wage fund.Wage coefficient by added weight.Average salary. Average salary-productivity correlation. Control program.

Documents that are produced:

  • Inspection program of the Human Resources area. Records of the inspection results with the respective measurement plan.

Reference used:

  • Existing laws related to each subsystem.

Responsible for custody and filing.


  • This investigative work aims to become an aid for the company, and especially for the Human Resources Department, by establishing the basic structure, scaffolding or skeleton on which human resource management must be supported. It takes advantage of everything the company has done so far to properly structure it, so as to allow the future advancement and development of the organization's human resources management.The procedures are complemented by the practical foundations that underpin its implementation from the current legislation, but they provide a set of methodological guidelines that are tailored to the specificities of the company.The application of the procedures developed for each of the subsystems that make up the Human Resources Management System have allowed the company to: Incorporate the human resources qualitatively and quantitatively necessary and the most appropriate to its strategy and structure. Develop, maintain and protect suitably your employees.Avoid duplication of tasks and the execution of useless work in the field of human resource management.Avoid idleness and oversizing of the workforce.Comply with legal regulations.Have an adequate system of control of the management of human resources to report and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. Establish adequate compensation systems. Improve internal information and participation channels in the company.Incorporate the qualitatively and quantitatively necessary and most appropriate human resources into your strategy and structure. Adequately develop, maintain and protect your employees. Avoid duplication of tasks and execution of useless jobs in human resources management. Avoid idleness. and the oversizing of the workforce. Comply with legal regulations. Have an adequate human resources management control system to report and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. Establish adequate compensation systems. Improve internal information and participation channels in the company.Incorporate the qualitatively and quantitatively necessary and most appropriate human resources into your strategy and structure. Adequately develop, maintain and protect your employees. Avoid duplication of tasks and execution of useless jobs in human resources management. Avoid idleness. and the oversizing of the workforce. Comply with legal regulations. Have an adequate human resources management control system to report and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. Establish adequate compensation systems. Improve internal information and participation channels in the company.Avoid duplication of tasks and useless work in the field of human resources management. Avoid idleness and oversizing of the workforce. Comply with legal regulations. Have an adequate system of control of human resources management to inform and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. Establish adequate compensation systems. Improve internal information and participation channels in the company.Avoid duplication of tasks and useless work in the field of human resources management. Avoid idleness and oversizing of the workforce. Comply with legal regulations. Have an adequate system of control of human resources management to inform and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. Establish adequate compensation systems. Improve internal information and participation channels in the company.


  • Prepare a program that includes the training of those involved to put the proposed procedures into practice. Use the work as reference material to overcome the company's technicians and managers. Continue to refine the proposed procedures to guarantee continuous improvement in management. of human resources. Adapt and extend the proposed procedures to other companies.


  • Administration. Second edition. Part Five P-224.Agüero Martínez, Caridad. Design of a Human Resources Management System for the Cárnica Las Tunas Company. Thesis in option to the title of Master in Business Management. Las Tunas 2004.Alhama Belamic, R./Alonso Arrastía, F / Cuevas Cañizares, Rafael. Business Improvement. Realities and Challenges. Economy. Social Sciences Publishing House. Havana p-4Barranco, Francisco J. Strategic Planning of Human Resources. From Internal Marketing to Planning. Editorial Pyramid. Madrid. 1993 p - 342.Bauzá Velázquez, Heriberto / Eugenio Bello Fernández. Diploma in Business Management. March 2003.Bustillo, Carlos. Human Resource Management and Motivation of Human Capital (Spain). 73: 17-28, 1994 Castillo Triana, Idalina.Impact of Human Resources on competitive development / Idalina Castillo Triana. Revista Economía y Desarrollo. 129 (2): 64-78, July-December, 2000.Chiavenato, Idalberto. Human Resources Administration Editorial Mc´Graw-Hill. Mexico. 1993 p - 568 Chiavenato, Idalberto. Human resources management. Part l and II (se). (sn) P-120, 121,125 - 140.Cuesta Santos, Armando Human resources management technology. Havana. Editorial 181 p. (1997).Cuesta Santos, Armando. Management by Competences. Havana: Editorial Academia, 2001. Cuesta Santos, Armando. Human Resources Management Technology. Editorial Academia. 2005. Díaz Monjiolti, Ela. Human Resources Management in the improvement of the current Cuban Company / Ela Díaz Monjiolti. Magazine Economics and Development 210 (1): 120, January-June, 2003. Human Resources Management. In:Encyclopedia Microsoft® Encarta® 2002. © 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation.Harper and Lynch. Human Resources Manuals. Editorial Business Gazette. Spain. 234 p. (1991) Medina peña, Yadira. Strategic Design of a Human Resources Management System at CIGET de Las Tunas. Diploma work. Las Tunas University Center. 2003.Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution 27/2006. General Regulations on the Organization of Wages. Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution 28/2006. Regulation on the Implementation of the new Occupation and Position Qualifiers with a wide profile. Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution 29/2006. Regulation for the Planning, Organization, Execution and Control of the Work of the Training and Development of the Human Resources, in the Labor Entities.Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution 8/2005. Labor Relations Regulations Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution No. 15/2000 Charges of Reliability Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Resolution No. 16/2000 MTSS Official Positions. Ortueta, R. Personnel management techniques /: Fifth Edition. 1991 p - 206. Perez Martínez, Yamisleydis. Design of a Human Resources Management System in the Ceramic Company Las Tunas. Diploma work. Las Tunas University Center. 2004. Economic Preparation Program for Tables. Internal Control II / José Carlos del Toro Ríos…. - Havana, Cuba, 2005. - p 53,54.-58 Human Resources Administration March 2006. Available at: Important aspects of human resources management. March 200628-Human Resources Management: Current and Future Development in Cuba.May 2006. Available at: http://www.gestiopolis.com/canales/derrhh/articulos/57/gesrhcuba.htm29- Post-Competences Management. April 2006. Available at: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos10/asim/asim.shtml30- Bidirectionality in Human Resources management May 2006. Available at:http://www.rrhhmagazine.com/conektia04/art1rh.htm
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Formalization of the human resources function in a Cuban company