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Generation of value in the performance of the position


When entering a managerial position in a company, there are many expectations both in the person and in the organization.

The person hopes to be able to develop and put into practice all their experience acquired in previous jobs and apply the knowledge obtained in their academic training, obtained through years of study at the university.

His expectations are focused on showing that his management capacity will allow him to achieve great achievements and advance significantly through promotions and increase his quality of life.

For its part, the Organization expects that this new manager will contribute significantly to the improvement of the results expected by the company. His expectation is focused on the fulfillment of his strategic purposes and he wishes that the management developed by the new executive allows them to increase their productivity and competitiveness.

However, each day that passes is a new challenge for the executive, since the dynamism of the organization itself requires new knowledge and capabilities so that it is capable of making the best decisions, taking on new challenges and developing management schemes capable of meeting and understand new corporate challenges.

It is possible that in the first months, even years of work, the results are positive and adjusted to the expectations of both the person and the company, however, if the manager has not given a conscious process of training, training and training in topics related to their responsibility.

Little by little, the results begin to be less effective, the answers it offers to the problems that arise are less and less adjusted to the needs and, of course, the symptoms of frustration begin to appear due to the poor management it performs.

Three moments are recognized in this process:

1. The executive's capacities are maintained but do not grow at the rate required by the organization.

2. The executive's capacities begin to gradually decrease, making the effectiveness of his management less and less.

3. The executive's capabilities grow at a higher rate than corporate growth, which allows him not only to stay up-to-date, but also to offer solutions that contribute to the development of the company.

A brief overview of our work history will allow us to recognize the effectiveness of our management and discover the impact that our professional contribution has had to the development of the organization. In this sense, we can affirm that we will continue to be valid to the extent that we maintain a constant spirit of updating and growth.

Some actions that lead us to strengthen our executive performance have to do with:

Keep us updated on market trends through specialized readings, scientific articles,

research on topics specific to our specialty.

Attend refresher seminars, workshops or conferences.

To know directly or indirectly the experiences that are lived in the companies that develop businesses similar to ours.

Visit companies in the same sector or others that allow us to know the way things are done.

Create study or research teams within the company.

Enroll in Diplomas or specializations that allow obtaining more conceptual knowledge about the management we carry out.

In-depth knowledge of all aspects of the business.

Develop our leadership capacity and other management skills required and expected by the organization.

Finally, I consider that it is the responsibility of the executive to find the spaces and times necessary to generate value, so that our contribution is not only significant but also recognized by all those who make up the organization and thus we can increase the levels of performance and management in the position we exercise.

Generation of value in the performance of the position