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Educational leadership and management function of pnfa-ms venezuela

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Procedures that allow the proper use of management functions in the PNF administration - Sucre mission in the university villages of the state of Merida


The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the administrative process in the university villages of the Sucre Mission in the state of Merida, and the study was framed in a field research approach, evaluative diagnostic type. During the diagnosis, various data collection techniques were applied to identify the causes. From the diagnosis, it turned out that village coordinators highly carry out leadership functions such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the managerial process in university villages in Merida state in an inappropriate and non-systemic way.

In view of this problematic situation, the author sees fit to design methodological procedures to improve the management of the PNFA-MS. Subsequently, in order to evaluate the methodological strategies designed by the author, a questionnaire-type survey with open and closed questions was applied to 16 village coordinators and 27 advisory teachers, which was validated by expert experts. The analysis and presentation of the results was carried out through descriptive statistics, presented in graphs with their respective analyzes. It concludes by stating that by developing methodological procedures, the optimization of the management functions and, therefore, the proper functioning of the PNFA-MS is achieved.


The Bolivarian Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela within the framework of the Revolutionary Process, started in 1999, has managed to mark a historical milestone in Venezuela and throughout the process, the achievements obtained that have been significant for integral development and territorial of the Nation.

One of the achievements in the educational area is briefly in the approval of the Master in Management, specified under the Cuba-Venezuela Agreement through the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, in order to promote skills for the use of management methods. that contribute to the strengthening of Bolivarian organizations in Venezuela. In our case, the Bolivarian organizations in Venezuela are the university villages of the Sucre Mission in the state of Merida, where it is necessary to evaluate, identify, analyze, and solve problems with knowledge (theoretical, technical, and scientific) and skills to strengthen their operation and thus enhance the search for efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness in the organization's results and its effect on the sustainable development of its territory. (Roldán, sf).

It should be noted that this research work will be given for two reasons: the first is academic, to obtain the Academic Title in Master of Management awarded by the Universidad de Oriente of the Republic of Cuba and the second is social and educational, the contribution of which consists not only of in promoting in the university villages the necessary changes in the university educational system, but also in applying the theoretical and technical knowledge learned to solve different problems, in promoting and implementing strategies that make efficient, effective and effective management viable and finally show leadership in conducting the National Administration Training Program within the framework of the Sucre Mission (hereinafter PNFA-MS).

Problematic situation

The program coordinators are regional authorities who are in charge of coordinating, evaluating and supervising in the university villages the performance of the National Training Programs Mission Sucre (hereinafter PNF-MS) that are accredited by different university education institutions. At the time of the socio-academic visits in the university villages of the Sucre Mission of the state of Merida, there are situations that are not positive for the operation of the villages, much less for the performance of the PNFA-MS.

On a day-to-day basis, it is observed, for example, that some village coordinators do not have offices where they can locate the heads of the university village or where to give information; There is an absence of attention to the winner, as well as a lack of attention, control and supervision in the sixteen (16) National Formation Programs of the Sucre Mission in the state of Merida. It is also observed that in different villages they lack a system that allows effective study control; there is no efficient communication between the actors; demotivation predominates; Few training activities, meetings or meetings are held with the actors in the village. In addition to this, little political, ideological and professional commitment on the part of the advising professors, among others, prevails.

Starting from these situations, the concern arises to know the reason for all this and what should be done to improve these problematic situations that manifest themselves in the university villages of the Sucre Mission in the state of Merida.

Scientific problem

What are the causes that influence the poor performance of the coordinators of the university villages of the Sucre Mission in the state of Merida to carry out the management of the PNFA-MS?

What procedures should village coordinators adhere to to improve leadership roles in PNFA-MS management?

Systematization of the research problem

What are the current procedures used in the studied villages for the proper management of the management processes in the PNFA-MS?

What are the causes that are influencing the use of management functions in university villages?

Are strategic procedures being applied and evaluated in the management of management functions in the management of the PNFA-MS?

Research object

The functions of management.

Action field

The procedures that condition the appropriate management of the management functions to manage the PNFA-MS in the university villages of the state of Merida.

Overall objective

Develop procedures that allow the proper use of leadership functions for the management of the PNFA-MS in university villages in the state of Merida.

Specific objectives

  1. Characterize the Sucre Mission and the PNFA-MS. Diagnose the current situation of the PNFA-MS in some selected university villages as a sample. Identify the causes that are influencing the use of leadership functions in some university villages. Design the procedures that allow the proper use of management functions to manage the PNFA-MS. Apply the procedures that allow the proper use of management functions to manage the PNFM-MS.


The investigation will be justified under three levels:

At the theoretical level, given that in the university villages of the Sucre Mission existing in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, there are no precedents regarding the use of management procedures that condition the proper functioning of management functions.

It will be convenient and pertinent at the social level because it will allow these new organizations, that is, the university villages, to perfect their methods and work styles, in order to efficiently fulfill the social charge.

It will be profitable in the methodological plane because normative documents will be prepared to be used by the actors of the Sucre Mission, that is, by the Village Coordinators, Advisory Professors and University Participants of the PNFA-MS where they will include how to carry out planning and organization quarterly, semester and year academic; elements not previously considered.

Theoretical framework

In the review of different research works and antecedents in relation to the research topic, approaches such as society and the organizations that comprise it are observed, forming a complex whole whose integrality, conjunction and harmony of its elements is indispensable. This is part of the evolution of contemporary society.

It is necessary to understand scientific management as an open, complex and comprehensive system, which requires strategic procedures such as those presented by the author in his thesis so that management functions such as planning, organization, management and control work integrally and dialectically interrelate. Many are the authors who have spoken about Direction such as Adalberto Chiavenato (1995), Stoner (1997), Taylor and Fayol (1977), among the most internationally recognized. From them, in Chapter I, everything related to Management will be deepened, based on the criterion that one is in the presence of "not a time of change, but rather a change of time".

It is important that in the university villages of the Sucre Mission of the state of Merida, the Village Coordinators know how to conduct the management processes appropriately and this would be achieved with procedures designed by the author of this thesis. In this way, the university villages would provide a better service to the actors (advisory professors, achievers, operating personnel, coordinators), to the Mission Sucre National Training Programs as the case of the National Administration Training Program and also, would offer an impact positive to its immediate environment and would respond to the policies and comprehensive development of the locality, the state and the nation.

In reality, its operation would take place in a different way and its results would be different from the current one, that is, to effective, efficient and effective results in the management of the National Administration Training Program within the framework of the Sucre Mission. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this research work.


If the procedures designed by the author himself for the proper handling of management functions are developed and applied, then:

  1. They will help the university villages of the state of Merida achieve the goals and objectives set forth; the National Program for Administration Training within the framework of the Sucre Mission would obtain a good academic, administrative and even organizational performance; and, for Thus, there would be an acceptable service and a positive impact with the environment.

Methodological aspects of the research

In accordance with the objectives set out in the thesis, it is framed within the qualitative paradigm, supported by a non-experimental field study, of a diagnostic and evaluative nature. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods will be used, whose application will allow the investigation stages to be completed (diagnosis, formulation, execution and evaluation) until the expected results are achieved.

Theoretical methods include the analysis and synthesis of the information obtained from the bibliographic review related to the object of study. The logical historical method will be used to know the existing regularities in the development of the university villages of the Sucre Mission in the Merida state and performance of the PNFA-MS from its foundation from 2003 to the present. Among the empirical methods to collect the information, some data collection techniques will be used such as direct observation, the survey in its two modalities (interviews and questionnaires), the cause-effect diagram, group work to design the methodological procedures.

Bibliographic references

It will be based on primary and secondary sources.

Thesis Structure

  • Introduction.Chapter I: A conceptual and reflective look at the management functions and procedures. Chapter II: Evaluative diagnosis of the management functions and procedures in the university villages of the state of Merida. Chapter III: Application of methodological procedures within the management of the PNFA-MS. Conclusions. Recommendations. Bibliographic references. Annexes.

Bibliographic references

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Educational leadership and management function of pnfa-ms venezuela